How did he help or benefit the Russians?

How did he help or benefit the Russians?

Attached: 170418193720-democrats-comedians-pressure-shaming-trump-release-taxes-full-169.jpg (1600x900, 174K)

Other urls found in this thread:

His real estate "empire" was crumbling when the Berlin Wall fell. Shortly after that, the USSR fell, and hundreds of former Soviet officials gutted the treasury and cash piles of various government entities.
There were rigorous regulations on the stock market and banking--but not for real estate.
Can you say "money laundering"?
The election issue is beside the point. This fucker could very well be guilty of financial crimes going back 30 years.

Is that true, or did you hear it on CNN?

well, he has managed to squander the last 70 years of soft diplomacy power that the US had.

the US is perceived by many of the "on-the-fence" nation states as unreliable, as a result. Things like the unilaterally pulling out of the Iran treaty, and the unilateral tarrif rates being set, means that other nations arent so willing to make trade deals.

Net result is, the strength of the US, as an international power, is weakened. That benefits Russia, by given them greater influence.

"you want trade deal? Putin is strong, stable. Trade with us, no change in deal when new president elected. New president in Russia... same as old president. "

that sort of thing.

The russian tactic isnt to make themselves stronger - its to divide and weaken those who oppose them. "libtards" vs "republicunts". "Remoaners" vs "brexiteers", UK vs Europe. Find gaps in the social coherency, and exploit them to cause strife, which weakens the nations, and drags them down to Russia's level.

sounds like bullshit to me, source or fake faggot

cuck right here

get off Obama's dick coalburner

funny how you seem obsessed with someone I didnt mention at all.

the right cant fight

wow fag type much?

Like many aspects of the United States Presidency, I don't think the true scope of Trump/Putin will be known until after he is gone. Some of it will literally never be known, like the things he says to Putin when they are alone.

cant fight, or read as far as the last paragraph of a 100-ish word post.

>The russian tactic isnt to make themselves stronger - its to divide and weaken those who oppose them. "libtards" vs "republicunts". "Remoaners" vs "brexiteers", UK vs Europe. Find gaps in the social coherency, and exploit them to cause strife, which weakens the nations, and drags them down to Russia's level.


it would be amusing if it wasnt so utterly pitiful.

Yeah okay be what did Trump actually DO that benefited Russia??

Win a silver coin valued at $80

Attached: silver.jpg (400x555, 190K)

Not arguments.

Some would make the argument that an American President siding with Putin over his own intelligence agencies destroys American credibility and bolsters Russian influence at American expense.

He has isolated the USA from all of her allies and left in in the most weakened state she has ever seen in the world. He's helped China grow its economic power and international influence as well as increased China's ability to steal everything that isn't nailed down. Most importantly of all he has formed a cancerous tumor in the five eyes that will greatly weaken the western world for decades to come. Trump has worked tirelessly for the betterment of Israel and Russia, while bumbling his way to increasing China's power immensely.

The best part is, he's gone full socialist by spending more money on government jobs than any president in history right after he slashed taxes for the ultra wealthy that own the GOP and Dems. He's trading America's future for the sake of popularity with the base.

He pulled out of Syria and didn't defeat Bashar Al-Assad.
He pushed Turkey into Russia's orbit.
He didn't sign the Paris treaty which would force Russia to pay trillions in fees to sell their LNG to Europe.
He didn't invade Ukraine and take back Crimea.
He didn't invade Venezuela and topple Maduro.
He didn't invade Cuba and topple Castro.
He didn't invade Russia.

>The CIA and FBI are your friends and overlords
>Don't question them
>Don't doubt them
>Doubt only your duly-elected President

isn't meant to be an argument. It simply helps with contextual understanding. If you are looking for an argument, go fuck yourself. I'm not interested in what you want.

>invade Russia.
are you insane?? nobody can do that

And this is the Left in a nutshell. No arguments, they just want power.

Not arguments.

