What do you call a black person outside of the US...

What do you call a black person outside of the US? African American doesn't really make sense if they weren't born or currently reside in the US. I've never once heard British African, Russian African etc. Comparing it to other ethnicities it doesn't stand up either. There's like 15 different types of wetback and chink

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had a bitch once argue with me that all black are african american, including my friend from cuba that was an afro-cuban.

black seems weird you will call a white dude american, not white American but when it comes to blacks you state black American? makes no sense they are as American as you

we call them niggers in finland
and its socially acceptable outside of the capital

here we used to call them "néger" without any offensive meaning, that's just how the word has been imported to the language


>British African, Russian African etc.
That's because British, Russian, etc. is an ethnicity so it doesn't make sense.

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from London we call them black they call us white what sort of sjw kingdom do you come from?

Cause it's seen as racist to strip a POC of their racial identity and culture, you aren't allowed to see them as an equal they're more important. That's the logic over here now

Really? That's like the bit from Bruno.

>I knew zis racist woman who just happened to be a chocolatta
>I told her I met an African American from Africa, and she said it would be just African
>I said, "Listen bitch, it's African American. Don't be racist"

>What do you call a black person outside of the US?

Negrito, moreno, morenazo, cambujo, mulato.

You murricans really make it through when decided to kill the pacific hardworking ones back in XIX century.

You kept the violent, stupid and lazy ones,and now you are getting what you deserve.

I'm mootxican and no, I will never goint to croos the border to step on your shitty country. If I would, I'd go to Scandinavian countries, but

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Murrica, millenials are taking progressivism to crazy degrees. We call them black too but it would be a very different story in a college or progressive state (i.e. California, which is a poverty stricken liberal hellhole that's crumbling). Alot of our universities have taken up progressive ideals and shun outside opinions. I only asked cos apparently it's "Asian Pacific and Islander American Heritage Month", or something and it made me think of politic correct bullshit

It's almost as though the whole term has been coopted in to common usage by people who benefit from social tribalism.

seen as racist how ? stating the color of the skin is deemed as racist? so person of color sound even more racist pandering to your feelings is not an argument

it is a good thing when you have a kid bring them up not like a bitch teach them basic logic they will destroy the job market full of sjw


In Germany we call them "neger", "mohr", "bimbo", "schwarze" (blacks) or "starkpickmentiert" (don't know if there is an english word for that, so I try to explain. It means someone with a lot of birthmarks all over his body and you can't see his white skin anymore)

in my country we call them either neger or svarting(a 'blacker')

this reminds me of something funny from my childhood, I always thought Arnold schwarzenegger's name was just a joke, because in my language his last name is literally "black nigger" fucking rofl

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are you fucking retarded
cuba is in america

Black person

No I meant like you need to intensely be aware of their color and the culture they have, not take part in it, and accept/support it but without bringing it up yeah. So when you see a group of young black men being loud and obnoxious (as they Always are), you just need to accept it because that's their culture. It's not really seen as racist to call someone black, but saying something like "That black dude" etc would offend people. Most of these people aren't black I should mention. If they held black panther meetings in 2019, it would be hosted by white people and be majority white people. It is absolute bananas over here and I forget that this shit just doesn't exist anywhere else

You forgot mayate

you chose an exemple where you're wrong, cuba is part of america

Just black.

In the UK we call them black because our negros aren't all hoity toity

We call them sorte svin

To my nation's credit, this is only prevalent on college campus' and far left states. It's mostly a millenial thing. The future is dark.


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A nigger


part of the germanic master race just an even better and improved version

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Why the FUCK haven't you joined this server yet?


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In the UK, they are usually called Afro-Caribbean. Cause they are descendants from immigrants from British colonies in the Caribbean


just call em niggers

>Poland here
We call them "murzyn" what is something like nigger but not vulgar as it. Actually there is English wikipedia entry about that word, check it.


Negro if I'm not being racist. Negro or nigger if I am.

Negroid, negro, nigger?

Yeah the United States owns Cuba

Swede recognized. Se dont call People niggers, we call them blacks (svarta) or darkskinned(mörkhyade)

shitskin will work too


South African Yea Forumstard here.

>that pic
Until you look at the proportions of each

I thought they were middle eastern?

We call them people.

Aldo darkskinned/mörkhyade could refer to pretty much anyone who isnt white

You call a black guy "neger" in norway, you're offending him. You call him "svarting" and it's derogatory and narrowminded. There are so many other ways to say the same thing without using outdated and offensive words.

I thought the same thing about Schwarznegger, only it's not "literally" black nigger it's black (in german) and negger is a misspelled version of our word for nigger.

In Europe we call them French

Italy reporting in
We call them negri

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Damn you Troglodyte .. Stark Pigmentiert means heavily pigmented and has nothing to do with birthmarks .. guy .. please and, except from Schwarze ( Blacks), all other words are only used in racist means.
I tried to remember if the question ever came up (there are not so many where I live). if you are not a racist ass, the skin color is simply not a real topic. My children wondered the first time they see one .. but since then they see nothing but another human there .. why should I call anyone at all for his skin color.? when exactly is that topic arise? except someone just tries to separate "the others" from themselve.

I call em niggers

Negro or black

I mean having an iq half of mine kinda looks like a subhuman to me

try to remember.. son taks about his day in Kindergarten and throws a new name so i ask " "Neptun" oh that's the boy with the dark skin color, right?" .. since then only hear him call him by his name.


Fellow citizens




In Africa, we just say blacks

They even call then selves blacks

The white african term for black is kaffir or kaf

Also boog, nignog, native, nigger


why wasn't this the first post

not everyone is a racist asshole

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In pretty sure they call you infidel before throwing you off a roof