Have you ever exposed your penis to a female friend or girl in general? Stories would be appreciated...

Have you ever exposed your penis to a female friend or girl in general? Stories would be appreciated, also dick flash thread in general.

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No but this girl I was seeing a while back always used to tell me her mates would flash their dicks to her and idk why but I kinda liked the thought

did she express interest or enjoyment about the fact it was being done to her?

Does nudism count?

No girls but i like to show my dick off to other guys.

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good reactions from any?

sure, but did you get erect or did any show interest?

Hard to tell, she did comment on how big they were though, dunno if that's a clue

Nah, lol

One guy even covered his eyes. I wish they had positive reactions tho. Wouldve made it funnier

erect when you showed them?

I used to stay round a friends house every couple of weeks for a day or too and if I showered I would wait for his mum to walk past the bathroom while I opened it and walked out wiping my face with the towel and exposing my dick.

Idk why I used to do it.

love these vids
who's got'em?

About 2 years ago I went out with friends, afterwards as I live the opposite side of town I got the train home myself. I sat down drunk and a pretty girl sat beside me also quite drunk we chatted for a bit and had a laugh she leaned in for a kiss and I rejected her as I was seeing someone she was quite embarrassed and for some reason I in buttoned my jeans and began masterbating just under my jacket so she could watch as I started to cum her face lit up, she was the next stop stood up and kissed me on my forehead and touch some seamen with her finger . As the train move away through the glass she waved and then put her finger in her mouth. To this day I never new her name it was a surreal experience


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Yes. I have a 9inch dick. Mostly I expose it via snap, but sometimes on purpose.

It has a surprising positive effect. I probably wouldn't have as much success if I wasnt so attractive and large

Were you trying to bang her or something because that’s what it sounds like lol

Is the pic urs OP?

thats the hottest shit on earth lad

No but I've mooned several people at a golf course.

erect while ya did it?

describe her face as she watched

I dont know why ugly people still makin fkin ugly babies in dis world

I remember her just being fixated and taking deep breaths seemed to intensify if I pulled my foreskin back fully exposing my head, when I started to cum there was quite a lot she raised her eye brows in delight and maybe a little shock

Haven't exposed full before, but sometimes I make the bulge obvious and know the school girls are peeking. Works good with just gym shorts.

I've greentexted this story quite a bit, but nobody ever believes it.
>have lesbian friend in college
>short, nerdy hispanic girl studying to be a botanist
>drinking with her and a classmate she's got a crush on one night, trying to get her laid
>her crush passes out and goes to sleep in her bedroom
>friend and I sitting around, continue drinking
>she confesses that she's turned on by dicks, just not the guys they're attached to
>being an exhibitionist, I get excited as fuck
>offer to show her my dick
>too embarrassed at first, but she eventually she agrees
>she rubs my balls while I jerk off an inch from her face
>cum in her open palms
>she gets with crush officially the very next day
>continue seeing friend behind her gf's back so she can watch me jerk off, occasionally blows me
>lots of fun times
>she takes a break from the middle of a date to meet me out into the parking lot and jerk me off while her gf waits inside
>her gf finds my nut on her shirt once and doesn't think anything of it because she'd never suspect she was into cocks
>she moves away after graduating, gets hard into SJW shit, never talks to me again
I'll always remember the way she looked at my dick. She was always so exhilarated and nervous and clinical, but in a really hot, novel kind of way. My best days are truly behind me.

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What is the logic in thinking kissing a girl when you have a girlfriend is unacceptable, yet pulling your cock out on a public train and jizzing at her is fine?

Pull my cock out on Omegle occasionally, sometimes girls get naked or want to watch. Not that frequently though

>be 13
>female casual friend from another class
>not exactly a looker so I'm not beta around her
>once admitted she masturbated during a conversation on the subject
>at this age a girl masturbating is like learning about the Illuminati
>see her in the bus on my way home
>ask her out of the blue if she wants to go to my place and show each other how we masturbate
>did it because so far it worked with some of my (male) friends
>(have 2 regular jo buds at that point)
>somehow she says yes
>house for ourselves
>go to my room
>I go first
>throbbing hard even before pulling my pants down
>she looks at my cock like it's a lost Rembrandt
>I get completely naked
>she discovers men precum
>stroke and cum in front of her
>make a huge mess on the bed
>she was the fourth person seeing that
>I'll never forget her smile
>her turn
>she refuses to do it
>I don't insist because... because I'm not a psycho idk
>go back to our lives
>never talk about it again
>go to different high schools and lose contact

I still jerk off to the memory

I think it was drunken logic lol I'm not cheating if we don't connect physically probs... I did struggle with it sober I must admit

Did she look like a dyke? She ever show you anything to help you cum?

>Did she look like a dyke
A little, but not really. I would've fucked her.
>She ever show you anything to help you cum?
She used to wag her tongue near the tip of my dick, which was surprisingly hot. I felt her tits up a few times, too. She was very self-conscious so she had to be horny as fuck for that. Not a bad body at all, she was just a nervous mess.

