If you are pro-choice, you are pro-murder-of-an-innocent-individual

If you are pro-choice, you are pro-murder-of-an-innocent-individual.

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Other urls found in this thread:


are you pro-death penalty?


why's that?

Fuck them kids bruh

If you murder a murderer, the amount of murderers in the worlds remains the same.

So OP is retarded and doesn’t understand that some pregnancies don’t fuckin work and could end with the mom and/or baby dying.
Like by all means you can make your stop to the nearest orphanage and see all the kids that were abandoned by their parents. Hope you like paying for child welfare

I'm pro-murder of any human.

not if you use the same murderer to murder the rest of the murderers.
Checkmate Atheists.

i don't know what others should do, but my moral compass is: would i do it if i had to do it (and would know how to do it).
in this case i wouldn't wanna do an abortion of my baby, so i wouldn't want a doctor to do it. but then i'm a guy and it isn't my decision alone.

what if the girl wants an abortion? shit, i don't know.

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posts this picture one of the most christian positions there is

So, you are anti-choice. you are opposed to people having the freedom of choice.

Are you fully in support of full benefits to mothers whose lives are put on hold for a decade, unable to work while raising the child?

Or does your "pro-life" concern stop the instant the child is out of the womb? Isnt that hypocritical?

do you never think of the lives such a stance ruins? The woman who becomes regnant who would've found a cure for cancer? the woman who never wanted any child, whose future career is taken away?

the main problem we have on earth right now is over population
we must spare each individual we can spare
stop procreating

There are no innocent Kikes

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you wake up in a hospital and find another person surgically attached to you. The doctor tells you that the other person is sick and would die if they are detached. You never consented to this procedure that attached them in the first place. You ask the doctor to remove the other person from you and he agrees. The sick man dies.

Is that murder?

Hitler disagreed.

Fucking bomb logic

if you scratch your skin, you are also a murderer!!

those skin cells could have been altered to clone a human!! they humanity!!

they could have been people!!!

Better the child dies than gets born by a mother that can't take care of it or doesn't want it

That was his mistake

those first two are not humans they are subhumans and most påeople getting abortions are niggers, spics, gooks and white trash so its fine

if you are here you really dont have to worry about getting a girl pregnant anyways

What kind of retarded shit is this? Is this supposed to be an argument for or against abortion?

good stuff, im pro murder then, don't want wakisha and wakanda having their welfare babies down in the hood after both taking jerome creampies at 17 only to neglect and abuse their kids due to their spit of jerome after he left them, every time they look at the lil nigga they see jerome, that's why they don't take proper care of him and abuse him

don't need that shit perpetuated here, let them rip them all out, have 8 month abortions for all I care, wait till it's actually born and torture it to death in front of it's mother for all I give a fuck, if they want to end their child's life, let them


This is a sick way of thinking.

wtf man?

Its good to see a lot of fuckin retards on this thread. Like the people who think that non-viable pregnancies and cases of rape make up more than like 1% of abortions.

Or the people who do not understand the concept of inherent risks in activities (such as having sex). Like, if someone is speeding down the road, they lose control, crash, and kill like 5 people, a minivan. Well, the driver did not consent to crashing, so they shouldn't be charged with vehicular manslaughter, right?

there is no more room man
stop obsessing over it
stop procreating

fucking dogmatic utopist

You are so wrong. Get out of your major metro area by 5 miles and you'll see wide open spaces. Some is farmed, or used to raise food animals. Much is fallow - just left to natures random chance if it isn't planted with tree for building homes or making paper and telephone poles. We do not have a "population problem" there's is most certainly a Responsibility Problem. Using abortion as a form of birth control is irresponsible. Unless it's po folks getting their rug rats trash canned. Then I'm all for stupid genes being trimmed from the tree of humanity.

>What kind of retarded shit is this? Is this supposed to be an argument for or against abortion?
neither really. Just a test to see much you're willing to discard choice and civil liberties to save a life. regardless of how it impacts your own.


Yes it is, are you so selfish that you cannot save a man from dying?

Besides, pregnancy has nothing to do with never consenting, pregnancy is just the consequence of your own choices, face them.

overpopulation in the form of consumption
we got acquainted to commodities and luxuries that will soon be unsustainable if population continues to grow by the predictions

Not OP

Im against abortion unless it threatens the mothers life or is a rape victim. This is a minority.

Im opposed free choice when it concerns the life of someone else

If im the father of the child then id of course pay my part. It was the mothers choice to have sex and risk getting pregnant and she should take the responsibilities and not take the easy way out.

