Attached: trump upset.jpg (525x356, 41K)

Other urls found in this thread:\invite\v3HXgkt

Not an argument.

is this a get thread?

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Can’t really argue against that.

He’s still a cunt though.

it is now

Sure kid.

It was till you ruined it

jamal khashoggi

So weak.


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2 more years and lil donnie will get his wall

Attached: 1535497931222.jpg (960x687, 135K)

Not an argument.

I posted links to trumps lies and broken promises and you said "so weak"

stay in your glass house cuck

Attached: 1556829574554.jpg (720x763, 64K)

The entire presidency is the argument.

Attached: trump25.jpg (1600x900, 155K)

Get fucked faggot, go shoot a school or something

Attached: trump29.jpg (1160x629, 64K)

Why the FUCK haven't you joined this server yet?\invite\v3HXgkt


lol Kim looks like such a brat

Its already being built snowflake.

Would you look at that the spammer from the last thread is back.

where's that?

Attached: trump22.jpg (620x350, 28K)

>7 miles

Hoo-boy, and what a wall it is.
Welp, time to break for lunch.

Not an argument.

Stay mad, kid

Sure kid.

Someone ban this fucking cunt. All he's doing is shitposting to reiterate what we all know:

Trumpfags are fucking retarded and should be prevented from procreating.

>ban ALL the wrongthink
Classic libtardism. If I disagreed with you, would you cry?

No, I wouldn't. If you were a shitty cunt of a person that ignored any and all logic, I would point out that you are indeed a shitty cunt of a person.

Not everyone who hates this orange retard in the white house is a fucking snowflake.

Well I'm no expert but you sound like a massive snowflake.

>Not wanting to deal with insufferable trolls ignoring basic facts and truths.


>disagreeing with my opinion is ignoring basic facts and truths i know because cnn told me lalala i cant hear you checkmate drumpftard

I would love for you libs to throw him out so Pence can take over and finally do away with abortions.

Don't forget fry the gays.

Fuck you.
It's not "disagreeing", it's being willfully ignorant for your own fucking retarded reasons. You shits are only acting in bad faith and you damn sure know you're wrong. It's just a gamble of whether you'll get away with being a raging cunt once the biggest raging cunt goes to prison.

Since you're on an anonymous board, your odds are better than they should be.

You can lie to yourself all you want, you piece of garbage, reality doesn't give a flying fuck what you say.

They can be re-educated and learn to love our lord and savior.

Aw, he mad, boys.

Only through consultations with Zeus.

No, I'm right and you'd rather misdirect than prove me wrong.

Fuck off, bitch.

I think Trump is on Yea Forums almost every day for at least a few hours.

Whatever you say, kiddo, haha.

Exactly. No retort, only the same boring "he mad" "kiddo" fuckery.

Fuck you faggot. Go start another thread. Better yet, hang yourself with a Trump branded extension cord and let us all watch.

So salty. Yum yum. I want to put all your tears in a kettle and brew some salty Earl Grey.

>Hay guise I have no actual response so here's me pretending to be retarded instead.

Bro, you're the one dedicated to keeping your fucking head up your own ass. That taste is your own fault, so stop projecting your bullshit on me.

Not an argument.

You haven't made a single one either, so...

I can only imagine this thread was started by Trump himself or one of his staffers.

Oh, you've got this one? Thanks, nonargument guy.


Said no American patriot ever.

>voting "R" = / = patriot

Attached: Trump voters 3 animals.jpg (960x636, 48K)

Russia, are you listening?

>haha see these funny farm animals thats you drumpfers so you see i win once again :^)

wtf i love hillary now

Not an argument.

No evidence to support collusion, No evidence to support obstruction. Any if ands or buts after that statement is just liberals crying.


The left truly can not meme


he actually admited it

Attached: trump collusion.jpg (1357x575, 143K)

I must admit that’s the best of the worst left memes I’ve seen, I think they’re learning.


Cry more nigger

Only because they're accurate and the Right can't tell truth from Trump.

Ignore all the reality and say whatever you want, it'll definitely matter when the orange cunt's locked up, right?

You gonna be there?

Yes Donnie, you are.

The problem is, your party controls one of the two houses of Congress and is so blind with partisan loyalty (party > country) that they willingly abdicate the obligation their oath of office* commits them to for fear of you turning their constituents against them.

