Americans owe blacks reparations. No, you may not have owned slaves or even be a racist but you benefit from a society that enslaved and tortured blacks, profited tremendously from the cotton economy, and denied the descendants of slaves human rights and fought to keep them in poverty.
Reparations are the only way to make amends for the tragic suffering and deaths of African Americans.
After the Moors pay up for ruling over Europe for over twice as long as America had slaves
Andrew Morris
if they do, you niggas owe us reparations for the invasions of europe in the middle ages and white slavery and piracy in the mediterranean.
That your attempts to enslave and conquer us were incompetent and were repelled by white people doesn't make them better.
Blake Bennett
We will pay reparations if you leave the U.S. that you hate so much
Wyatt Edwards
>you benefit from a society that enslaved and tortured blacks So do blacks.
Luis Bailey
It's honestly a joke that this is ever even brought up legitimately. No one looks at Germany and is still mad at them for dragging Europe and the world into war over and over, causing the deaths of million and millions and reducing cities to ash.
Japan doesn't hold a massive grudge against the US for fucking nuking the shit out of tens of thousands of innocent civilians ( Although Americans still hold a grudge over pearl harbour believe it or not)
Yet here we fucking area, shit that happened longer ago than any of the aforementioned events, literally the best shit that could have happened for black people in hind sight as it allows them to live in a world that offers the amount of opportunities that America does, and not grow up in your disease ridden retard continent thats only understands war, corruption and being exploited whilst making zero progress in thousands of years.. yet white people are the problem.
Gavin Harris
Niggers are in America now. That's their reparations. If they cant accept that, I say we send them back to Africa and shred their citizenships.
Josiah Anderson
do you summerfags realise OP isn't here anymore and must've made like 3 other cuckboi/whiteboi/blocksurpath threads as we're talking?
Jeremiah Young
Yep, Democrats owned the slaves and Republicans freed them. Therefore Democrats owe me reparations.
Ian Martinez
I'd consider it if it included a legally binding agreement that that settled the books, no more whining about racism, no more affirmative action, no more political correctness, no more dats need be given...
Daniel Nelson
like I said it's basically a tax for living in a country who benefited from slavery, so it would apply to all non-black citizens
interesting point, but they are the descendants of slaves who were brought here against their wills, and who are still impacted by America's racist history
>Japan doesn't hold a massive grudge against the US for fucking nuking the shit out of tens of thousands of innocent civilians ( Although Americans still hold a grudge over pearl harbour believe it or not)
>they are the descendants of slaves who were brought here against their wills So what?
Benjamin Reyes
Blacks owe me reparations for having to put up with them on a daily basis.
Ian King
>like I said it's basically a tax for living in a country who benefited from slavery, so it would apply to all non-black citizens
But blacks benefit from living here, too.
But if it is just a racism tax, why don't Latinos get any? Why not Chinese-Americans, whose ancestors had to build railroads an shit?
Now, to make everybody go batshit loopy -- don't Jews get a bit of it?
Sebastian Bennett
So im guessing black people also owe to black people the same, i mean, they were already slaves back in africa BEFORE they were purchased by white people back during the slave trade. Arabs also bought black people. Get your facts straight before you post shit and make a fool of yourself Yea Forumsro.
Xavier Green
In Michigan we only let Native Americans run casinos, and they make their own reparations.
Let's do the same, let African Americans run liquor stores and make their money
Levi Clark
When we release an animal into the wild after rehabilitation, do we pay every member of its species reparations? No. We can debate if it was a mistake to release these animals into the wild/society (it was), but either way we don't owe them anything. They are no longer in our care, they can fend for themselves or return to captivity if they can't handle themselves.
Gavin Anderson
i don't give a damn about how much niggs suffered
Brody Myers
>Benefit from a society that enslaved and tortured blacks, profited tremendously from the cotton economy
So do you.
Nicholas Baker
prove it in court idiot ill wait for the evidence you bring and reason for why i should be blamed for it
Kevin Gonzalez
this isn't about punishing the descendants of slave owners, or in your example nazis. America become a global power basically because they got free cotton labor which has always been in high demand, but shit on blacks for last 100 years. After the nazis were defeated the persecution of jews practically ended
Cooper Wright
what about the horses that transported cotton and other goods? What about the dogs and cats that protected our crops during slavery? Do they get a handout too?
Dylan Johnson
I am from an English slave owning family and find your post most amusing.
Logan Robinson
Every race under the sun has been enslaved. Whites were enslaved to the Muslims by Charlemagne, but you never hear about that. People are dicks. Every single one of them.
James Butler
It's real simple. Crimes are not hereditary. If you were never a slaveowner then you don't owe shit. Similarly, if you were never a slave then you aren't owed shit.
Samuel Barnes
Like the rest of the world used slaves There are more slaves today than in any time in history. Why dont you do something about that?
David Green
>and who are still impacted by America's racist history
the point of reparations is to pay back the debt slaves had to pay to make america what it is today, and to fix the setbacks that the black community have had to deal with due to systemic racism and racist policies that kept blacks in poverty
Luke Rogers
>like I said it's basically a tax for living in a country who benefited from slavery
But slavery is not the only thing that benefited the country, it's not the only thing that was bad for the people who had to do it but benefited the country in one way or another.
Guys doied of black lung they contracted digging out the coal that powered the industrial revolution. Guys died from brown lung spinning the cotton the slaves picked into fabric. Guys died in wars to free slaves, as well as other wars. Kids lost arms and legs working in factories before child labor was outlawed.
Everybody who lives in the US today benefits from the things that were done by everybody who did anything that benefited the country in previous generations.
But only one group gets a special set-aside payoff?
As a slavery reparation, your proposal makes zero since. If you want to propose a pay-off for racism, that's an entirely different issue. I think it is also a bad idea, but at least the premise makes sense in that it has internal logic.
Chase Brooks
And the majority of you niggers living off of welfare for decades doesn't count I guess...if you're so bad off here in America today, get your lazy dumb ignorant asses back on a boat to Africa and see how bad you really have it. Otherwise, fuck off. We don't owe you monkeys shit.
Zachary King
blacks are not domesticated animals
Logan Collins
Germany also became a superpower by using people, so did China, Russia and any superpower ever.. not like Rome got to where they are without slavery, neither did the Egyptians etc.
