God bless America!

God bless America!

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Rights aren't given by government. They're limited by it.

yep,god bless america.the us constitution is more important then your liberal feelings

There's nothing 'askew' about pro-death policies.

its the Bill of rights not the bill of privileges you dumb liberal cuck. If you don't like it, then move your ass to Canada like the rest of the snowflakes said they were going to do. Guess that whole sneaking into a country part was a turn off to them. BUILD THE WALL!

>an archaic piece of parchment composed by slave-owning aristocratic libertines is more valuable than human life.

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why not both?

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Yes it is.

Ok, so what if there are no doctors willing to do the work for what they are being offered and refuse to do the work.

Would it be right to force the doctor to work? What if people stopped becoming doctors?

what walls will stop the medical "tourism" by many americans opportunistically circumventing a facet of the nation of mammon?

Back to philosophy class you worthless cunt. It's like arguing whether a glass is half full or half empty

You have a right to defend yourself, you do not have a right to other people’s services.

Agreed, in a violent world one must resort to violent means for the preservation and protection of not just themselves, but their families.

Wait, are you saying somebody should be paying for my guns? Nice!

We don't use tax dollars to give people guns for "free" though.

transubstantiation of the letter trumos god-created life

the "we" in Florida certainly did for teachers (rather than an increase in their diminishing meager salaries, because that would be SOCIALISM)

it's not rocket appliances

if you can pay for something you can get it: no one's paying for it for you

if you can pay for something you can get it: no ones stopping you from owning things

it's the same fucking thing

obviously it's all a broken shame, bought and paid for in a bunch of directions till it's a quagmire of clusterfucking bullshit

but the attempt at a meme in OP is bogus, that depiction of happenstance is perfect and the 'askew' thing is liberal acrobatics

A glass is neither half full nor half empty. A glass is glass. Retard.

There was no such thing as universal healthcare in the 17th century but there was guns you idiot

One is "You're allowed to own this thing, even though it's dangerous."
The other is "You get to leech off of a public system for free, thus increasing taxation on everybody."

Pay your own way, fucker

Trade you in a heartbeat.

Take careful not of how many people are in each picture.

Principals are more valuable than human life, yes. 99.9% of human life is worthless garbage. Principals are worth killing and dying for.

or remove the monetary system

if a glass has been filled to the halfway point it is half full
if it has been emptied to the hallway point it is half empty
do the universe a favor and try to be less stupid when you are being stupid

> it's not rocket appliances

I thought it couldn't go further downhill from there, but the rest of your post is literal word salad.

Health care is not a right because it is impossible for everyone to get the same level of care. Gun ownership is a right just like you have the right to own a car.

i see a wrong and a right

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>Principals are more valuable than human life, yes. 99.9% of human life is worthless garbage. Principals are worth killing and dying for.

off-gassed the garbage

"Principals" so "valuable" as to be governed by a semi-precious unidimensional dichotomy made possible by possessing life.

"I have no money, therefore money is part of a corrupt system that shouldn't exist. That person has money, therefore they either acquired it dishonestly, or are just fundamentally evil."

Fuck off. Monetary systems are just placeholders. There's a reason fucking EVERY COUNTRY uses a monetary system instead of barter. Because a fiat currency has the potential to be ANYTHING, whereas a shovel or a chicken can only be a shovel or a kitchen. What's the exchange rate between shovels and chickens? Is a shovel worth 4.6 chickens? That's awful hard to quantify sometimes, especially since maybe it's worth 10 chickens to a guy that really needs a shovel and maybe 1 chicken for a guy that already has one. Money is just a token to say "I have performed some type of labor, this is a token to given to me by the community as proof of that labor, and I will give you these tokens in exchange for a thing that I value, so you can then exchange them for a thing that you value."

And money, unlike resources, doesn't rot or rust. A chicken a month from now might be dead, a shovel left in the mud and rain until it's brittle. Resources require care, and take up lots of space. Money doesn't. Money is a superior system.

The bill of rights doesn’t tell us what we can do, it gives the government the giant middle finger if it starts telling us what we can’t do.

