Do you think it's coincidence, that they waited until Assange's capture to change the algorithm on youtube?

Do you think it's coincidence, that they waited until Assange's capture to change the algorithm on youtube?

This shows you how desperate the corporate media in bed with Hillary who was in bed with corrupt governments is getting..

Does youtube really think we're incapable of determining what is real news and what is fake news so they need to eliminate what they consider "conspiracy theories" this also applies to Hillary Clintons 30,000 deleted emails they've already determined that's a conspiracy.

Trading freedom for security is what prisons do.. do you want to live in a prison?

mean while youtube proprs up actually conspiracies and fake news such as ABC CNN or even fox.. go google ANYTHING political and tell me they're not the first ones to come up even with less subs and views.

Attached: 1f9b1bfa6454a52deafabef99d73884d.jpg (400x346, 37K)

Other urls found in this thread:, OR warming from:realdonaldtrump&ref_src=twsrc^tfw

Hell when you search specific youtuber names half the times it's fake news posts from CNN and the rest

Attached: Faaake news.jpg (500x658, 84K)

People need to stand up against these monopolies or we're going to loose everything we love.

Attached: False flag.jpg (564x422, 59K)


Attached: FBI 64.jpg (504x495, 41K)

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Attached: Fake news 3.jpg (563x423, 62K)

Attached: Fake news 4.jpg (553x831, 99K)

This is how simple a Yea Forums conspiracy theorists brain is. Why would they put the equipment in the deeper part of the water when that would break it? What if instead the reporter being in a ditch, the equipment is on a hill and the majority of the area is as deep as what the reporter is in? Or, what if they are simply showing how bad the flooding can be?

When you look for outrage and conspiracy, you'll always be able to find it. You will feed your brain parts of the overall situation so you can stitch together some inaccurate hypothesis that was created solely on delusion.

Use your noggin, you nincompoop. Don't be a thoughtless tool.

Attached: cdd260e5540ddf8ab0b60ce4bbad9d7f.jpg (564x535, 66K)

You can say what ever you like, I will decide what is real news and what isnt, I don't need some biased corporate rich soi boy to tell me what is real news and what isn't, p.s. I wil be updating Yea Forums with every law suit youtube is beat with so they know too they can make a hefty profit from the freedoms youtube the monopoly is stealing from the people

Attached: Fafafafake news.jpg (564x564, 71K)

that wasn't socialism, retard

If it's a conspiracy show me one political post on youtube on page one that isnt left leaning, when you scroll down past the MSM and left leaning media the other videos have more views, comments, likes, and subs tell me how that's conspiracy? not to mention youtube announced they're going to remove "conspiracy" videos in their new algorithm recently released, there is a difference between being uninformed and willfully ignorant and anyone who can't see they're meddling with the algorithms because their biased political views and to eliminate competition is either really low IQ or likely people paid to attack the last platform for freedom of speech.

I can tell you're a retarded socialist.

Attached: 3f86a1ddb0eed565f063a2622dcc2da2.jpg (455x426, 36K)

Record low unemployment numbers are skewed and don't show the real numbers (such as those that quit looking because there's nothing to find.)

More *LOW PAY* jobs....useless

Gas is NOT under 2 a gallon. You're fucking looney.

Soldiers coming home? When? From Where? Bullshit..

Suck it, fagmo, your image is BS and you know it

die in a fire



Attached: FBI 71.jpg (564x327, 41K)

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They didn't air the second shot that exposed the fake shot that was a bi-passer who snapped that picture, shows what you know. Simpleton

CNN calls the uprising in Venezuela a coup when in reality they're throwing over a dictator who's not following their law.

I mean sure the media makes everything about the president negative(remember when fox tried to turn Obama wearing a tan suit into a big scandal even though others like Reagan did the same?)
In this case though I get what they're getting at because that was the FIRST such visit he made conviently when the shutdown was garnering negative attention for him while other presidents had managed multiple visits, no scandals needed, by that point in their presidencies.

The YouTube ai hates everything.
Even video games that are rated E for everyone get gated

Attached: 15812346519807.jpg (1806x1702, 1.48M)

A free pass? As if news didn't cover the bengazi/email scandals and investigations or pres Clinton getting his dick wet?

I understand what you're getting at but the masks just make it absolute cringe.

We're fucked anyway

So does every person who dies from lack of food, medical care, safety conditions, etc under capitalism count against it?

LUL even to this day they praise him like he didn't bring the GPS down to 1% or reduce the Military to a size incapable of defending the USA in the result of a foreign attack. worst president in history and they kissed his executive order signing ass.
Show me where the media colluded against Obama consistently cause I can show you them doing it to Trump for the last two years.
I can show you 3 different media sources MSM all using a fake investigation to hate the best president in history for a week straight.

Attached: The Truth.jpg (500x543, 50K)

Only recently and that's besides the point when left leaning MSM is propped up even though most people don't watch them and they certainly don't go to youtube to watch corporate media paid off by corrupt politicians

Attached: 9ca5435ecfc075a5a1b82e0934f132a2.jpg (563x511, 78K)

Medicaid, Medicare, section 8, food stamps, daca, and so on these socialist programs in America are the cause of the capitalist system not being flawless get rid of the leeches aka socialist and capitalism thrives, also the death toll from socialism is significantly higher

Attached: 5cfc0f46b3db4e460bbca15899e83acf.jpg (500x610, 101K)

This seemed interesting so out of curiosity I looked it up.
Not only did he not fire her, he was not her supervisor and had no power to do so.