Regardless neither of the people who were slaves or enslaved are alive today and unless you are personally negatively affected by it, which blacks aren't.. you have no right to complain.
Asher James
It's a hard pill to swallow but the descendants of slaves benefited tremendously from their ancestors as well, relatively there much better off than the people that were left behind in Africa.
Did any of those black people actually contribute to that? Their main contribution to America is crime and filling out prisons.
Parker James
>Reparations are the only way to make amends for the tragic suffering and deaths of African Americans. My ancestors were Caucasian indentured servants.They were treated poorly by their sponsors who bought their contracts. I wan my reparations check, too. Because I'm white I want my money before the african Americans gobble it up. Get in the back of the line because my ancestors were here first.
Luke King
More fake news. What systemic racism? Blacks and every minority have got free college for 40 years.
Oliver Clark
Serial Killers' families should pay reparations to affected families.
Since they're responsible for the things their relatives did, right?
Nathan Brown
The current victim of slavery is the white man. The black man is the benefactor.
James Cooper
the transatlantic slave trade was the most brutal slavery in all history, and it was chattel slavery on a huge scale, where the children of slaves had to be slaves by law. American slavery just isn't comparable to other slavery of the past
most slaves in the slave trade were already slaves because who the fuck wants to chance down a bunch of niggers while you can just buy them from the state.
Austin Powell
>actually taking the apologist forcefeeding Nigga historical slavery had brutal chattel slavery as well.
yeah because of racist policies that have kept blacks in the prison system
>What systemic racism you may not agree that systemic racism exists today, but it certainly did under jim crow and many decades after
Nolan Moore
>let African Americans run liquor stores and make their money I'd give it a week in Chicago, and a month in the rest of the country before black on black crime resulted in every black liquor store owner being shot dead. White folks would profit well from this arrangement when they step back in to resume regular bidness.
Chase Martin
Quads of truth
Dominic Moore
Can OP get any more retarted? Find out on the next episode!
David Thomas
Seems this will be the next lie Democrats will be saying to get elected in 2020 but as all their fake promises to minorities nothing will follow
Juan Cruz
I guess they played no role whatsoever in where they are today.
Connor Barnes
well we aren't living in a time we can help out their descendents anymore anyway, so much time has past their lives aren't impacted by that anymore. Which will be the case one day in America but for now we can make some positive changes
Robert Clark
William Ellison was one of the richest men in the south. He owned over 60 something slaves. He was a black man. Who does he pay dumbass?
Justin Campbell
Slavery didn't make America rich, nor did we benefit from "free labor".
Michael Jackson
We are making positive changes.
Hudson Rodriguez
Didn't the blacks benefit from enslaving jews and the Spanish? Didn't the Arabs benefit from enslaving blacks and Europeans? Didn't the Asians benefit from from enslaving whites?
Cameron Wilson
>Since slaves nowadays have it sooo >fucking easy + Learn some fucking history, before well you know talk about fucking history
Dylan Morales
your environment plays a tremendous role into how well you will become a citizen who contributes to society or just become a thug. In any other western country, are blacks committing crime at 2 or 3 times their population size? No. Because America was the last to end slavery and was the largest offender
they would all blow it on drugs, basketball shoes and jewelry.
Brandon Fisher
>America become a global power basically because they got free cotton labor Bull shit. The US was not a global power during slavery. The South is still poor as fuck because slavery kept free people (both white and black) out of jobs. Plus there was little reason to automate due to free labor. Fuck slavery, fuck reparations, and fuck you.
Asher Nguyen
So do today's niggers, faggot
Noah Butler
>In any other western country, are blacks committing crime at 2 or 3 times their population size? No. [citation needed]
yes they are. and black run countries, all of them, are crime ridden shitholes.
Hudson Ross
So, who gets to decide when enough time has past it doesn't matter?
Julian Thompson
Ever heard of Brazil? They did slavery longer and had 3 times more slaves. Plus most of the brazilian slave owners were black. Learn history idiot
Christian Baker
I'm not saying >all blacks good, all whites bad
I'm white myself. We have to look at the big picture, not a few individuals. America enslaved 10.7 million black people and oppressed their descendants. That's my focus
Lucas Thompson
Who gives a fucking shit about black people. We don't owe them shit, you stupid faggot.
William Nelson
>we can make some positive changes Leeroy need new rims on his hoopty, and Flosquishia wants more gold caps. Come on whitey! Work harder to gimme what they deserve.
James Anderson
Im waiting on your answer on the Moors. Who do they pay?
Parker Scott
I said "2 or 3 times their population size" so not black majority black countries. if you find a western industrialized nation where blacks commit crime at a rate even close to americas let me know
The ones responsible are long dead. I don't owe them fuckin' shit. My ancestors didn't even live here when slavery was still a thing.
Michael Foster
Brazil says hello
Parker Myers
That word is a figment of your imagination. Without consent, I can incur no debts. I never agreed to slavery. The end. If you want to have a discussion about whether it would be good to pay reparations, that's another story. But as soon as you approach it from the position of righteous demands, you lose any chance of convincing me.
Blake Flores
I don't know anything about the moors
Jayden Bell
Nah moron, the only sound plan is to give people in impoverished areas more education and economic opportunity... But that's never gonna happen in the United States of Corporate America.
Ayden Cox
Right, only black people in America are violent and agressive, everywhere else they're well adjusted members of society.
Cameron Mitchell
kill yourself
David Sullivan
>free labor. What do you mean by that? The Owners had to provide shelter, food, and clothing. Slaves wern't cheap to purchase or breed. Slave owners invested lots of their profits maintaining their "free labor". Maybe that's why as a group, ex-slaves decedents think someone else is responsible to pay for their upkeep.
Jack Young
bullshit. the past is over. grow up.
Kevin Diaz
I believe the proper response is FUCK YOU!
Grayson Lopez
Yes, the tribes who sold their own people should pay.
Jayden Thomas
They ruled Europe for almost 800 years. Go fuck yourself fag
Jayden Gray
The big picture is that everyone enslaved everyone and we all systemically benefited somehow. You're drawing arbitrary lines and saying "well, only this group benefits and this group didn't" I can do that with everything. I can randomly group different kinds of people. Find out which group was benefited from the existence of the other group and insist the group that benefited should be paid. Hilariously, you're reenforcing racism while trying to combat it.
