Dubs and I upload the Taytay sex tape

dubs and I upload the Taytay sex tape

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Tay Tay is a closet Nazi shed never fuck a nigger.

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Kimye is gonna freak out when she finds out.


Post it asshole

I hope you're right user, but what if that's just what they want us to think? Terrifying to even think about

Oh fuck


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Lmao yall just look it up on any porn site and it'll have the exact video the pic came from. Use Google more you retards

no fucking balls

What if thats what they want us to think? Nani des

is that kanye? i hope so


still waiting


Tay Tay here we cum

Attached: HitorMiss.png (402x665, 421K)



OP is a candy-ass

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You had to of gotten dubs to post or I needed to get dubs for you to post?

And a roody-poo

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op delivers

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Check em

would you?

Attached: 107972874486.webm (854x480, 1.75M)

Wow, it doesn't exist. Who would've thunk?

Based OP!

Ah the poor crying Amerifatfat snowflakes. WAAAA, WE IMPORTED OUR OWN RACISM NOW WE CAN'T EXPORT IT.

Double Dubs, checked

>Ah the poor crying Amerifatfat snowflakes. WAAAA, WE IMPORTED OUR OWN RACISM NOW WE CAN'T EXPORT IT.

Said nobody ever that wasn't muslim.

Tay-Tay is a lesbian.
You're not fooling anyone.

>Calls Americans racist
>Is openly bigoted toward entire nationality

>Tay-Tay is a lesbian
Wishful thinking.

I'm still convinced its a tranny.

still waiting OP

Pretty sure OP is a fag, but still rolling

There ya go.
Also 6