Get the fuck off this website libtards, get a real political opinion, not given to you by some fucking old guy the media tells you is important

Governments clearly have a place in the world. Wothout them, we wouldnt even have civilization, probably still chasing our food and living in caves. But what is the purpose of governments? Why do they exist. What makes them useful to us. The ability to centralize power? To organize people? To threaten our liberties? Personally, I, as a follower of Jefferson and Paine would say it's whatever you want it to be. A democracy where everyone has a say. A dictatorship where you gas Jews. A republic where you worship a queen that is "equal" to you. If you dont like the way the country works, you have the right to overthrow it, otherwise it's an oppressor. In my personal opinion, government is there for the people and because of this is there to secure your rights.

>I, as a follower of Jefferson and Paine
M'Lady. *Tips fedora*

Imagine including the name of a demon to sound smart and mysterious


Still playing politics while our country circles the drain?
You're the problem.

The right to own a gun doesn't mean you get one for free; it just means no one can prohibit you from getting one. So following the logic, you also have the right to purchase healthcare but that doesn't mean you get it for free. Learn the difference between negative and positive rights.

>"I have no money, therefore money is part of a corrupt system that shouldn't exist. That person has money, therefore they either acquired it dishonestly, or are just fundamentally evil."

"That person" whose "acquisitions" are of a "system" that facilitates and operations under the fundamental evil and dishonesty that is the abstraction of money that is extricated from anything actual.

>Fuck off. Monetary systems are just placeholders

That has become all to expedient to acknowledge its outlived "purpose" in scarcity and limitations by inefficiency and technological simplicity.

>There's a reason fucking EVERY COUNTRY uses a monetary system instead of barter.

"A reason" specific to socioeconomic class with which that pronoia is compartmentalized to the managed strata.

>Because a fiat currency has the potential to be ANYTHING

Completely alien to the world and what it may or "supposed to" represent as a time-specific "placeholder".

>Money is just a token to say "I have performed some type of labor, this is a token to given to me by the community as proof of that labor, and I will give you these tokens in exchange for a thing that I value, so you can then exchange them for a thing that you value."

The central sacrament of upholding the social darwinist-based merito-mammonocracy with its foundation in and being nothing but socially engineered collective mind still holding onto archaic trauma hammered in an age of post-scarcity.

>And money, unlike resources, doesn't rot or rust.

The nature of the abyss, with "its" propensity to corrode and corrupt what "naturally" can (that the myopic construe as a "must" or inevitability).

>Resources require care, and take up lots of space. Money doesn't. Money is a superior system.

As the "things" money is to simplify are moved to the posterior as the "universal agent" is given utmost priority to what it is purportedly intended to unify, but the medium is a message and its a trickster and

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I have to pay for either... but both are rights..

>the feel the need to go after those simply because you don't like it
>i don't like x therefore no one should have x because i said so

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humans are moldable clay conformed to contortion.

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Cool man, donate all your earnings (assuming you’re not living off of welfare) to paying random people’s healthcare costs. It’s your money, you’re free to do with it as you please.

But you’re sure as hell not putting your hand in my pocket, I already pay for more than enough social welfare - which I shouldn’t be paying for anyway.

No, everybody already knows this countries going to shit, but last I checked communism is not exactly a way of making a country less shitty, no matter what people tell you

Fuckin loser liberal whining. Face it u appreciate nothing

Summary: liek words moar than coherence

I am a middle child. Bow to me

How would an epithet/aspect of the anti-God "sound smart and mysterious" when the lack of mystique is indicated in reply to it?

"God" mechanically entrusted onto every dyed bank note and piece of metal, but imago dei is yet to be realized for the living.

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There both one taking care of themselves retard. The only reason gov should exist is to talk to foreign powers and to have military.

Fedoras haven’t garnered respeck since niggers wore them in the seventies. Wait...

This guy gets it

Contra: Derivatives of Logos are superior/supernal to its mouthy origin.

