Due to some vague metabolic issues i've had most of my life I'm considering trying a carnivorous diet

Due to some vague metabolic issues i've had most of my life I'm considering trying a carnivorous diet.

Anyone have experiences with this?
Thoughts and opinions?

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Sounds good. Jordan Peterson had the same as far as I remember

It's retarded. Be an omnivore, just stop eating garbage.

did intermittent fasting for a while where i ate alot of beef and vegetables.

Before that i ate bread and baloney for like a year.

Felt like i was on crack, meat and veggies are underrated.

The problem is I might have some intolerances, and because things tend to linger in the body it takes a long time of fully cutting them out to even begin to see an effect.

Eating just meat would cut most of this out, giving me a chance to slowly reintroduce foods if I wanted to

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it shortens your life span, so yeah: give it a try.

Remember to eat plenty of fat. Protien is good, but only in moderation. You want to get the vast majority of your calories from fat, so stick to less lean meats. Are you planing on going keto aswell?

Talk to your doctor. Taking medical advice from Yea Forums is one of the dumbest things you could ever do.


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I have. Talking about vague metabolic issues which are not life threatening tends to get a 'tough shit' reaction.
They did a blood test and it turned out good, so I was sent on my way.
I'm not particularly excited about the financial cost involved of pressing the issue either.

Im pretty confident about my research and plan to carefully listen to my body going forward

Seems like you already know what to do

Yes. Also no more source of cafeine either. I want to get to a baseline initially and maybe reintroduce foods from there.

I'll just say this: fad diets are basically always bullshit. A specialized diet like keto can make sense under certain circumstances, but your doctor is the one qualified to make that judgement.

Just be careful not to eat too many carbs or youll fall out of ketosis and be ready for the keto flu.

I'd at least cut down on the beef. Its not good for the colon. Personally i used to prefer beef, but over the years ive come to consider pork to be overall better. No, no cut of pork really beats a good rare t-bone, or ribeye, but aside from steaks,, pork ribs beat beef ribs, and smoked shoulder is way better than brisket.

Chicken and fish can be great too, but both really are a lot easier to fuck up. Especially fish. Properly done, whole fried catfish is up there with good BBQ or decent steaks. Too often though people overcook it, or use the wrong oil (peanut oil is best imo) and you end up with a dried out, greasy mess.

Why the FUCK haven't you joined this server yet?


Why the FUCK haven't you joined this server yet?


But it's a diet you still cuck yourself

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ingesting all that sugar becoming fat, unhealthy and unatractive is actually cucking yourself, user.

that's quite retarded since humans are not meat eaters.
metabolic issues are caused by meat interfering with carbs metabolism, so remove the meat not the carbs.
also, you'll still get a "little" metabolic issue if you base your diet on fats: atherosclerosis.

studies on inuits for example.
lowest life expectancy on earth, abnormal livers and bad cholesterol scores

augustus stanley owsley the third did it most of his life. he didn't die from it!

who is this heap of dung?

cool so koalas are carnivores

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Most important risk factors of atherosclerosis:
>high blood pressure
>High cholesterol
>being overweight
>chronic stress

Of course, you need to be aware of your cholesterol levels but most of the bad fats are in fried food, not meats.

This is complete bullshit my man.

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and sharks are herbivores
didn't you know?

This. Fat as a dietary staple has a bad rep but its essential to brain activity and growth. Balance what you eat and be liberal with healthy fats. My grandmother was told to cut out salt and she went overboard and ate no salt for almost 3 months. She was collapsing and wasting away before she reintroduced it to her diet.

diaframma, paletta, sottofesa, roastbeef, girello.

>humans are not meat eaters.
We literally evolved for long distance hunting of large prey

Keep in mind they also live a largely sedentary lifestyle coupled with rampant alcoholism. Take surveys like that with a grain of salt user.

Why the FUCK haven't you joined this server yet?


Worth a shot, some people swear by it, why not try it for a month and see? What's that cost ya?

Koalas, as many herbivores, are opportunistic carnivores; these animals live in trees and have less predators than say, a zebra; their evolution is obviously different.
Have you seen many fishes with eyes on the front? Are you that retarded?

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what about penguins?

>humans are not meat eaters
Eyes in front = predator (eyes on side = prey)
incisors for tearing meat, not all grinders for veggies...
we also can detect Cadaverine (rotting meat) herbivores don't have this because they don't eat meat...

What about them? They're birds

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eyes on the side of head

Yeah, they are never prey.... no one ever eats those little guys...

Sure, but they are also preys to other animals, and:
>They're birds
I didn't just mention that for the lols; animals with a three.axis environment tend to have eyes more on the sides than on the front; penguins can't fly, but they're still birds.

Name a strictly grounded predator (no trees, no water, no air) that has the eyes on the sides.

literally a bird is used as an example in the original picture, for front facing carnivores.

Do you know what the word "tend" means?

many animals have eyes in front and are not predators
incisors are not for tearing meat, look how tiny carnivores incisors are
we detect that rotting meat is gross and disgusting

that's why you don't define a carnivore or herbivore by eyes position

atherosclerosis is directly caused by eating saturated fats, the whole process is fully known to science

The original meme is stupid.
Humans are naturally omnivores, but there's no reason you can't be a health vegan in our modern society.

Why the FUCK haven't you joined this server yet?


