Women only pretend to like sex for attention, money, prestige, and every other type of benefit...

Women only pretend to like sex for attention, money, prestige, and every other type of benefit. And also as a means to manipulate and control the stronger gender.

Can you come up with a logical argument against this?

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who gives a shit

Obviously you. Because you're secretly trying to derail my message.

Riddle me this

When I fuck girls, im nice to them sure. But I dont buy them ANYTHING

and still when I reach for the pussy shes wet, thats not something you can control its just a womans bodily reaction to being near a man she wants to fuck her

I think its ugly weirdos who think girls are only out for money or whatever because with your boring ugly ass, she is

>its ugly weirdos
Only a homosexual judges men's attractiveness.

I have been with women who aren't like that. You're just validating your failure.

prove me wro- oh wait you can't, and you won't try because you'd rather stay the way you are

Nice jewish trick

i’m a fucking loser and i can tell you’re a little faggot holy shit

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Such a hot set I’ve dumped a quart to.

if youre retarded maybe

anyone can look at another person and tell if theyre attracticve, doesnt mean you want to fuck them. People react better to you when youre attractive, doesnt mean they all want to stick their dick in you

if you smell and look like fried food it really is more of a fact

I do not think its about being ugly but about being a weirdo. There are plenty of guys who are good looking who fail to have sex with women. Women are attracted to status, this is best represented through confidence and humor. It may manifest in clothes, possessions, or money. But a woman is wired to want a man that can protect them and their offspring. If you are making jokes or being confident it shows you are not afraid and that there is no threat to you.

make no money
Gf is high school teacher
Great sex life, she likes to be my slave

Nice trips

I also make it clear that I would make a terrible long term partner and while my shit isnt ghetto, its nothing impressive either. Some real well off women have come over and fucked in my shitty condo on a fouton and they have a nice house! Theres nothing they want from me but my penis

First of all, men are not supposed to be particularly attractive; bitches are, since their sole purpose in life is to get fucked.

Yeah, but they want that because they are probably attracted to your confidence. These women are use to men begging them to hang out with them, buying them shit, and just in general being needy. However, with you, you probably seem to not care. You do not need them and women are wired to want men like that.

I agree with you. There are plenty of dating site surveys that demonstrate women find roughly 80% of men less than average attractiveness. A man's status is way more important to the attractiveness calculation. That's why women reserve 10/10 for movie stars, athletes, musicians, etc. Whereas, you probably can think of some girl you know that is a 10/10

Yes. It's a different game when it comes to women. And it's really stupid when people pretend that male attractiveness is even relevant.

Im just saying that some girls are just looking for a guy man enough to fuck them, just like any guy is looking for a hot girl to take home

Physically atteactive? As in personal hygene and taking care of yourself?

It's relevant, but even close to as relevant in how men view women. If a man is super ugly he is fucked, and if a man looks like an attractive celebrity then he is set.

>just like any guy is looking for a hot girl to take home
I was with you until this point. A woman is not going to approach a man and ask for sex unless she has something seriously mentally wrong with her or she is completely wasted. Honestly 80% of the battle is just going up to a girl and starting a conversation, provided the guy is not disgusting looking. If you approach a woman with confidence you will immediately be much more attractive to her.

Well youre not going to have much luck just 'asking' a woman for sex either. You just chat and hang out for a while and if you both decide you can use the others persons body to have an orgasm you you back to someones house, simple. Not all women are looking for a sugar daddy or someone to take them shopping, and the ones that are you can see from a mile away

Yeah, because 'asking' would be some pussy shit. I agree with you for the most part, but I think you emphasize physical attractiveness too much. If you are decent looking, funny, and are sure of yourself you are way better off than a good looking guy who is too nervous to approach a girl.

>Women only pretend to like sex
op is a dicklett

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They all do like money, attention, and prestige, but women love getting fucked well.

yeah things went much better for me when I stopped giving a fuck, im still no pimp or anything but I do alright

My wife has OCD that manifests its self sexually. She is literally obsessed with having sex... with me. If this seems like a great problem it is not. You’ve never had your dick ran raw to the point of bleeding because your wife cannot control her impulses. Meds only dampen her urges but don’t make them go away. If I’m not around to fuck she’ll pull out pictures of me and masterbate for hours.

Not saying you’re wrong cause our case is unique but I think women enjoy sex just fine. Some use it to manipulate. Some are controlled by it.

>She is literally obsessed with having sex... with me
I have some bad news for you

Yeah, they use sex to get resources. It's a pretty good evolutionary trait to be honest.

Women like getting fucked too dumbass