Are blacks more violent than other races?

Are blacks more violent than other races?

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Violently rape this shitcunt

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racist scum!
There are only 2 races, goy and royal jew

dunno, what do you think?

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fuck you, you jew bastard, you

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nigger destroy education and cannot be trained.

Nah, he deserved it. I'm sure he stole someone's radio.

At least he's honestly expressing what they all think

Based and Gibson pilled.

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Violent white people exist; there is no disputing that fact. However, the average white is not as violent as the average black, least of all in America.

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So why didnt you make this post in /pol?

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It's not a political discussion.

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I´m pretty sure the human race, no matter what race or origin at any point, always has been, and always will be, violent at some point of time.

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How did she end up in that situation anyway

Cum on dont make the same mistake ur parents did.. creating u!

I grant you that. But not all members of the race are equally violent.

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Blacks r violent it's a proven fact according to my scientist uncle who is also the author of "whites are the best"

I believe in violence gene being more widespread in black population.


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