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Agreed. There's a difference between having the right to purchase/own something and the government making something an entitlement. People try to obfuscate the two all the time. Last time I checked everyone's free to purchase healthcare and the Feds weren't handing out free guns.

Show me literally any other country that has the right to free healthcare. I'm not even gonna wait for it since there is no such country.

Posting in a shitty bait thread.
You have the same right to receive medical treatment as you have the right to own a gun.
The government is not giving away free guns, nor free healthcare.

You have a right to purchase a weapon, just as you have the right to purchase medical services.

You don't have a right to a free gun or free services.

Further, products/services require labor. Free labor is called slavery.

Literally every first world country has that.

Why is that comparable at all?
Guns aren't free, but you're asking for free access to someone's time, and resources. yes both can protect you from harm, but no one is saying you aren't allowed to seek medical health, but that doesn't mean it doesn't have a cost.

There is no such thing as free. If you’re receiving a service, someone is being paid to provide it. Unless you’re under the illusion that doctors provide free labor.

Go live in the middle east you absolute moron. Or China.

Like another poster stated - Notice how many people are in each image.

>Cool man, donate all your earnings (assuming you’re not living off of welfare) to paying random people’s healthcare costs. It’s your money, you’re free to do with it as you please.

Resorts to GoFundMe are not a viable solution to the anti-life "healthcare" system and the larger umbrella with its whole host of problems that not-so witty hackneyed mocks of acute "charity" of "individuals" to rectify systemic and systematic design flaws.
>But you’re sure as hell not putting your hand in my pocket

Rid yourself of the self-extricated, "individualist" persecution complex to social contracts and those hands can weave a better social fabric.

"I already pay for more than enough social welfare - which I shouldn’t be paying for anyway."

Then the apex social darwinist Ayn Rands won't have the money-mediated existential "value".

Your obnoxious use of the most complicated vocabulary you can draw out of a thesaurus just makes you look like a cunt. Your choice of words adds nothing to your argument.

florida isn't part of earth let alone the US, user
it's a place where sense holds no ground and sanity has left the building

You have the right to purchase a gun and you have the right to purchase medical services.
You are not entitled to free guns or free medical services.

All of which (including the geopgragical area peculiarly coupled with a country in reply to a greentext about a country in a thread topic of a country) have their own respective pieces of paper with varying degrees and intricacies of human degradation relative to doctrinal abstractions, which centers around money, "the good ol' days [that never were]", and quasi- or psuedo-religous "systems not-so independent of the mundane that they purport to foster the betterment of, like the only American country a grand Deity conceptualized in the middle east would exclusively bless.

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They don't allow guns. Just go live under a "gun free" society where only the bad guys have guns.

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>Your obnoxious use of the most complicated vocabulary you can draw out of a thesaurus just makes you look like a cunt.

How (ob)noxious compared to someone with rotting teeth that can't afford PRIVATE dentistry putting their cardiovascular health at risk (in which they then may get a heart attack while performing some function that can result in deaths other than their own and are a liability to the social cohesion with others)?

>Your choice of words adds nothing to your argument.

Not much of a choice if and when the impetus is to acquire and compose the "argument" of "the most complicated vocabulary you can draw out of a thesaurus", as with the "freedom" and "voluntaryism" of a being based on want and need to an environment that demands.

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false equivalence....no one is forcing taxpayers to buy guns for others.....

go live in a shithole like sweden if you want this kind of bullshit

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You have the right to both. You have to pay for both on your own.

Why are people so fucking stupid?

then salaries should be raised.
That was easy.

>They don't allow guns. Just go live under a "gun free" society where only the bad guys have guns.

"They" that includes a hypercapitalistic and overall "bad" society despite its gun laws and a region that includes nations with some of the highest rates of gun ownership in the world (that suffer the same inconvenient "quandary" stifling the guns ablazin' us vs. the gubment [sans military] fantasy of a revolution in that the population at large is placated and has masochistic tendencies inculcated by ideological influences like literalistic contortions of religion in propping up the dominant culture.

You don't have the right to free labor from doctors.

