> sure
> we get naked
> sister on the floor spreads legs
> start playing with her clit
> give her yet another orgasm
> she rolls over and almost falling asleep
> I mount her ass and start rubbing my cock between her ass cheeks again
> get off me, you hurt me when you did this last time, I don't want to get hurt
> she bucks her ass up and throws me off her
> Hey, what about me? you had fun, what about me have fun sometime.
> I don't know, can't you manage on your own?
> I don't want to manage on my own, I want to feel good with you like I made you feel good
> I don't care, I'm not doing anything for you, go away
> feelsverysad.bmp
> we didn't do anything for months
> hey user, wanna play doctor?
> No
> why not? it's fun
> fun for you, but not for me, last two times you stopped after I made you feel good
> and you ignored me. I don't like that and I have no interest of making you feel good
> come on, pleeeease?
> No, go away, as you told me the last time, I don't care
> she was obviously horny, even though we both had no clue what that is
> come on, I want to feel good. I would love it if you made me feel good
> Yes, of course you would. You're just selfish
> sis went away for nearly 15 minutes, then she came back
> ok, fine
Incest thread!!
> ok what? fine what?
> I'll let you do what you want if you make me feel good.
> whatever I want?
> Well, as long as you don't hurt me, I won't stop you,
> but if you hurt me I'll beat the shit out of you
> at this stage she was still quite a bit bigger than me and could do it if she wanted.
> ok, fine, I won't hurt you, I didn't hurt you on purpose you know, I didn't know that would hurt
> So we go to the bedroom and we take off our clothes and start playing
> I examined her first as usual, I played with her nipples and her belly button and then
> got to her pussy. I fingered her clit and as I did she spread her legs
> and pulled her knees way back opening up her crotch area
> I guess she wanted to give me more room to make her feel even better
> I moved from my spot beside her to in front of her to have better view and easier access
> I hadn't seen what's between her legs up to that point
> I was on my knees and was rubbing her clit in circles with my thumb
> I noticed that the hair below was very wet and drops of fluid clung to it
> curious about it, I swiped it with my thumb back up to her clit and it made things incredibly
> slippery.
> Oh wow, that feels so good user, what did you put there?
i just want to see more of those perfect feet and beautiful face
Sage yourself.
bump for moar