Im not for the death penalty if thats your question.

There are plenty of ways of having sex with minimal risk of pregnancy. If you are stupid and reckless then you should own up to your mistakes and not end the life of a future person

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First of all, that picture of the baby is way older than any law allows for abortion. Second of all, even the bible says a person isn't a person until they draw breath. But neither of those facts are needed because pro-life is just forced birth. Religious fucknuts trying to enforce their morality on a population that doesn't have to abide by it. BTW, The other two pictures are of Christian abuse of other humans.

since the act of sex isn't consent to becoming pregnant. The scenario is a biologically and morally equivalent example of pregnancy.

That is the same way i look at it. Nice that someone in the world shares my thoughts

Do you call yourself a chicken murderer when you eat eggs?


There's a choice for you lad, evolution has spawned sex for procreation, if you want to play with fire and use it for recreation, go ahead, but don't pretend this is an anomaly when you end up pregnant.

That's your choice, you don't get to justify killing another human being that only came to existence through your own actions.

>Yes it is, are you so selfish that you cannot save a man from dying?
sense it presents a risk to me, it's life altering, and I didn't consent to it, yes, I would let him die in that scenario. How would you handle it?

Either way it's a shit analogy. You don't just wake up pregnant against your will, unless you were raped, and even then the baby isn't "sick" . Also why not add to your post to say that you can choose to have the sick man detached and he will die OR in less than 9 months the sick man will detach naturally and you can both live healthy lives afterwards.

Yes, i have no problem killing animals because they are nothing more than animals.

Ist different when it comes to people

'Abortionable' babies aren't thinking feeling human beings, they're clumps of cells that will, if left to its own devices, develop into thinking feeling human beings. And I hate to break it to you, but if a girl takes the pill, then she periods away clumps of cells that will, if left to its own devices, develop into thinking feeling human beings.

You can 'muh fundamentalism' all you want, but you're not allowed to abort a baby that has become a person. That's why there's a time limit on that shit.

Learn to science, you fundie mongoloids.

>There's a choice for you lad, evolution has spawned sex for procreation
in a number of species, including but not limited to humans, sex is also for recreation and social bonding. It's not automatically consent to pregnancy.

>I didn't consent to it

You absolute retard, you know very well that sex has a risk of getting you pregnant, don't pretend that you magically woke up one day and found yourself pregnant, your poor judgement and your choices got you pregnant, that's it.

If it was my own fault and my own responsibility, and the process lasted 9 months, I would definitely save the man, it's my fault he got in this situation in the first place after all

>not a person
You forgot the largest group of people persecuted by the left.

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Except the nigs and Jews are still not people

If my egg contained an half developped chicken able to feel pain, and definitely alive, yeah, i'd probably feel a little unwell

A fetus never experienced life so you're not really taking anything away from it.

>The scenario is a biologically and morally equivalent example of pregnancy.

No it's not you fucking retard.

The act of sex is essentially consenting to a pregnancy.

There is always a small chance of getting pregnant and consenting to sex intales the risk of getting pregnant so in a way consenting to getting pregnant

The child doesn't have to go through a terrible upbringing and probably life subsequently, and the mother won't have her life ruined.

i want all fucking fetuses destroyed
i fucking hate humanity
i wish we could all stop feeling so entitled to a purposeful happy and materialistically rich life and just go back to growing crop and dying at 45

>they're clumps of cells
You're a clump of cells you fucking retard. Ishould beallowed to abort you.

>The act of sex is essentially consenting to a pregnancy.

I would make a 'virgin' joke, but that would undermine how fundamentally ridiculous your beliefs are, bud.

Yah unless the guy who executes the murderer has executed others in the past

>It's not automatically consent to pregnancy.

It absolutely is, it's part of the risks, if you can't handle the consequences, don't do it.

It's like whining that you went to jail for robbing a bank because "it wasn't supposed to go like this", grow up

>babies aren't human beings
Get a load of this moron

unless medically NECESSARY, any abortion is murder.

>unless you were raped,
That does happen and is relevant to the scenario
>and even then the baby isn't "sick"
sick just an analogy for the fact that a fetus would die if "detached" from the mother.

also, 9 months or 9 days, it doesn't matter. it still presents a risk to you and you didn't consent to the procedure. And basically, if you complain about it, "fuck you and your opinion on the situation." is how it will be treated.

>The woman who becomes regnant who would've found a cure for cancer?
>cure for cancer

Sure bud, whatever you want to believe.

