Anybody else think all dirty ass Indians should be eradicated?
Anybody else think all dirty ass Indians should be eradicated?
nope. grow up.
yep op. specialy the head towel kind
Billions of unwanted people. Fail too.
They have no business here.
I mean, I wouldn't complain if there were or anything.
Nope. I would much rather have some smart and educated Indian immigrant than some white trash methhead as a neighbor
Poo in the loo
To think your tax dollars house people of color well after a crime has been committed.
Read abortion and racial profiling would solve this, nobody likes niggers. And examples of crime such as that nice white virgin Christian couple that got raped in the ass with a steel tube and drank Clorox. Not the stupid brainwashing shoved down your throat.
Apartheid and segregation are bad apparently
complete nigger
Ok Pajet. Let us know how many senior citizens your rip-off today at your call center.
I'll be your neighbor with my 8 times daily diarrhea from alcoholism. It'll be just like having an Indian next door.
No - but I think it'd help the world greatly if we removed all religion.
Which includes patriotism and other dogmatic thinking.
It's a round world.
Pic unrelated.
Lets start with your dogma first
What's my dogma?
Do enlighten me please.
Palestine? Who gave you internet?
When will Palestine and India just fucking nut and nuke each other already, this will they wont they is killing me.
Ferbjesh? I know we are to be doing today.
I'm white and I agree, central texas here. Trailer trash meth heads are super unpredictable and generally ruin your day when you meet them.