Why are americans so fucking poor?

Why are americans so fucking poor?

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Why $18?

because most don't go to college or go to college for non practical degrees. then they end up taking minimum wage or entry level jobs not related to their field to pay off the debt. Then they go years without getting into their field and eventually either go back to school for a different degree or just stick with whatever it is they are currently doing.

our whole economy is based off a big lie and ridiculous personal debt. It's not Trumps fault since it's something that was set in motion decades ago. Most Americans can't afford a $500 emergency.

my job pays $43 an hour so not always poor

Hahahaha. Look guys. This kid thinks going to college guarantees you a great job. Hahahaha. Ahhh. To be young and naive again.

True but the whole global economy is based off of lies and debt.
It's not like any of this shit is just us.

It has NOTHING to do with minimum wage. It has EVERYTHING to do with taxation!

And the more money you make the more percent the government takes. It's all about taxation. .. abolish the IRS!

I got hired right out of school, dipshit so it did guarantee me a job. Sounds like you're one of the retards that went to school for a useless degree.

cause they keep bringing in stupid brown people that will work for slave wages while their joo masters make bank.


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enjoy that art degree or whatever waste of paper you received

trump has done nothing good for this country lmao

Boom somewhere else

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not an argument

you are 100% correct sir. I was just speaking about the US since that's what the article is referencing.

Why the FUCK haven't you joined this server yet?


Actually going to school for an HVAC cert.

Was thinking of getting a wielding cert while im at it

You gonna wield swords?

Maybe, that doesn't sound very structurally sound though. What are you buying at boss?

I blame the internet and idiocy.

T. Philosophy degree holder

Still not going to (((college))) despite how much my aunt begs me to. Not like i plan on supporting a family and i make enough as is. Maybe some of these idiots should lower their asperations. Not everyone is cut out for picture perfect lives and thats just the truth.

Well that’s good, because you certainly don’t seem like an intellectual.

>asperations. Not everyone is cut out for picture perfect lives and thats just the truth.

Yup, so many friends who I graduated with went to college and by graduation time, they still didn't Know what career they wanted or even interested in

>gais its not worth it to try making a better life, just learn to live in mild misery its not that bad
okay (((user)))

>Maybe some of these idiots should lower their asperations
Why? We live like gods compared to our ancestors and we could do so much more even still.

Again, i emphasize, (((college))). Its literally a pipe dream. Most people dont even come out of the debt they arise in to enjoy their scruples, they find themselves at the end of a rope in a closet where their GF or mother finds them.

It happened to me therefore it's normal.
I totally am not the exception.

Some do, most live in trailers, though. If you think about it, our lives are much less free than our ancestors, 20 fold. Depends on you look at it. Do you like being sheltered and safe? The current year is for you. Do you like complete emotional, mental and physical freedom without any tie downs aside from disease and uncertainty? Build a time machine. I feel like id much rather 20-30 years of age and be happy rather than be tied down to mandatory work hours, a computer/cellphone, so forth.

Liberal meme roulette:

Why are americans so {insert variable here}

Must suck to be a normie

>the three people that skipped college are defeatists that can't spell
sounds about right.

Fuck you libcuck, your masters need that money to pay for boats, planes, and third vacation homes.

Call it how you will. I genuinely dont want what all you normal folks want. Its as simple as that, even if it is somehow defeatism. Oh well.

tfw you're from germany where 18$ would be considered quite a good salary

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I am in touch with all of my university friends. Without exception, they all got jobs in their majored fields (accounting or architecture), jobs that pay well and which they wouldn't have gotten without degrees. I alone have a job outside my degree (degree: English. Job: programmer). I still wouldn't have gotten my job without my degree.

Doesn't make you wrong, but makes me question your, "most people don't even come out of the debt they arise" claim. Also, you don't arise debt, you accrue it. English major.