Do you know that you're posting lies and just are trying to decide people to push your feels or do you just care so little about the truth that you don't bother to look into I do you find before regurgitating it like some npc?

Attached: Donald J Trump.jpg (564x751, 97K)

That's not true show your source.

INB4 vox washington post or nyt

Yet he couldn't pull crowds like Obama for his inauguration.

Attached: Feds 40.jpg (563x527, 62K)

All that to defend a dude standing in a ditch for dramatic effect. He really touched a nerve didn't he?

You mean because the pic the main stream media admitted to editing?

Attached: Definetly not edited.jpg (1600x900, 326K)

Attached: Fake news 2.jpg (564x626, 44K)

Hey dumbass. That text at the bottom is shopped. Now fuck off retard

>Wants to make it easier for the lower and middle class to join the ranks of millionaires
[Citation Needed]
Sure he talks a big game but his tax bill mainly benefited the ALREADY rich and he has failed to revive coal. His only suggestion to help coal is basically welfare, FORCING people to buy a product they don't want and that doesn't make financial sense. He couldn't even bother trying to do it through incentives and tax credits, just jumped straight to micromanaging markets.
That's HARDLY a shining beacon of free market capitalism.

Or how about when he let up on the supposedly all important pressure on China for the sake of getting a family deal through? Seems like he's looking out for himself before any poor people.

I was not a drugged up hippy like you deadlock lice covered leftfucks during the elction I saw those numbers my self sorry they're conspiring to burn the facts like the nazis did the left are the actual fascists here is an example of their dishonesty since I had to sift through their BS they've posted after to bury the truth

Attached: FBI 55.jpg (564x564, 59K)

Buahhahaha found it he actually says 100%

He does this by not taxing the "1%" 90% like bernie does this means anyone who earns above 300k has to pay 90% this will eliminate anyone who isnt capable of living past a 90% tax and the rich will leave totally unfeasible considering they also want open borders with free health care and education on top of all of it. By allowing the rich to thrive the gap grows in income inequality but everyone's general life improves the rich get richer but the impoverished also get richer just not as rich as the giants, and there are already laws against becoming a monopoly like youtube.

Attached: Dirty.jpg (564x593, 57K)

Attached: fake news.jpg (564x1013, 109K)

Where's the source for the original claim? It's not true, where is your source? ;^)
There's no citation and the image is such poor quality you can't see half the text, yet you believe it without question because it happens to align with your feels.

>Excluding sources before even looking at the info
Fuck off coward, even a biased source can have accurate info and the bias can't alter citation sources.
You're just laying the groundwork to ignore anything that disagrees with your feels off hand without having to actually look at or consider anything that might handle getting your preconceived belief.
I won't post Washington Post since it triggers your sensetive feels so much but just seeing a preview of it while scrolling by in search results it said that the guy never said he fired Hilary in either of his books, rather the claim seems to originate with an article some reporter wrote.
Here's one source
>Me no likey source!
Read try damn info.
Or just find your own source rather than wasting time playing this game where I keep finding sources and you keep making excuses while never providing your own evidence that the original claim is true, other than that you want it to be.

Post proof, there are no citations in that image, for all anyone knows that's just Obama versus trump and you're just claiming it's both trump but da evil Jews edited it with Spielberg.

You're the one making a claim that what I have said is not true, you can't prove it.

Use your double digit IQ and compare the photo to the one they posted in huffpo and everywhere else trying to lie about the outcome. Trump has plenty of fans

Attached: Your side is the loudest not the biggest.jpg (564x720, 113K)

Attached: A real president.jpg (464x473, 55K)

Attached: Communists.jpg (563x708, 78K)

Attached: FBI 63.jpg (564x564, 63K)

Remember when it was Obama versus Romney?
And all the conservatives and /pol/tards were crying that the liberal media is biased and tried to "unskew" the "biased" polls with their own polls that predicted a landslide victory for Romney?

This is how the "/pol/ is always right" meme persists, they endlessly circlejerk over the handful of times they are coincidentally right while desperately trying to forget and ignore ALLLL the many MANY times they fuck up.

Attached: Demos.jpg (564x435, 56K)

They're on a website where trolls flourish , that's a little different than people posing as journalists on live news

Attached: Fake news 1.jpg (564x720, 106K)

>there are already laws against becoming a monopoly like youtube
Yet such laws largely fail especially in the face of company cooperation.
Many places you only have one option for an internet provider, it is a functional monopoly.

This is true. Too bad Republicans sold their souls to corporations and churches. Now, the GOP is home to every low-IQ racist nitwit in the US. Proud of that one, user?

The original image made the claim, without source.
I looked it up out of curiosity and everything I saw said that the guy didn't fire her.

But you want to accept that he fired her with no evidence but a Yea Forums image and your own feels while ignoring any contrary evidence with excuses about the source.

I gave a source but of course you just want to ignore it. I really can't believe that you actually care about the truth.

Youtube is a gross example of giving up freedoms for security and the left loved it till it started hitting them too.. this is why we have to protect our rights and stop focusing on race like they want. There is a reason they want Prisoners and illegal immigrants to vote.. they know the Americans wont vote for their Maduro like regime

Attached: FBI 72.jpg (541x536, 60K)

Just by looking at this thread, it's ironic right wing people say the left cant meme. These are all just a bunch of shit facebook tier mom memes.

Im literally not even left winged but holy shit this is cringe niggers.

The original photo is a quote you claim it isnt real, prove it.

>I will decide what is real news and what isnt,
And you failed with that meme you posted.

It's cute how you're trying to act educated and independent when you're just another idgit doing exactly what your betters want. Good boy!

