Why are Republicans so fucking stupid??

Why are Republicans so fucking stupid??

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no u

your script failed ya bud


so did yours


If they're stupid and they won, what does that make you?


Not an argument.

Brain damage from huffing their own farts.

Stay mad, kid.

Correction: some Republicans are stupid. Some Democrats are stupid. Some Swedes are stupid. Some crochet enthusiasts are stupid. All b-tards are stupid.

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Get the fuck out of here Ivan.

Fucking Russian trolls everywhere

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Denial. It's not just a river in Egypt, is it, chubs?

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Its just science, yo.

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Because they wouldn’t vote for that Clinton nigger? You are really retarded nigger


Nobody asked who they voted for, dick knob.

weak bait

>dick knob
Your slutty sperm chugging mother liked it.

Because of all that inbreeding

>dubs of truth checked

Not an argument.

Yeah, and you've got Putins dick in your mouth.