If "the people" weren't such easily-led sheeple, punch drunk on the snake oil Trump sold them, we might see some actual fucking INTEGRITY out of the Republican party akin to what we witnessed in 1974. Because Trump is every bit the lying sack of irredeemable shit Nixon was.

*>army officer
>have taken the oath of office
>took it seriously
>know first-hand wtf that oath entails

Attached: Nixon Reagan Bush Trump.jpg (768x768, 78K)

Shit on the Constitution more, cunt.

Attached: Saying Libtard.jpg (600x450, 60K)



Sorry but The mueller report clearly states no evidence of collusion or obstruction, keep crying.

You'd know, since you can't get his dick out of your mouth.

Any day now right?

Gake and fay

They haven't released it yet, no one on earth can prove what it does and doesn't say.

Like a mad cunt

B-BUT IT WAS HER TURRRRRRRRRRN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Get rekt nigger

No it fucking doesn't, you simpleton.

It says they would not pursue prosecution due to the DOJ policy not to indict a sitting president.

It does NOT exonerate, something that's been reiterated about ten thousand times now. EXPLICITLY SAYING DOES NOT EXONERATE means exactly that. Even Barr's fat lying ass couldn't bring himself to say that it exonerated Trump.

So fuck off with your bullshit, cunt.

Imagine being this deluded. No wait, don't. That might actually be how you get this deluded.

>wasn’t released
Bait or crying or both.

Attached: 0AE58737-9005-44AE-A23C-2E713503CEF3.jpg (480x676, 43K)

Get stuffed, faggot.

Massive faggot snowflake detected

>he wasnt exacerbated that means hes guilty waaaaah

A redacted as fuck version isn't a full release. Just because your wannabe Hitler hides behind a sharpie doesn't change reality.

Eat a dick

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>Projecting this hard

No, it means he has not been exonerated.

Also, basic fucking human intelligence tells you that he's guilty. I'm not dumbing shit down for you retards, every one of you knows that you're denying obvious truth.

Kill yourselves.

I'm sure the one or two words that were redacted will change EVERYTHING.

I never said it didn’t say exonerated user, why the meltdown? It does say what I originally posted though so suck it up or keep crying, dealers choice.

You mad faggot?

>One or Two

>over 1600 redactions

Yea, okay. Lie some more faggot.

If Trump's innocent why does he keep running? Fucking idiot.

Keep crying, any day now right?

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Have a hankie nigger

>No evidence
That's the root of the problem right there: the standard for something to be considered "evidence" by Republicans. That standard is different depending on the party of the person suspected of the crime.

Say a Republican is caught on video shooting an unarmed person in the head from 3 feet away and the shooter's face & voice are clearly visible/audible.

>there was no crime
>there was no gun
>there was no shooting
>the shooter was acting in self-defense
>the other guy was askin' for it, he had on a tight dress...

Now say a Democrat is caught on video shooting an unarmed person in the head from 3 feet away and the shooter's face & voice are clearly visible/audible.


Fuck off. I gives a shit whether you like a "left meme".

You're not saying anything tangible with that shit, jackass. But the bad news for you is: we know why you Reich Wing nutjobs lean on that whole "the left can't meme" bullshit. Just so you're aware...

Attached: Barbrady.jpg (625x401, 51K)

>what is innocent until proven guilty waaaah he has to be exorcised before hes off the hook waaaah hes ORANGE thats good enough for me GUILTY GUILTY GUILTY WAAAAAAH!!!!!!!!!

The Right can't meme

Attached: Trump in prison orange.jpg (400x400, 26K)

What the Mueller Report actually states is that Mueller left it up to Congress to decide on obstruction because he agreed that he would not indict a sitting president.
It also states that there was plenty of evidence of cooperation but that they weren't sure that what was being done necessarily amounted to a crime.


Why do niggers run when they dindu nuffin, libby? Either Trump dindu do nuffin or niggers did. You wouldn't want to be racist, would you?

>Innocent until proven guilty

Then he should fucking testify to confirm his innocence.

Our entire political system has failed us. None of them are working for their country or its people's best interests. Not a single one. Not bernie, not trump, not whoever your pet favorite candidate is.

Every single person at all levels involved in politics should be charged with treason and punished accordingly. We need a complete and total do-over.