Doesn't change the fact that the birth control pill is literally flushing out unborn babies. Contraception in all its forms is baby murder by your logic (as they all kill would-be babies).

Every sperm is sacred...

I know brain dead cunts like you who can't experience anything. We should probably be allowed to kill you too faggot.

You absolute retard, the legal limit in most states is way beyond the development of arms and legs, brain, conscience and the ability to feel pain.

Learn to science, faggot, a fetus doesn't turn into a baby by crossing the canal

yes i am, and now go fuck yourself and contribute something useful to society, you miserable shit

The point inst if its thinking or feeling at the moment of termination

You are preventing the "clump of cells" from forming a human being. This is essentially killing it or at least preventing life.

Using condoms or pills just prevents contraception and the clump of cells that come out with your period would never form a life naturally

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Yes I think of her. She who would kill her own children to get her way.

>The child doesn't have to go through a terrible upbringing and probably life subsequently, and the mother won't have her life ruined.

So what? You could make that argument about post-birth babies. Should we kill them too? Fuck it lets just mass kill poor children and their mothers too.

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I'm pro choice because I feel like morality of the situation isn't black and white, but a gradient proportional to time of gestation. So basically, if you get an abortion when you're only 3 weeks pregnant that's morally justifiable, but you get one after being pregnant for 33 weeks, that's morally wrong. Thankfully most abortions are usually done 9 weeks in.

Also making abortion illegal leads to more problems than it being legal.

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>No it's not you fucking retard.
yes, it is.

if u consented to sex u consented to pregnancy

That's not what the contraceptive pill does, idiot. That's what abortion pills do and also occasionally what the morning after pill does. Get your terminology right.

If this were the case, then you would be campaigning to lower the limits in your backwards-ass pigfucking states, you shit-eating redneck piece of garbage. You're pushing the "ABORTION IS MURDER REGARDLESS" narrative to force your backwards-ass religious opinions on people, so I'm guessing that you're just pulling this out of your ass to justify your own backwards-ass beliefs.

Fetus does not suffer. Killing it may cause grief to the parents, but they should be allowed to decide.

Nice argument.
You're advocating to keep dead weight around.

>whose future career is taken away

The absolute state of the modern progressist, ladies and gentlement, more worried about being a good slave to his masters than about the life of his future sons and daughters.

And then, they have the guts to tell you they're fighting for a "better world"

Go fuck yourself, if someone chooses abortion it is absolutely none of your business

>The act of sex is essentially consenting to a pregnancy.
by driving a car, it's possible that you could hit and kill someone, does that mean driving is consent to involuntary man slaughter, and all the life impact that has for you?

>oh and nice dubs

>If you are pro-choice, you are pro-murder-of-an-innocent-individual.

Nope. If you are pro-choice, you don't believe that a fertilized egg is the same as a fully functioning, independent, sentient human being.

>It absolutely is, it's part of the risks, if you can't handle the consequences, don't do it.
does that include all forms of non consensual sex as well?

>you didn't consent to the procedure.

If you still can't see how your analogy doesn't work with pregnancy/abortion then I'm wasting time replying to you. Read my previous post. Understand it. You don't just wake up in a hospital pregnant out of the fucking blue. You did something which you knew could lead to pregnancy. A responsible person deals with the consequences of their actions. Your analogy is shit and you should feel bad. Work on it and come back.

Good luck ever getting laid again.

the primary purpose of a car is not murder. the primary purpose of sex is procreation.

I'm not even American nor religious, the world doesn't revolve around you guys.

Watch this if you want to get closer to the truth


But you probably won't, there is no way you would allow your preconceived opinions to be challenged

That's what (((they))) want

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>non consensual sex

You got your answer right there mate

Thats why you kill more than one at the same time, as to keep those numbers dropping.

Right about what a pro-choice is, wrong about what a fertilized egg is...

>If someone chooses to shot children in front of you it's none of your business

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>abortionable babies
a couple generations ago no baby was "abortionable." regardless, I know what you mean. notice how politicians and the public are becoming more and more generous with that term.

>clump of cells
this line is a load of shit that oversimplifies the beautiful miracle that is life that is told to gullible goy to help them justify the destruction of their kin, race and family and is a tactic to try to alleviate their guilt (can't be done). does pic related look like a clump of cells? if you could do this to your child and not feel any remorse you truly have no soul.

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Ive had a few GF and had sex with them. We always made sure that she had a spiral (non hormonal) and i had a condom.