Sure, buddy. Everyone in government is to be doubted expect the guy that even keep his own narrative free of inconsistencies.

Let me guess, Q sent you, right?

Not an adult.

Win the coin, submit.

There is simply no reason to argue with people on Yea Forums. Want an argument? Go tell your mom you aren't going to clean your room.

Wow, used to be that the Trumpanzees were the ones with the arguments and the libs were the ones who bitched and moaned with nothing substantial to say. How times have changed.

Not arguments.


Attached: trump-putin.jpg (800x286, 25K)

Not an argument.

Why are you so interested in "arguments"?

What's the point?

He didn't, and Mueller said so.

Not a bot, in the slightest.

Standard right-wing tactic, though isn't it, straight from Rush Limbaugh's guides.
Make a uncommitted dismissal - "not an argument" "sad" "not true, do research", and refuse to engage regardless of the facts presented, because according to his playbook you think it gets "the libs" really wound up.

Reality is, we just laugh at the mindless robots who boast about being the "brave and the free", but are in fact too cowardly and intellectually stunted to engage in any sort of debate.


Trump is s scared of what Mueller has to say that he is literally shitting his pants on the golf course about it.

turns out Obama colluded with putin
so that means putin has run america since 2008

Arguments are the foundation of truth.

Not a bot, you're just losing.

Not an argument.

Oh yeah, how so? Where are you getting that definition?

Sure kid.

It wasn't supposed to be an argument, so... yeah.

mueller says all he has to in a report available to everyone for a while now

Not an argument.

So weak.

Nobody gonna point out trips? LUCKY 7 TRIPS NO LESS! >=[

Yea Forums is ded

He is enabling a division in this country.

We are currently under attack via misinformation and "trolls" for hire. Much of the "hate" rallies that have happened since his election were fabricated by foreign entities through facebook and other social media. Creating opposing events in the same spaces to purposefully pit people against each other. A nationalist event would be set to the same time and place as an all inclusive rights event.

Every moronic comment this man has publicly made on such events has only strengthened the fire these gatherings have caused and has emboldened those in known "hate" groups through his lack of commentary on their behavior which for him is unusual seeing as how he has to make some foolish comment on literally everything.

So in a way, yes he has helped Russions through how stupid he is and essentially made himself a tool in Russia's information attacks on the U.S.

An foreign entity who wishes to see us self destruct has had no stronger tool than a moron in power who so vehemently picks a side of the American Public rather than make any attempts to unite us.

Attached: 1.jpg (578x358, 58K)

Not an argument.

Stay mad.

Well, I mean, and a letter he wrote to the AG telling him to knock it off with the dumb shit.

My god. You're human?

and you dont even stop, and feel shame that your Limbaugh playbook of mindless repetition makes you look like an imbecile? You have not one ounce of self-respect, no shame, that you are deliberately presenting yourself, and your political side, as the intellectual midgets incapable of meaningful conversation?

I would be so deeply ashamed of myself if I acted like you. How do you not feel embarrassed at your behaviour?

Not an argument.

Not an argument.

Sure kid.

Not an argument.

Not an argument.

Not an argument.

Not an argument.

Not an argument.

By putting sanctions on russians

Not an argument.

Not arguments.

thats.. .not an argument. or a response. its an empty, meaningless phrase which demonstrates you are deeply lacking in any sort of grounds on which to argue your case.

"not an argument, sure kid" actually means "I cant defend myself or my viewpoint"

What a total failure in life you must be.

Stay mad.

>like the things he says to Putin when they are alone.

The NSA knows everything they talked about. National security comes first over privacy.

You know, I kind of admire the brazen lack of self-awareness in your actually responding with the same scripted replies.

I wonder how much easier the world is, when you are congenitally incapable of thinking about the larger scope of global geopolitical movement, or even of the nuances of shades between the "sides" you imagine the political spectrum is composed of.

Must be very simple, in your small, one-dimensional world.