Keep lobbyist money out of politics. Give whatever sides rise from the ashes equal tv time, equal funding for campaigning in general. Let them win us over with promises they will keep to us, not promises they keep to the lobbies.

If there is even a hint of it returning to its old form, burn it all down and start all over again.

Why not be original with your memes

>be innocent of crime
>hurr better not fight the accusations


Holy fuck this is possibly the most epic fucking post I have ever laid eyes on

Screencapped and submitted to archive.

How do you make a post so epic? It boggles the mind

Stay mad.


No evidence of collusion/obstruction
No evidence=innocent
Innocent=exonerated (but not by crybaby snowflake policy)

You're not even making sense.

False equivalencies aside, Trump's hiding like a fucking bitch. Kinda like ALL of Yea Forums, hiding behind a keyboard.

Guilty niggers run, guilty Presidents do too.

Total exoneration then?

Fighting? All he's doing is damage control and distraction, you fucking disgrace

that makes no sense. The thing you quoted and your suggestion are totally at odds with each other. If people have to confirm their innocence, that is violating the entire premise of "innocent until proven guilty". It is not his responsibility to prove himself innocent. If you think otherwise, you are factually anti-american. That's the way the american system works.

>testify or instant guilty

Someone watches too much American media, those spin doctors will get you to believe the most convoluted stories.

Imagine being so retarded that you can't process any thing but black or white.

Oooh, lookit that, wudja? Someone saw a big word on their Fox News subtitles & decided to impress us on Yea Forums by using it! Congratulations!

>used in a totally nonsensical context
>user clearly has no idea wtf "exacerbated" means

Attached: Being a smartass.jpg (439x475, 57K)

I'm telling the rest of your party you're being RACIST.

Wait ... I’m not a Democrat dumb nigger

Attached: Trump seething.gif (480x270, 1021K)

If he TRULY wants this to be over with so he can lead this country, then HE should nut up and put the rumors to bed.

He can't and he's been avoiding it for the last two years. No press briefings, no actual schedule, no nothing but Wendy's wrappers and Joe Pence's lipstick stains on his taint.

If there's a new way
I'll be the first in line
But it better work this time

Trump is a kike shill

Sure kid.

It’s what (((they))) do.

Tread on me daddy

Attached: MAGAcuck.jpg (1036x1300, 118K)

So then you're what, some cousin-fucking Trumple? Funny how fast you'd bail on your own country.

Sadly the GOP is fucking dead and this orange retard killed them.

Put the pipe down dumb nigger

>literally hasnt taken a single one of my guns
It's like liberals literally can't separate what he says and what he does except when they need to because orange man bad.

Back to attempting to refute basic logic with shitty memery.

How many times is that now? 3 or 4?


why shouldn't he? His interrogators would not be trying to get to the truth, they would be trying to trip him up with semantics in to admitting something he really didn't do (or understand what he was doing when he did it). He says what immediately comes to the top of his mind with no filter. No good lawyer on earth would allow a client like that to testify. It's just not in his best interest.

Thank you for proving my point. That being, the validity of "evidence" for any crime depends entirely on the political affiliation of the suspect.

>sees cogent argument
>has bupkis to refute it with
>resort to ad hominem

You Reich-wing pussies are literally that which you claim to detest. Pic related.

Attached: Untermensch.jpg (698x486, 238K)

>Trump full of shit again


Yeah, that guy wasted taxpayers money, found nuffin and now claims “uhhh, yes, but I didn’t find evidence he’s innocent either” instead of admitting he was wrong.

Are you saying he says one thing and does another?


Remember when Donald Trump was business partners with the Russian government and his company got 53 million from the Russian government investment fund called Rusnano that was started by Vladimir Putin and is referred to as "Putin's Child"?

Oh wait, that wasn't Trump it was John Podesta.

Remember when Donald Trump received 500 thousand for a speech in Moscow and paid for by Renaissance Capital, a company tied to Russian Intelligence Agencies?

Oh wait, that was Bill Clinton.

Remember when Donald Trump approved the sale of 20% of US uranium to the Russians while he was Secretary of State which gave control of it to Rosatom the Russian State Atomic Energy Corporation?

Oh wait, that was Hillary Clinton.

