People who almost always lack a personality:

People who almost always lack a personality:

>Tall guys
>People who were born rich

What else would you add to this?

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Yea Forums posters

Hello poor manlet.

Highly devout religious people, more often than not their faith takes over their personality

ops dad
ops mom
ops complete lack of surprise

>Religious girls
>high class people overall

i get your point, but OP is onto something, i know a lot of autistic boring ass tall dudes

Might be a still from Man in the High Castle.

And exactly how high is "tall" ?

6 feet+ ?
7... ?

Tall people are fucking shit

hahaha incel thread detected

Tall guy here

I lack personality, it's sad but you're prolly right 'bout that

>Tall guys
manlets mad

everyone with a other political ideal than me

tall guys are just chill, they don't have the insecurities of midgets

Potheads who say they like anime but have only watched naruto

Potheads in general

this absolutley this
nah grandpa your just not in the scene

Religious people are weird.

Usually around 6' 3" and above. That's usually what's considered truly tall.

Black people don't tend to have a personality imo, they're just really fuckin dumb

Tall people can be dicks. I was watching a video about a Corvette the other day, and the guy says "I don't fit in here so good, but its a good problem to have. I *am * six-four. Heh," it just sounded like an asshole thing to say, and an asshole way to say it.

>Black people
you mean niggers

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Literally just smoking to be cool

people on Yea Forums

I hate being 6"2. My back hurts and I hate getting down low for shit.

This is the true motivation of /pol/, folks. Even in threads that have nothing to do with blacks, he just cant stop thinking about them!

Poor ass angry manlet detected.
No wonder he is pissed off at women

Yuppies, people in finance, hispanic comic nerds

Never understood the appeal to being that height. It's not like millions, and possibly billions, of other people weren't that height. Also, all people do is comment on your height when they're around you.

Since a lot of the 4 chan users are still growing, I can see why people focus on this. Its preeminent in their mind because its still happening. In more normal life, I have a couple tall cousins and they get some swagger out of it. It shifts their personality a fraction.