John Bell
It's fucking history.. ever nation at some point suffered at the hands of others, regardless of ethnicity or religion.. are we going to go round every nation and group of people and look back to anything they ever done and balance the checkbooks?
No ofcourse not, only black people need compensation because they mastered playing the victim.
The people of Japan or Vietnam have right to complain as they're literally suffering to this day, as in actual suffering, not just pretending in order to get free stuff.
Isaac Baker
Yup Africa has to pay for what they did to the African-Americans
Christopher James
So, my great great great grandmother was a slave. The rest of my ancestors are white Europeans. Do I get a check?
Ian Johnson
Imagine being sad that niggers died.
Connor Sanders
I agree with this. They also would fight and war with each other and sell the losers for profit. They blew this mess up to a huge deal.
And the jews that bought them. White people are the first people to ever to outlaw slavery.
Asher Miller
What about black people who weren't slaves and nor where their ancestors. Would they have to pay the tax? I mean after all they have benefited from slavery without being enslaved.
Matthew Brooks
>well, only this group benefits and this group didn't no I'm not trying to simplify it all. yes, blacks also grew up in a country that benefited from slavery but they also had to deal with systemic racism and worse economic opportunities than whites. The evidence for this is overwhelming, it not at far fetched as "well romans had greek slaves 2000 years ago, so these guys should pay" blah blah or something
I'm not blaming anyone, no one alive owned a slave, this policy is strictly righting the wrongs of racism of the past
Joshua Myers
What do you even want us to do about it? Why should I pay money to some guy who I don't even know has done a days work in his life because 200 years ago my race didnt like his race. In todays society they benefit from a government built by white people through welfare and free healthcare (im in uk) so I don't personally think we owe people anything.
Camden Wood
You completely ignored my point. You are the one dividing groups into black and white, there skin color, without any consideration. A white person can have black ancestory. A Ukrainian could have moved here in 1980. Why are they grouped into the group that has to pay for racism? Also, you ignore other forms of historical racism and slavery saying "that doesn't matter or it was too long ago" but according to you? Who is deciding "this was too long ago, but black slavery wasn't" it's not based on anything other then your arbitrary opinion
Jackson Wood
So completely random people who have nothing to do with it need to cough up money to pay the black people who had nothing to do with it.. in order to pay back for the actions of people they don't know and have nothing to do with.. because they enslaved people who aren't even alive today.
Black Americans have more slaveowner blood than anyone else in the US. So you're saying we should tax black people, let a bunch of government drones shuffle some paperwork and fund their pensions, and then give the remaiming money back to blacks?
Brandon Gomez
Is affirmative action not enough? What about the gibs they get for shitting out children endlessly? How much is enough and how long after getting reparations would they demand more? I can see it now "dis not enuff mane. Cain u gibs be more fur free?" and other bix nood shit. Your White Saviour complex is pitiful and you are unironically more racist than the people criticize black "culture".
Andrew Thompson
>most of Europe. Correct me if I'm wrong but wasn't it only most of the Iberian Peninsula, Sicilly, some other Mediterranean islands and a couple parts of modern France conquered but the moors? Not the other guy btw.
Robert Reyes
>righting the wrongs of racism of the past
But why? Should we right the wrongs of anyone whose ancestors had something bad happen to them? Should we give money to Jews because they were enslaved by pharaoh? Should we give money to victims of the USSR?
And if not, why should we feel differently about black people in the US? Because the time frame is more recent? Because we're still under the same nationality? Or because you've had guilt fed to you in the media?
Sebastian Allen
>this policy is strictly righting the wrongs of racism of the past I don't think cash rights the wrong of literal racialized slavery
Christopher Evans
I've got my reparations right here at the end of a gun, boy
Liam Davis
At different times the did rule over most if not all of europe. Plus they sold millions to arab and african nations. Pic is one of the nigger Moors who ruled over Germany
and why do immigrants come here? because america is a prosperous nation who benefited tremendously from the trans atlantic slave trade
yes there are mixed race people. would they have to pay reparations? that's another discussion
>Who is deciding "this was too long ago, but black slavery wasn't
are the descendants of those slaves suffering economically solely because of that slavery, discrimination, racism, etc? then maybe so, but I have yet to see something similar to blacks in america (which is where I live, so thats what I'm going to focus on anyway), just look at gentrification and how the prison industrial complex has targeted blacks
Christian Walker
>Should we give money to victims of the USSR? Reparations for Laika, and only Laika yes
Austin Smith
I actually don't support affirmative action, I think it was necessary right after the civil rights movement but not anymore.
I'm focused on equality of opportunity, and correcting being stuck in poverty and crime, and erasing the stereotypes of blacks that are clearly still present, this board is proof of that
Carter Mitchell
Immigrants come here because it's prosperous? Are you speaking for all immigrants now? You think the only motive to move to a country is financial? I guess you think all Mexican immigrants and Muslim immigrants are just people trying to get a better wage then eh?
So because you're black you're a victim by default.. and anyone who isn't black has to pay for these black people, despite having nothing to do with slavery or racism?
Are you going to do background checks on every black person to make sure they're actually a decendant of a slave, and are you going to background check every single non-black person to make sure that they are a descendant of a slave owner?
Or maybe this isn't about slavery at all and rather about the racism, who is responsible for that?
Jordan Barnes
But they don't target blacks, they target the poor and you are trying to make people focus on race issues rather then the real issue which is poverty. Poor whites are actually more likely to go to jail per capita then poor blacks.
Bentley Wilson
my main point is that whether they are immigrants and had nothing to do with slavery (like all modern people) if they are going to become a citizen it would still apply to them
Liam Powell
You aren’t owed shit. My great great uncle died freeing you worthless fucks
Robert Cruz
Fair enough. Laika is best girl
Jeremiah Perez
You aren't going to erase the stereotypes against blacks by giving them more cash to squander. Can you honestly look at the way they behave and say that they are "poor misrepresented victims of a society that exploited THEM and only THEM."?