Incidentally, have you worked out, I'm enjoying mocking you?

This is some low quality communist propaganda.

I'm glad you're having fun. Personally I find making arguments fun. You should try that at least once in your life.

By helping erode American hegemony in the world. Get ready for China and Russia to be calling more shots because we blew our load on a silver spoon reality tv meme man.

I love how something true is triggering so many people right now.

but, if you're "sure kid, not an argument, stay mad" budget-bot, you dont seem to understand what an argument is.

Let me give you an example.
I might argue that the US' soft power has been deminished, by the mocking disregard demonstrated by for example, french firefighters who mocked trump's suggestions to water-bomb Notre Dame, in the only english-language tweet they made...

"not an argument", is.... not an argument.

your arguing that you disagree, trump's tweeting on the subject showed that the influence and power of the US is still felt through their need to respond.

At which point, I might disagree back and forth.

that is an argument.

a three-word statement which has absolutely no content, is not an argument, it is a meaningless response which shows you have no grounds to actually disagree with whatever statement is made.

Perhaps you should try it. Debate sharpens the mind, it makes you think of logic, and teaches you to research your points. It is the mark of an intelligent person. Or do you pride yourself on your perceived ignorance, and lack of any education, which comes across from "sure kid" replies?

PS: I will assume "sure kid" "stay mad" or "not an argument" in response is an admission of your defeat.

So weak.

aw cute. forgot "so weak", on the list of meaningless automated responses that admit you haven't got a leg to stand on.

still, good to keep bumping the thread. How long till you just go silent, and refuse to respond. That's the next step in the Limbaugh playbook after all.
Yes, I've read his manifesto of tactics too.

Not an argument.

Tossed Putin’s salad

Sure kid.

>reddit spacing
You have to go back.

By becoming president

I watched. It was hot. “Trump 2020!! He sure knows how to eat ass”!!

Still mad she lost?

Repealed sanctions, some of which were put in place after crimea was annexed.

Stay mad.

Not an argument.

Imagine what a fucking loser you have to be to openly admit you are a Trump supporter

who is 'she'?

Sure kid.

Not an argument.

What? That distinctly benefitted russia which is what you...

oh, troll thread, got ya

So weak.

Good point here, we got a sharp one on our hands. A real thinker.

wtf are you talking about?

Not an argument.

Sure kid.

>undermining US reputation
>causing infighting
>replacing people who did their job with people who like him
>focusing on non russian threat

Not a sentence.

Not an argument.

Stay mad.

Imagine starting a thread, getting your ass handed to you so badly that you have to turn it into a troll thread just so you can convince yourself youre not merely a fuckwit that wants to sniff the dirty panties of president shitpants.


Nope, btards just stop going apeshit over trips and dubs through the years. That is more something meme number fanatics from a containment board go mad about now.

Attached: troll thread3.png (399x500, 284K)

Dude if some1 has that amount of money, you know he did not work for it .. so its more or less theft

Sure kid.

OP didnt asked for arguements but points where he helped Russia. It is like asking which backround color SFW boards have and when someone says blue, which is correct, and you say "not an arguement".

Just look at the post to poster ratio, this thread reeks of poltard shills from every angle.

Stay mad.

Stay mad.

Poltards gonna poltard.

Someone is projecting pretty hard and doesnt have any arguements at all.

Why do people like you are always so wrong and mad?

Not an argument.

mom forgot the hot pockets again

So weak.

We badly need a ban option in the report section for them like for the /mlp/ fucktards.


go fuck yourself incel no one was talking to you

Is this even a human posting? Or just some shitty AI dishing out shitposts?

Sure kid.


Not an argument.

Stay mad.

Only a person would be that dumb, newfag.

Also, not an argument.

Not a bot, you're just losing.

its a human. once in a while someone strikes a nerve and he changes his talking points slightly

Not an argument.

sure kid

Sure kid.

So weak.