Jesus christ, do you sniff your own farts too, you said nothing of substance just spouted off a bunch of PHI101 horseshit

Mmmkay; while verbose, you didn’t answer any points made in any fashion.

A) You are free to do with your property as you please.

If it pleases you to pay for the services rendered into others, have at it.

B) You have no right to my, or anyone else’s, private property, regardless of your feelings towards the plight of others.

Suffering happens, it is not my problem unless it is my own, or I chose to involve myself in someone else’s problems.

>Rid yourself of the self-extricated, "individualist"
Sorry bud, while you might be content to be a little Marxist or Fascist ant. I am first and foremost an individual, my needs, and the needs of my family, come before the needs of strangers. You will literally never convince me otherwise.

I work hard, I am compensated extremely well. If others are not, it should be their prerogative to change that.

I do fully support free helicopter rides for socialists though.

This x1000

>Jesus christ, do you sniff your own farts too, you said nothing of substance just spouted off a bunch of PHI101 horseshit

now to direct that attitude to the reign of quantity and its imposed false dichotomy with quality (of life).

>Suffering happens, it is not my problem unless it is my own, or I chose to involve myself in someone else’s problems.
Indeed. And what can occur when many suffer at once?

and a better healthcare system for all that put in work to better the others in the nation.

suck it faggot

>universally accessible healthcare means that doctors don't get paid
maybe you really are this stupid, but if you're not I'd like to hear what you think you have to gain by pretending to be

Since you want to make false equivalencies, I shall indulge. Healthcare is neither a privilege nor a right, it is a responsibility, as is self protection. The gun right is to enable self protection.

well put

the irony is through the roof. they dont get paid worth a damn in countries that do this system and go into private practice where if you dont want to wait months to years for mediocre healthcare you will be paying more than what the good working folks do in the US. and you get much quicker healthcare and many more options than just waiting.

shitposting at its finest. at least get a decent troll argument instead of being a lazy fuck with that bullshit reply

step your game up kid

They bitch on Reddit. Yeah sorry bro, I’ve lived and worked in third world countries - “suffering” as defined by 1st world standards is a fucking joke.

And if you’re implying any kind of armed revolution, you’re clueless. The reason ANTIFA, BLM, etc exist is because the majority of people respect the rule of law enough to the point where they don’t gun them down in the streets en-masse.

You are so far up your own ass it’s pointless to even continue this conversation.

Actually, you have to purchase both of those yourself, so

I mean, you have the right to get healthcare if you want just as you have the right to get a gun. You have the right to buy both therefore they are both rights. You can't be denied service if you rush to a hospital with bad insurance or no insurance at all. They cannot deny you at all..

You say
>healthcare should be a right furnished by the government
>gun ownership is a right but becomes a privilege if you break the law with penalty of prison if you illegally obtain firearms
But your little meme states
>bearing arms is a right and it’s the responsibility of the government to furnish you with arms
>it’s a privilege to be able to have access health care and that privilege can be removed legally with the penalty of prison if you illegally seek medical help
1/10 making me respond

Newsflash: it isn't the poor that is draining the middle class. Meanwhile, these rich cheating fucks continue to convince their Republican base that "Libs are bad" and that affordable healthcare can never work (because that really cuts into their profits), but hey, participation trophies amirite?!?!?!?!?!

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Wrong, rights are given by nature/God. Privileges are given by government

That’s not how the law works, you retarded motherfucker.

All universal healthcare systems in wealthy nations are wildly popular among the populations that benefit from them.

Doctors get paid less because people pay less for them. American doctors are paid the way they are because the system that sets the prices that you pay for healthcare is not working in your interest.

You said "free labor", and now you're defending that by saying "cheap labor" because you know that you can't defend the "free labor" statement. You were obviously making a claim that you knew to be false. Did you think that other people might not notice that it was obviously false? Perhaps you thought that you might be able to trick somebody?

its a natural right to defend yourself, services is not a natural right.

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>Mmmkay; while verbose, you didn’t answer any points made in any fashion.

A "fashion" to warrant a particular response specified to the contents to the statement in reply to.