Iva had alot of sex with my girlfriends and never ever had a unplanned pregnancy because i was aware of the risks and minimized them.

Its stupid to say that there are no risks involved in sex.

Btw i im not trying to brag about sex because i really dont have anything to brag about, ive had GF's like everyone else here

It is if my tax dollars pay for it, shit cunt.

You can straw man my argument all you want but the purpose of driving is not murdering people but the purpose of sex is getting someone preggo

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>the primary purpose of a car is not murder. the primary purpose of sex is procreation.
until you consider the fact that vast majority of sexual encounters do not lead to pregnancy and were not intended to either.

So for humans, no, it's not the primary purpose.

No man the primary purpose is having fun and fucking the shit out of that bitch

see this
the others are right, I think you are a virgin.

None of them are people, though...

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If you use a screwdriver to hit a nail, it doesn't make it a hammer

whew... tough to watch, user, but thank you. short and to the point. going in the save folder.

Haha nailed that one.

You made me KEK pretty hard

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it does if it works.


Im pro life but not for a ideological or religious reason, its simply fucking unfair that an innocent person has his right for living ripped off by an irresponsible slut who couldnt take care of herself, THE FETUS IS NOT ALIVE but it will be. My main point is,if the pill doesnt work anymore the baby has the right to live.
During the tme the pill is effective there isnt even an indvidual and theres the slight chance that he or she will never be born.
Stop being some brainwashed right wing losers who blame educated women when its completely the opposite, poorer cltures and people tend to be less educated and always expect the fast solutions, the only solution to this prolem for both sides is proper education ad values, not religion.

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You're a clump of clells too.

The Jews want abortions to be illegal?

People would consider a single celled microbe on Mars to be life, but when it's in a mother's womb it's just a clump of cells.

Just like if you call a fantasy book a bible, it doesn't make it non-fiction

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Don't talk about the holy book like that you absolute piece of shit!!

jk lol, I don't give a fuck I'm not religious, turns out people can care about the murder of fellow human beings without believing in god, who would've thought?

This is the same reason why im pro choice.

>Stop being some brainwashed right wing losers who blame educated women when its completely the opposite, poorer cltures and people tend to be less educated and always expect the fast solutions, the only solution to this prolem for both sides is proper education ad values, not religion.

I haven't really heard anybody use this argument when being pro choice

I didn't assume you were religious. Just wanted to seize the opportunity

Complete detachment from reality is this?
Good luck with life. retard

If you are ok with eating meat you should be ok with abortion too. Beings with lower levels of self awareness are subordinated those with higher. No amount of gory pictures will change that.

That's the whole point you brainless fucking moron.

>Complete detachment from reality is this?
Yeah, it sucks when you have to consider a moral choice that puts you in a similar situation to a pregnant woman. Empathy is a bitch.

>an irresponsible slut who couldnt take care of herself
Or a child.

Also, people who were never born, don't care that they were never born.

Also, where does the sympathy unborn people end? Should we impregnate every egg cell ever produced by a human to minimize potential people not being born? Should we clone the DNA of every miscarriage and stillborn and give them another try? Wouldn't that be even more "fair"?

Animals are not humans. Stop doing a bunch of mental gymnastics

If it doesn't have a name, it isn't important. Really that simple.

I couldn't give a fuck less if some bird flew in front of my car and died. I'd care if it were my pet bird.

Same thing applies here. I don't give a fuck about an unnamed mass of flesh sucking life from it's host. I care about established, developing people who are learning and living in the present day.

Well, fetuses are definitely human, I just think we should be allowed to kill the unborn. Dooming someone to living when no one wants to raise them is a worse fate than death in my eyes. Nothing but a lifetime of agony awaits a child like that. I care more about easing suffering than the so called "sanctity" of life. Life is naturally painful, and I wouldn't doom my worst enemy to it.

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>If you are ok with eating meat you should be ok with abortion too. Beings with lower levels of self awareness are subordinated those with higher. No amount of gory pictures will change that.

Except I don't parade around pretending that evil is those who refuse to eat meat, and that the only humans worthy of respect are the meat eaters.

By the way that's a non argument, pro choice people do not justify abortion in any way that would justify meat consumption, meat consumption is a choice, you know very well that the meat you are eating is coming from a living being with its own feelings (pain being one of them), you don't convince yourself that the choice is yours to make because the meat was just a clump of cell, you know you're a piece of shit willing to kill another being for his own comfort, and you make your peace with it, you're not trying to convince yourself that you are the good guy.