>i dont want college/marriage, i just wanna be innahouse away from people
>n o r m i e

(((you))) are forgetting to mention that anyone with a degree can negotiate better wages. The people that get screwed are the ones that take out loans they can't pay back rushing into things. Even a shitty art degree will give you a leg up in the field. Think about who an interest will want to hire, some do want dropout losers, and some positions they can't afford to cut corners like that, just depends on what the business does. Nothing is guranteed, but you have far shittier chances without a piece of paper backing you up, you gotta play your odds and realize what the job market is like in your field. As long as you don't fuck ypurswlf with loans, in the worst case you end up where you started anyway. Trying to better your life and ending up a wageslave os better than taking t from the beginning and never trying. So why accept anything but anything you can get? Take your life for your fucking own. You absolutely will die one day, just cause hell until then.

>Why are americans so fucking poor?

Because its a fucking un-developing country.
No really. Its an Israeli vassal-tributary state that care more for its oligarchs and plutocrats along with Israeli international interests rather than prioritising clean water and a sustainable future for its own population.
What is even the point with such a society? If taxpayers money do not go to actually develop and build the nation, it is indeed theft --and I hate libertardians passionately.

most cant go to college you dumbfuck or cant stand people due to some mental health issue,, but then again youre too fucking stupid to realize that and just blame them being lazy.

Minimum wage in my country is $1,40
Guess my country.

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Well, sorry. Im not smart like you college majors. Excuse my retardation. Im just not a personal fan of risking my networth being in the red for years. On top of that, i dont have a ton of outside support so if i fuck up its on me and it might cost me my home. Youre probably right, i was exaccerbating the "most" part.

Meh. My goal is to carry on life in a monastery. I really dont need copious amounts of money to begin with.

Can the democrats help?

What ze US and A needs is the NATIONALSOZIALISMUS!

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College is the biggest scam ever created...well, other than social security and 401(k)

because we let immigrants into this country by the masses. we are flooded with homeless criminals and rapists. the end.

quit lying to yourself, out of 200 million white people its certain that between 20 thousand and 100 thousand white males are raping everyday but never getting caugh
t, why??? because its children, both their own and not and homeless people of any age


Cost of living is too high in most states.

Lot of other reasons, but fuck the bs.
Do the best you can, you'll live

more like T. anything in the arts and humanity degree holder

Lmao in my town only doctors make more than 18 an hour. LAWYERS make about 18 and that's POOR? These cucks need to get out of the city. I'd give my left nut for 18 an hour fuuuuck

the right one
would bang

>white males are raping everyday

Yeah no, I understand you shitskins want to be accepted into your society but making shit up about white males is not going to change the facts about you bring to our country.

You think THEY are poor? I get paid £10 (13.50 USD) an hour working my fucking balls off for a god damn american company. Fuck GE.

Where in the fuck are doctors making $18/hr?

I work a factory job packing cheese into film and I make $22/hr

America has a much lower cost of living than Canada where you make the same and go broke buying groceries. Same fucking wages and a never ending ride of inflation. Fuck I wish this diseased temple would fall in on itself already.

Truth is, USA ranks fifth in the average amount of time to generate a gram of gold. First four are Hong Kong, Luxembourg, Tokyo and Zurich.

the billionaire class paid local, state, federal legislatures to weaken unions and moved production overseas to funnel the profits into their pockets

Not even necessarily for high pay, though definitely helpful. Having options helps a lot more in leading a simple life than constantly having to deal with shit pretending like it's the easy life.

probably some hicktown in the south. I have no idea what doctors make in my town but it's definitely more than 100$/hr and Lawyers on avg make around 80-90$

I'm one of those people. Can't deal with humans. I'm too woke and have an anxiety problem. Someone says "hey, how's it goin?" and that's just way too existential a question. The real answer haunts me all day.

You don't Happen to live in Central Cali do you?