"A) You are free to do with your property as you please."

In accordance applicable law and social contracts entangled with the spirit of the law.

>If it pleases you to pay for the services rendered into others, have at it.

"Services" and "others" artificially hampered and impaired by profit and profit-driven forces.

>Suffering happens, it is not my problem unless it is my own, or I chose to involve myself in someone else’s problems.

The mentality of an infantile sociopath ignorant of their own dependency on "the other" for its existence passively or actively.

>I am first and foremost an individual

As "the individual" lists multiplicities confluent with the multitude self-identifying and compartmentalizing themselves as "individuals".

The "individual" dons an internally contradictive idiosyncrasy in that their needs are somehow disparate and different with "others" but only to the extent that the abstraction of the person is kept at the level to emphasize contrast and fragmented singularity. As "the individual" and is part of the world that exists on symbiosis and interrelation that any actual individuated "need" specific exclusively to an extricated part would jeopardize the harmony of the whole and the function of its "individual" parts in that composition. At least the Satanist acknowledges the willful incompatibility with its futile egosim to attempt to exceed mutuality.

>I work hard, I am compensated extremely well. If others are not, it should be their prerogative to change that.

Which the change, in encompassing the indefinite "others", would intersect with the "life" of "the individual".

>I do fully support free helicopter rides for socialists though.

And not fascists, seeing how Augusto Pinochet was backed and installed by the US in a coup.

It really is a weird place being a 2A liberal.

Not natural to have life without health, and where's the obese and sick Americans defending themselves against disease? Too preoccupied with their socially engineered wants and purported needs of the manufactured "me"

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Because you can afford to pay for something doesn't make it a privilege.

So have I. And? You're the individualist, no? You're therefore well aware that people live their own suffering, not that of others.
I am, of course, not necessarily suggesting revolution, merely that there is a reason you are paying for social welfare that you "shouldn't be paying for anyways".
And, in any case, why it is generally wiser to pay it.

You have a right to defend yourself against tyranny. You do not have a right to other people's time and effort.

The private insurance industry doesn't have a right to get paid for services that could be had more cheaply by other means.

If they are only profitable within a system that performs sub-optimally, than perpetuating that system is corporate welfare.

1. Then be mad at insurance, not at medicine
2. How much cheaper? Because it's expensive to train a person for 12 years. And even more expensive to figure out how to fix the most complicated biomachine we've ever seen.

It sounds like you're just hurt bad in the butt

You dumb ass cuck.
You have to buy guns like you have to buy healthcare. Are you trying to say the government should be giving things away they don't own?

So a right is not something the government may not bar you from obtaining but something the government (other taxpayers) must provide you with?

Cool I declare that I have the right to a cure for cancer I'll expect it by tomorrow and also your firstborn daughter when she has her first blood.

Nobody is mad at "medicine". That is a dumb thing to say. Universal healthcare replaces a for-profit intermediary with a non-profit one, and empowers the people who negotiate prices on your behalf. Private insurance companies take a cut of your healthcare costs in return for providing a service that they provide less competently than government run systems like Medicare. They are rent seekers who are only able to exist because you won't stand up for yourself. You are shooting yourself in the foot because you're afraid that somebody else mind wind up with a better life without having to work for it.

Education costs have skyrocketed because students who feel they they have no choice but to go to college are willing to borrow any amount of money to make it happen, and banks will lend them any amount of money because students are legally prevented from defaulting. Schools can therefore charge whatever they want. If student loans could be defaulted on, they'd be smaller and harder to get, and the market would lower the cost of education. Student loans are another form of corporate welfare, in that they are good for banks and bad for everyone else, and they only exist because we have allowed a legal structure to be erected in their defense.

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>No one is mad at medicine
Oh I'm sorry how could I be confused with the doctor in OPs stupid picture and not anything having to do with insurance.

And I love how the first half is Medicare is good because it's an infinite cash hole, and education is bad because it's an infinite cash hole.

Stop getting your worldview from CGP Grey's videos. It's tacky.