Remember when Donald Trump lied about that and said he wasn't a part of approving the deal that gave the Russians 1/5 of our uranium, but then his emails were leaked showing he did lie about it?

Oh wait, that was Hillary Clinton and John Podesta.

Remember when Donald Trump got 145 million dollars from shareholders of the uranium company sold to the Russians?

Oh wait, that was Hillary Clinton and the Clinton Foundation.

Remember when Donald Trump accepted millions in donations from Russian Oligarchs like the chairman of a company that's part of the Russian Nuclear Research Cluster, the wife of the mayor of Moscow, and a close pal of Putins?

Oh wait, that was the Clinton Foundation.

Remember when Donald Trump failed to disclose all those donations before becoming the Secretary of State, and it was only found out when a journalist went through Canadian tax records?

Oh wait, that was Hillary Clinton.

Remember when Donald Trump told Mitt Romney that the 80s called and it wanted its Russian policy back. The Cold War is over?

Oh wait, that was President Obama.

Man... Trump's ties to Russia are really disgusting!

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So your defense is that he's too fucking dumb to tell the truth without incriminating himself?

And that somehow he's still qualified to be President?

Nope. Lots of Nope there.

Mueller Report made more money than it spent, find another strawman. Manafort's seizures more than paid for it.


yeah, Trump's dementia warning signs are becoming more and more obvious. He needs to step down. but he wont. and about 1/3 of Americans will refuse to acknowledged his mental decline. America is just a wonderful place.


>drumpf threatens to take guns
>drumpf doesnt actually take the guns
Libbies never satisfied.

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Well, The trump tower meeting with Don Jr (referenced in the tweet earlier), did in fact happen, and is actually a crime, but mueller decided Don jr was too dumb to understand what collusion actually was, so.

Sure, or in other words, 3D chess. I love it.

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I could care less what any President does to your fucking assault rifles.

Trump isn’t running anywhere you dumb dumb nigger

>Conservacucks trying to distract from reality by pretending this retard is a suitable president

>Sadly the GOP is fucking dead
Where do you get your news?

Show me where being smart is a requirement to be president.


>lol its okay when she does it xD

Attached: 1awc2u.jpg (700x500, 109K)

Approval ratings

That's why every time he's on camera talking to reporters he's getting on a helicopter or plane, right? All he fucking does is run and hide, you little bitch.


It's not a matter of intelligence. He simply sucks at talking, he talks before waiting until he understands the question.

Is that a good thing? No, not really. Does it make him unfit to be president? Nope. The fact that he got elected and hasn't been proven to have ever acted against our interest qualifies him to be president. W sucked at speaking too but he was a great president despite it. It's nice to have a well-spoken careful president, but not required.

So total exoneration?


How about not being a criminal?
Are you literally so fucking dumb that you can't see why having a crook as president is bad? Or are the lulz worth it?

They're tactical retreats, idiot.

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Not voting for that Democrat hag is not bailing on my country you very dumb nigger.

you must have a weird definition of criminal if you count "someone who has never been convicted of a crime" as one

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Being orange isn't a crime.

>Does that make him unfit to be President?

If my president can't tell the truth in a simple sentence, then no. He is NOT fit. Considering how he's declined since he's been President, Dementia wouldn't surprise me either.

I don't need a careful well-spoken president.

I simply refuse to worship a criminal.

Yea, the wannabe mob boss with the tiny peen is much more in line with you.

Peace sells but who’s buyin, peace sells but who’s buying?

Ah, so the lulz it is.

Well enjoy, faggot.

nobody is asking you to worship anybody.

Stop believing the daily show/seth myers/etc propaganda about "dementia". Stop believing someone is a criminal without being charged, let alone convicted. It is anti-american.

Show me where it says that the president can't lie.


>I simply refuse to worship a criminal
Uh huh. Say, isn't it time for you to feed your Clinton shrine?


"if you like your health insurance you can keep it".you retards only care about lies when its from the mouth of republicans.i guess even when he passes gun control you whiney libtards still cant find a thing to like about him

>can't tell the truth
you've just described all politicians, genius

Attached: Cojpz2KVYAEkszU.jpg (564x536, 42K)

That's not the face of an innocent man even if you do like him as a person/president

Again tl;dr, learn to sum up friend. (Try making a point without using fallacies)

Muh Russians tho


Fuck off with your bullshit.

