Moral question

Moral question.
If I sell someone drugs and they die from something nobody could have guessed would happen, should I feel guilty?

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Depends on what you sold. If you sold him coke and he snorted till death, yeah, it kinda is your fault


I agree if I sold heavy stuff I'd kinda know it would go south and feel bad about it.

who the fuck dies from weed

More often than not, people will assume others are capable of the same things they are. Even when proven incorrect time and time again, they still use themselves as a baseline. So, if you told a lightweight first timer to take a dose that you would take and they died from it, then yes, you're basically a murderer.

Didn't advise on anything just sold it in good faith

No, they are a free human bean and make their own choice in life unless they OD’d from it then still the same but the cops will come for you.

It's almost impossible to die from weed directly. If the person got high and did something stupid which caused their death, then it's their fault.

This is kinda my reasoning too, but I'm really unsure about it

Everybody eats for himself

Don't be a moralistic faggot. Weed is not a drug, it's a plant anybody can grow, not addictive and impossible to OD. He would have died without weed anyway

How the fuck you die from cannabis

Then it's on them. I'm just thinking of all the times I've been told by addicts to take ridiculous amounts of different things. I'm a casual and a lightweight. I'd have died if I listened. These days I just stick to weed. It's safe.

>sell a gun to someone who shoots themselves
>sell a car to someone who wrecks it
>sell a time share to someone who can never go on vacation
Two main things to consider. You're not responsible for how people use the things they obtain; libertarian to the bitter end, people may do whatever they wish to or with themselves. The one facilitating the transaction cannot be alleviated of the knowledge and responsibility of the worst possible outcome of their dealings. If you consider the worst possible thing that could happen outside your control by selling someone something, and you aren't comfortable with it, you should find a different trade.

Your logic is flawed, I realize you’re probably part of the current blame everyone but yourself generation but the truth is it wouldn’t be ops or anyone else’s fault, the fault lies with the one doing the drugs.

moralfag, its impossible to die from weed

Realistically, they should have tested what they are capable of while high before attempting to do anything. Some people can work a difficult job while high and some people are like me, basically retarded while high.

Op needs better bait



Mark the flaw instead of making assumptions based on nothing more than your own ignorance, you boring old fuck. Why do you feel the need to change the subject of the conversation? Who fucking cares about me, there's a reason we have an anonymous board. Fuck you

No not your fault

Shouldn't feel any guilt. They bought the drug, they used the drug, they fucked up. Drug dealers are just a cog in a market wheel. If it wasn't you they'dve found it somewhere else.

Don’t stress op, it’s a natural process that’s been going on for millions of years called Darwinism, the weak and stupid perish while the strong survive.

>change the subject
Not too bright are you? And why so angry?

Its always the persons fault, not the seller
Except you sell him poison to maximize your profit, and he dies bcs of that

I can agree with that. But I feel kinda like it could have gone a lot better

I'm used to read more retarded posts. You didn't change the subject and my eglish is not as good as I thought, had to re read to realize what you said.
Anyway, there's a big difference between selling flowers and selling something that kills people. Cannabis is a medicine. Fuck prohibition man, and fuck coke, fuck coke producers and fuck coke sellers.

Say it with me op “I am not responsible for anyone else’s stupidity but my own” and that’s how it is despite the moralfag liberals trying to tell us different.

>obligatory nazi comparison
so nazis were just like a cog in the machine and those jews were gonna die anyway, germans just gotta make everything more efficient y'know?

Obligatory reddit spacing to enhance my point that your are a dumb poster. Get meme'd, friend

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I guess I'm worrying too much about it. I can't live someone else's life for them..

As long as I don't sell posion as another user pointed out I can't really tell what will happen

But those polar bears are to gosh darn cute!

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Op didn’t put a gun to his head and make him take it, you’re using a fallacy to try to prove your point now which is still an error in logic.

You are guilty of manslaughter.

>Selling a product being compared to Nazism

Damn that was a huge stretch. Hope you didn't pull any muscles reaching that far.

Exactly, if the guy is dead set on doing drugs he’ll find them whether you sell them to him or not.

People aren't responsible for what others do. Plain and simple. Thousands die from OD of prescription drugs every year and pharma doesn't get killed. How about every gun death we sue the manufacturer cause you know, they made it right? It's their fault.

Yo, Mr. Doorman, you think you're slick. You sold crack to my sister, and now she's sick. But if she happens to die, because of your drug, I'm putting in your culo, a .38 slug.