I might be one of your managers lol. Because that's our exact starting wage for that job.

niga I get payed tops 3$ an hour

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I clean human shit all day with my bare hands for 14/hr. Washington state.

The only people I see bitching about college being a scam are retards that would be up shit Creek either way, with or without a degree. A LOT of people graduate college and are still fucking retarded , except now they're in debt and think they know more than they actually do.

Everyone, and I mean everyone I knew from high school and college that had their shit together and had a half way decent head on their shoulders all easily found work after graduating. Some had rougher starts than other, but all of them have had at least a modicum of success.

And this is in rural bumfuck California with one of the highest teen pregnancy rates and lowest levels of education in the country

Because mexicans

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I made that I CDN my first year out of school. Doubled in five years. Pretty cozy, didn't fell in the financial hole of consumerism and buying a car.

I try not to think of the usa too much. It's so cringey.

South Africa?

do you have brown skin? if so, then that's the freedom you chose. if not, then why don't you get a skill so that you don't work minimum wage?

A fact

I grossed $166k last year.
I have a GED.
Most people in the US do quite well. College fags that can't pay off $100k loans with a degree in lesbian dance theory make a lot of noise, but its a relatively small group. I suspect your not smart enough to filter bias pandering bullshit from whatever liberal shit rag you get your news from. Grow up user, your embarrassing me. The aliens are watching!

what does pepsi have to do with mexicans?

No you don't. Waste Management employees and similar Companies pay alot

what does someone with only GED do to make that much money?

What the fuck is a merchandiser? They put shit in the snack machines?

T. Dumpster emptying wagecuck

I make 20-30$ an hour regularly working when I want and with who I want. No degree just handy. 200 bucks a day is fine with me

I'm too ugly to coast into a good job without major skill and experiance.

Here in Russia we have wage per month mostly. Minimum wage is 172.92 dollars. Hail Putin.

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In Poland you earn 18 zloty a hour (that is concidered a lot) so 1/3 of it and we all live smh

They stock shelves in Grocery stores, Target Wal Mart. It is rare for a food store to stock its own shelves with anything other than their own generic products most name brand stuff is placed by the major name brands themselves who rent shelf space.

Any problems the USA has are the result of too much leniency towards nigs and spics. If our govt stopped giving them money, america could move forward.

We've spent the last 70 years pumping excess productivity into making (or importing) as many low skilled people as possible, while educational and economic infrastructure decays to sub USSR levels. We've adopted economic policies that force our people to compete with literal slaves on the other side of the world, and chased large scale manufacturing out with every trick imaginable because our political and cultural elites think factories and warehouses are icky.

We mass produce grown adults who can't do $20 worth of useful work for 8 hours a day. We mass produce adults who, are in fact, of negative value to the people around them--people who you wouldn't want to work in your business for free.

Also differing cost of living. In some small towns, 18/hr is enough to own a home and be basically middle class. In Manhattan it's not enough to cover rent on a bedroom.

Yeah, but you guys just sleep in the fields like cows and eat rocks, so living costs not so much.

it's always been like this. why the fuck should anyone get paid more than $13 or $14 when they don't go to school for a useful degree?.

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API 510/570. I got into refinery trades as a helper and worked my way up. I took advantage of a few lucky opportunities that were extended to me because I was reliable, worked hard and made good decisions. There's millions like me. Don't believe the black pill bullshit! Be willing to get dirty and make sacrifices and you'll do well in the US.

Why do you post such faggot level bait?

That is WAAAAY too much in quite a few states. Just because it's not enough in CA or NY known for having a higher cost of living doesn't mean it's not enough in every state.

Not specifically Pepsi but Merchandisers in areas with lots of Mexicans pay alot less.

Nope it is our Mercy and Compassion that has made this nation what it is. If you close the border and discriminate the nation will fail before ten years has passed. Driving up wages would cause the nations wealthy / corporations to raise prices and the products would stop selling completely.

