This person is protecting your country. Good luck!

This person is protecting your country. Good luck!

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Other urls found in this thread:

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That's not a police officer if that's what you're saying

How are they protecting a country?

And Pakis wonder why they're hated universally.

One of the apes stole the moped. lol

I hate living in the UK right now. At least I don't live in

Attached: 1550997387466.webm (362x640, 991K)

i do want to move fml

And people wonder why racism exists

thats a traffic warden m8

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Nobody is stepping in and stopping this? The cop doesn't even have a gun to shoot them? What a faggot ass joke of a country.

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Tfw american

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What's the context here?

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>i need armed response officers!

>they'll be there in fifteen they're arresting an old lady for posting things online.

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>white American family..... "white"

Not even once kek

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Keep that shit in the U.K. Do that shit in the U.S. and you get to win the room temperature challenge.

Attached: thisbutthurt.jpg (960x720, 141K)

From my guess she's probably some Traffic Warden who walked into the wrong part of town and tried to do her Job. She's probably pretty inexperienced and since she's a Traffic Warden isn't really supposed to handle those sorts of situations.

You stupid fuckers are the ones who took them all in. What the fuck did you dipshits think was going to happen?

>Woman is stronk
>Woman can do same as men!
>Woman can be police officer too!
>Ooh this strong black man is kinda making me wet
>Nono its okay I can take a joke, pls dont stop strong black man with your enormous cock ravage me and prove that I'm just a defenseless woman!

It's a traffic warden not a police officer you stupid faggot

and the right wing extremist are trying to steal facebook from zuckerberg because they cant post anymore

> 5 vs 1
Niggers as usual

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shit doesnt fly in america
nigger wouldve been shot 87 times

Hmm gee.. I wonder where all these people came from.. hmm I wonder what happened to their home.. hmm I wonder whose responsible for what happened in their homeland... hmm I wonder where the people who are responsible for this are now that it has consequences.. HMMMMMM..

Sorry I'm not familiar with some bumfuck third world country's police system, retard.
Still doesn't answer the first question

Used to ejaculate onto my pencils then hand them to girls who wanted to borrow them.
Accidentally gave one to a guy one time and turns out he's bi. Weird coincidence.

Because no one ever gets beaten in the US without a cop being there within 2 seconds.

Do you think the average person really gets any say in letting people into the country? No one wanted pakis and nig nogs by the thousands except the politicians and look what happened when they gave us the chance to leave Europe and run our own country. They fucking shit themselves when people decided we were sick of things and wanted a change, now they're doing their best to not leave.

It's not connected at all to a "police system". I'm guessing you're American.....

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>Hmm gee.. I wonder where all these people came from..
Don't care

>hmm I wonder what happened to their home..
Don't care

>hmm I wonder whose responsible for what happened in their homeland...
Don't care

>hmm I wonder where the people who are responsible for this are now that it has consequences..
Don't care

Not of that shit you asked about that I don't care about alters the premise that you stupid fuckers took all these people from these shithole countries in and let them begin to transform your mostly-not-shithole country into the shithole countries they left.

Shame really. I kinda hoped to visit the UK some day to see the country that we told to get fucked a couple hundred or so years ago.

But you've gone and finished ruining it, so I guess good luck with all that. Don't expect us to come save you. This is your own fucking fault.

Yeah well there's your problem, you're a generic ignorant piece of shit American who doesn't understand the US and Russia are responsible for this by fucking around in the Middle-east and fucking shit it up per usual and when everything is in ruins you feel back to your country, be received as heroes because you're a warmongering nation that glorifies soldiers, whilst the EU is left to deal with the aftermath.

And as stated.. you think the average citizen has any say in this, we don't get to vote on wether or not we want this shit in our countries, not that i'm British anyways.

Besides YOU did get to vote and voted for fucking Trump.

That sounds fucking retarded.

Well, I feel bad for folks like you. You actually seem to be a wise chap. But your country is mostly full of libtards that put a bunch of libtards in power and keep them there, so you get what you've got.