Me: What is it /pol/? What is girl?
/pol/: *shit post* *shit post*
Me: The Jews want abortion illegal?
/pol/: *shit post* *shit post*
Me: The Jews are New York?
/pol/: *shit post* *shit post*
Me: The Jews are going to make abortion illegal in New York?

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Yeah but humans ARE animals. Stop believing we need to be above everything and anything else. We have instincts, we have primal urges, because we are animals.

Survival of the fittest. Useless children coming out of underachieving mothers who will never raise and care for those kids themselves are useless. We don't need ever more money gobbling cunts raking in checks just because they fucked and "want to take the moral high ground" by keeping their worthless children.

What you retards always seem to think is "every baby could be a genius, cure cancer!!!111". Well with that same path of logic, every baby could be the next Hitler. That's heavily beside the point, however. The real point is that people who are most likely to have intelligent and successful children NEVER CONSIDER HAVING AN ABORTION IN THE FIRST PLACE.

99% of the people getting abortions can't afford the kid, don't want the kid, are already in terrible situations, or are not fit to raise children in the first place. Genes pass on, which means these shitty parents with dump out just as shitty children.

Get over it you fucking pussies.

Daily reminder that women who have had abortions (or even miscarriages) are forever haunted. It's not some no-big-deal operation that you go in, have done and then forget about. Women are reminded daily of what they've done. If they had their abortion five years ago and randomly see a five-year-old child they think, "oh, my baby would have been five now." Imagine living with that.

90% of all abortions aren't because of mother life risk, or baby deformations, or rape, they are mostly caused by women being selfsh pieces of shit

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>overpopulation in the form of consumption
Buzz Words. You're Triggered by Al Goreisms
> soon be unsustainable if population continues to grow by the predictions
Is this an "inconvenient truth"? Like Global cooling!!1!...Oh, Wait! Global Warming!1!!...No! Climate Change!1! Figure out which "science"fisction story you want to use and stick to it even if it gets old, stale, and disproved. I'm guessing you also believe your religious predictions extend to other planets? Does CO2 numbers explain melting polar ice caps ... on Mars? Which human activity caused that? I prefer to know that humans ARE a force in nature, but if we tried we couldn't affect the climate. But you have your "beliefs", so go talk to China about pollution.

Based & Redpilled

Yeah! Let's say fuck abortion and instead let's have mass child abuse and child neglect because parents cannot properly take care of their children. Millions of kids should suffer a horrible, meaningless existence under excruciating circumstances because "I know better than you".

>mfw I found $5 on the ground yesterday
Thanks Jews

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look. another uninformed liberal trying to justify the right to kill ones own child

you can never come up with a reason to abort... besides the mothers life being at risk, which is less than 1% of all cases.

so, who is retarded? op? or you, using the 1% to justify the 99%?

what about this person's choice and freedom?

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LEGALIZE EUTHANASIA (it's actually quick and painless)

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Jews aren't people

you are retarded.
even the Bible says a fetus isn't a person.....

Jews eat babies

>doesn't have a name
but it does: boy, girl, human, baby, child, your child.
you talk tough about being able to wash your hands of guilt after being through an abortion procedure, but I assure you it's not that easy.

>that's morally justifiable
that is literally your opinion and shitty one at that

>Also making abortion illegal leads to more problems than it being legal.

this is proven inaccurate. several countries recently have outlawed abortion. no "catastrophe" resulted from it as you democrats love to project without a lick of evidence.

does the bible say much about women actually?

Having a baby you can't afford or raise is a woman being a selfish piece of shit.

lol, wut choice or freedom

They are destined to live, they have the right such as everyone else, you being alive cant even comprehend the consequences of not having the right to live, your mere existence is decided by someone who enyoys the right of living given her parents.

caps doesn't make your innacurate statement any more accurate.

Youre telling me a being with a heart beat it in fact, not alive? How does a being grow and not be alive?

The Jews giveth the Jews taketh away.

Jews aren't people. Jewish people are part people and part Jew. That's why they're called Jewish, they're only partially Jew.

I have heard that numerous times from people o the pro life spectrum, mainly far right loosers, religious people and boomers. The only thing I want to make clear is that to may of our worlds problems education for all is the best solution

>this is proven inaccurate.
>you democrat
>to project without a lick of evidence.
literally your own post

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Legalize voluntary euthanasia and abortion! Make the butt-hurt repubs pay for it with their taxes.

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I guess you're too stupid to understand the importance of consistency with arguments.

