Do you believe in God?
Do you believe in God?
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4 dubs
God confirmed
Yes i do
Which God?
i'm my own god.
I just think he is an asshole.
I'm my own Grandpa.
It sounds funny I know but it really is so.
Many many years ago when I was 23.
I was married to a Widow who was pretty as could be. This Widow had a grown up daughter who had hair of red. My Father fell in love with her and soon they too were wed.
>I just think She is an asshole.
Potato potato.
fuck religion
women can't be assholes
(trigger warning)
That's what God and Christ said.
Then why is a vagina basically just an asshole that smells like seafood (and assholes)?
I doubt it, but I have no proof there is or isn't one, If there is one he fucked off long ago to do something else.
You have never been around a woman?
I was going to grab an image of Hilary Clinton, or Nancy Pelosi, or Ilhan Omar or Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez but really just too many choices.
Dear Incels.
A woman is the closest you'll ever be to God while you are alive.
You are not paying any attention then.
His Son prophesied about the refounding of Israel.
That has been done. That in one Generation after that "all things would be fulfilled". A generation in the Bible is 40 70 or 120 years...
We are in the midst of the "End" (Jeremiah 51)
They call Armageddon "The final Trump" How appropriate that we have a false prophet NAMED TRUMP who can introduce us to the Anti Christ when he is finally cast down among us. Don't look for a man, look for a Super Natural Being.
then god is just a stupid incompetent life support system for a vagina???
Why the FUCK haven't you joined this server yet?\invite\v3HXgkt
You should kill yourself.
it is a proven fact that evolution has disproved the creation myth of the bible, which means Adam & Eve never existed, which means Eve did not eat of the forbidden fruit which means NO "original sin" which means jesus christ never existed to be crucified for your fictional sins, its all a myth used as scam.
the bible is just a collection of plagiarized myth, brutally primitive laws, and thousands of outright lies.
it all boils down to these three statements
god is a myth, the bible is fiction and religion is bullshit
see my triggers work. i work for oracle.
Dear asshole.
First Yea Forums introduced you to the word autistic.
Now we have given you incel.
Please don't forget to thank the most benevolent Yea Forums by "an hero-ing" ASAP.
He is my answer to the First Cause Argument.
Oh I must insist, you first.
Of course I believe in god. May his blessed noodles protect you.
Ok, but you better do it after I do, or uh.. I'll.. uh.. haunt you or something.
He's not Spaghetti, he's Rigatoni, you blasphemer!
Nonsense, there is proof of adaptation but none for evolution which remains only a theory.
The Bible does not claim Adam and Eve were the first humans ever only the first Hebrews.
See Genesis 4:6 where Cain is banished to the Land of the People of Nod. No fruit was eaten apples or otherwise. Look at the Curse to understand what the crime actually was.
>religion is bullshit
OK on that we agree, but properly translated and read the Bible is far more accurate then anything the pinheads in funny hats may say about it.
No lol im not as retarded as religious fucks
Oh my them trips.
Makes me regret what I must do.
Congratulations on figuring out that being incorrect will trigger corrections.
gets even more triggered
I will let you know when I am triggered.
trips and near to getting really mad
>First Cause Argument
I see you thought hard enough about it to go with the same answer the Shepards and blacksmiths invented 2000 years ago
Jesus’s mom had beautiful big titties
and she was only 15.
trips checked. god is an orange jew nut.
Does god believe in me?
bitch had it going on.
with her wayward boob sacks
There is a mighty 800mill get coming up
I bet it's a trap. This place has turned to shit
Not mad just the trips.
Why would i?
Yes, but theistic agnostic. Don’t believe we’ll ever understand Him.
why exactly do you believe then?
Which one?
check out this massive get!!
it's all over for
That there was some form of intelligent Creator, that for whatever reason, got the whole shebang going - Big Bang, creation of the universe, evolution, yadda yadda yadda.
What for? Who knows. Maybe a science experiment, maybe He was lonely and hoped to create something that would keep Him company eventually.
Maybe He just enjoyed meddling and got bored with us eventually hence the whole great flood and then announcing He’ll no longer interfere with mankind because we were a failure.
Don’t really know the why’s, just that with the science that we know today, the universe is expanding and eventually it will die from heat death, and not recollapse on itself leading to another super dense speck of matter that will explode into the universe again like some though (expanding and contracting cycles).
Where’d it come from? Something had to have made it, since we know we can’t create something from nothing.
Yes. Jesus is Lord.
Yes but i keep damning my self ever since I was 16 because I feel like a bad person
i asked WHY you believe and all you really did was tell me what you believe.
apart from "Something had to have made it"
which is just moving the goal post because then you have to explain why where god came from.
>he came from nothing
>he always existed
then why the FUCK cant we say those things about the universe?
do you have any GOOD reasons?
Why? I explained why - something can’t come from nothing. We know that because of our science.
So, that being said, where’d it come from and how?
Since we know actions cannot exist within a void, something had to have started all this for some unknowable, unfathomable reason beyond what we can understand.
We’ll never know the why, or who and that’s fine. Just don’t use religion to be cocks to one other, admit you’re power hungry assholes that like murdering people or fucking children, just don’t use the excuse “my religion says...”
Oh and as for where the Creator came from?
Who knows - alternate universe perhaps? Stepped into our void with His seed of creation, and started tinkering.
1. does our science apply to things outside of time and space? no they do not
2. did you really just guess?
you are supposed to follow the evidence to a conclusion and not just decide you believe in a sky daddy and then guess what evidence supports that. YOU NEED A REASON TO BELIEVE THIS SHIT and "i cant come up with a better explanation" and willful ignorance are not good reasons.
There is nothing more narcissistic than believing in god.
Yeah but I already know this boards opinion on him
I'd like to think so. But what created God, though. Hard to wrap my brain around something coming from nothing, and how would this existence known as God perceive reality, wouldn't they need a point of view such as a human body to not go insane, etc. But probably my reply would be yes just in case.
>Doesn't capitalize him