He didn't, you just have the democrats, pissed off because they were so fucking arrogant they thought that Americans liked living like Kenyans and would elect Obama's hand picked successor. They worked it all out at the 2008 Bilderberg meeting in Chantilly Virginia....they promised. As it turns out Americans DON'T like being forced into austerity.

Not an argument.

He didn't run against Obama's second term.


Not an argument.

Stay mad.

Trump isn't a fucking idiot. He's just pretending.

Not an argument.

Not an argument.

Not an argument.

This is a shill thread gone wrong!

They intended to shill the russian narritive of didndunuffin, but that backfired.

Now the shill are in all 'shut it down' mode and try to shitpost it to ground.

One response, one agree to this.

Sure kid.

Human-monitored bot? I refuse to believe single man is making ALL the posts.

TRUMP is helping China? Are you pathologically retarded? Or just a fucking pathological liar?

Attached: Screenshot-2019-5-6 Chinagate and the Clintons The American Spectator Politics is too important to b (1215x480, 135K)

I'm glad you agree.

Stay mad.

/pol/ discords are sending their regards.

Thanks for the one agree.

So weak.

Not an argument.

Sure kid.

Are you fucking retarded??

Not an argument.

Look at this thread and tell me that there aint shills trying to shut it down.

>As it turns out Americans DON'T like being forced into austerity.

Yet the percentage of US citizens in poverty has fallen by about 3% between Obama's election, and when he left office.
Despite that, 39.7 million Americans still live in poverty.

Most tellingly, rates of americans living in poverty have risen sharply in the terms or Reagan, Bush sr, and Bush Jr, and fell during the terms of Clinton and Obama....

Its almost like reality is completely the opposite of what you imagine it is. Propaganda's one hell of a drug.

Attached: poverty.png (576x410, 45K)

So weak.

At this point you should just close the thread.

Of course it's not an argument you fucking retard, it's a question

And THIS is a statement

Stay mad.

Sure kid.

I'm glad we agree that you had no argument.

I'm glad we agree.

So weak.

You libcucks will never give up keep whining crying and bitching till 2024 you sad loser

Attached: !cryingloserliberal2019.jpg (589x588, 87K)

Do your own research, asshat.

You fucking Trumploving Niggers are the scum of the earth. Being proven wrong a thousand times doesn't change shit because you all hide from reality.

Kill yourselves.

Your mom doesn't think so.

So weak.

Not an argument.

Stay mad.

the funniest bit is the fact that these are the same people who were screaming about how any slight word in support for the democrats before the 2018 elections were "paid shills of share blue"

They really do project their fears of what they'll be found out to be doing, every time, dont they?

Sure kid.

Not an argument.

Not an argument.

>168 post
>30 posters
Shills in full meltdown mode.

Stay mad.

Stay mad, kid

It still baffles me that someone can has so little dignity and self-worth that they would continue posting the "stay mad" "not an argument" type stuff, again and again, even when its patently clear that people are laughing at him for doing so.

I cant help wonder what sort of awful lack of self-worth that poor guy must have, to keep doing this. He cant possibly think that he's not a laughing stock, after all.

Looks like you hit a sore spot on this band of Yea Forumsfag trump cockslurpers

Not an argument.

Hey retard I'm the OP and my intention was to have a retarded thread filled with retarded comments. If you look carefully you'll notice all I did in my OP was ask a simple question, now look at all the bullshit that ensued

Because it works in the grand scheme. The thread didnt worked as planed so iz gets destroyed, hardly anyone wants to get involved anymore, they win.

Deal with it Hillary lost because she was so fucking compromised after twenty years of obstructing justice and breaking laws with impunity there was no way she could survive what Mueller just put Trump through and Trump was definittley going to make sure the election was legal. I don't care what the career corrupted criminals that is the modern democratic party. Go start these bullshit threads on /po/ where you can't sockpuppet your own threads making it appear you have support you don't by answering yourself. You fucking tranny shills are an embarrassment to humanity and an affront to intelligence.