Of course we're just as stupid as you and are working really hard to ruin our country too. We're just not quite as far along as you. I think Trump will win reelection in 2020. He's a maniac but has been good for the country, so that'd mean 4 more years of continuing to be a sovereign nation.

After that some Democuck will probably win and then we'll open the borders and give "free" health care to all comers and finish the nation off once and for all.

Sometime after that there will probably be another civil war and then we push the big red reset button on the republic and start over.

You guys don't have that option because you fucked up and gave up your guns a long time ago. But I know that's not your fault either.

Sorry man. The world is going to shit and we're mostly along for the ride. Stupid people breed faster than we do. Not much hope for the future.

You used to be the greatest empire in the world. Now street trash is openly humiliating your public servants with zero consequences.

And you have the balls to laugh at Trump. Keep laughing.

Not specifically referring to you, btwJust your libtard countrymen

Ya totally dude, the USA going into a shit hole country making it more shit gives them an excuse to come here and assault people and rape women. LOGIC

>I kinda hoped to visit the UK some day to see the country that we told to get fucked a couple hundred or so years ago.
Just go travel in smaller cities/villages if you want to see the UK. It's a nice country outside London, Birmingham, Manchester, etc..

USA is a shithole country themselves only doesn't realise it, but pretending they weren't the driving factor behind the immigrant crisis whilst simultaneously letting the EU deal with the mess is retarded.

>Yeah well there's your problem, you're a generic ignorant piece of shit American who doesn't understand the US and Russia are responsible for this by fucking around in the Middle-east and fucking shit it up per usual and when everything is in ruins you feel back to your country, be received as heroes because you're a warmongering nation that glorifies soldiers, whilst the EU is left to deal with the aftermath.

You have to give us credit - it's a pretty good plan. We come over there, fuck around and do what we want, safe in the knowledge that we're an ocean away and we have a president that won't let these pieces of shit flood our country.

>And as stated.. you think the average citizen has any say in this, we don't get to vote on wether or not we want this shit in our countries, not that i'm British anyways.

But you do get to vote for your leaders and you chose a bunch of politically correct, spineless pussies.

>Besides YOU did get to vote and voted for fucking Trump.

Yes, because we're not a completely cucked country yet. If we had elected the Hildabeast we'd be doing the exact same thing your faggot country is doing - taking in all the strays and letting them shit all over our yard. Thankfully I think we're safe from that for about 5.5 more years. Who knows after that.

Meanwhile, condolences for you all having given away your country, lost your culture, your sovereignty, etc. We kinda showed you how to do it up right 243 years ago, but you were all "we'z got a king" and shit, so enjoy all that.

oh look, typical dirty cowardly stinking pakis!
but yet when they don't get their benefits or get evicted for not paying they soon start calling for police help.

world would be a better place without em, especially the UK!

Sister lives in Scotland. I hear that is still not overrun yet. Thanks for the tip mate.

Attached: Bleh+bleh+bleh+keep+guns+_77013590c79ab4ac689b6ad800837fd8.jpg (960x960, 135K)

Right, untill the EU is fucked and Russia/China/India team up against you because you've too busy sniffing your own farts and making enemies whilst they are making friends.

See how you handle a war on your own soil for once that isn't against yourself.

>the middle-east
>America and Russia responsible
>the rest of the EU had no involvement
>sure thing buddy

Besides, the middle east has been a cesspool of violence for thousands of years. They're a collective of goat-fuckers who are busy killing each other over ancient myths. Blame America if you want, you won't change anything. You'll need our military support again sooner or later, and we'll probably give it.

You also don't seem to grasp the concept of the electoral college. The president isn't directly elected by the people, so your point is retarded, just like you.

