What if I told you that all Africa, Latin America and India are doomed. What if I told you that it's just United States...

What if I told you that all Africa, Latin America and India are doomed. What if I told you that it's just United States, Canada, Europe, Russia, China, Korea, Japan, Australia and New Zealand. What if I told you that the next pope is the last. What if I told you that all niggers, sandniggers and shitskins are designated to extinction. What if I told you that practically all females will do the work while all males scratch their balls all day. That's the secret agenda of the hidden government ruling the world and the key is slowly make it public. Feel free to spread the new or copy and paste this post. License is your mom.

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Sauce op

Yet another mega-faggot.

There are three incoming catastrophic events.
One will be provoked by humans (albeit the worst one currently living). It will happen between 2020 and 2030, yet the most probable date is January 3, 2020, with a +-. 24 hours approximation. Probability it happens: 100%, because it's been already decided. Either a nuclear "accident" (aka some false-flag), or some pandemy. Details are yet unclear, but it will take millions of lives in a very few hours, in some Euro/American area: enough to provoke the biggest financial crisis ever.

2nd one is a celestial-related event.. Same decade: 2020-2030. Probability: 90%. Cannot yet determine if something like a Carrington event (it would be enough to destroy no less than 95% of internet, electronics, infrastructures) or an asteroid.

3rd one is a natural one. Same timeframe. Probability: 90%. Most probably volcano-related.


What if I told you that you're a massive faggot? Would you believe me, user?

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The powers that be already took their counter-measures. DUMBs. The Rockfeller seed bank at Svalbard. Richest people secretly moving to New Zealand (and not giving any fucks about muh islam and muh earthquakes out there). Actual safest zone is central Africa (inb4 ooga booga), but you can't reasonably survive there.

Maybe you won't be surprised that the Powers That Be are very fond about it. It's been several decades the "top 1%" (actually way less than 1%) decided both to exterminate no less than half the current population (no less than 85%, according to other sources dating back to 1970's) and to use the survivors as slaves (this part has been quite successful to date). Fun fact: we're anyway way less than 7.8 billions. Population is at most half than that ridicolous figure.

I'm not good to dig in technical details. I've anyway concluded that the probability of the 2nd and 3rd event has been thoroughly considered since late 1950's. It's a quite well kept secret, to the point people trying to point it out actually receive "the phonecall" and instantly shut up (either voluntarily or not). Maybe the fact I can't evaluate tech details even if they were given to me is the only reason I never got "the phonecall".


I'm an old fart, I don't have many years to live anyway, and my health is not that great. Family and friends either hate me or are too stupid. I never miss to laugh at them about having only a few toilet rolls in the bathroom storage. "If anything happens, you're doomed".

Even if I knew the actual details of those "events", I'd be doomed anyway. I always appreciated those survivalists doing their very best for multiple scenarios. But even the best prepper ready for several months seclusion can't survive the strong will of those "less than 1%" who are only waiting for the moment to start the main event.

Poorly-minded people wasted their time speculating about aliens or things contradicting science. As if they never read anything about Occam's razor. You know, in my (non-English speaking) country, we say "every landslide was born a tiny snowball". Once people will be unable to grab soda, toilet paper, porn videos, they will become zombies and will kill and destroy each other - exactly what the Powers That Be planned.


with whites plummiting birth rates, meanwhile africa will have 4 bi in 100 years....

>What if I told you that the next pope is the last.
You'd be wrong. Malachi's Prophecy is that Francis is Peter the Roman. We're done for.

Since 1950's fiction and movies have explored any post-apocalyptic scenario, with or without happy ending. Yet noone of those works ever attempted to honestly investigate the reasons pushing those Powers That Be to cold-heartedly destroy everyone else. You know, movies have either the 100% Villain, or the "villain ultimately becoming a good guy", both tropes intended avoid moral - and possibly religious - questions.

Only if Western countries keep flooding it with money and help. Anyway, guess the hidden reason why China is investing in Centrla Africa.

It's too late, by the way, to save ourselves. Maybe we should embrace Christianity and live happy - because satisfying own urges makes you satisfied, not happy - so that when our lives will be destroyed by famine, radioactivity, predators (especially human ones), whatever, at least we will die happy.


>meanwhile africa will have 4 bi in 100 years....
You're assuming that industrial scale agriculture will still be possible after 4+ degrees of warming. Whites are going to die too, but not from the racist fantasy of swarming third worlders.

>Only if Western countries keep flooding it with money and help.
Money comes out of Africa, it doesn't go in

>Once people will be unable to grab soda, toilet paper, porn videos, they will become zombies and will kill and destroy each other - exactly what the Powers That Be planned.
Starving people become docile, not riotous.

