You are now aware that you are surrounded by an infinity of blackness

You are now aware that you are surrounded by an infinity of blackness

Attached: A_Horseshoe_Einstein_Ring_from_Hubble.jpg (1014x670, 102K)

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and they are stealing your bike

That's called cultural enrichment you honker

It's technically not infinite, it's just very big and constantly expanding.

Reminds me of my dick

Its infinite in practice but finite in terms visibility

Visible universe is not the same as the universe

The big bang is a false story and I can prove you wrong if you debate it

Uh, sure. Prove it wrong. I don't really care if it is, mind you.

It has to be infinite to our knowledge.
We don't know what's further, and since it's so, so, so, so, so fucking far... we have to assume there's not a barrier at the end of space saying "SORRY MATE, turn around!".

Maybe it just sorta loops.


Two problems exist straight away
One if the flatness problem in that the universe is geometrically measured to 15 decimals out to be flat with no explanation. Inflation is what we explain it by...
Second is the horizon problem
In all directions we look as far as we can see its the same temperature this is not possible because the distance are many times that at which light(energy) could have possibly traveled. The only way to explain it is either the universe is way WAY bigger than what is known or the speed of light is variable or inflation yet again is used to explain it.

The problem with flation theory is its wrong and basically states thats 96% of the universe is not known to exists as in its dark energy or dark matter and some unknown force is pushing everything away from each other

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Donut theory is a thing

it's not constant, it has weird bumps

Doesn't change anything about how I live my life so who cares

so is it stationary?

Bigger than Boötes void?

Those are fine-tuning problems, aren't they? How does the horison- and the flatness problem relate to dark matter and energy?

Both dark matter and dark energy are results of the inflationary period theory. And the percent they make up of the universe is always changing to fit new information or new measurments
Recently we measured that we are expanding at a higher rate than when we tested 20 years ago. Theories that dont have any hard evidence behind them should be discounted and that includes the inflation theory.

so dark m/e are bullshit to fill our ignorance?

I mean there must be a reason why it's the dominant theory. There must be parts of it that are supported by evidence.

>has never heard of the Kirby's Source Wall theory
so plebian

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Because its an easy way to explain away the problems. The theory is the universe expanded early on at faster than light speed then suddenly stopped expanding that fast and expanded normal as we see it today.

The only proof at all of it is in 2014 we measured and proved gravity does in fact have waves. But thats not just part of cosmic inflation.
We dont really know at all why the universe is expanding at an icreased rate or where the energy for that comes from so we use the term dark energy which is claimed to be 75% of the mass of the universe but we have never seen or detected it. It and dark matter are theoretical but are over 96% of the mass and the reason its that much is because we keep adjusting the percents to explain problems we are seeing with actual measurements

Attached: dark-matter.jpg (1536x1037, 101K)

Do you have a better theory?

No, that's the other user's points. We're in a weird place right now, when it comes to basic science. Dark energy + dark means we don't know what the fuck is going on in most of the universe. And that's not even touching on string theory.

>>+ dark matter

when did I become the coach of a NBA team?

I think the cyclic model is the best but who knows
Simulation theory is good too

I think as more measurements come in we will see more holes in the inflation theory.
I dislike the fact that anything can move faster than light. If so the varying light speed is a good alternative.

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I was already aware of that.

A couple hundred years ago...
>we know light is a wave
>waves need a medium to travel through
>therefore the universe is filled with a magical substance called aether
>science is fucked up for a hundred years because everyone works on the premises light can't travel through a vacuum

>Fuck, these calculations can't be right.
>Just use a plug.
>Dude, my plug would have to be 96% of the universe. And shits gonna have to be all magical like that aether thing everyone was on about.
>Aether, smaether. Plug it and publish that bitch. It's not like it'll be the foundation of science for a century.