>i was just merely pretending

Kid, if you had this many digits in your paycheck, you'd sign up for this job, too.

Not an argument.

Sure kid.

Stay mad.

>and my intention was to have a retarded thread filled with retarded comments.

Attached: 1293847965089.jpg (790x1229, 120K)

>If you look carefully you'll notice all I did in my OP was ask a simple question

He didn't, because if Hillary had won, the USA would be a piece of shit now with a really weak economy. If just making the USA weaker constitutes helping Russia then Hillary would have been much better for Russia than Trump is/was. Democrats are still weakening the USA with their refusal to accept their president, so they're also helping Russia.

ISn't it obvious you fucking fuckwit??

Damaging institutions
Normalizing treasonous behavior

Stay mad.

Not an argument.

Not an argument.

Stay a Nigger

Not an argument.

Attached: Saddam-advisor-denial.jpg (300x225, 11K)

If you really have to ask then your too fucking stupid to figure out what's going on.

Not an argument.

>Not an argument

I see you've decided to stop reading and start shitting on the thread. That's fine, just off yourself when you're done. We don't need fucking idiots like you.

Sure kid.

Stay mad, kiddo

it's true that CNN has become more left wing bias news media. But it's hilarious that most of the people who point that out also think Fox News is giving them the unbiased truth. The reality is that Fox News is further right biased than CNN is left.

Not an argument.

Sure kid.

Are you fucking retarded?

Not an argument.

Stay mad.

chiggidy checked. what containment board is it? I haven't lurked here in some time. last I remember they had to make an mlp board and then revitalized r9k

Attached: IMG_4202.jpg (500x667, 63K)

true, but I'm just pointing out hypocrisy

thanks for proving my point.


Sure kid.

Not an argument.

Still mad she lost?

Holy fuck you are retarded


bumping higher

highest bump

>t. triggered polautist that made half of all posts in this thread

Years Russian collusion accusations and bitching from the dems backfired. Blew up in their face. Shit was lightly brushed on the news but of course the modern media and the dirty dem tv networks don't let facts or actual journalism get in the way of their story and the media masters agenda.

Wonder if Hillary would sell me some uranium

I'm conceding CNN is biased. But are you saying Fox News isn't?

sure kid

Shhh, dont come and go all logic, it makes their brain explode.

Not an argument.

So weak.

Still mad she lost?

Trump supporters' reactions to this post?
>1. You're a cuck.
>2. You suck dick.
>3. You're a fag.
>4. This doesn't count.

What's missing? Any logic, reason, or counter-argument. That's because Trump supporters (paid and just trolls) don't have any arguments against this. They're stuck with nothing, so they lash out like middle school kids on a playground.

It also shows their love of Trump (and by extension, themselves) is much more important to them than this country.

Stay mad.

Ted should have won.

Go back to /pol/ with your "kid" comment. I've seen the same comment many times and it's always the most intelligent comment you have ever made.


Not an argument.

So weak.


Attached: trump shit.jpg (1136x640, 57K)

Sure kid.

yeah I know. And then you have to play the "am I talking to an idiot or troll" game. It gets tedious.

Definitely troll.

Oh my god this is such a stupid fucking post

Stay mad.

Imagine being THIS retarded.

Yeah, he's one of the biggest dumbasses on Yea Forums. He's usually commenting about 16 hours a day. A real loser.

>Definitely troll.
Well thank god we have you to tell us what's what!

red herring of the day folks

>Definitely troll.
It aint trolling, it is entire purpose driven, the thread did not develope like it should, so it must be destroyed.

If I was that retarded would I even be able to imagine it?

Stay mad.

replies but no actual answer to the question. ...shocking.

Sure kid.

Sure kid.

How was it supposed to develop? Everyone stand around and agree "trump did nothing wrong"?

Not an argument.

No, it was a question?

kid sure.

Correct, not an argument.