Aaron Nelson
So do jews and Asians pay more since they systemically benefit from racism more then whites?
Samuel Hernandez
My point is that you're ignoring inconvenient truths to paint your narrative and thusly inconsistent.
Logan Bell
>Poor whites are actually more likely to go to jail per capita then poor blacks
but blacks still face discrimination, unless there's a policy like affirmative action, they are less likely to have the same job opportunities, get a bank loan, etc as a white person who is equally qualified. And if you don't agree that's not the case today, it was the case for most of the last 100 years
Christopher Morris
>but you benefit from a society that enslaved and tortured blacks, profited tremendously from the cotton economy, and denied the descendants of slaves human rights and fought to keep them in poverty. So do the blacks. Besides after all the money blacks have collectively drank up from welfare programs, no, we as a society don't owe them anything. You can't massively benefit from and outcome and still demand you deserve more. You don't. You were freed, you got the same rights as everyone else, you abuse those rights more than anyone else. Stop being niggers.
Awesome we all agree!!!! I will pay to send any and all niggers back to africa as long as they are never allowed back. Way to go Yea Forums !!! We solved this one.
Alexander Wright
>but blacks still face discrimination, unless there's a policy like affirmative action, they are less likely to have the same job opportunities, get a bank loan, etc as a white person who is equally qualified.
That's also true for Asians and jews more so then whites. So do they have to pay more for blacks then whites?
Ian Collins
Not anymore, thanks to leftists. Now they're being punished too. Only black and brown people deserve special treatment, duh.
Jeremiah Wood
whether someone is a mixed race or an immigrant is a tangent to the discussion, not a rebuttal to my main argument
John Hill
‘Americans’ probably aren’t on the hook, morally or otherwise, for historic crimes.
The United States, however, WAS there back then. The United States owes the reparations.
Adrian Roberts
Niggers will shit their pants and blame whitey for not wiping their ass.
Zachary Baker
We actually did that already. Paid to send them to Liberia
Aaron Murphy
I still can't comprehend my country nuking entire cities in a sovereign country (even at war) and everyone just seems OK with it. Yet there is little real evidence of the so called holocaust.
>I said "2 or 3 times their population size" so not black majority black countries. if you find a western industrialized nation where blacks commit crime at a rate even close to americas let me know show me one where they keep those statistics and they don't. best you'll get is no disparity in gun crimes specifically because there is no gun crime in that country.
Kayden Peterson
International policy on reparations is actually fairly developed. It’s not as random a process as you suggest. There would absolutely be attempts to target families which have an historical claim to grievance.
It would not be an open call to dark-skinned people to come collect a cheque, as you cynically suggest.
Angel Martin
So basically if you're black, you're by default a victim whose position in life is purely due to slavery/racism and through no fault of your own whatsoever.. nor that of the blacks before you.
if you're white you're wrong by default and you have to pay for black people.
I mean that sounds like wellfare as is.
Jeremiah Cook
>giving them more cash to squander
I haven't even talked about how the money would be spent. It could be spent on infrastructure, schools, etc in black communities so that more blacks can learn to be financially independent, have an equal opportunity getting an education, and lower black crime rates
Jose Edwards
>whether someone is a mixed race or an immigrant is a tangent to the discussion, not a rebuttal to my main argument
It is because most people aren't purely white in America but of mixed heritage albeit a low percentage of mixed. When someone looks white, all you're seeing is there most recent ancestry. So how far back do you think someone's mixed ancestry counts?
Jackson Wood
>Poor whites are actually more likely to go to jail per capita then poor blacks. this is factually false.
Jack Reyes
They don't get hired because they are absolutely caustic to a work environment unless they are as white-washed as humanly possible.
Aaron Kelly
What do you think this means? I’m not sure what it means.
Joseph King
Im for the death penalty now.
Dominic Adams
No one is OK with it, but no one can do anything against it because you're a global superpower so they just have to take it, doesn't change that most of the world hates America.
It's like when a boss harasses a female employee.. that's not okay but considering your job and everything depends on it, you're kinda fucked.
Christian Anderson
Would you rather continue the weeks upon weeks of fire bombings? Would you rather continue slowly killing more and more of them and slowly destroying their infrastructure until there's nothing left? The war wasn't just gonna go away, the Japanese weren't just going to give up on their invasion of China. They needed to be forced into surrender. Do you have a better idea on how they could have made that happen?
Ayden Perry
False, and put out by literal white supremacists (or Russian sock puppets masquerading as the same) to sow division.
Austin Parker
Isn't that called welfare?
Jaxson Clark
Nah fuck that shit nigger.
Daniel Williams
Poor urban blacks (51.3 per 1,000) had rates of violence similar to poor urban whites (56.4 per 1,000). Poor Hispanics (25.3 per 1,000) had lower rates of violence compared to poor whites (46.4 per 1,000) and poor blacks (43.4 per 1,000).
Henry Turner
Libtard cucks have nothing to say about blacks owning blacks Plus Ellison lived in South Carolina. So that blows up most "woke" views on the subject
You said Americans aren't on the hook. So they shouldn't be negatively impacted. The US is on the hook. Now how does the US pay without creating those negative impacts? Very simple, if you're not actually retarded.
Kevin James
Fuck you nigger, you already get welfare
Angel Thompson
ah, the old "all science is just white supremecist propaganga and my unsupported narrative is correct" argument, i surrender!@ my privilege has been checked noooo!!!
Joseph Parker
Who do the Moors pay?
Michael Gomez
when did we rewrite laws so people only go to jail for violent crimes?
Owen Roberts
Why don’t you elaborate for us? Or is it as simple as ‘fuck block people, here are stats I like’?
Gabriel Martin
true OP!!! dont let the other posters get to you, they are just no moral basement people
Nicholas Gomez
African Americans today benefit from the slavery of their ancestors, don't believe me? Go spend 2 weeks in any other African country. Backs even in American ghettos have a better life then many, many of their African cousins.
This isn't a problem you can just throw money at. Black people who are successful for academics are looked down upon by other blacks and are led to a life of degeneracy by thier peers and the people who lived that life before them. Whitey isn't openly discriminating anymore and now the brain dead Bix Nood people are making sure that they never make progress because without affirmitve action they are fucked.