There is a difference between humans and other animals even though humans are technically animals.

>What you retards always seem to think is "every baby could be a genius, cure cancer!!!111". Well with that same path of logic, every baby could be the next Hitler.

I dont care if the kid is the next Hitler or cures cancer, it will most likely end up living a fucked up life and not achieving anything.

I just think that it should have the right to choose to become something.

Im so tired of arguing on the internet its pointless and doesn't achieve anything, im tired and i want to go to bed.

Good night M8

The lack of abortios isnt the problem, uneducation is the problem uneducated people follow their primal instincts, which one of them is reproducing nonstop like animals

actually what I said is fact, you can choose not to believe it

I provided FACT, you provided shitty opinion.

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when i was a fetus i wanted to be a shit-poster when I grew up

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youre not actually pro-life, youre pro-birth+pro-control-of-people's-bodies

So fucking what

Of course you wouldn't want people doing morally justifiable things, wouldn't you, Satan?

Thanks, but I'm not going to take morality lessons from Yea Forums

Y'all is nasty

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You didn't though

Yes, what's your point?

>CoNtRoL oThErS pEoPlEs BoDiEs

i love this argument. I really do. why? Because it makes you look like a retarded hypocrite. What about the fucking body inside the womb?

Democrats continue to prove themselves as hypocritical liars on a daily basis

If i personally go to choose id take all the low life people and send them to live on some huge island far away from everyday people

>edgy the post

then tell me what i said was factually untrue and rebutt it with evidence

just because i don't provide a source doesn't make it factually inaccurate.

Lol..I'm not the user you're talking to but I am curious. What is your educational background then since you "know" so much?

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Not an argument moralfag

I think that convicted rapists and most murderers should automatically be burned at the stake.

>literally can't exist outside the body of a real person
can't be an individual unless you can live individually, kiddo.

bumping for the b8 m8

So for the retarded immoral murderers of children jews and niggers weren't people but then they turned into killing kids as soon as they got rights? Got it.

So do you believe in aborting babies or not?


>They are destined to live
If they are destined to live, then why aren't they alive?
>they have the right such as everyone else
More so then egg cells, sperm cells, miscarriages and stillborns?
>you being alive cant even comprehend the consequences of not having the right to live
Actually I can, but someone who isn't can't.
>your mere existence is decided by someone who enyoys the right of living given her parents.

Parasites are not innocent individuals

This is the dumbest justification for abortion that I hear all the time. First off, a third party did not create the baby. The woman's body did, which is her responsibility, even if her brain did not consciously cause it to happen. second, 99.9% of the time, her own actions caused the situation. Third, people have a responsiblity to take care of their children. You could use the same argument to say that it would be okay to let an infant starve to death, since by feeding it it consumes your time an energy. Totally retarded line of thinking.

If you are anti-choice, you are pro-enslavement-of-another-individual

Its sad that you see them as parasites

>he posted on a board filled with nazis
>3 months

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Not him, but...
>which is her responsibility
Which she takes care of by either having the baby or having it aborted.
>people have a responsiblity to take care of their children
People are free to put their children up for adoption.

I think there is a point when it changes from a bunch of cells to a child. Up until that point, given appropriate circumstances e.g rape, accidental pregnancy etc an abortion would be ok.

Killing your child is not taking care of the responsibility. Sorry.

That's fine, the world needs fewer people right now. Especially people who are irresponsible enough to have an unplanned kid.

it is. cry more.

Having the fetus aborted is.

>3 month parasitic thing

You're shit posting. You're posts are bull shit. You make wild claims without any evidence. I treat every word you type a grain of salt and assume there may be an attempt to bamboozle me. It is not my duty to debunk what I disbelieve. You are faggot. You are a nigger. And you take your posts too seriously. And you demand respect and an intellectual discussion you don't deserved.

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

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you can abort in the 6th month were im from. looks like a baby to me

Lol. Keep saying that and maybe you can convince yourself.

consider this

upon conception (sperm fertililzes egg)

that embryo is unique. it has DNA that no other organism in the world has. it is genetically a human being. yes, not fully developed, but if you allow it to follow its course. a human will come out.

"accidental pregnancy"

so, youre okay with someone killing their child, with a heart beat, because they dont want to raise their child?