>Use your double digit IQ
Lol nice ironic projection.
Look, you tard, comparing huffpo or whatever they fuck images would only prove that the right image was associated switch the inauguration.
What you need to show to support your feels is that the left image is of the trump inauguration with a source.

You never gave a source and I encourage people to go through the links simply by clicking our posts responses to each other after you click one it will light up the previous comment we made to each other. This is the lefts dishonesty this is how they operate.

Attached: 10HrvKf.jpg (960x451, 123K)

I remember conservapedia, the right-wing version of wikipedia because conservatives can't handle reality.

you mean educated like this?

Attached: Demo 4.jpg (500x333, 37K)

Attached: E26849FE-2055-4B6B-AA19-0F7E8FE1F2DA.jpg (225x225, 10K)

Wikipedia is fake news, wiki can be edited by anyone.

WAAAAAAHH! I can't prove what I said, so it's YOUR job to disprove it! WAAAAAAHH!

Yet such people on /pol/ and itt suppose to be the true upholders of truth and their meme pics the true evidence.
If you want to be more trustworthy that shitty mass media then you need hold yourself to a higher standard.

Most of these images have no source, they're only there to reinforce your preconceived feelings, not prove any hidden truth.

Attached: 1552366321458.jpg (1122x1122, 162K)

I posted a fact you claim there is evidence proving it's fake you fail to post evidence..

Attached: 1551277897835.jpg (480x480, 24K)

That image uses Obama's inauguration on the left and Trump's on the right. Trump's committee put down white tarps, Obama's did not.

You are either a complete fucking idiot or a complete fucking idiot who lies. Which do you prefer?

Attached: 7b3bbf3eb98d2ae97fadc51484e12a8c.jpg (564x823, 84K)

The right is just as quick to demand control over freedom for online venues at the slightest rumor of "bias against conservatives" or just anything that offends them enough.

nigger what, youtube keeps changing its algorhitm to a shittier one every two weeks

See the difference in quality? that's the evidence Trumps was edited.

Attached: What a man..jpg (259x300, 22K)

Bruh, righties don't understand common sense.

Explain where we give up American rights on the right please do.

Attached: 63c6f8b8cb27ae1d7c5ed00cf4c11d97.jpg (500x662, 104K)

>i'll just make up a bunch of bullshit and hope no one notices

Attached: 1552248062988.jpg (563x432, 53K)

I'll try one more time with less snark.

You are making a claim that X is a fact. Therefore, it is your responsibility to prove the claim. You make it, you support it. It is not the responsibility of everyone else to prove you wrong.

Stop ducking out of responsibility, man up, and prove what you claim. Otherwise, admit you have no support and made shit up.

Attached: kekatthistard.gif (700x306, 1.86M)

Attached: What a hero..jpg (563x681, 84K)

I presented a fact, you think it's fake and you also claimed you have a source proving it, so why not provide it?

Attached: Trump is the man.jpg (564x752, 63K)

>facebook tier mom memes
Of course, that's their bread and butter.
Reddit/Facebook tier memes that any of us would cringe at but are just right for convincing boomers for whom Facebook= the internet.
Sure it seems like your side are the ultimate memers when some iFunny garbage of a minion badmouthing niggers will make them shit their pants laughing no matter how many times they see it.

Not saying it's the gospel truth, just that right-wing folks made up their own facts because they were a-scared of reality. They are so weak that even a crap site like Wikipedia triggered them. Sad, really.

Could you tinfoil hats stop calling yorself conspiracy theorists, please?
You crazy folk are giving real conspiricy theorists a bad Name.

Okay child I didn't want to humiliate you until you provided a fake source but since you wont here from the snakes mouth her self

I posted a source that contradicted the claim.
You just want to believe the image, even with no evidence but your own feels.

If you refuse to even look at evidence then there's no way I can convince you. This is why the burden of proof is on the positive claim.
If I demand you prove unicorns aren't real then no matter what you present I can just say you weren't looking hard enough or didn't want to find them or are in the pocket of big unicorn, that is what you are doing. You are probably aware of this and are so ply disingenuous, purposefully trying to decide people and muddy the waters of truth to push your feels.

1) I think you're confusing me with another user. I'm only posted about your clear inability to support anything you post.

2) Thanks for admitting you cannot provide any evidence to back your claims. Geez, I didn't think you'd fold that easily. Is it time for work already?

Anything I save I research prior to saving, I act uniformed so you act like a bigger liar the way you claimed how you had a source and you were holding out.. that's what I am exposing.. lol leme guess you used one of those left leaning "fact" check sites for your "information" buha jajajhahaha

Are you retarded?

Nope you're just so high on your Asperger meds

Attached: FBI 56.jpg (563x562, 65K)

Just to make sure I understand the American way of thinking binary. Does not hating black people and disliking Trump make me leftist or even a socialist? Is that how it works? Because it appears to me that people tend to pop those political terms that have no practical meaning nowadays like they pop their xanax.

Maybe, but who I know is for sure are the people who think Trump is responsible for Obama's law.

Attached: Feds26.jpg (500x522, 58K)

>lol leme guess you used one of those left leaning "fact" check sites
Ah, he's one of those morons who needs all information to fit into his preconceived notions. Anything that contradicts him is fake.

You're a sad excuse for a human being. Go back to jerking off to Infowars.

refer to and

Still lying. Hey, at least you're consistent!

LMFAO saged.. who knew lefties took pride in not sourcing all the information.. it all makes sense now

>You never gave a source
Yes I did, you liar, it's right in my post before the one you're reply to.
If you're too stupid to read and follow a Yea Forums reply chain then why should anyone listen to anything you say?