Grayson Garcia
I never owned slaves and you never were one.
Ethan Stewart
>No, you may not have owned slaves
I said that literally 5 words in. And I'm white:
Juan Kelly
>most of the world hates America
See, this is why I think Donald Trump isn't wrong to want out of NATO. The US has provided incredible amounts of military, financial, and other types of aid for decades, DESPITE everyone else not keeping up their end of the agreement. We're giving you protection, money, food, commerce, etc. But the media spins an incredible anti-American bias, and the masses just forget about that. It's like a child getting $20 from daddy and then getting mad when he won't give them $50 and drive them to the mall.
I'm not saying everything America does is great, but fuck. You guys really do wholesale buy into the bullshit that we're entirely evil. It's pathetic.
Nicholas Collins
I don't have a better plan, and I've read that justification before. It just, nuking two big cities and all those civilians out of existence, it seemed over the top and it ushered in the cold war. I grew up during the cold war and had nightmares about nuclear war, as did my father. Those nukes were the beginning of the psyop era. I know it sounds crazy but end of the world music and movies were huge back then. Now it's climate change, it's like we live in a doomsday cult.
>Why don’t you elaborate for us? This black man was one of the richest men in the south. He and many others owned blacks. Sorry facts scare you
Ian Martinez
if those figures are true, non-poor blacks would have to be committing a shitload of violent crime to reconcile the UCR stats the FBI puts out where their 13% of the population commits close to 50% of all violent crime.
Henry Evans
But you benefit from the same society so wtf
Angel Morales
Look at it across all metrics. It tends to be the same. Blacks only go to jail more commonly then whites on the whole. When accounting for income levels blacks and whites go to jail around the same rate. Hispanics usually have low rates regardless of income levels. Although some people will count Hispanics as white to inflate white numbers
You're giant fucking douchebags who glorify war and stick your noses in all kinds of business as long as it can benefit you.
Going around talking shit about everything and everyone with your Murica #1 fuck yeah.. fuck yeah freedom, whatever the fuck that's supposed to mean.. you're insanely fucking unlikeable as a nation.. even regardless of anything else.
Jaxson Torres
>Americans owe blacks reparations. No, you may not have owned slaves or even be a racist but you benefit from a society that enslaved and tortured blacks, profited tremendously from the cotton economy, and denied the descendants of slaves human rights and fought to keep them in poverty. Lol, that's funny. Well I'm part Irish, and there were Irish slaves so, give me money also. Oh and don't forget our best buddies the fuckin native Americans that white people tried the best they could to kill all of. So, suck my Irish, Italian asshole
Carson Morris
I agree, war is hell. But America didn't start that war. So we shouldn't be hated by the world for the consequences of it.
I was born after the cold war, so the closest I have to that feeling is 9/11. I'm sure it's awful though.
Landon Thomas
well the first problem i see is that being a self-report survey about violent crime *victims*
that's who's victimized you tard.
Dominic Morris
What about the barbarian slave trade where black people owned white people as slaves and would sell slaves to other black and white slave owners? May I remind you that in the 1800s (the time which i assume you're referring to) there were black people who owned slaves who sold them to white slave owners, and white slave owners would sell their slaves to other black slave owners. The reason you never knew about this is because it's just not necessary, the only slavery you learn about is in the Civil War because that was the major turning point of slavery. May I also remind you that the first American colonist who owned slaves was a black guy? I think you owe reparations to all the white people who enslaved and tortured. What's that? You think because you had nothing to do with those people or that time i should not call you a slave owner? Well then...
Adam Sanchez
South Africa was a shithole Whites moved down during WW2 SA becomes the richest in Africa Blacks take over SA Now they cant feed themselves or even keep the power on. South Africa goes right back to shithole
Asher Powell
My ancestors fought in the civil war to free slaves. They dont owe me anything but I'll appreciate a thank you.
Jaxon Thompson
You missed my point, which is okay I guess. I was simply re-positioning this a little bit.
“I” don’t owe black people reparations, but the nation might. See the difference?
I’m the same way, I don’t expect any specific Catholic person to apologize for (in my country) Indian Residential Schools, where kidnapped First Nations kids were sent to have their culture erased. But I do want to hear an apology from the Pope - from CatholicISM, not any specific Catholic person. See the difference?
As for your question: no, there would not be some new ‘reparations tax’.
Meanwhile, the Unites States is currently developing a fighter jet that will outperform the best fighter jet in the world, which is already developed and owned by the United States. Totally necessary, you’ll tell me, right?
Carson Lewis
the "slavery" thing is just to pile on guilt; they really want reparations for jim crow, which is at least something their parents were alive for.
Parker Wilson
You are also benefiting from slavery, retard
Hudson Barnes
What does that have to do with whether a country owes reparations for operating and underwriting a crime against humanity?
Kevin Evans
Ah okay, most of my historic knowledge is more around northern Europe and even at that it is a bit lacking.
Carson Bailey
>Meanwhile, the Unites States is currently developing a fighter jet that will outperform the best fighter jet in the world, which is already developed and owned by the United States. Totally necessary, you’ll tell me, right? Agreed but, it's a catch 22. If we don't build it another county will. Then Americans would hear whatever county has better airforce. Then, Americans mostly Republicans would loose their fuckin minds. There will always be war as long as humans live. Just the way we are.
Adam Bell
>patriotism is wrong
Fuck off. This is the biggest eye-roller for me. I used to want to justify American exceptionalism to you anti-American cucks, but fuck it. I just don't care anymore. America IS great. We ARE better than whatever shithole country is unfortunate enough to have you as a member. Just knowing how angry we make you gives me so much pleasure.
Camden Phillips
My dad told me back in the 50's his teachers would have "duck and cover" lessons, where the kids would take cover under their desks if a nuclear bomb went off nearby. People thought it was bullshit but turns out duck and cover works pretty well. Think, out of a clear blue sky a at anytime bombs could fall and literally end the world, this was our reality. This is why I have chronic anxiety.
Austin Wilson
Ive never heard one libtard give americans credit for the lives lost for that
Josiah Anderson
by the time any other country, including china and russia, can challenge our air superiority, all of todays tech will be outdated and in need of replacement anyway simply because of old age. you underestimate how far ahead we are already.