>human bean

The comparisons can go on forever, bleach companies aren’t responsible if you make a cocktail with it, oven makers aren’t responsible if you burn yourself, rat poison, knives, glass, tools etc.. all dangerous but you can’t hold anyone responsible for misuse but yourself.

Do Doctors or Pharmacists feel guilty? Just chock it up to end user error and population control.

Oh, boy. This thread again.
>weed cant kill you
>legalize weed
>weed cant kill you
>legalize weed
>weed cant kill you
>legalize weed
>weed cant kill you
>legalize weed
>weed cant kill you
>legalize weed
>weed cant kill you
>legalize weed
>weed cant kill you
>legalize weed

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Someone should start using fentanyl to speed up the process.

First u hafta decide if death is bad

You need to get your crap together and stop liveing life in the fast lane and get a real job selling drugs hurts the lives of more than just the drug addict grow up and do something better with your life man you not going to keep doing what your doing forever you will end up dead or in prison yea it's ok to feel bad and you should but can you change your ways and be a better person ... do it bro you can be a man

Point is that weed is not a drug, you dumbass

Nah lad, you're just a supplier, if they fucked up, it's their fault, if it was just something completely random it's someone else's fault.

You're right weed is not a drug it's a plant, opium poppies and coca plants aren't drugs either they're just plants, right? Eat a dick user.

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So angry, incapable of having a rational discussion friend? For the record I never said weed was a drug so settle down.

Yes they are, thought weed is safer than oppium and coke leaves, as used in Peru for example, are not unhealthy at all.
Lrn2difference between drugs and plants, user.

I dont get why people ever allude to this argument. Both sides are retarded. All of these plant based drugs to be treated with any number of chemicals before comsumption. We are the ones who endanger ourselves, not the other way around. You dont take poison berries just to turn around and go "DEEZ BERRIES R NIGGER"

On the other hand, just because something is organic doesnt mean its fucking safe at all. Ever. Everything has its own properties. Only a fool would claim any one thing to be entirely safe.

Lol nice assumption, bro. Go eat a bag of dicks

The definition of drug should be changed to any substance that is addictive, right now the definition says “any substance taken into the body which has a physiological effect” so by that definition food and oxygen are drugs.

Not your problem. Thanks for thinning the herd op.

As long as you sold exactly what you claimed to sell, no. You didn't fool him or made decisions for him.

Ah ok you’re underage, kinda figured.

Nope. It's their responsibility, not yours. Should someone who sells rope feel guilty that people hang themselves? Of course not.


>Weed not a drug

Fucking coffee is a drug dumbass. Alcohol is a drug. The word drug isn't a bad word. It was just made that way by them dang DEA folk to demonize users.

No it shouldn't, you're not wrong but you're splitting hairs. It's well understood wat drug refers to. Except by you.
Weed is a drug. And drug isn't a bad word. I don't see you marching against Tylenol being called a drug.

Weed is addictive. Not just the psychological dependence, even physically symptoms are possible. Source: seen it, had some.

Nice logic you got there. This doesn't apply to illegal shit.

I’m saying the definition of drug as they put it applies to everything, “any substance that has a mood altering/psychological effect” so food, air, water/juice etc. could be considered drugs.

What the definition of drug should be is “any mood altering/physiological substance which causes dependency”

you're only responsible if what you sold what something other than what was claimed or reasonably expected.
if you go any other way, really anyone who works retail where they sell cigarettes should feel worse than heroin dealers, because they're selling something with a higher mortality rate, higher physical addictiveness, and almost no legitimate use.

Pot is dangerous in the long run. I went through psychosis for almost a year. Its not completely harmless- just not exactly (immediately) deadly.

But you can get it if you are over 18/21 years old. There are no restrictions for illegal drugs. No lobby, politics, research whatsoever. Everything can kill you in the right amount, but if you sell it legal, no one cares. Sell it outside the law and you are to blame.

that something is legal does not mean it's moral. someone selling a deadlier substance doesn't escape moral culpability because of completely arbitrary reasons, their substance isn't illegal.

not that it's wrong to begin with; just saying that if you argue it is, to be consistent you can't use 'legal' as cover for 'immoral'.

did you need to sell them? is it a thing you do on the side for cash yo7 dont need?
if you needed to you needed to. dont feel bad if you did.

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I beliebe

My trips speak for themselves