I also highly encourage anyone reading along to click the little # next to the quoted post just THREE times and they'll see my post with a source.
This is how the right operates, lie about the facts, lie about obvious reality even when it's starting you right in the face. Call the sky burgundy and the grass blue and just keep repeating the lie until you can catch even just one person or tire out those on the side of truth.

Attached: demos 2.jpg (435x521, 51K)

What source is that, relink it.

At least in the US, conservatives have been taught since Reagan that any opposition to the Republican Party is both treasonous and sinful. That's why they have awful RINO purges but then vote for whomever the party tells them to vote for.

>Does not hating black people and disliking Trump make me leftist or even a socialist? Is that how it works?
In reality? No. In the eyes of conservatives? Yes. (But less so about not hating black people as long as you like the ones who are conservative.)

Our legal system has evolved and the brave justices of today wouldn't have let poor Nixon be persecuted!

actrually highlight the post and show I've responded to it

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So rich people can't discuss income inequality?
Do you apply this to people on your side like trump or just the majority of Republican representatives and mega diners?
Or are you just a pathetic hypocrite coward, virtue signalling about virtues you don't care about just to try to stick it to "the other side" while celebrating such behavior in those you like?

It's sad to be so lacking in virtues and moral integrity.

[[Citation Needed]]
Aside from being a non-sequitur, you're basically just proving my point.

>I can tell because I've shipped quite a few images in my to time

income inequality isnt and issue when we've got the least impoverished people in the world.. the gap in Switzerland is smaller but a swede living in the US on the lower end of the scale still lives better than the equal in Switzerland

They also asked the west to quit calling them socialist because they're not.

Attached: communism 2.jpg (564x838, 134K)

We're living in such a bizarre time.... It's almost 3 years after the election and the winner's supporters are the only ones still talking about the loser.

Easy solution you dumb nigger faggot.

Stop watching Youtube

Go Create your own media sharing platform service.

Typical retarded winger - everything wrong with your life is someone else’s fault

Attached: 2F1A70DE-905B-4F5C-84BB-334A6710A4E6.jpg (224x225, 6K)

My point? what exactly is that?

Cause as far as I know that is saying in our current day and age main stream media is not a trust worthy source of information, this isnt speaking to the journalist in the past who sold the platforms that these politicians and feds purchased to feed us what they think we should believe and think

Attached: 1552366489309.jpg (1577x1024, 432K)

Said the side that went on a political witch hunt and when that failed still call for impeachment of the best president in us history.

Attached: Faggot sandwich.jpg (564x564, 62K)

>They also asked the west to quit calling them socialist because they're not.

they can color it with what ever crayon they want but they are what they are.

Attached: baff3e2bdfa10af3f957608e74b97322.jpg (236x274, 16K)

This is the first generation who grew up entirely on the internet.
The previous generation were the only ones to grow up entirely on TV.

We are now two generations removed from any semblance of reality.

A Luddite revolution is required

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nope brave men and stupid shit hippes have always existed

Attached: A man who saw the feds for who they were.jpg (564x564, 76K)

>We need to ban porn and abortion and spicy content on TV and have the government micromanage companies like YouTube and facebook and allow industrial waste to be dumped into your water supply and pollution to be dumped into your air and support Israel and allow functional monopolies and say private contracts give a better deal than government but then just hand the contracts to politicians' friends and not save any money and have tax payers subsidize oil despite record profits and Walmart so they can pay their employees less and coal even though it's failing from market demand
>Freedom! xD

Well I looked up one number from this image and it was completely wrong so I'm just going to go ahead and assume the whole thing is BS. When you lie to people you only hurt your cause.

>best president in us history.

Learn your fucking history you dumb cuck. The small handed, small brained blow fag who’s daddy’s inheretence money bought him the presidency is, even being generous, a blight on the office of President.


Trump could not exist in the past.
Without the intervention of Mercer and Cambridge Analytica , you wouldn’t even know he had his hat in the ring.

>this also applies to Hillary Clintons 30,000 deleted emails
I'd be more interested in the president's taxes to be quite honest

Show me where a politician called for the banning of porn, "spicy content", facebook is leftleaning as is youtube, pollution dumping is done by companies not politicians, Israel obeys the peace agreements it's always Palestine who attacks them, as a matter of fact Israel got hit with over 600 missiles just last night, hitlary is the one who was in bed with Saudi oil, walmart sold anti Trump shirts and coal has nothing to do with the right win, but the funny thing is Germany went all green and ended up making a larger foot print than they did with coal... and finally I all for making baby murder illegal ot's not a right to kill a defenseless baby cause you didn't want to wear a condom.

>This clip, title, and description were not created by C-SPAN
The video itself does not even mention the supposed firing, it's just paired with that same uncited claim that other sources seem to indicate was invented by a single journalist.

Did you even watch the video?
Basically are you just too stupid and lazy to make sure your "evidence" actually agrees with your feels or re you actively trying to lie an decieve people?
Pick one.

You looked it up on a left leaning biased source. look it up on a unbiased .gov site here for example

Attached: FBI 70.jpg (474x474, 48K)

>larger foot print than they did with coal
I need a citation for that one
>making baby murder illegal
If the baby can survive on it's own, its free to live. what it doesn't have a right to someone else's body.

