Hitler was left wing

Hitler was left wing
>big government
>state owned economy
>anti gun-rights
>literally called National SOCIALIST
this is a fact and anyone who denies it is a worthless ideologue

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worthless ideologue here

Big gov..... have you seen trumps national debt? what has he cut to make it smaller.

racist.... come on dawg

state owned economy......Do you know where the repubs were last 4th of July? (hint: russia)

tyrannical.....come on dawg

your retarded if you think this applys to libs

>stop trying to make liberal hitler happen
ya feg

But he got rid of degenerates.

and hated christian religion just as much as the godless communists
all the same for me, just a different flavour of disgusting heretic

>racist.... come on dawg
what? KKK was founded by leftwing racists. The ones who keep mentioning race the most are leftists

>literally called themselves socialists
liberals are delusional

Oh my god, you actually are that stupid, aren't you?

The difference in DEMOCRATIC socialism is that we vote on who is in charge. No one ever voted for Hitler, he just took over with a bunch of guys in a milatary coup. Big difference

just like the bolsheviks, and they were left, right?

Peoples' Republic of China
Republicans must be chi-coms, u fag huurrrr

>No one ever voted for Hitler
i don't even know who to call retarded first

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people's republic is just a euphemism for communist tyranny though, and not the same as a republic
how does it feel to not know how words work, liberal?

He definitely didn’t get voted in with a 97% likeable ratings ha ha guys definitely not

>But he got rid of deplorables

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hitler was a fascist and in the doctrine of fascism it specifically says fascism isnt related to socialism reason why is because Mussolini was a little cuck boy who got sad when he was kicked out of the socialist party.

Nazis won 44% of the vote in 1933.

You can vote for socialism or not. It's still shit and will end with death and destruction. When the government has the power to control every aspect of your life and especially the means of production you will be fucked. Promise. Go read a fucking history book.

Hitler wasn't a Mussolini fascist. He was a racist national socialist. The difference is that Mussolini wasn't that racist compared to the Democratic party in the US.

National socialist or fascist the main goal is for the government to control and regulate commerce and industry to its will. Socialism is the control of the means of production.

He was actually voted in by a democratic election.