Why is killing the first choice, or a choice at all? Why is adoption not an option

I dont use antibiotics

pretty easy to say that while youre alive and well eh?

you don't have to post when talking to yourself

Calling a human a fetus doesn't make it any less human. It is a living creature who has 2 biological parents. And guess who the mother is?

neither do you use your brain

it's sad that you get sad from a Yea Forums post

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lol if my gf got pregnant rn, and she was considering, I’d be down for an abortion. Sex is great, but we aren’t ready for that kind of commitment.


Eat my ass, I do what I want. And if it’s legal, then I’m not doing anything wrong.

It has been shown in recent years of research that an 8 weeks old human fetus can actually feel Pain

9 weeks old react to loud noise, dream sleep, taste food, and know the difference between his mother's voice and others

10 weeks old can move and stretch and even "breathe" the amniotic fluids in and out

but most importantly, Human behavior is rooted at a very early stage of pregnancy, that is, just a few weeks after conception, before a woman even knows she's pregnant

so there are No real excuse for bitches to actually murder their own babies because "da doc said it ain't human yet and it don't feel pain"

you don't want babies? don't have them from the beginning, use protection or take pills you fucking cunts.....don't just have them and then fucking murder (yes, murder) them like if it's nothing while pretending they aren't alive because the bonerless sterile doctor said so

Let's consider how many un-adopted kids there currently are without a real home.

No multiply that by the number of additional kids who would need adopting if nothing like abortion or Plan B existed.

No, it's not an option. Additionally, full term pregnancy causes many permenant physical changes in women and general suffering. Many wouldn't want to go through the process of having a fucking baby in the first place.


tell that to God's face when you die. The laws of man are not the only laws there are.

I never said it wasn't human. It's definitely human. It definitely has 2 biological parents. None of that changes how getting an abortion is dealing with the consequences of your actions.


They have a responsibility to themselves as well. To not birth a child into the world if it is truly detiremental to their own life. You wanna say later stage abortion is uncool, sure I hear ya. But often pro-life faggots will act like even a very early fetus is already conscious and aware. It's not. And you're a cunt trying to force people who make shit decisions to bring up someone who will make shit decisions just like their parent.

>believing in God
ayy lmao

Lets kill those orphans too then

You got drunk and were forced into a minivan which you then drove back home when you suddently killed 3 people. Are you responsible for those people deaths because you got drunk? No.

Start with yourself faggot

I will, and he’d understand. We didn’t kill a being with a soul/personality. We just prevent it

yeah i'm sure "we just decided to play God, God" will go over well. Let me know how that goes for you.

My parents aborted their first. If it were not for abortion, I would not exist.


They didn't want to have a kid because they were utterly destitute. If they hadn't had the extra two years to get their lives together a bit I'd have had an even poorer and more neglected childhood than I already did. So yes, I'm thankful the option exists.

We need to curb this population problem while we can.

stoning people to death and chopping their heads off is legal in some countries.....just because it's legal it doesn't make it right

I hate my life, and I hate you
I hate my wife, and her boyfriend, too
I hate to hate, and I hate that
I hate my life so very bad
I hate my kids, never thought
That I'd praise abort

>but my big book of fairy tales says

Go whip yourself you zealot

Its not like killing, its more like eating an egg.


Well we don’t know God, you can’t tell me you know what he wants.

God Over whelming loves us, and I’m totally confident that he’d forgive.

Don’t pretend you know something you know absolutely nothing about

so let's just kill babies....problem solved !

>grown adults are the same as developing fetuses

Good job.

OP is not a person. No one can really be this stupid

I never said I spoke for God. The Bible does, though. God will be your judge, but I can take an educated guess on how he'll rule.

I'm pro murder of unborn fetuses before they are fully developed humans, how is that hard to understand?

They aren't babies until they are born, idiot.

Unless you'd also like to make them productive members of society by sending them to trade school or university on your taxpayer dime and give them affordable healthcare, I'm afraid you've got no argument here.

also he will forgive...if you ask for it. I have a feeling you don't even believe He exists, though.

what about my dog who has dreams and a life story I'd eat him too

>LEGALIZE EUTHANASIA (it's actually quick and painless)
Mind if I choose to abort you? You'll hardly feel it and I'll feel much better. SHOUTING IN CAPS dose not reinforce your argument. It makes you look childish.

Abortion can NOT be like killing a child, because that thing you're aborting, would literaly be a bundle of stem cells.

you totally missed the point......I was pointing to the deficiency in your argument, that "If it's legal, then it's not wrong"

Half the idiots here hate the first two. What a dumb meme to use.

