Is it fucking okay that my posts are getting deleted? Meanwhile there are tons of inappropriate posts that still exist?

Is it fucking okay that my posts are getting deleted? Meanwhile there are tons of inappropriate posts that still exist?

Fuck you, Yea Forums

Attached: EDCF1D6C-A9D0-446B-9BAF-59D14185E7DA.png (360x360, 60K)

Your posts get deleted because your mother will kill herself in your sleep.

No fucking freedom of speech



Lol they're screechin'!! They're screechin' about their free speechin'!! Hehe listen to that song

Maybe you just have fat fingers that accidentally hit the delete post option

Won’t be surprised if this one will be deleted too

Yeah, well on the 1st of this month my phone company did something to my phone with an up date and I lost all my pic + memes, hundreds of them, and then all my contacts when I tried to recover them

Nah, I wasn’t even here
Came back to see the replies, didn’t find the whole fucking post, 404 NOT FOUND THEY SAID

Sorry for your loss, memes — the worst part, I’m touched


Yeah, I really had a lot and I love this board. No I've nothing to contribute. Contemplating staying off Yea Forums all together. I downloaded some games.
What's the point if they can just fuckin' delete my memes like that?

Do it the old way, backup your memes to PC/Mac then to flash drive. Or go new and upload them to the cloud storage (which possible can lose all your data too). So the flash drive is the safest option I see so far.

Well, I kept them on the sd card in my phone. Now the phone doesn't even see it, and all the repair software on my laptop says the folders are there but 0 bytes on a n 8 gig chip.
I have to start backing thus shit up, if I decide to lurk for months collecting memes again. I'm still on the fence.

They arent deleted the yare yare daze got em.

yare yare daze??


Well op, it is summer. Maybe you don’t know how bumps work.

id call you a faggot but thatd b hypocritical. good grief.

I’ll appreciate the explanation. I’m kinda new here.

Jesus dude, its just little internet jokes in the form of pictures. I once had a phone factory reset. Stomped the shit out of it, middle of the night in the road and some people saw me sperg out. That was the most embarressing shit id ever done and all because of some titty pics. In my defense i was homeless basically and on a bunch of nigger tier drugs but it really excuse throwing mantrum over pictures, especially when you can retrieve them on the internet.

JoJo is probably the most stupid, tumblr tier anime ever created.

Shut up nigger jew faggot raghead. Consider killing yourself.

Sure, first thing in the morning.

elaborate. explain yourself.

This thread will be deleted in 3… 2… (NOT BY ME, FUCKERS)

Have you ever seen a tumblr post that ISNT about jojo? Its their fucking mascot of animes. Its like japanese family guy.
>inb4 i dont browse tumblr so i wouldnt know copout
Youve seen screenshots.

Yeah, but I'd been collecting for years. I could out shit post anyone on dann mean any subject. Just feels bad man
And I don't have a fukin' reaction meme...fuk!!

Let it go, guy. Pictures are just framed memories, anyways. Youll see them circulating the web from time to time.

Yes, I know. Just not sure I want to start collecting them again and so I can be active on Yea Forums thinking to just stop and play stupid games on my phone instead.

Not all the favorite ones.