How quick did you usually nut? Ever get a look at her pussy?

where did you usually cum?

Time usually depended. I could get myself off pretty fast if we were in a rush, and she got better at sucking dick throughout the year or so we were fooling around. If I dropped by on an open Saturday or something we could take turns stroking it through 1-2 episodes of Lost before I let myself nut. Never saw her pussy. It was always very much focused on me, and I was happy with the exhibitionist thrill I had. I'd pretty much always cum in her hand. Came once in her mouth, and she wasn't a fan of that. She loved watching it shoot, anyway.

Did you manage to cum on her clothes often, or was getting it on her shirt a one time thing?

What did she do after you came in her hands?

Holy shit user, wish I had a moment in my virgin life like that.

no but I have a story for you I totally forgot up until now.

I went to London as a tourist, with a gf.
We were situated in a hostel. The said hostel shared bathroom but had showering compartments in which you could dress after shower etc.
So me and my girlfriend took a shower and the dude who heard us basically came out full naked. It was strange, he really wanted to show his dick to my gf and I was having none of it so after she turned and left the bathroom I got him by the neck and slammed him into a wall. I didn't say a thing nor did he but he knew what's up.

I don't want them to laugh their ass off.

>take picture of my dick on a girls phone that she left on the coffee table
>a few weeks later mostly the same people hanging out again
>she tells a couple of us that at the last party someone took a dick pic on her phone
>everyone kind of chuckled
>the one girl asked the girl with the camera if it was nice
>she grinned and said ya

My dick is average at best but I took it at a flattering angle.

efukt has those vids, some wins also

I kinda started showing my dick on kik and snap

basically I started getting confidence lately since I lost a ton of weight and my dick actually looks bigger

I've exposed my penis to my female friend and she sucked me off. She's my girlfriend. That's how it works. Get on tinder and stop being a weird faggot.

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>Be me, 20 year old virgin college student working at a LLC
>Week of exams, middle of night
>Studying at a table in our basement and there was a 6/10 qt studying there as well
>She wanted some chicken tendies from McD
>Offers and took her in my truck to get tendies
>We went up in my room to consume precious tendies and talked for a while on my bed
>Talked about how I've never kissed a girl and stuff
>Out of nowhere we started kissing (I didn't notice when she initially leaned in, had a retarded moment and noticed she was trying to kiss)
>kiss develops into a make-out session
>we went to bed after the make-out
>next day we hung out again
>furiously make out, again
>actually start stripping her down
>her first time getting sexual, she says
>6/10 cute chub
>go third base, apparently I am pretty good
>she strips me down, erect 4.5 minor power tower whips out
>she plays wtih it some, bj and hj
>she wants me to finish myself up as she already finished (clueless and no idea what to do, do it anyway and nut)
>she had to go to work
>been ghosting me since then

Am I too retarded? Have Asperger's Syndrome

>Did you manage to cum on her clothes often, or was getting it on her shirt a one time thing?
Occasionally. I'd never really intended it, but it happened more than once. Most of the times we would just get really caught up, neither of us wanted me to stop, and it flew wherever it flew. The time she got "caught" it was actually an accident, though.
>What did she do after you came in her hands?
She'd take care of it herself. Usually she'd either get up and go to the kitchen or bathroom, then wipe her hands. In retrospect, I'm surprised she was never cumshy. I assume she liked feeling it.

she gave u pity oral after seeing ur tiny dick and bailed

>When I was a struggling to get pilots position
>at the airlines a nurse I was dating got me a
>maintenance job at a nursing home.
>The manager was a woman about 30, cute on
>the verge of chubby. Annoying librarian type.
>after a few weeks I just had a little contact
>with a nurse and she called me into her office.
>stood at her desk with tight jeans and a semi
>printing was obvious and her eyes were
>locked onto it. She was stuttering.
>made it a habit to fluff up whenever I had to
>talk to her.
>I got the call with a start date so I was going
>to give notice but instead that morning
>I went in after rubbing it full hard.
>She was totally lost at that point so I just
>said "would you want to see it for real?"
>Flustered she nodded yes so I whipped it out.
>Walked around her desk stroking it.
> told her to hold it and she did.
>told her "suck it like you look at it"
>She put her lips right on it.
>Ended up banging her hard.
>Next day told her I was leaving as she made
>me uncomfortable. She gave me a months
>severance to keep quiet.
>Gotta love librarians.

You do know that the greentext holds between lines as long as you don't hit return/enter, right?
This isn't plebbit, we have decent formatting.

yeah but not in person

i do it on skype

meet a girl on a social social network site or dating app, like just straight up ask for skype or imo and dont say anything else

if they give me their skype or imo i video call them straight away, when they answer im laying down, im shirtless, my penis is covered with a blanket and i am playing with it

if they dont end the call i move the blanket and start slowly masturbating

honestly most of them watch me until the end, but these are women that are giving out there skype or phone number to a random guy they never spoke to, they are whores and they knew what was going to happen.

is this greentext formatting bait?

i cant even fucking read that retard. learn to greentext

First timer. Will do better next time.