Let's call it trolling with a purpose

Sure kid.

So weak.

Argument: You keep saying the same thing because you cannot think of anything new or original.

Evidence: Instead of replying with facts, links, or even logic, you repeatedly. say "Not an argument" even against arguments. This shows 1) a lack of knowledge and/or experience in how to debate and 2) a high likelihood of being a scared little bitch who knows their weak shit is weak.

So, which response will you pull out this time? It could be "Stay mad kid" because it's not the exact same phrase. But maybe "Not an argument"? That's possible too because you're a weak little bitch. But the most likelky response? None.

Hey, that would be kinda original. Kinda.

ordered 'retaliate' when 500 wagner russian noname mercs launched attack on the oil refinery we held in syria.
you boys are witless & blind to maybe 'russia go home,'russia out'
360-300 of the wagner boys were not found in pieces larger than w chicken wishbones to send home to mom when it was over,
putin is a murderer

Sure kid.

So weak.

Yeah, there are no right wing anons here at this point. It's all lefts and trolls now.

You're putting a lot of effort in to arguing on the Internet. Consider the life choices you've made that has led you to this place in your life.

Circlejerk about how all accusations are wrong and made up, followed with the usual rant about some media, leftists and media. Making anyone believe this is the big narritive around it and delivering predigested arguements for it, that useful idiots can copy and parrot later.

Stay mad.

Not an argument.

Imagine trying to be clever and failing so badly that you end up supporting the argument you railed again. That's a special level of autism. Thanks for trying!

Stay mad.

Sure kid.

There are, they failed with their initial objective, so now they are busy with 'shutting it down' by pretending to be trolling.

>Yeah, there are no right wing anons here at this point. It's all lefts and trolls now.
Correction: Trump supporters are right-wing anons *and* trolls.

Not an argument.

further bump

Stay mad.

another bump

Neither is repeating
>not an argument
ad nauseum.

Sure kid.

>Not an argument.
>Stay mad.
>Sure kid.

Attached: shareblue and the trannies.png (1331x330, 49K)

So weak.

At this point some automated spam protection should have autobanned him.

Sure kid.

>implying this aint acutally polacks in this threads

No one seems to give a fuck about banning trolls on Yea Forums.

>Sounds like bullshit to me
>Do the work of research for me
>I must be spoon-fed in order to understand

It's one user posting these who's jacking it every time someone responds to one of them.
>Not an argument.
>Stay mad.
>Sure kid.

>They really do project their fears of what they'll be found out to be doing, every time, dont they?
Making a post and then samefagging your posts in response doesn't fool anybody tranny it's the same duplicitous bunch of bullshit from the usual clown crew of charlatans

Attached: libshills.jpg (772x662, 77K)

Stay mad.

Not an argument.

The pol discords are aware of this and playing right around it.

yeah, I know you like it like that.

So weak.

Sure kid.

mmmm, hot

Sure kid.

yeah, right there. faster

Sure kid.

getting intense now.

And this the right in a nutshell. No arguments, no cohesive ideas, no rational chain of thought. Just finger wagging, condescension and premature dismissal

Stay mad.

Not an argument.

It doesnt make sense for them to spam in this thread, the general consensus in this thread was going against the pol narritive. Those spamming posts only make sense for people who try to want to destroy this thread for it.

Try to make sense next time.

I would say that an invasion of Russia could be accomplished by nato. It may end in nuclear holocaust tho. But suppose all American allies went total war on Russia the US team would be stacked. The correct response is, nobody is willing to risk an invasion of Russia, Bc that would fuck up most of the world.

Attached: hot - Copy.gif (480x270, 502K)

He didn't, and *Barr (after summarizing a report that took weeks to compile in less than four days) said so.


>301 posts
>42 posters
Shill alarm is going straight through the roof. Why was this thread such a big threat for the poltards?

>"I don't have proof, or a source, so I'm just going to act like you're retarded for not believing me on the spot."