Its also weird knowing Earth is the center of the observable universe.
We can only assume there is more past what we can see but we have no way of knowing. All of our measurements are based on earth being the center
So for the horizon problem everything is the same temperature in all directions from us? Seems legit

hey ordo

>only just now becoming aware of the vast emptiness of space

The theory on dark energy is that is everywhere perfectly even spread across the entire universe. But we cant detect it or measure it.
And if you start looking at quantum physics shit gets real weird.
Size could be relative and our universe could be a grain of sand on a beach full of other universes

Infinite in terms of size is something humans cant understand in meaningful way

If the universe is expanding, what is it expanding into? If there is an edge to the universe, what is on the other side? All of the matter that we can see and measure is expanding into an infinite void.

Isn't space just wack.

Attached: spacechimp.jpg (450x425, 70K)

if anyone can speak/read french, i urge you guys to take a look at Jean Pierre Petit's work.

The Janus theory.

Maybe he translated it somewhere though.

It's 2019. Google can do it if someone else hasn't

It gets crazier than that. The center of the observable universe is relative to the observer themselves. What we call the 'observable universe' as one entity is the collaboration of everyone's observations piled into one.

Attached: 1556842894385.webm (1120x630, 1.96M)

The matter at the edges simply vanishes from our existences.
The galaxies at the very edges dont exist anymore we only see fainting red shifted light they emitted 14~ billion years ago.
Observable universe = Whole universe because anything outside of it its not possible to measure or reach or known to exist.
Anything beyond the event horizon of the universe is immeasurable.

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This is true so if aliens are on those galaxies 14~ billion light years away they can see basically 14 billion years away further than us in the opposite direction.
Also due to the increasing expansion we can never reach anything outside of our local group ever. Things are moving away at faster(relative) to us than the speed of light

Immeasurable ... like an infinite void.

I hope aliens are real. I'd love to hang with some space bros.

Well think about it like this
If we existed say 10 billion years from now we would see way way fewer galaxies because they would have moved out of our visible universe.

Billions or trillions of years from now all we would be able to see is stuff within our local group which is bound by gravity

Unless wormholes are actually a thing AND we can enter/exit them without da... yeah i'm out.

You're not accounting for time. The furthest objects we can see, are more than 13 billion light years away, but that light is also more than 13 billion years old. Their actual position, right, now, is up to 46 billion light years away.

Yea maybe or blackholes maybe are that but who knows.
The fact that higher gravity means slower time is crazy. Time dilation is really fucking weird but so is gravity. We just take gravity as fact but its still a theory because in real terms there is no reason that random particles should be attracted to each other.
Black holes are basically where time stops because the gravity is so high at least this is my theory. Maybe thats why light cant escape because time is not moving forward within the black hole

At some point, the only stars we'll be able to see are the stars of our galaxy. Well, if we're still in a galaxy. When the Milky Way merges with Andromeda, we might get throw off into intergalactic space.

Yeah I know but I kept it as simple as possible because the concept of time is rather weird when talking about speed or gravity(both effect time)

IIRC the universe is calculated to be about 96 billion light years across but its only 14~ billion years old again does not make sense and again its explained away by cosmic inflation

We'll be long gone when the milky way and andromeda does the astronomical tango.

of all the cool names we found for galaxies (except the coded ones ofc) ours had to be the worst.

>Humans eventually develop a means to manipulate black holes
>Inside the black hole you're stuck for an eternity
>Outside the black hole, people can rescue you from their perspective
Thats some spooky shit right there.

Puny mortal.

Other way around, the number is based on assumptions about cosmic inflation.

>Kirby's Source Wall theory
I just Googled it and it's a cartoon.
I don't know how this applies to real life.
I love Stargate SG-1 and I'm not gonna tell you to go to some fucking Tok'ra base because it sounds cool.

You have assburgers, don't you?

Oh fuck, lets just leave Dylan Hunt on the event horizon and spare us 4 years of bad writing.

what if we already are in a blackhole?

>We're the positive polarity

Imagine being god and being able to observe everything. I feel like we're so insignificant we wouldn't be on any cosmic entity's radar.

>no naked Romy
Fuck you