I certainly did watch it and so did other Americans all the left leaning MSM propped up this photo like it was real.. too bad they got exposed again huh? ajajajajaja

Attached: e98d5d21aceaa1c1b77b2b60914872e6.jpg (564x564, 110K)

Accuse your enemies of that which you are guilty.
Also, Tahoe the opposite of anything Dump says, and apply the opposite to be true.
Use that motto to analyse everything Dump has said, and you will have a more accurate picture if reality than drinking straight from the firehose.

Attached: ABB7D4D4-DADA-4AED-80FF-9CC3F851984B.jpg (768x1024, 79K)

This doesn't mention the firing either.
Did you just hope no one would bother to read your link? Did you just search "Hillary Clinton fired" and grabbed the first link without even reading it?
Seriously what are you even doing?

>mentioning Shillary

Trumptard confirmed

Okay officer takes it up the ass i'm not wasting my time for you to discredit my source.. if you believe lithium mining and plastic all of which need power to make aka fossil fuels battery replacements are more efficient than just using the fossil fuel for energy there is no helping you.

Attached: trump44.jpg (820x575, 40K)

The video prior to it does you monkey.

Attached: 1552488433545.jpg (734x960, 92K)

Retarded and gay and politically illiterate.

Sweden has Socialism.
Norway has Socialism
UK has socialism

Iraq was a democracy
Iran was a democracy
Syria was a democracy
Zimbabwe was a democracy
Russia is a democracy

Words mean nothing when you misuse them, retarded faggot KYS

Muh tax returns lol when will lefties stop screaming at the sky

Attached: Lefties.jpg (563x423, 52K)

Switzerland is not socialist.

>I research prior to saving
Yet you're unable to post any source or evidence to support that image?
>I act uniformed
Lol, really? Trying "I was only pretending to be retarded"?
Well you can totally btfo devestatedly prove me wrong just by simply posting a citation from all this extensive research I'm SURE you did.

I'm waiting, we're All waiting.

simply google "is Switzerland socialist"

>I won't bother giving you a source you can verify cause you won't listen!!
>here's a crowder clip.
yeah, take some RoF.

Job gains are all as predicted (actually slightly lower than predictions) based on the momentum from Obama.

Sucks to be a trumptard huh

I posted two sources. Sorry your reading comprehension is that of a 5 year old.

And when is he going to divest from his businesses? Does he even car about emoluments being illegal?

Sorry you're too stupid to follow a reply chain :(

Crowder uses sources, has criticized Trump and the right on many occasions.. he's unbiased and best of all he gives you source to make your mind for your self.

Attached: 09017d506f53d346f23425917adaeb1b.jpg (563x755, 93K)


cringing here:
those masks used to be effective (oddly enough, even though it was out of a hollywood movie), but now nobody fears it now, it's synonymous with being a cringy 15 yr old wannabe hacker.

Well , what you’re talking about implementing in America is not socialism either , you fucking disingenuous retarded faggot.

So again like I said you've got no source you have a political activist web page that everyone knows is fake news.

Attached: 1554730279881.jpg (864x1152, 161K)

None of those countries were socialist.
They were dictatorships .

You are dumb

Prisons are secure?

Oh, you didn't say "steven crowder is my source", you said "I'm not giving you a source, cause you won't listen"

alright, we'll talk about the subject again in like 20 minutes or so, but if crowder doesn't quote his sources, you get to go fuck yourself.

Nice image but there are poor falling apart shitholes and people dying for lack of or poor healthcare while politicians live in mansions in the US too.


Sure they were, ya know when you the cheeto beard were the only one wielding it.. that's when it held clout. not when hero risks his life to warn us about the evil in our government.

Attached: Feds 47.jpg (300x533, 25K)


It isn't even about left vs right you fool. It's about ai.
We live in the shadowrun universe except there's no magic and no cyberware.

He's against climate change though

speaking of emoluments, he lost that case again.

They all started as socialist countries... you're just too dense to realize socialism turns to communism #Venezuela

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Nope he thinks Climate change is very real, as for the effect being cause by humans he questions that. rightfully so considering the earth has normal heating and cooling cycles

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No, you fucking moron.
Autocrats used the guise of “socialism”, which is a popular political direction and a generally good idea, to perform a coup.

Much like trump used the trapping of democracy to set himself up as a robber baron


No point talking to you

Free housing healthcare and education all from the peoples tax isnt socialism? mmmmmmk thanks for telling me. what next that socialism hasnt ever failed/? ajajajajajaj

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We're a republic not a democracy.

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So , free housing, a nationalised healthcare, nationally owned railways ex IS socialism???

Because that’s Sweden you sense motherfucker

>"trust your life in the government's hands"
Well I trust them with the biggest nuclear arsenal in the world, ... I think they can handle some health care.

So, you don’t have democracy in America huh?

Wow, a quote by him that's not filled with rambling and ranting.

...why do I feel like it's fake, and he could never string that many sentences together and have it make sense at the end?

And did he fly delegates to Maralago in his private jet?

Why yes....yes he fucking did

Way to coherent and non-rambling to be a real quote

It's idiots like you who don't realize the people are the government and the only people who want to take your inalienable rights away from you are the left wingers.

Attached: CNN.jpg (320x240, 17K)

We’re a republic

What do you think the electoral college is.. get off your daddies computer


>inalienable rights
It’s only deluded religious fundamentalist faggots who think such a thing exists.
A boot to the face from a cop is all it takes for all of your ‘inalienable rights’ to evaporate

Try reading the post you replied to with that unrelated image, retard
>people on /pol/ and itt suppose to be the true upholders of truth and their meme pics the true evidence
>Most of these images have no source, they're only there to reinforce your preconceived feelings
>If you want to be more trustworthy that shitty mass media then you need hold yourself to a higher standard
And then you went ahead and decided that was the perfect post to reply, out of nowhere, to with that uncited image.
I say there's a problem with morons thinking they're better and more truthful than mass media but just posting uncited memes that only exist to reinforce their feels and then you come along to do just that with no prompting.