You ask me so well let me explain it to you if someone doesnt let you have a right but at the same time that someone has that right wouldnt that be FUCKING UNFAIR

Giving those sluts the choice to have a faster solution to their problems doesnt mean there will be less sluts or problems, the solution is proper education.

You’re a Virgin, aren’t you?

If you’re not, and you’re having sex, that it’s self is a sin. You’re claiming you know the Bible, then you know ALL sin is equal. Lying, murder, rape, ect. It’s all the same, and can be forgiven. Except Blasphemy.

Me preventing a birth is just as bad as a lie through the eyes the God, at least the Bible claims.

linguistic errors aside, they are still living creatures

Yes I do? Are you retarded lol

I'm actually someone who believes that abortion is murder, but who thinks it should be legal, purely so that we can let these dumb asses remove themselves from the gene pool. They can kill their own children all they want, I don't care.

A chicken egg was technically a living creature, but I don't call it a goddamn chicken.

>What is your educational background
Wow, a fancy chart that has nothing to do with the points being discussed. I'll await your post explaining your education and how your framed document is bigger than my framed document.

And to follow on from this A person isn't simple biology. A person is a collection of memories and experiences. A fetus has no such things, and as such, is not really a person at all yet.

Virginia Democrat spotted

2 3dgy 4 me

the people who want an abortion should not be having kids. I'd rather live in a world without unwanted children turned into screwed up adults. This suffering generally begets more suffering. The rich can and will get abortions regardless of the law, this has always been the case. When we talk about choice it is only really about whether the poor have a choice. When abortion is made illegal or unsafe it only affects the poorest and most destitute people. For this reason I am for publically available sterilization, birth control, and abortion. I would potentially be for forced sterilization as I do not believe procreation is an inalienable right. I would be for state-encouraged or mandated procreation if society demanded more people (which I don't think it will for a few decades). Is abortion murder? Yes. Is it unethical? Definitely. Am I for it? 100%.

Why is it that Pro-Choice supporters are also Anti Death Penalty Vegans?

>if someone doesnt let you have a right but at the same time that someone has that right wouldnt that be FUCKING UNFAIR
Well fair is relative. Unfair to me? To them fair?
Also, there are different kinds of fairness.

>Giving those sluts the choice to have a faster solution to their problems doesnt mean there will be less sluts or problems
Isn't having solutions to problems a good thing? Wouldn't having more sluts be a good thing?

It's more than a bundle of cells. They're organized and some organs have formed. That being said it's not an autonomous living form, it's not a developed human being and it's not a conscious being. It's less than murdering a chicken.

Now if you're vegan and pro-choice go fuck yourself :)

made me hungry

>That was his mistake
>mistake = wrong
Hitler did nothing wrong


are you talking from experience?

Actually, only their foreskin

Way to dodge the question.

>I'll await your post explaining your education and how your framed document is bigger than my framed document.

Salty much? I'm sorry your welding certification doesn't qualify you to understand the science behind anthropogenic climate change. Nice try though!

>Is this an "inconvenient truth"? Like Global cooling!!1!...Oh, Wait! Global Warming!1!!...No! Climate Change!1! Figure out which "science"fisction story you want to use and stick to it even if it gets old, stale, and disproved. I'm guessing you also believe your religious predictions extend to other planets? Does CO2 numbers explain melting polar ice caps ... on Mars? Which human activity caused that? I prefer to know that humans ARE a force in nature, but if we tried we couldn't affect the climate. But you have your "beliefs", so go talk to China about pollution.

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the fucking body inside the womb is not an independent being at that stage.

Abortions beyond the 3rd month are only considered if the pregnancy threatens the mother's life.


why are you wrong?

Yeah I'm pro-choice cause the less people born the better

Dubs don't lie. So how are those bean sprouts? Kill any of your babies this week? Got your protest signs ready for the next execution?

Okay then you help take care of it.
Medical bills for birth too.

>Dubs don't lie
was that a shakira song?

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that's just a legal definition, nothing more, nothing less......it doesn't have any moral dimensions

an egg doesn't feel pain, contrary to a human fetus

I'm pro life except when it comes to minorities

Whites are a minority in South Africa

Rip the cells out and it can live all by itself. Problem solved

You’re a nigger

If you're anti abortion you hate the environment.

Still waiting on an answer user.

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i think he's on about the insinuation of a "holocaust"
that's not welcome anywhere.


No U. Read my post again. And that's another fancy picture you posted, but it doesn't reinforce your argument.

They were right in 1815, they were right in 1945, they were right in 2015 and they are right today. The question is are you ready to stop standing on the wrong side of history?