Levi King
How do you think the governenment gets money except through taxes? Those fighter jets are paid for via taxes. So even if you produce less fighter jets and start paying reperations that is still tax money being paid for by Americans to African Americans. Hilariously, since you don't want a new tax and wealthy people don't pay taxes. You want African Americans to pay African Americans for reperations?
Luke Williams
Yeah, Jim crow was some fucked up shit. No race not even the towel heads deserve to be treated like that. America slowly and painfully learns.
Nolan Phillips
Lol, no I really don't underestimate what the USA is capable of. You still miss the point my b/ro. As many, many others do also.
Christian Thomas
They got rid of "Jim Crow" in South Africa how did that work out for everyone?
Joseph Reed
Nothing wrong with being proud of where you came from, but being a borderline third world shithole that is slowly falling apart as it continues to sink billions into upgrading the military as it's the only thing protecting you from all the enemies you have made over the years, not really being better at anything whilst stubbonrly yelling that you are is just misplaced pride.
I'm not sure what anger you think i'm feeling.. why would I feel angry, about what? I'm perfectly happy with the country I live in, we don't have a gun problem, or obesity problems and all that.
Ian Richardson
You are aware that black people in Africa sold black slaves? Are you going to demand that African nations pay reparations as well?
OK ill bite. When do the Moors pay up? When does Brazil pay up? You do know that only 4-6% of the african slaves went to America.
James Foster
what do the slaves owe us for bringing them over here and saving them from Africans so they can shoot each other?
James Price
I know right. I once had a black guy I worked with argue with me that since I'm white my great grandpa owned slaves. He didnt believe my family was dirt floor poor back in the day and we picked our own corn and beans. But what do I know I'm just a racist.
Nathaniel Martin
I did miss your point, but to be fair, it wasn't all that clear in the first post. So then I'll ask, what's the solution? What are these "reparations" going to look like? Or are you not suggesting that America actually PAY the reparations?
No, I'm not defending the new fighter jet. Even though my dad worked on them for years. Securing the future of air superiority might very well be necessary, I don't have the military intel to say. But I'm not going to claim to know that.
Ryder Rivera
>dubs of a question you know the answer to. USA isn't south Africa. I don't care wtf happens in South Africa.
Zachary Jones
well if your point wasn't expressed in your post it's not my fault. no other country *can* build a better air force in the lifetime of anyone alive today. we're just pissing away money on a federal jobs program.
and what are you talking about anyway, aren't pilots saying the f-35 is actually inferior for air-to-air combat, and doesn't it keep losing simulated fights?
Josiah Perez
How does a desk protect you from a nuke?
Justin Bell
They aren’t though. Military arms races are real, they’ve happened before in recent history - but he US isn't in one, which is why its only competition is itself. There is no country on Earth that can challenge the US military technologically. It isn’t even close.
The military industrial complex feeds itself, according to Dwight Eisenhower, not me. We could stop it if we wanted to, and respond to new threats as they arise. Constant wartime readiness based on abstract ‘security’ is fascistic.
Tyler Garcia
One Black guy at work does not make a race of people.
Only an American who hasn’t travelled could think this. All those shitholes. Canada, England, Australia, the EU... all shitholes... Mad Max level societies
Jose Young
Sounds like you’re both ignorant. Digging in and going farther right isn’t the answer.
Thomas Anderson
Don't know, don't care. Know why? Cause me, myself, and I can't do shit about it. Do I agree with it? No. Warmongering is part of the USA DNA. I know this, other countries know this. They know they can't defeat us in any military secarino. Any one that knows history, knows counties as powerful as the USA don't fall from the outside, so what side is left for us to fall? One guess is all you get...
Thomas Collins
Lol, when it's common fuckin sense, I do.
Sebastian Parker
I've been to Canada. It was fine, liked it better then America but Americans do exaggerate how great it is. I mean they frack, pollute, and hate natives. It's not some sort of liberal paradise. The politics is also absurd
Juan Gonzalez
I was the only white guy that worked there. Come to Gary I'll show you around.
Bentley Davis
>dubs of nobody fuckin asked you, skippy. Checked
Grayson Butler
How am I ignorant
Luis Miller
I had kids in my college classes study the textile mills in the south after the civil war up until WW2. they couldnt believe the pics of the barefoot white children who made up most of the workforce. Most said they would never talk about white privilege again.
Robert Cruz
Owen Anderson
Born and raised in Philadelphia, PA. What are you going to enlighten me with?
Wyatt Hughes
>borderline third world country >slowly falling apart
How exactly do you defend this claim? Is America's GDP doing poorly? What about our job market? No? Our economy is doing alright. Continually growing for the past 8 or so years, actually. Again, we've been providing incredible amounts of support for a number of nations, and we've been getting screwed out of our end of the bargain. Not that that's the only factor, we also got involved in global issues that we shouldn't have. We're also recovering from that. We'd be recovering faster if we dumped everyone out in the cold. A whole bunch of EU countries would suddenly be defenseless, and in need of all kinds of funding. But don't think about that. It's not like anyone ever relied on America. The only reason they don't all band together and wipe us off the face of the Earth is out of compassion for a dying nation. Keep telling yourself that.
Adam Hughes
The difference between the US and Russia/China is really not that big at all.. especially not when you consider Russia+China+India make up 2-3 and 4 in the list and Trump is currently busy alienating it's allies.
Also let's not forget the war in the Middle-east or Vietnam.. completely insignificiant nations, before you dismiss other global firepowers that could easily team up.
Noah Butler
Why should we?
Jonathan Perez
I want a refund for the slaves I've never owned
Camden Diaz
my family immigrated here in the 1930s, we dont owe you shit.
Carson Gray
Show your nose, you fucking kike
Henry Scott
Alexander Williams
US has an atrocious political system.
Daniel Cruz
>dubs of this guy knows, checked
Brayden Johnson
Oh, so you get to speak for a race of people but others can't. I'm sure black people appreciate you white man for speaking for them.