You don't like your job?

based and red pilled

>Just because it's not enough in CA or NY known for having a higher cost of living doesn't mean it's not enough in every state.
That's actually enough in most of California not LA or SF

I've seen Pepsi and chip vendors, but usually thats all. Everything else seems to be stocked by the store employee from bulk cartons.

In the state, they have no social net compared to you. Every thing you consider given is something they pay in the usa

True, you better get an apprenticeship or education else you'll be an incel forever living in your mom's basement.

Unchecked capitalism.

18 bucks an hour is actually above many of the lowpaying jobs in Norway. But half probably don't pay less than 18 bucks.

The solution to this is free college.

People making $18 an hour pay damn near nothing in taxes though.

That is not my job. Someone asked what merchandisers do.

I hate my job.

But am just a lowly janitor.

>API 510/570

Sorry that doesn't help, also how does that position not require any education. That doesn't sound right at all. Sounds like you won the lotto or something. You should count your lucky stars that anyone as stupid as you made it that far.

Because people are so fucking lazy that after highschool they stick to fast food jobs, then complain that they can't get 15 bucks for standing around. If you're over 18 and working at a fucking burger joint you should kill yourself

Norwegians don't need to buy medical insurance though. Cost me 400 a month and I still have deductibles here in the usa. Fucking sucks.

So they are taking your job away? You can't be a Pepsi driver then, that way you are at least the boss of the mexicans?

Are you one of those immigrants we hear so much about?

Ignorance is bliss

Truer post so far itt

Pepsi, Coke and most other drinks like snapple.
That is 3 separate vendors.

Frito lay 4...

I believe their were two others the rest of the products are stocked as 4 categories.

Produce, Frozen Goods and Dairy, Meat, *Sundries Pharmacy Seasonal*.

So about 30% of the store is stocked by outside vendors.

Oh those other two? One was periodicals news and magazines that is also an outside vendor.


>the majority of the world's population lives on $2 or less a DAY
>americans can't live on $18 an HOUR

morbid obesity sure is expensive.

Jealousy is unbecoming user

This post reads like.


>the value of this thing has become vastly over inflated
>the solution is to pump more money into buying it for everyone
Tanks in harvard yard when

America is great if you're not poor though. I'm 21 and I got a $65,000 + bonus + stock job offer a few days ago. Life is looking good

No the vast majority of Americans are far overpaying for housing either as rent or scam banking loans on a 30+ year mortgage.

100K house pay 300K over thirty years banks claims that is 4 percent interest.

Fucking con men.

Someone making $18 an hour full-time grosses $37,440 a year tops out in the 12% tax bracket and pays a total federal tax rate of 11.5%. That $4305.60 isn't keeping them poor.


>Being poor in america
>still has a higher standard of living than anywhere else in the world

You can't google API 510/570?

I'm the one that's stupid?

I spent two decades building and repairing piping and pressure vessels to very complicated codes and standards. After enough time demonstrating my skills i qualified to take the certification exam, then was hired into the inspection industry. The fact that this is confusing to you is telling.

>something something Isreal something the Jews hyperbole hyperbole Jews Isreal illuminati

Stop wasting the tinfoil

what happened? you are better than that user. It must suck working among the shitskins all day.

Nestle, Mondelez does the chips , local/regional liquor distributors, Hershey s, Mars, JM Smuckers. Any major company hires their own sales and merchandisers because they don't trust minimum wage retail workers

Where I live if you are making $18 that's the best job in town

Also, that's around $3100 a month, nearly enough for most of America to buy a house

What about the parasitic class that hoard the wealth extracted from the actual labor ?

Those should hang, yesterday.

I don't even make 18 dollars per day here where I live,you faggot


And yours told me you're fat.

I got sick of IT.
Changing employers means starting at the bottom again usually in some crappy phone support position until you get promoted to suck the bosses dick - middle management.

Decided I wanted Health and Retirement benefits for the twenty years I usually donate to some start up that sells out from under me.

