Daily reminder that if you don't look EXACTLY like this guy and are ATLEAST 6'5ft all OR make 7-figures USD...

Daily reminder that if you don't look EXACTLY like this guy and are ATLEAST 6'5ft all OR make 7-figures USD, you will NEVER get laid without an escort. Prove me wrong, you stupid fucking faggots.

>protip; you LITERALLY can't

Attached: chad.jpg (1200x630, 91K)

Fun story.

I literally do.

And you're 100% not.

Protip: make better troll threads

Attached: bc065cbfd4b23a21038ea58f588fb3c6.jpg (768x577, 36K)

You exist. Proof that ugly people fuck too.

Nice Larping you fucking faggot?

I can easily list dozens of couples where the guy looks nothing like that.

what an uncreative boring bait i wonder if anyone will fall for it

ill put on autorefresh and keep an eye on the humanity

Pro tip - Make sure to use a high calibre to make it painless and fater

Question how do yall feel about Salt and Vinegar chips?

Attached: 7103FmV8ORL._SY450_.jpg (347x450, 29K)

i think i look better

Found the incel

why did you crop put the obese guy in top left building a sand castle?

really appreciate the vinegar
i had some in argentina recently that had also rosemary and pepper added and they were the bomb
cant recall the brand tho

Any meat flavour is superior

I personally don't like it but I can see how some people do.

OP, you're right. I look like that guy and your mom jumped all over my cock like a fat boy to ice cream. Guess you win.

Attached: Found the incel.jpg (1600x1600, 1.36M)

Nice OP, have you loaded the gun yet or are you waiting for more disappointment?

Im just waiting for your mom


I'm fat as fuck and still get laid.
Incels will be Incels.

Careful with these big boy words.
They might be a bit rough for you.

Not as rough as ur mom was last night hah

OP whines about being an incel.

Nice LARP faggot now gtfo my board

Escorts are the best.

Yeah like ur mom