Looking into that image it seems that it isn't accurate either, the times mentioned the possibility of trump becoming president but never that he'd be the "best".
People like you pretend to be all about truth but it's just virtue signalling, you're all to happy to gobble down and regurgitate false info as long as the overall message agrees with your feels.

And did the leftist politicians allow a Russian operative in who's supposed to be arrested on landing to speak with don.jr and fly home so they could frame him? yes yes they did just like they probably invited them selves to his Island.

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These memes are fact the you refusing to accept it doesnt change that.

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No, they’re a troll.
They do not hold the opinions they espouse, they do not unwavering support the conman Donald Trump.
What they’re doing is trolling, what Trump is doing is trolling.
Check his Twitter feed, he is literally a troll, in the vain of a 14 yo bitch high schooler.

Do not feed the trolls

>It's idiots like you who don't realize the people are the government
No I get that
>and the only people who want to take your inalienable rights away from you are the left wingers.
Yeah thats not true, you just don't give a shit about the rights that ARE being threatened, like the right to an abortion.

Attached: FBI 36.jpg (564x485, 56K)

What does an electoral college have to do with thinking that quote isn't genuine? Did you reply to the wrong person?

Abortion isnt an inalienable right you dunce

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So what if they did.

Does it make what they did right because Trump is also corrupt?

Does it make Trumps corruption fine because the Dems are also corrupt?

No. Stop being a cuck

Thats nothing, you should see how trump appointed the AG based on the idea that the AG will never prosecute him.

If we lived in a democracy the electoral college wouldn't make the final decision on who will become president. There are fewer people in some states but all states have an equal say.

Trumps corruption? he hasnt done anything corrupt.

>I certainly did watch it
Oh so you know it doesn't say what you want it to and are just trying to decide e people.
Great job showing you're better than the msm.

The Ms propped up what photo, the one you're posting? Wouldn't they try to disprove it for not being socialist/liberal enough? What was who "exposed" for, other than you being exposed for lying about sources?
You're not even making sense though since we've established you're just a pair trying to trick people it's safe to assume you're just trying to distract from being called out.

Yeah because after 2 years of liberal leftist paying off the AG to go after Trump it's time he really start making America Great.. damn is he doing a great job too.. I

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Theres no such thing as an inalienable right. All of them can be infringed on, and you don't care as long as it doesn't affect you.

and I get that, gun control doesn't affect me in the slightest. (in b4 guns are an inalienable right. We already have gun laws, they're clearly alienable)

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These facts are things I have lived through just because left leaning biased media claims these things didn't happen doesnt make it true.. it's just like the Nazis burning history books so they could right the narrative.. you lefties are the nazis

>you lefties are the nazis
They are not national socialists.

Mkay kiddo sorry but facts don't care about your feelings. you shouldn't be arguing about the legality of freedoms when you don't know your inalienable rights granted to you by the constitution and god I almost forget you leftists hate the fact America was built on Christianity and stopping slavery.

>after 2 years of liberal leftist paying off the AG to go after Trump
And now, trump bribed the guy to never go after him. See? fun!

Evil? You mean about gov. surveillance? The rumors were already there; he confirmed everyone's suspicions.
I wouldn't go so far as to call him a hero. But he doesn't deserve what he got either.
Shillary can suck it.

>Stopping slavery
>america was built on stoping slavery
Alright, we're done here. The mental gymnastics are astounding.

mad little cuck haha, you're a fucking joke pls kys

>first secular nation, built on christianity

Isn't it about 9 in the evening in St. Petersburg Ivan? Clock out and go home for fuck's sake.

Madam. Please calm your tits

It was the first nation in the world to do so, do you not know why many men died for the declaration of emancipation? good lord you need to go shoot up more heroin and pop some xanax cause you're still breathing

Stopping doing something 100 years after you started doing it, is not "being built on" something.

Thats fixing your mistakes a century later than you should have.

>great job
“The party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command”

This is why the left is scared.
The right have divorced themselves from reality and live in a fantasy realm where the conman theif raiding their pockets for his own wealth is actually their Christ saviour.

A lost generation

The first slave owner in America was a black man named Anthony Johnson, and in some parts of Africa and many parts of Europe slavery goes onto this day, America certainly didn't invent slavery so what are you getting at? the Irish people got enslaved yet when they immigrate to the USA they get treated like like slave owners because their skin color.. lefties are the true racists.

said the side that dresses little boys up as little girls and says Gender is a spectrum while also claiming inequality of gender exists.. this is an oxymoron

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>The first slave owner was black! so what are you getting at?
That your words "america was built on" is fucking bullshit, because this event we were built on took place 100 years after we were a country.

You might as well say america was built on trans rights.

>Africa and many parts of Europe slavery goes onto this day
Typical retarded faggot Ameritard

There are currently more slaves in America than at the time of slavery.
It’s just called “human trafficking” or “sex work” now

This is the cancerous shit you see spread on facebook by retarded boomers. Please don't bring that shit here.

So, America was built by a black man.

The more you know

>was built on Christianity and stopping slavery.
But christianity condones slavery. Peter 2:18

How come you retarded faggot wingers can only think in memes.

Is it because you lack any capability to either form your own opinions or to argue against an opposing opinion using your own critical thinking skills?