I helped to start up some pretty famous names.

Got a little stock and very little else.

Shlepping a mop is easy and I will just produce stupid Iphone apps to augment my retirement.

Assuming I do not have a heart attack on the job.

I'm never buying a house.

I did google it, but it says your an inspector, which is weird way to title yourself, why couldn't you just tell me that instead of API robot #344222 or some shit.

>I spent two decades building and repairing piping and pressure vessels

Ah there we have it. You're a boomer who has a trade skill. Congrats on becoming where you are through apprenticeship like my grandfather did. It's not confusing when you explain yourself like a normal person instead of telling people I got a GED then magically got a high paying job. No you didn't you worked your ass off for years to get where you're at. I know journeyman electricians making 190k a year.

The majority of the world doesn't have to pay for fucking Verizon and Comcast.

>Very complicated codes and standards

Yeah no, that shit always leaks out over time. This is how I know you're dumb and lucked out.

My sweet summer child

>ur just fat

Scathing. Kek

I showed my kid a $9000 Discover bill the other day. It said "If you pay the minimum, you will pay this off in 22 years" but if you paid double that, it would come down to about three years. Compound interest is a bitch.

What kind of argument is this?

>I have a 9000$ discover bill

What is living above your means for 500?

>$18 per hour is $36000 a year
>6 times the day based poverty threshold in one hour
how can we fix something so broken

Chef at Wendy's?


Nobody in the world gives a flying fuck what an API is except those who do it and their bosses.

get a skill and stop demanding a rise in minimum wage?

I paid it off Jethro. Building materials.

A better question is do they actually do anything?

Glamorizing life 20-30 years ago. How retarded are you? Technological and social progression are not our hindrance. Do you really believe the people of Mt.carmel were free? The facets of this controlled society have been at work for over 30 years. It is only now that we willingly give up our freedoms because we are lazier and more stupid than we used to be.

>What kind of argument is this?
Someone said the world average is $2 a day, which is probably sufficient in some places.

He can help by removing the 50 million illegals

They inspect.

You want to pay $175 a night to crash at the local 2-star motel?

bad news, my nigga. that practically is a normie these days. tack on the big anime chick pillow and some pony toys and youre there.

260 pesos for hour is a shit ton of Money you fucking americans

LOL, and I'm a boob inspector for 36 Double D, pussy inspector on my off hours.


I'm 39.

Pretty sour grapes there buddy. Not doing so hot? Don't worry. Uncle Karl will level the playing field for you.

Love it when boomers lie. You sound like a retard there trumpite. No one is believing anything you say now.

Nah, it's pretty much the same. Only healthcare costs significantly more.

Thats awesome bro. I sit in the yard and shoot birds off the bird feeder. Its not as glamorous as Inspector Gadget, but it makes me happy.

>always leaks out

I can tell you like to repeat what others tell you without learning anything about it. You read a personal injury lawyers add on facebook and now you know all about failure rates.

Poorcuck who's gonna work until he's dead - detected

Social spending is the No. 1 expense in the US. They give almost everything away already.

>getting this upset over a fake job you don't have

Wew Lad

US is an upper income nation. Only states with higher average incomes are petrostates or small western European countries whose defence is covered mostly by US through NATO. Most of the world is fairly poor. All of latin America, Africa, central and south asia. China is a middle income nation and has a lot of poverty in the inland areas.

Wow. Fagotry even for Yea Forums. Seconds I'll never get back.

>that whole post
Not that user, and I know the summer meme is a lie, but ffs user. ffs.

What? Because I don't support that Orange retard? Nuh I'm not a liberal either so don't even.

>wasted even more seconds to reply.