I've been doing this for a long time so ama if you want i guess, i got a little while to spare.

My ex used to talk about my dick to her friends whenever she was drunk.
Started hating the bitch because she was a parasite, and I fuck every single one of her girlfriends.
When she broke up with me i sent her a beautiful collage of my dick in their mouths. Bitch threatened to kill herself, nothing happened.

Do the girls strip or start touching themselves?

jesus christ, happened to me also with an ex. also, every fucking time she was drunk and there was a talk about sex she would basically dump our sex live to our friends. I HATED that shit

incorrect greentext formatting. Lurk more.

Absolutely. Pretty Much as often as I can get away with it. Especially to my friends girlfriends or wives. Normally situations when drinking while wet, river, pools, out the shower when I crash at their place, Just obvious wardrobe malfunctions. >> recently i stayed with my little cousin and his wife for a week. They live in a beach town in Florida so I was crashing their place, they both had to work I just chilled at their house and beach. One day knowing that Emilia would get back from work first I took a bath in their master bathroom jacuzzi tub leaving the door cracked open and having headphones in my ears as I lay there gently stroking my hard cock pretending that I didn’t know that she came in to the bathroom behind me. She loved it, walked around with no bra on flirting with me the rest of the night.

Pic related

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Not many of them to be honest, a few have. Two really stand out because they really got in to it. One made herself cum before I came.

Another one was of them was parked in a car in a busy street in the middle of the day, she kept starting to play with her tits over the top of her shirt, and brefly putting a finge ralmost in her mouth but then she'd realise where she was and stop. That was hot af lol.

I've never really been about them doing anything though tbh. I just want to look at their face while I stroke my cock.

Yes, not on purpose

>Be 12
>Wear briefs
>Get made fun of for it at school
>Have two pairs of boxer-looking swim shorts
>Wear those over briefs on gym days
>People leave me alone
>No longer get the urinal cake thrown at me
>Get so used to this
>One weekend, my grandmother takes my sister and I to a beach in New Hampshire
>Wear the boxer shorts
>Run across the boardwalk, get in the water, immediately find out they are not actually swim shorts
>From wearing them so much and having pants over them, the elastics were worn
>One good wave and SNAP
>Shorts fall down while I’m in the water, exposing ocean-soaked briefs
>Some other kid comes along and yanks them down
>Everyone nearby is laughing at me
>Cant find shorts, New England water is dark
>Wave hits me, I fall over, now the briefs are gone too
>Need to get out of the water without being noticed, GOOD LUCK
>Find massive clump of seaweed, get idea
>Walk out of the water with about 10lbs of seaweed wrapped around my waist and groin like some slimy loincloth
>Walk to the nearest bathroom on the boardwalk
>Turn, bump into this teenage blonde girl
>Seaweed unravels, falls, making this wet PLOP
>She busts out laughing and runs off
>Rush into bathroom, construct diaper out of paper towels
>Go find my grandmother’s car, get the towels out of the trunk (really stupid of me for not bringing them)
>Hide under the towels until they get back to the car

That was the day everyone at Hampton Beach saw my dingus

I got this one chcik on kik now, had her a few months. She's my first one on kik and i dont really like so I wont use it again.

She's great though, i;ve sent her like 3 pics and one video and she pretty much sends me anything i want. She's 19 and she thinks I'm under age lol what a fucking pervert.

My teen cousin use to send me snaps of her without any captions and it kinda seemed like she was flirting. When I was drunk, I would be really horny and send her a snap in the dark with my cock peeking out in the corner. She’s never mentioned it to me and isn’t cold to me at all. But she did eventually block me on Snapchat. Kek

I sent a dick pic to this friend of my once claiming it was an accidental send, she complimented me on it none the less

was fapping one time in my room with no covers and my sis walked in on me. I didn't stop and she stood there for a while until I asked her to come over and help me. she stroked and sucked me then and tried to get her to do it again by just walking around my room commando with my door cracked. sadly she never helped me again but she did view a few more of my shows

All the girls I liked in highschool

I've sent dick pics twice to my gfs sister. Her response was "did you mean to send me that?" I didnt want to get in trouble with my gf, so I always said something like "oops, no sorry!" and she says it no big deal. Usually do it when I'm drunk, so I wont care as much about the repercussions. I guess I kept hoping she might reciprocate, but never got anything. Fap to the thought of her either getting flustered by it, or possibly her liking it.
She hasn't told my gf either, so it worked out ok.

Sent dick pics to a girl in my school bc we sexted a whole night, literally no commitment between us we just traded nudes lol

Suuuure and then you woke up and realized your 30ish living in your mom's basement


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