The left can’t meme....because they haven’t outsourced their brains to a Russian bot farm

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Only 2% of Americans owned slave and it wasnt race based it was only the wealthy who had slaves, now my question is do you really believe America was built on.... cotton? it's funny how you guys leave the Japanese out of your sob stories.. not ethnic enough?

Uh, evidence suggests this retarded is not american, but latino. See: all the "jajajaja"s

>Peter 2:18
that's the old testament, after Jesus gave his life for us and lead us in the right way we following the new testament, that's why the old and new testament are not the same thing.. 3themoreyouknow.

It’s funny how you obsess over race, while trying to claim your opponents are racist.

Try harder

Last time: How do you say "america was built on" something that took place 100 years after it was founded?

Why is that an issue? and by the way that's racist dude

You used the term “jajajaja” in a post

Does that make you Latino?

Does that make me Latino?

Does that change any fucking singular thing?

Nope, there were slaves in the new testament too. Of which the book of peter is a part.

I just wanted to correct anyone that assigns your stupidity to an american.

Do you mean North America, because the Spaniards were owning slaves long before the English established their first colonies. Anthony Johnson sounds more English than Spanish

Do you mean the US? Because slavery existed here before the US Constitution or the Articles of Confederation were written. There was no first person to own slaves in the US, because the practice had been established centuries earlier, and was grandfathered into the law of the new nation.

Christianity has been around for thousands of years sorry your liberal professor pact your head full of garbo

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Hey, If I called him "a retarded euro-poster", and you figure out thats not where he's from, feel free to speak up.

You mean that video?
Guess you missed it(notice the "either" in the post you replied to) but I replied to that too , just 9 posts above your own.
And no,the video does not even mention the firing.
So are you lying or defending something you didn't even watch? Pick one.

Show me a verse from the NKJV bible new testiment that allows for slavery

>non-answer, ad hominem
Alright, we really are done here this time.

> it wasnt race based
>implying the indentured servitude of the Irish and Scots immigrants was comparable to the experience of the kidnapped black Africa slave.

False equivalency is what your entire argument is built on.
You’re an actual retard

Jesus specifically said “I am not here to abolish the old ways”

P.s. peter was not endorsing slaves he was endorsing the Christian moto turn the other cheek.

After making this expansive statement in verse 17, Peter gives instructions to specific groups of Christians, beginning in verse 18.[1] Peter didn’t start by addressing the most prestigious group of Christians, instead, he addressed the most vulnerable. The group addressed in verses 18-25 are oiketai. This word is often translated as “slaves” in English translations, but the Greek word used here is not the typical word for slaves (douloi). Oiketai, used in verse 18, really refers to domestic or household servants.[2] These people were probably slaves, but some may have been free men and women.

As mentioned previously in these studies: As much as a third of the population of the first-century Greco-Roman world may have been slaves. It was not unusual for slaves to be well educated and reasonably well-treated. However, slaves were the property of their masters and vulnerable to exploitation and every form of abuse.

Despite their precarious situation, Peter told the household servants to submit to their masters. The participle form of “submit” in verse 18 carries on the theme of submission introduced by the verb for “submit” in 1 Peter 2:13. Peter assures the servants that God’s grace, that is, his favour, is upon them if they put up with unjust treatment. This unjust treatment included being beaten.[3]

This does not mean that Christians should seek opportunities for suffering so that they might experience God’s grace. It is simply sensible to avoid suffering. But if suffering is unavoidable, as it was for the Christian

servants in Asia Minor, we can depend on God’s grace, favour, or commendation.[4] (The NIV translates “grace” as “commendable”.) It is an honour, even a gift, to suffer for the sake of our faith in God (cf. Phil. 1:29)

We can be sure of God’s grace and favour if our attitudes and behaviour are governed by our consciousness of God and our reverential fear of him (1 Pet. 2:18, 19).

No, all of Western Europe and most of Latin America did so before the US. Britain and France declined to recognize the CSA or to directly intervene in the war on their behalf due to the issue of slavery.

>literal ad hominem
I haven’t been listening to you ...the American accent makes you sound retarded

Tl dr

And yet NO source has been posted that supports the image that this reply chain was about.
Let's humor you, pretend I am just an idiot who missed your amazing sources, you can btfo out me, completely destroy my argument and expose me as the dummy and you as the smarty with one simple move of pointing out specifically where this supposed evidence is.
The fact that you didn't after I first suggested this does not make you plea that it's totally somewhere very believable.

Jesus wasn't here to erase history but to forgive the evildoers willing to humble them selves into accepting him as the savior because that was gods gift to us.

Two sources were linked i'm sorry your feelings are so hurt over facts.

>Your source doesn't count as a source because it upsets me! Fake news fake news!
WEW and yet you're still believing and defending the original image without any evidence, almost like it's not really about the truth and is just about what agrees with your feels ;^)

Switzerland has social housing, universal healthcare, state owned public transport....all of the things that Ameritards scream “SOCIALISM” at when they’re told it’ll be good for them.

So don’t fucking start with your retarded word games ...this isn’t debate club. You don’t score points.

Sweden is socialist on the same way Trump is a Nazi. Figuratively and for demonstrative purposes.


Attached: 1521465280456.jpg (866x900, 116K)

>he thinks Climate change is very real
>Calls it a Chinese conspiracy
Pick one.

Your source has been proved false time and time again, if all the information they give you is "false" or "true' then you're a simpleton who can't actually break down the information for your self.

Nobody cares what boogie ghost said faggot.

