Even though I am only bisexual, my sexual thoughts about men cause me a lot of stress and make me feel like a bad person becuase of my religious and ethical objections to homosexuality. It hurts to know that no decent woman would ever find me desirable if she knew the truth. Are there any real examples of someone curing their homosexual feelings?
Even though I am only bisexual...
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stop watching porn
It's 2019 dude, girls don't actually care if you're bi or not. I'm bisexual and it hasn't chased off any girls that I've told. As for your feelings towards your gay urges, from personal experience, I use to feel gross about my own too and confused but one day I had a really mind opening sexual experience with this guy online and I realized how beautiful gay love can be. So my advice would be try not to suppress those feelings but instead explore them as much as you can until you have that experience that shows you it can be amazing and fullfilling!
they don't cure, they repress and it causes way more problems in ways you can't imagine they would. it's best to learn to accept yourself the way you are, and understand that religion is a bullshit concept that goes against your own nature. you can believe in a higher power, just dont create a set of laws and rules around it.
There’s no such thing as bisexual men. You’re both gay.
why would a women care that u sometimes have fantasy's about men
Homosexuality is genetic. Specifically located in the reproductive section. It's an anomaly of the sex appeal gene, or so far they think.
You can't cure it, and even if science found out how because of where it's located even just attempting can make humanity sterile.
He can't because he's an idiot.
>It's 2019 dude, girls don't actually care if you're bi or not.
63% do care according to a poll I saw.
I don't want any sexual experiences with men. The thoughts are bad enough and I already feel a lot of guilt about having watched gay porn.
Exactly, I knew he wouldn't have an answer
>it causes way more problems in ways you can't imagine they would.
Like what?
Religion isn't bullshit. If you want proof look at how Europe is dying without it. Christianity built the modern world and without it everything will fall apart.
Probably because it's immoral and disgusting
Plenty of girls don't care though and you obviously do want sexual experiences with men and there's nothing wrong with that! It's healthy to explore those feelings
Historical revisionism is a specialty of christianity. That's why most of our scientists openly reject hardcore faith so Christians won't call them Christian when they die.
Most of our society was put together by people who didn't prioritise religion, or outright rejected it. Until records got better in the digital age Christians just had more leeway with their "Pretend everyone important was Christian" propaganda.
That's why in the modern age we're "Seeing" the numbers of devout Christians fall everywhere. They were never as high as religion needed you to think, but now with records being harder to manipulate the bullshit bible marketing is harder to back up.
disgusting yes, immoral no?
For real, you need to relax about it. I'm closeted bi myself, but my gf knows and her gay bestie know. You'll find away to make it work. I assume you must be in a hetero relationship, and have been having cravings for cock, am I right?
Just because you have a desire to do something doesn't make it right.
Would you say the same thing to someone who had a desire to murder?
You wouldn't actually compare sex between two consenting adults to ending someone's life without their consent would you? Of course you wouldn't because its apples and oranges
Closed bedroom consent is equal to murder?
Wow. Just god damn dude.
I'm not in a relationship at the moment.
It probably wasn't the best example but the comparison works because both are selfish acts which harm society for one person's pleasure.
How does being gay hurt society? How is it selfish? How does it actually hurt anyone?
it could be considered selfish as there is no purpose other than pleasure it could be considered to hurt society cause it reduces the likelihood of breeding a family and it might actually physically hurt i know i wont try it.
Homosexual activity is selfish in an economy where most people can't afford children, the kids who don't have parents aren't getting adopted, and reproduction is do-able without heterosexuality being involved?
I'm sorry i don't understand. If your other argument is Religion honestly just fuck off with that one. Religions are walking back their "God hates gays narrative" because that shit doesn't fly in countries that aren't shitholes.
Besides, the shit in the bible about homosexuality is referencing rape and adultery using colloquialism dead to the modern era.
It's been mistranslated and blown up by retards who in following their prejudice actually break far more commandments and tenets in the bible as a result.
It's a sin.
You are hurting yourself by destroying your chances at a normal life.
If you want to know how it hurts society think about what would happen if more people did it. It's like shoplifting. If one or two people shoplift it won't bankrupt a business but imagine if everyone or even 25% did.
spreads the aids and pedophillia
There's plenty of people that indulge in heterosexual sex for the sole purpose of pleasure, I mean hell you could argue watching tv, playing video games, going for a walk, being on Yea Forums serves no real purpose other than pleasure/keeping yourself entertained, you can't be against that. That's kind of the purpose of life, enjoying it. As for a family, you can be straight or gay and have a family, your sexual orientation doesn't effect that. And for the act itself physically hurting, sure there's a lot of things that can actually hurt you that doesn't mean you have to avoid everything, plus just imagine sucking a dick, that's the opposite of hurting. Besides "it says its wrong with the bible" there's no real argument against exploring your gay sexual desires but there's a lot of arguments to why you shouldn't suppress them.
Why the FUCK haven't you joined this server yet?
HIV is largely an everyone disease. Specifically males, and it's transmitted a shit ton of ways not including or limited to sex.
AIDS is a syndrome people with anything that impairs immunity acquire.
Almost every pedophile is a straight identifying male. A child is safer in a room with anyone in the lgbt community than a single heterosexual male of any kind.
You don't get to blame gays for your sickness.
Hell, as a group you guys have turned pedophilia involving an adult female perpetrator nto a joke that none of you take seriously. (IE, "Banging the hot teacher")
It's also a sin to grow two different crops beside each other, and to wear two different fabrics, the bible has a lot of ridiculous rules that I'm sure you don't actually follow
Why the FUCK haven't you joined this server yet?
Why the FUCK haven't you joined this server yet?
Fake christians are exhausting. I get tired of meeting Christians who claim to read the bible and spread love, but then produce the bigotry shit in this thread.
You can love a person while hating specific acts they commit.
How old are you op?
you are right but in order for that to be so everything is in arguably selfish and therefor a mute point, adoption is an option for a gay couple but this is not breeding this is intervening.
as for not suppressing stuff i would generally not disagree with that sentiment truth is that the decision is not known on this true suppression is almost akin to having a memory wipe so i dunno maybe needs more context
18, why do you ask?
Listen op, read this carefully, maybe save it and read it again. I don't think I'm equipped to sway you away from thinking your gay urges are wrong because of your religion and I'm sorry that I can't but just ask yourself why you believe it's wrong, really ask yourself. Have some self perspective. You don't have to pick between your sexuality and religion but just question your own beliefs. You're really young and you have a lot to learn, a lot of growing to do still and I sincerely hope you grow to love and accept yourself as a whole person, you deserve that.
Why the FUCK haven't you joined this server yet?
Why the FUCK haven't you joined this server yet?
You need to face yourself and your insecurities head on. Life is too short to give a fuck about stupid shit like that
Why the FUCK haven't you joined this server yet?
Why the FUCK haven't you joined this server yet?
Individual shoplifting causes marginal harm, but it still causes harm. That's why "what if everyone did it" works. (Ignoring the fact that if everyone was bi, the point of this thread, you retard, they could still procreate)
And kant is fucking stupid
You want us to make you feel better, what are you a fag?