Ask a sex offender anything

Ask a sex offender anything

Attached: pink-floyd-with-syd-barrett.jpg (300x300, 12K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Syd Barrett is the man, but you are still a faggot

what's it like trying to leave a small town if you're on probation for being black?

>on probation for being black

Is that a thing? If not, can we make it a thing?

Did you pee in public?

Did you actually do something to deserve being on the list?

what did you do?

He sucked a nigger

that's not a sex cri-...


It's like being a nigger

is nigger your favorite word or something?

why start a thread and ot respond you lazy coon?

Nigger just refers to blacks, and because you're a sex offender you must be black

are we talking about how much we hate sex offenders or blacks rn?

You're thinking of the other guy

I took 2 tabs of acid with my best friend, his gf and her friend, my friend didn't know I had a crush on them I groped her friend, they all run out of my house my friend pushed me in the house and I kept running back out this happened like 5 times.

After this I blacked out and I forced myself on a woman thinking it was one of them, 2 guys caught me with my pants down and beat the shit out of me before I did anything but we still wrestled on the ground I put my hand on her mouth, my lawyer had to tell all this I woke up in a hospital bed thinking I was in a dream or something with two police officers by my side.

I regret it a lot I never would've wanted to hurt them sober... I fucked up everything so bad I was only 18.

>lazy coon
You answered your own question

I'm not Op.

Why weren't you more careful on the scaffolding of the big satellite dish?

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That sounds like some shit a nigger would do, except they're generally too poor to get acid so I know you're no negro.

You're just white trash.

Same difference isn't it

Damn.. An lsd initiated negromorphosis.

go to bed its nearly midnight

Damn, that's rough. This is why people need responsible trip-sitters. My buddy dropped acid while he was in public, and saw a girl. Thought she was evil for some reason, grabbed his pocket knife and said he was gonna go stab her. When he got up to her, he finally recognized her. She goes

>ohai hank, what's up?

Apparently he started crying, dropped the knife and took off running. Friends found him in a field the next day, basically fine. He got damn lucky.

Sorry to hear it didn't work out that well for you user. Did you do any time?

holy shit

Im still to go to court it happened pretty recently

Well keep your head up man. Plead insanity if they'll let you. Technically, you weren't of sound mind. That's exactly what they make that plea for. I'm not sure that defense 100% applies, as you willingly engaged in the drugs that put you into that state, but it could be worth a shot to at least lessen the charges.

Why did you offend sex?


Why not?

Would you?

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Tiddy grab while gone on lsd sounds pretty innocent to me

I think you missed the rest of the story. I'll sum it up, correct me if I'm wrong OP

>OP drops acid
>grabs girls tiddy
>friends leave because no want tiddy grab
>OP tries to chase
>OP blacks out
>finds random girl on the street
>thinks it's tiddy girl
>tries to raep
>guys find him and kick his ass
>wakes up next day with lawyer explaining it to him

That's how I understood it.

If that is the case you are within your right not to incriminate yourself and remain silent.

Case dismissed

do u feel bad

Shine on you crazy diamond

Were you in the AF?