Supporting a criminal fleecing your country is un-american.

Put him under oath and find out.

exactly. They are all traitors to the country and its people. We need to seize back control from the rich Jews that control every aspect of our life.

RNC platform meeting

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Oh no, I wouldn't want to support a criminal for president... but can I just see proof of his crimes to be sure?

lol ok then

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Well at least our two embarrassing shit choices in 2016

I guarantee if the accused was some black guy who everyone swore committed a crime before any charges or a trial you wouldn't be calling him a "criminal". You'd screech in liberal rage if anyone dared to say that and cry "innocent until proven guilty", the very thing you are saying we should scrap and forget about just so you can g et your way.


>All politicians are liars so it's fine if Trump does it

No, no it is not. I may despise Trump but I fucking hate Hilary too. If you want to generalize, that's on you.

Irony is lost on the libtards.

Still mad she lost?

Attached: leaky.jpg (466x406, 59K)

Ok, then let’s assume it didn’t cost the taxpayer in the end.

But point still is, he didn’t find anything to prove Trump is guilty, and instead of apologizing just says he neither found prove he isn’t. That’s BS. Men is innocent until proven guilty, and Mueller as a person of the law should know and accept that.

Sure, how about he releases his tax returns so you can see what he learned from his Daddy?

>he's not hiding

yes he fucking is.

>he doesn't have to do any of that shit

Then he can shut the fuck up and deal with the consequences of his inaction.

>Enjoying the silence?

>muh tax returns

>I hate Hilary

>Still made she lost?

No. No I am not. Perhaps you could try reading if it doesn't make your brain hurt too much

Stay mad.

Attached: trump_shake.webm (554x354, 1.83M)

exactly. If he hasn't exhausted all potential leads and wasn't able to reach a conclusion, then why would he stop? You can't just quit in the middle of a job and just shrug when someone asked what your conclusion is.

Either he's done, in which case Trump is exonerated, or he's not and he failed to complete his duty. In neither case is there proof that trump is guilty.

>muh inability to meme

im not giving trump a pass, i'm simply pointing out your own hypocrisy.

you libcucks are fine with perfectly fine with lies and corruption as long as its your own fucking party in power. notice how quickly your tune changes when the shoe is on the other foot...

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How about I'll stay mad if you an hero?

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Innocent until proven guilty, not the other way round. State has to prove he’s guilty, not him that he’s not.

its funny how the only time libtards care about taxes if when the president they dont like got elected.maybe if you paid taxes yourself(since democrats are welfare abusing parasites),people would give a fuck about your tantrums over trump

Oh no, you're the left here.

>deal with the consequences

coming from the "its bush's fault"crowd.ironic,deal with the consequences of your nigger man's presidency and shut the fuck up about trump



Attached: racket.jpg (542x250, 41K)

we are not responsible for policing taxes. If the IRS thinks there is something suspicious about his tax returns, then let them do their job.

Let's say he does release them all right now. What the fuck are you going to be able to say about them? Jack shit, you aren't a tax law expert, you'd just parrot whatever colbert/myers/noah tell you are the main takeaways. But they aren't tax law experts either. There is literally no reason to release his returns to the public. People like you will say there's evidence of crime there no matter what's in there.

Need a hankie nigger?

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Whats funny is theres evidence that The Trump Foundation never gave anything to charity. We'll see how the investigation goes.

Dubbya is a criminal, so is his father, Clinton, Obama, Nixon, Reagan all criminals.

Yes. Yes quite mad

Attached: 1542581089599.jpg (1024x538, 75K)

You first snowflake

Any day now, right? Drumpf is FINISHED.

They're gonna lock her up any day now, right?

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Trump is Love. Trump is Life. Trump is my God Emperor and guess what? He's still the President. All you SJW and butthurt fuck stains can hide in your safe spaces and suck each other's dicks while praising islam as the "religion of peace." You'll get over it, or you won't. Either way no one really gives two shits. Get over it or fucking move to Canada or something.

Attached: Photo Editor-20190302_215158.jpg (1080x1130, 671K)

Yes he did. He was born. That was very, very wrong if him. Disgusting fat retarded incompetent ignorant faggot with a micropenis hard on for his own glory. His face is stupid. His hair is stupid. His body is stupid. His attitude is stupid. His personality is stupid. He is just plain fucking stupid. Please die Dawnold, please die. Thanks!