Also, yes. We glorify soldiers. Because they fight and die so your pitiful ass can live in comfort. So you don't have to fight for yourself. And don't delude yourself. If there wasn't a group of brave people with guns ready to kill those ragheads, they'd be in your house right now with a machete to your neck, telling you to praise allah.

in the us all these shitskins would have been gunned down because even our traffic cops carry guns
USA #1

You really don't get the idea of mutually assured destruction keeping global superpowers in check. Let them team up, let America get it's ass kicked. You realize they'd all end up in nuclear craters, right? If we're gonna lose, we're taking everyone out with us. They certainly realize it, which makes me feel comfortable as shit over here in the land of the free.

You might want to check your history chief. So far we're batting 1000 on other countries fucking around in the U.S., including other countries that decided to form FROM the U.S.

Nobody has given it a try in a very long time. I'm sure if it happens Canada will protect us. Lol.

If our military doesn't decimate the invaders the armed citizenry would. We may be fat and lazy, but we're armed as fuck and don't like outsiders.

If you really want to visit try somewhere like the lake district. Last time I was there a couple of years ago I didn't see a single paki and only a handful of black people.

A lot of people taking a lot of pride in things that have nothing to do with them in this thread
Cringe as fuck

>handful of black people
still too many

that's someone practice driving a moped you imbecile.

Candidly I don't have a problem with black people, I have a problem with niggers. Not all black people are niggers.

In fact, I feel sorry for black people that aren't niggers because the niggers make life hell for them more than anybody.

Thanks again for the tips.

Poor French bastard. Give that man a gun

Yeah, hence why I said black people not nigs.

Dear UK friends,

Invite us for work and we'll be glad to help you with your problems,

Your Polaks.

Attached: husaria_szarza.jpg (750x449, 45K)

We're also Christian, like you!

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Do you ever wonder if the English people with balls went and founded the US and the pussies stayed behind?

I dont see a single human beeing in ops webm
Polish lad says :
Pojebało cię (are you fucking crazy?)
Przeproś ją kurwa (apologize her for fuck sake)
you can easily hear the fist clench on his jacket

You can laugh at us but we will bring order to the end

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This is quite clearly the case. Unfortunately they were also mostly religious zealots with balls, hence the U.S. being so fucking puritanical. But I'd rather live here and deal with the bible thumpers than live in any of these other cuck countries.

normal thing.... we will return. after everybody who will stay, will eat pork

try harder nigger

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but polish girls are fucking hot and beautiful you have to admire

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disgusting pakis are

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the sadest thing is that te no one will hate poles more than others poles ..... 4 shit and gigles and for gigles till you shit

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she was laughing and having a good time.

You fucking dumbass this is your country's capital. It used to be the seat of an empire who conquered 1/3rd of the earth. Now it's a total shithole because you guys aren't man enough to stand up for yourself. What a disgrace you are for your country. Whatever city you are in the UK this is coming to you fast and your defeated mentality is the reason you deserve it.

dont be so hard on brits a female leads their country lol

>implying that the UK is a Christian society anymore

i will get into a heated argument with someone who still calls this country the United Kingdom, when it's actually the New United Arab Emirates or NUAE. You fucking morons asked for this.

holy fuck your retarted

The sad truth

god it feels good to be white

>holy fuck your retarted
*you're - contraction of the words "you are".
example: "You're a fucking retard for calling someone else a retard when you can't spell."

Don't say that too loudly because then we'll be accused of being racist by the leftists.


So mad

She's a police officer, you retard. It happens every year in London at a festival called Carnival. It's basically a festival for niggers to do degenerate shite including making the police look weak and pathetic and stabbing each other. A really amazing multicultural spectacle.


Haha i love ur drawings.
I never find white people good lookin and specially black.. also asians but if a race war is going to happen i think whites r goin to win..

Not for much longer.

poles are vermin. They instigated the genocide of the eastern germans after WWI. The only reason their country isnt as cancer as the west now is because they are too poor for the jews to want to live there.

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I’m not the retard OP, but it’s the same in America. Think they call themselves “traffic control officers” to sound official. We call them meter maids and they wear a cop-ish looking uniform, sometimes drive a vehicle with lights that might look like a cop car, but they’re not cops at all. Just city workers.

What happened to white people lmao

They wore us down