Yea sure...
-no hunting instict
-no attraction to dead animals
-no natural abilities to consume dead animals
-mo taste for fats
-get atherosclerosis from eating fats (doesn't happen to carnivores/omnivores)

nice evolution bro


This has to be a troll post lol.

that's a different way of saying you can be healthy if you take drugs as a vegan.

t. ex-vegan for 2 years. Never again.

>the stone age didn't happen
hurr durr

>many animals have eyes in front and are not predators
That are grounded? Which ones?
Evolutionary traits are a good indication of what an animal does; eyes positions are consistent in determining if an animal is a prey or a predator, even though changes can occur depending on the species and environment, most grounded preys have the eyes on the sides and predators on the front, and we are grounded animals.

-no hunting instict
-no attraction to dead animals
-no natural abilities to consume dead animals
-mo taste for fats
-get atherosclerosis from eating fats (doesn't happen to carnivores/omnivores)

This is what retarded brainwashed mass murder and rape supporting degenerate regressive left SJW vegans actually believe.

No difference between them and any other religions fanatic.

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>That are grounded? Which ones?
Any other random restriction to fit your theory?

Yea except it's scientific
Actually it's meat eating that is retarded, brainwashed, degenerate and religious

Whats your point? Yes we are predators, but we also live in an agricultural society now, we aren't hunters and gathers.
Our diets are no longer completely dependent on our evolution history, you can be strict carnivore, strict herbivore, or everything in between.

I you read the post you'd see I agree.
I also said most of these saturated foods come from fatty snack foods, deep fried take away foods, cakes, biscuits, pastries and pies.

But then morons like you oversimplify things.

Go look up what Dr Rhonda Patrick Thinks about that bullshit. There is a lot of studies about the effect of a carnivorous diet. It is as retarded as a vegan diet. We are Omnivores. It's that simple

>No difference between them and any other religions fanatic.

Cries the necrovore whose socially engineered blood ritual has its symbolic value threatened (with it carrying a confluence of abstract "values" more than mere "rational" and "practical" effect).

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>atherosclerosis is directly caused by eating saturated fats, the whole process is fully known to science

lol no.

No we are not predators. No instinct, no ability.

most saturated comes from meat and cheese

Its a good idea but my advice to you is to workout to counterbalance your fat and protien intake. Nothing extensive, pushups, situps, etc. Make youre getting all your vitamins you need even if you have to take it in pill form. The pills are pretty cheap, too. go for it, OP.

lol yes
Have a good read:

Be prepared to shit out rocks, we aren't obligate carnivores and can't digest an excess of protein but do you OP

>thinking saturated animal fat is bad in 2019

If you're gonna go carnivore then you should really do keto. If you don't cut out carbs and increase your meat intake your body will just store the excess fat, so it's much better to get in a state where it's always burning fat, which is difiicultbifvyoure consuming a normal amount of carbs.

this won't happen as long as you get enough fiber. eat your greens

lololo no

Just wanted to also add, most medical doctors know shit about nutrition, as it isn't a requirement in their classes. This may have changed in recent years, but if your doctor isn't fresh out of school, I would make sure they know what they're talking about and fact-check their advice.

lol no.

here's a retard who thinks during all homo evolution humans had access to 3 meals daily

You need fiber.

You think those are unfair terms? We are grounded animals, that's the only restriction I've used; and the only I need to make your theory looks like the bullshit it is.

Pretty much, yeah, I was going to reply to him, but you said it better, and he's probably al ost cause anyways.
That's true, my only point is that veganism has as many legs to stand on as pure carnivorism; we can have and need a balanced diet. We're undeniably predators though.

after a century of studies that confirm it, indeed

yes it is unfair.
it's like you think only predators and ruminants exist, and you probably think vegans believe we are ruminants.
newsflash: there are many other types of animals, some unique, like the fact that humans are the only grounded primate.
yes, we are grounded, so what? do you need ruminants eyes if you are grounded? no.

still you think we should eat meat but at the same time have no instinct, no ability, and get diseases from its' digestion.

Correlation doesn't imply causation. But cholesterol is definitely a key concern

>newsflash: there are many other types of animals, some unique,
Which is why we need to limit ourselves in a category of animals? It is not unfair to establish that, as most grounded predators, we have our eyes on the front, since we are grounded animals.
It's only unfair because you say so... So no, that's bullshit.

Everything in excess is bad, whod'a thunk?

yeah i've been eating lots of meat lately
also milk, homemade yogurt, fresh cheese and bread
the bread still makes me sick, meat never does

>metabolic issues are caused by meat interfering with carbs metabolism, so remove the meat not the carbs.
on the contrary: remove the carbs

>remove the carbs

dispel the abstractions to categorize whole foods and ultra-processed food products with added, isolated sugar as the diminutive of a macronutrient classification and be made conscious of "incidental"/acquired contaminants of food and the physiological effects thereof (that are rather obliviously accounted for in effects and not presence, e.g. arsenic in rice from arsenic based pesticides, non-organic grains and grain products grown and dessicated with systemic pesticides like Round-Up/glyphosate coupled with "inactive" proprietary adjuvants and ingredients.

Walter Kempner, M.D. certainly added "the carbs" in a diet-weight loss experiment that included white rice, white sugar, fruit, and fruit juice. Weight was, of course, lost.

What intolerances? I feel like your making shit up and looking for a excuse to eat meat why else would you ask this place