If you idiots will just keep this shit going, Trump's approval should be though the roof in 2020.

drudge link shows it higher than Obama at the same time as POTUS.

Don't hold back anything, you propaganda addicts.

We didn't need to. For all intents and purposes, she's beaten. There's no way she'll be president now.

Attached: 1546866034015.jpg (480x465, 39K)

You sound salty, fren.

Attached: 1543598984149.jpg (620x784, 38K)

Promises made, promises broken

but still your president

Somehow user probably doesn't see the irony because a similar thing happened to Obama. Except the NRA used the tactic to drive up gun sales.

what's funnier is how the flow of big donations to the Clinton Foundation suddenly dried up after Hillary lost the election.

Maybe they finished helping all the needy people that year....?

Attached: payto-play.jpg (564x729, 137K)

The Biro went into production in 1938...

Attached: trumpoline.webm (300x300, 1.99M)

It's not about the promises he's broken, it's about the promises she intended to keep.

Attached: a-foolish-tie-for-a-foolish-man.jpg (1200x668, 92K)

at least she still has one

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She looks like emperor palpatine.

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She and her rapist husband needs to be locked up because it’s illegal to tie them to a missile and shoot them into the sun.

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It will be. And whining libtards will keep posting several whining “orange man bad” “muhhh, popular vote” threads here every day.

Don’t see a good dem candidate till now (Bernie is too old).

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wtf i thought trump liked bimbos and russian spy bitches not Thai ladyboys. fuk trump fuk turmp fuik tremp

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Um ok go kill yourself

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LMFAO only 9% of the entire report was redacted. Try again cupcake.

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I just checked, fake quote. How come righties need to fabricate politicians saying stupid shit to cover up for their guy?

Attached: DB_tMxWW0AA77IH.jpg (751x503, 66K)

Based and non-bluepilled

He hasn't done anything right and that's wrong.

Attached: tru203.jpg (480x480, 67K)

The choice was between a narcissistic twat and actual evil now tell me i did wrong

Attached: 1553201579815.jpg (384x484, 44K)

Awww you'll get over it lil lady. You've had over two years, eventually you'll get it. Until then, you just keep being you, we thrive on your intolerance!

That doesn't mean "make some shit up and pretend someone said it". Theres plenty of actual stupid quotes, why use a fake one?

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The lessor of twin evils

I call her chompers, affectionately of course. She may not be the retard that NYC wanted, but she's the retard that NYC deserves.

If trump actually "DID NOTHING WRONG" then why is he shitting bricks over the idea of mueller testifying?

the entire party and cult is built around misinformation,lying and a fevered insanity. This is surprising to you...why?

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Holy fucking fucking fuck. Definitely gonna vote democrat next year.

because they are all actors reading from a script and everything they say is utterly worthless

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this is the most new york pic i could find

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Lefties memeing at their finest

So, I should just make up something trump said to make the guy look bad?

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Sadly, he's probably alt-right.

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Their generation also eats Tide pods. Some scrumptious food for thought.

heheh, I'm going to destroy all of the goyim

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If you like those who hate him will believe it without checking anything

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Yeah except for all those felonies he committed

Antifa are fascists, Trump is God and you'll never get respect from you coworkers, if you even work. Try again faglips.

nah a double chinned thin guy is using the power of the soy

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*feminine pebis

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Yeah... How's that working out for ya.

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You sure nailed that. Only in New York do they buy fruit.

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trump likes Sinclair because his born in Russia jew buddy and former campaign manager Boris works there and they don't say anything against him.

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That actually only furthers his point. A point much like how your skull undoubtedly slopes into.

yes we live in a truly diverse nation

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And funny how leftists defended that cretin for decades until they couldn't blame it on racism anymore.

Ranging from XXXL to XXXXXXXXL. I think can actually smell the monster energy drink, gasoline and McDonalds Fries in that photo

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That just looks like a step in the right direction to me. No ghetto ass niggers nor pig fucking terrorist muslims in sight in that photo. Well done!

The slope of my skull is not to be underestimated. After all I'm just a minority that y'all love to protect... Right? Kek

you racist fuck you should celebrate black culture

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tell me yank (britbong here) is this real ?

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