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Ur stupid u can’t make bank if u go to college that’s like the worst investment, the problem is that most people don’t wanna grind but they’re rather waist money and love on handouts

This comment just nailed it. Most people are just human trash. They don't want to work hard and merely want to let life happen to them until they die.

well, let's take for starters, the annual multi-billion aid to Israel and the multi-trillion costs of useless wars waged by retarded nigger-minded presidents

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What if they die if they work hard

he said work hard, not join slave hard labor

Well, yes and no.
In general, in all rich western countries there is always at least one booming industry with a shortage of young and smart people. Usually this industry pulls the rest of the economy onward.
In the US, there is oil and it's only one of them.

Young guys in their teens should identify these and lock onto the target. Do it right, and you'll be making at least $60,000 before you're 25 even without a degree - though a GOOD degree in stuff like engineering will help that too.

I fix aircraft. You act like magic exist.

Everything can and will fail given time. Fluids finds a way


You meant hoard

Because college is overpriced

The world is poorly in debt to your (((master))) who cukced the usa hard willing bombing Palestinian senseless and crying about some rockets

I make $70,000 in full stack software development without a degree.
I'm almost finished with my degree now. After it's done, I expect my salary to rise to about $100,000. Not gonna take less than $90,000 after I graduate.
This is not a pie in the sky, most of my friends make more than me.

Then we wonder why our society is failing.

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Yo, what the fuck? is this real ?

You're dumb. Just yesterday I put speed tape (aluminum kind, but.mjne was fabric reinforced) on a missing fastener of a belly pannel, on a A330.

That screw or that rivet doesn't hold the aircraft together, the somme of them do.

Then I wrote it in the books, and it went on its merry way

In this case, putting speed tape on adhesive not yet cured is well documented in the maintenance manual

Honestly beside for major cities you can buy a house for under $100,000 in the US. 18 an hour more than covers it

I'm probably gonna buy a small house in the woods in the fall of 2020. Cash, sheriffs sale kind of deal. If you don't care exactly where it is, in relation to a specific job or your relatives, whatever, you can go way cheaper.

It's weird, it's almost like Washington, California, and any other providence of Fucktardistan don't represent all of America. I make $18 and some change/hr, dual income no kids, Indiana. Upper class here is $80k. Boring sure, but easy fucking living. If I want something I buy it, I rarely ever have to check to see if I have enough in the bank.

I have a college degree, graduated almost 10 years ago directly into the recession. There were zero fucking jobs for new college grads and most people were doing odd jobs and unpaid internships. I was making 15 an hour until 2 years ago. I don't make a ton now but it's almost double that. Fuck this place.

Also, since I know this will be the reaction, my degree wasn't something useless like liberal arts or women's studies. It was a sort of creative business degree mixed with marketing. The bottomline is that college is the biggest fucking scam in America and it doesn't get anyone anywhere. The only people that it gives a boost to are the people who would have been very successful anyway,

Damn near nothing? It's like 30% of the fucking paycheck.

I love how when we have this conversation people tap dance back and forth between the way taxes are measured, saying "Look they only pay X amount, that's barely anything compared to this rich guy who pays 500k"

The difference is that the person making 15 an hour and losing 1/3 of their paycheck literally can't afford to pay rent and for groceries, while the fucking billionair doesn't notice the taxes at all while he gets his balls gargled by some underage thai hooker.

I'm not for taxing the rich more, I'm 100% for taxing the poor less. If you make 10 dollars an hour after taxes you are literally fucking poor in 2019. If you don't believe me go try it. I did it for years and I was fucking growing food and shopping at thrift stores/doing odd jobs and working 7 days a week just to stay alive. It was a miserable fucking existence that literally did not need to happen if the fucking federal government jews would stop being the fucking thieves they are.

I'm not a fan of Indiana, but otherwise hear that. It seems most of these people don't completely understand normal life. They do this simplistic math 2 years out of some degree and think they should be able to earn 150k no problem, buy a house for 700k in some swanky corner of a city, two sweet cars, pay their loans, vacation in Tahiti, all at 25 y/o.