Wyatt Hill
*jews it was all the jews the majority of slave traders and owners were jews slavery is bad, it's whitey's fault
by the by everyone knows the holocaust is a lie too
Thomas Gutierrez
In a factory of 1000 people that had a turnover rate of over 100 people a month I was the only white guy. I worked there for a year and a half got along with a good 90% of my coworkers. So why exactly are you projecting. You seem like you lack some life experience bud
Jaxon Carter
You did first, you dumb bastard. And you're giving me shit, for doing what you did. You are a fool, fool.
Nicholas Sanchez
Aiden Cox
My family either wasn't here yet, or were abolitionists. Fuck you, I don't owe you shit. But I'll make you a deal. I can be convinced to endorse reparations if and only if the following conditions are met. 1. The recipient can prove that they are related to the enslaved. 2. It is a one time deal that is to be recieved by all people who qualify at and only at that specific time. 3. It is a uniform amount. 4. Recipients are legally prohibited from demanding further reparations later, claiming legacy of slavery for their own failures, or claiming systemic racism. Failure to comply with these terms leads to the reperation for that family being turned into a loan with 1000000000000000% interest, to be held by the family until it is paid in full.
Xavier Miller
If I remember correctly philly was never the murder capita of the world for over 10 years dude. I'm trying to figure out why you think I only worked with one black guy
Camden Lewis
Thanks, user. I agree, you can tell user is young and lives on what prob he was taught instead of using his own brain.
Colton Flores
Canada's is surprisingly worse. You can only hold office if you are fluent on French and English which makes the majority of representatives Quebecan. Also the prime Minister has an outrageous amount of power and the only check for him is a guy he elects. They sometimes just elect celebrities.
Jose Garcia
Samuel Russell
I don't give a fuck. Let me say it a different way. I give zero fucks today or tomorrow you are a racist. Doesn't affect or effect my day, user.
Julian Brooks
I wasn't the original person you were talking to but you basically told someone they couldn't speak for a race while speaking for a race. Just had to point out the irony
Daniel Hernandez
Dixie Democrats, which are now the GOP.
I know the fact names change and ideals change and that's hard for you to understand, but what used to be called the Democratic party shares the ideals and views of current day conservative republicans.
Camden Davis
The shithole comment was reactionary. I have traveled, and I don't really hate other places. The people there are quite nice, the countries function quite well. But they typically aren't as douchy as Yea Forumstards
But let's just boil the comparison down to one thing. There's more, but let's just focus on one. Freedoms.
>inb4 muh freedoms
That's right, the US is the only country on this planet that guarantees to protect your right to free speech. You might feel comfortable saying what you want, I'm not claiming that your government is actively oppressing you. But NONE of you can claim that your constitution GUARANTEES your rights in the same way the US constitution does. It's a fact. If you don't want to take my word for it, do your research. You'll find that your government has the ability to restrict the ideas that you can freely express in public or in private. If you plan on arguing with this, you'll need to cite the exact legal document and passage that disproves it. You cannot do it.
Levi Brown
Jews bought, captured and sold all the slaves to America. Jew ships were ferrying the slaves across the Atlantic. America is the only country to ever provide black people with freedom from slavery as a right.
Chase Torres
*jews racist history
Juan Thomas
Yeah, I've seen the instructional videos. It's pretty gnarly.
Gavin Ortiz
I dont feel like I have a privilege by being white. I have a privilage because I think logically. I have friends that were born and raised in Gary black and white the smart ones get out. That's all there is to it. They make a way to get out.
Nolan Jenkins
All niggers must fucking hang
Noah Morgan
I guess they're both shit then.
Gabriel Butler
And that's what I did also. Genius. Keep up, if you can.
Nathaniel Kelly
I think black people owe white people reparations, due to the fact that white people had to buy them and then free them, and also the fact that they get to live in modern day United States instead of Ethiopia or Ebola-aids-istan.
Jacob Cruz
Depends on the exact distance you are from the blast. If you're too close, you get incinerated and a desk will just vaporize along with you. If you're farther out where the heat is less intense, and it's more just air pressure, a piece of wood that will absorb and disperse the shockwave can reduce your damages from being blown to pieces down to a few broken bones. It's like ceramic body armor. It fractures so you don't.
Luis Harris
How am i a racist? That's what I'm trying to get out of you but all I'm getting is liberal screeching.
Yeah, Canada as a great government in spite of it. Not because of it. It was kinda disappointing to learn how much of a cluster fuck it is. America is actually setup better crazily enough. I think Canada has the benefit of being Canada (I. E. Not very important) so power hungry people just kinda ignore it for the bigger fish.
Ian Butler
Doubt I'll get a response but OP do you believe blacks were Egyptians?
Michael Moore
I was just pointing out the fact that most of my students think "whites" are all rich and owe them something. When they see what was really going on. It changes the false views they have been told
David Richardson
>being such a nigger that you think you're the only group of people that have been forced into slavery
Joshua Cook
How the fuck is N not for nigger?
Brayden Gutierrez
Or so you believe.
Christian Barnes
Are you Canadian?
Can we be friends?
My Canadian friends are usually pretty nice to me, but they always shit on America and it makes me sad
Look, b/ro I don't know if you're a racist or not. I was just givin ya shit, not trying to call you a racist. Some black people and white people say Black's should get the reps. I don't and never will agree with it. "We" are all in this shit together now. Faught wars side by side. Maybe that's the problem for some? They never had to depend for real, on a black person and that black person or persons, come through. Cultures are different, blah blah, but on the reals, we are the same in the USA. We are all mutts.
A nuke goes off most people and kids will go to the window, and get their faces cooked off.
Hiding under a desk with cover will give the option to not go blind from the blast and maybe escape to a fallout shelter. Every school had a fallout shelter. I found one in my high school from the Eisenhower presidency, it had "emergency crackers" that tasted awful, oil drums for waste, and so many crates of tampons. This was under the squash courts at my school, we found a trap door.
John James
Jews did ameican slavery, raed a boog
Carter Lewis
>we're all mutts
Probably one of the weirdest things about being American is that none of us have our true origins in America. Everyone's got an immigrant story within a few generations. Sometimes they don't know it, but it's guaranteed given how young the country is.
We're an insane clash of cultures. That's one of the reasons I love it so passionately when we actually come together on things.