>Oh I'm sorry how could I be confused with the doctor in OPs stupid picture and not anything having to do with insurance.
You are being sarcastic, but if you interpreted OPs picture as an attempt to convey that doctors bad, you should genuinely be asking yourself this question because it is not at all clear how you could be confused about something so simple.

>And I love how the first half is Medicare is good because it's an infinite cash hole
If you interpreted "non-profit intermediary" to mean "cash hole" you are not confused, you are willfully deluded.

its easy, youre stuck in a forest with other random people. you have the right to pick up a rock and bash someone with it if they are attacking you. but you gotta trade someone else for a service or product. of course you can always threaten to bash them with the rock but thats impeding on the other person's freedom

George Washington is best God.

Did the guy shoot that criminal when he stepped on his property? Make him pay own bills

>if you can pay for something you can get it: no one's paying for it for you

I pay taxes
I get nothing in return
fucking retard

Careful. You might get some crazy that'll call you a rock nut

Well you get robbed by the government. That's something

I don't like your spacing. It seems really queer

Oh I get it pictures mean the opposite of what they say. The gun toting guy in panel 2 must actually mean something entirely different as well.

If you think non-profit intermediary has any incentive to keep costs low with essentially infinite coffers, you are wilfully deluded. (And look I spelled willfully correctly)

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If I was on a hike in the woods and I came upon a person who needed some of my water or the supplies in my first aid kit, I would not try to price gouge them. Anyone who would deserves to be hit over the head with a rock in my opinion.

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You spelled it right the second at least

Op seems obsessed with losing. He claims he WANTS universal healthcare while simultaneously fucking up his pitch.

>Make false dichotomy with most popular fundamental right.
>Insult the swing voters you need.
>Don't mention benefits for right-wingers such as more cash in their pocket, or increased birth-rate for working class Whites.

No one is this dumb. You don't WANT to win. You want to lose with "honor."

Being lost in the woods and coming across someone close to death is a liability

The health care system needs re-working as much as gun safety sure, but that doesn't mean health care should be forced on us if it means throwing our premiums sky high or god forbid paying for some random fucks health care

Rendering aid to those in need is a natural human behavior that ceases to function within populations much larger than those of our natural environment.

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Yea we have the right to protect ourselves. How is this the same as forcing someone with a certain skill set to perform a task? That's slavery.

That's because this country is an experiment; give the people what they want, not what they need

Picture sucks.
Guns are legal, you can purchase some granted you have the money.

Medical care is legal, you can purchase some granted you have the money.

Thread is dumb and made no valid points.

This is all that needed to be said.

>he wants free healthcare
>My circumcision would have been free
After what they did to me, I have the right to defend myself at the cost of your kids' lives. If you really cared, you wouldn't have circumcised them.

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Technically they are both rights and privileges... you have the right to seek medical attention AND to purchase a firearm... but for both you must be privileged enough to afford them...

The glass exists in and of itself in the moment. That is the argumentative basis. There is no past or future, having to do with that glass, that you, or anyone else, can know with certainty. If you knew the glass had only been filled up halfway there would be no argument as the previous state of being and subsequent actions performed would be known.
The fact that you do not know the previous state is the basis on which the argument rests, and why it is even possible to entertain the concept of argumentation at all.
The end result is that you should avoid ad hominem responses, especially, when your response can be seen as intellectually shallow and possessing of a certain level of ignorance.

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Read a book on the Enlightenment, faggot

Rights are not GIVEN by a government. Tyrants dole out rights.

You dumb, nigga

Owning a gun isn't just "The right to own a gun"... it goes back to the time where free men had to protect themselves from government tyranny.

And before anyone says "That'll never happen again"... look at all of SE Asia, Venezuela, Croatia, etc... It's the RIGHT to protect yourself against anyone.

You have the full right to healthcare as well.... But just like the right to own a gun... you need to pay for it.

There's no law keeping you from getting whatever health care you want. But just like about everything else in life... IT"S NOT FREE.

thank god that isn't causing problems for anyone or anything

You can have both and you have to pay to obtain both. Next!?