October 1958: Cardinal Siri was elected Pope. He chose the name Gregorius XVII, yet ten minutes later he was convinced to abdicate. Radio Vaticana, which announced "we've got a new Pope", had to rectify. I'm using the "convinced" term instead of "forced to abdicate", because if he was forced then he would have secretly remained Pope until his death in 1988 (some Occam's razor deniers actually believe that). By Canon Laws, a Pope can't get forcibly stripped of its role.

Anyway the elected Pope, John XXIII, was already known to be manipulated by Freemasonry. He was also known he was willing to start a Vatican Council. And one day he surprised his own best men announcing it out of the blue. He died a few years later. Gregory XVII was elected again... and was again convinced to retire. Paul VI came up. He was a known Communist informer, and his secret gay relationships were known even to CIA and other secret services. And you know how easy you can blackmail a gay. He approved the Liturgical Reform created by Bugnini and other Freemasons, basically destroying the traditional Latin Mass.

Then in 1978 John Paul I was elected. He was murdered one month later by a few Freemason Cardinals because he was willing to fire a number of Freemason Bishops in the IOR (Istituto Opere Religiose, basically Vatican's central bank). John Paul II came up in 1978. He had his men send a lot of money to Solidarnosc people in Poland, and that's why in 1981 a Turkish guy shot at him. He eventually let "them" know he wouldn't mess anymore with "their" affairs, and that's why he lived 24 more years.


If some dude is "less starving than you", then he will overpower you and steal anything from you. Mad Max-like movies, Stephen King's The Stand, zombie-related movies, there's a lot of examples about "docile" vandals.

Have you actually been to a lodge?

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Masons can't figure out the pancake social, nevermind run the world

>What if I told you that all Africa, Latin America and India are doomed.
I am not living there. I don't care. For the People over there it is probably for the best. Death can't be worse than their lives.
>What if I told you that it's just United States, Canada, Europe, Russia, China, Korea, Japan, Australia and New Zealand.
I am fine with that. Sounds good to me, I am Living in one of those places.
>What if I told you that the next pope is the last.
I am not catholic. I don't care.
>What if I told you that all niggers, sandniggers and shitskins are designated to extinction.
I am caucasian so again. I don't care.
>What if I told you that practically all females will do the work while all males scratch their balls all day.
Sounds like heaven, but to be honest for me atleast this wouldn't be much of a change. I already own a female slave.
>That's the secret agenda of the hidden government ruling the world
Cool agenda, bro. Keep up the good work. I am suporting this, because every male should have his personal female slave(s).

What if I told you starting a sentence with "what if I told you" doesn't just make anything you say after valid? Evidence, mothafucka.

I think he just wants to read how we would react if he would tell us those things.
Nobody would think that the phrase "what if I told you" make sentence valid by default. Not even OP would think that.

Benedict XVI has always been cleverly depicted as traditionalist and right-leaning. Yet he's never actually been. With a few exceptions, he was no different than John XXIII, Paul VI and John Paul II. He was forced to abdicate when his ties to the Freemasonry were going full public and, at the same time, Swift circuit de-authorized IOR. The day after he announced his retire, Swift was cleared for the IOR worldwide.

Then Francis came up. The most embarassing Jesuit ever. At best he's a Soros puppet. He's destroying everything was left - cloisters, sacraments doctrine, everything. No wonder many people decided he's the last (or at most the next-to-last) Pope.

The Catholic Church has basically been devastated from within by Freemasons and their puppeteers:
- a series of increasingly bad Popes, obsessed with being nice to the world and being harsh with the faithful
- a bad Vatican Council, with enough ambiguities to let the internal revolution begin
- a bad liturgy forced upon Catholics
- a ridicolous obsession with "dialogue" in place of doctrine teaching
- an increasingly bad attitude towards internal scandals


This is what happens when wwyd threads are allowed. You get complete retards like op that thinks people care about whatever he comes up with.

Wrong question, because you don't have to catch AIDS to understand that AIDS is not good for your health. There are many different versions and levels of Freemasonry. I'm using the "Freemasonry" term because it's the easiest to understand. There is something above Freemasonry anyway, and that's where that "top 1%" (easy to understand term) lies. I should also add that the generic term "Jews" mostly denotes the "top" ones.

Friendly reminder: at least John Paul II and Benedict XVI have known Jewish ascendants (Jewish lineage is by mother-grandmother, not by father-grandfather).

There is a good reason why non-Catholic should care about the "last Pope" hypothesis. Those taking advantage of the three "events" described above, are the same people obsessed with destroying the Catholic Church. Whether or not you give any fuck about it, you should not suppress a lead because it triggers your personal (anti)religious pride. If you consider the possibility of Freemasonry getting a hold on all legit Popes since 1958, you may understand that it's way more than power and money. Freemasonry, anyway, is very religious (in its own way) and objectively filled with Jewish symbols and paraphernalia.


shini = death

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Speculation starting from "what if" may be no more than a lazy pastime. I instead tried to give data - well known data if you've been digging around without buying into the "alien" and "magic" and similarly retarded things.

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