Carson Rodriguez
>A nuke goes off most people and kids will go to the window, and get their faces cooked off. Ah, doesn't matter if they watch it or hide under a desk. That shit goes right thru anything. Unless you are far enough away to survive the blast but, then you die of radiation. I'd take the quick death watching it or radiation death.
Charles Powell
Most countries were originally built on slave's just how the world used to be. But it's over now and way too late to pay anyone for it.
John James
Here are the lucky whites after slavery. Who are these guys owing money too? Should northern states pay money to these families?
Seems like you'd have to be a very specific distance for a desk to not evaporate or for it to make a difference.
Xavier Mitchell
Germoni steel owes money to Poland. We cannot into space but we can haz Ger-moni.
Austin Anderson
>We're an insane clash of cultures. That's one of the reasons I love it so passionately when we actually come together on things. Couldn't have said it better myself, user. We may hate each other but, when the shit hits the fan, Americans are all in it together. That will never change and why other countries do hate us. Cause if we wanted we could take everyone's shit. That's fo real.
Hunter Cook
Well nukes generally target densely populated areas, so even though it's a small distance range, there will likely be a lot of lives saved by it.
Honest reparations must be paid in white blood. 60 million slaves died from Jamestown to Appamattox. That means 60 million white people need to die
OP can start first
Dominic Taylor
It;s the same way they have you get under a desk during an earthquake. A large nuke creates seismic activity equivalent to a moderate earthquake. So you get under the desk so that if the roof collapses you might not get crushed.
Adam Clark
Ah, nope
Jacob Smith
nice pasta
Hudson Gomez
Desk vrs roof? I'll put a million on the roof winning.
Andrew Allen
The slow rate at which the reparations are being paid back is best, elevate the best and the rest will follow.... Slowly
Everyone knows that one already. No need for a chart.
>yard ape
My fucking sides.
Josiah Fisher
A desk would even be less protection than just a wall or something.. seems better advice is to just move a room over or just down on the ground rather than a desk making the difference.
No idea, don't live in an area with earthquakes, but i'd probably try to get outside rather than hide inside if there's a chance of doing so. Protecting against a nuke in terms of glass shattering and stuff falling down makes more sense than in term of the actual blast.
Carter Richardson
No, fucking Spaniards need to apologize for their atrocities or is genocide for them.
Agreed, all the black nations in Africa should pay reperations to the descendants of the people they sold into slavery
Thomas Robinson
Yep. I hate that 9/11 happened, but I'm glad it happened during my lifetime. That really showed me how quickly we can drop the left/right bullshit, and band together. I just wish it was more obvious how to get people to embrace that mentality without being exposed to death and destruction. We'd be an unstoppable force for good if we could get to that place.
Connor Stewart
Yeah, but a wall will fall over on top of you. I made another post explaining it earlier. Hold on
Brandon Peterson
Jews were major players in the slave trade both to the US and Europe.
Ayden Flores
Crack pipe and a dragon dildo on the ground. They fell outa his ass.
Evan Sanchez
You want to pay to those lazy niggers, go suck their dick
Isn't it clear to you that today niggers cost the US millions of dollars for their bullshit
Hunter Ortiz
Couldn't agree more. We are just all narcissist, really when you think about it. That's our worse problem. My .02
Carson Long
This post The force of a hammer directly on your skin will fuck you up, but put a thin piece of wood in between, and you'll be totally fine. The wood breaks, or dents, and absorbs a certain amount of the force from the hammer. The rest that goes into your body isn't enough to do damage.
In the same way, the desk is possibly destroyed by the shockwave, but you don't get hit with a solid wall of air. Instead, you get the dampened, softer wall of air. Still probably gonna mess you up, but not necessarily rip you to shreds.
Luke Lee
Nice digits
David Richardson
Outside of the blast area. Inside blast area for x amount of miles are totally gone. Zone 2 gets the fallout and dies. Zone 3 minor burns,ect.
Camden Morales
Im just thinking this shockwave that traveled for hundreds of meters if not more, through trees, buildings, fields etc before it hits the building you're in.. I can't see the desk making more than a very mininimal difference unless you're in an open field for some reason with nothing but a desk.
Leaving the classroom or whatever and moving a room over would add a lot more between you and the shockwave than a single desk.
Brandon Watson
Should have said blast radius. But I think you get the point. Far enough away, yes you can survive. In blast area, no. In fallout areas you have a chance of you're prepared.
Carter Myers
I agree, ego is a big problem. There's such emphasis on "sticking to your gut". When it comes to politics, we really should slow down and just listen, even if we're listening to bullshit. It's like we're scared to hear the wrong ideas, because we might actually believe them. Gotta be more brave with our ideas. Gotta pop the media bubbles. That's why I support free speech.
As do I. Big problem is a professional politician on any side of the aisle. There should be no such term for serving the people of the US. We have to wake up and stop accepting the fucking we know we will get. That's what bothers me the most, to busy kept fighting each other instead of getting anything done. It's past comical to the point of nausea.
Thomas King
How’s protected did the people who were called before HUAC feel?
Unless you’re speaking about what’s happening, and what has happened before, specifically, you aren’t part of the discussion. You cannot retreat to what a piece of paper says things should be, you must refer to how things ARE.
(Also, see post-Constitutional slavery.)
Grayson White
You are an idiot.
Elijah Anderson
Well you're kinda right about that. The wall would definitely absorb more of the blast than a desk. Assuming it's made of something solid like wood or brick. Depends on the school. A lot of American schools have what are called "portables", where the walls are basically cardboard. The problem is, if it is a brick wall, then you basically just got a brick wall knocked over onto you.
It's also about how close you are to the blocking object. If it's right against your skin, the shockwave doesn't actually hit you directly, only through the object. If there's enough a gap, the air pressure can hit you with full force. That's why the desk could actually work. It's not so heavy that it'll crush you, and you can get close enough that the shockwave won't build up in between you and it.
Wyatt Hughes
Oh yeah.. US can't beat some poor as fuck nations with some rebels running around, but lets casually dismiss 3 of the strongest military powers as insignificant.
Jaxon Collins
Right, who’s saying anything about Canadian exceptionalism? There’s a long list of “developed” “Western” countries which seem to be doing about as good as you can be doing along most lines we care about, and if anything makes them better or worse places to live to you I’d bet that’s almost completely mitigated by your culture.