Calls human cause climate changed a Chinese conspiracy, like I said if you didn't cherry pick my quote he believes in Climate change but not human cause Climate Change

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[[[Citation Needed]]]

I would bet my vision right now that when you're on your death bed you will pray to god.

>defunds climate action
>removes wording of man made climate change from government websites

Oh, he chose.

He chose .....poorly

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OP be like

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I’m Hindu ...we have multiple gods ...and you don’t pray to them like that asking for shit....that’ll get you into trouble.

I’ll take your vision now thank you

If you need citations for something that has happened in last election on the most popular news network you're clearly a sprouting 14 being taught by your man hating or white hating liberal forever alone teacher that orange man bad

Not everyone is a ‘conditioned from birth religiotard’...some of us received a decent no, no I will not be

You're not hindu you're a leftist and I'll pray for you.. you really shouldnt try to steal peoples culture amigo that's appropriation

I find your views highly interesting and I would like to subscribe to your newsletter

Attached: Shill lie the fake science guy.jpg (552x746, 66K)

>not Hindu
You’re right I’m not Hindu
It’s Hindi , you faggot retard

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>These facts are things I have lived through
>Muh ancedotal feelings are da REEL "facts"
Lol you guys really do just project all your issues on the libs. You run on feelings over facts.
>People posting facts I don't like and calling muh meme images sourceless lies is LITTERALLY the same as burning books
WEW, just go back to your safespace in /pol/, you're clearly too sensetive and consumed in a persecution complex to handle people disagreeing with you.

It's also always funny when /pol/tards circlejerk over Nazis yet on some level realise they're regarded as such scum that they have to disingenuously virtue signal and try to project Nazi fandom on those who oppose them.

And I accept all of those people as they present.

You’re meme doesn’t work the way you intended it to if you’re not a small minded faggot retard

I really honestly wouldnt doubt it

but capitalism bad amirite ajajaj you wish you were American

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Virtue signaling? said the leftist who claim all right wingers are racist.


I have never come across a more easily offended, whining bunch of puritanical faggots than this new “alt-right” or whatever they call themselves this day of the week.

>Getting bets on the facts
>Quick! Shit out a non-sequitur distraction!
Lol /pol/tards have come to embody every underhanded deceptive tactic and philosophy they've ever projected on the Jewish Boogeyman.

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I was born in New York you gormless retard

It always blows my mind that someone can be smart enough to see the corrupt BS in politics but then they think trump is the answer. Jfc

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Hate to butt in. But I'm going to have to ask for source to that picture. For my research of course.

You two circle jerking doesnt make your argument more valid

>butt in
I see what you did there

Don’t they just.

It’s so transparent when you encounter one too...they do a very poor job at hiding themselves amongst the plebeians ....they’re aspergers is too strong

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What is the earth's cooling cycle caused by exactly?

I’m from New York

Indians have an average of 82 IQ
The gorilla, who was said to have an IQ of between 75 and 95, could understand 2,000 words of spoken English.

What’s the betting he had to look up tye meaning of the word “gormless”


>Hey that guy was ranting about Jewish conspiracies and a new Reich, I think he might be a Nazi
>Duhhh yeah well YOU just said "Jewish conspiracies" so are you a nazi?
Are you retarded or just a failure at basic logic?

Jajajaja is litterally a Latino onomatopoeia of laughter, like how English speakers call cat noises "meow" but Japs use "Nyan".

Many thing's maybe a methane release from frozen ice, maybe solar cycles seeing as they correlate with many of our weather cycles, maybe tectonic science we've yet to discover. They know there is cycle from sentiment layers and ice cores

Yet you just can't link them for reasons even though it'd prove I'm just an idiot and you're right?
Suuuuuuuuuuure lol

what a Sesquipedalian.

>implying IQ is a measure of anything other than your score in an IQ test.
So what’s your excuse for being retarded then?

Nah you're not hanging me up on that nothing burger it's a well known fact. move on or don't I couldnt care less.

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[[[Citation Needed]]]
You don't even want to look at the info because your fragile ego can't even entertain the possibility your feels could be wrong so you make convenient excuses to not even look at sources.

Sorry you and I are done, I don't disparage against the mentally ill.

Are you a climatologist?

Have you studied the works of climatologists?

Because it sounds like your regurgitating bullshit from climate denying sources , rather than take the opinions of the scientists working in that field.
Because they all say human activity is a major contributing factor.

Sucks when your wrong huh?

That means I win.

Imagine losing an argument to someone you consider intellectually inferior.
How embarrassing for you

Like i said I use many sources but I certainly wont use any biased ones, a couple I enjoy are Ben Shapiro and Steven Crowder

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You're not but you're willing to take the claims of others? I actually have seen the science and had it explained to me so I think I've got the edge on you Amigo.

Good job champ.

Your retarded meme displays you have retards grasp of politics.

Enjoy rolling in your own shit, retard.
There is nothing to discuss further


>Ben Shapiro and Steven Crowder
So your sources are a pair of faggot retards.
Good for you user

>seen the science
No you haven’t
>had it explained
No you didn’t

My claim has equal veracity to yours , because both are unsourced anonymous posting on a shitposting website.

Already , my claim has more veracity because of its self evidential truth.

Learn2science faggot

Your what?

You’re a faggot
Yeah we know

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That’s the funny thing about the right wing.

They love the taste of shit.
Their mouths are full of it, and they can’t eat enough of Trumps endless bullshit...they gobble it up like delicious morsels

Bunch of shit eating cucks

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He likes pee not poop
There's no nuance about man-made versus natural change, he said the entire concept of climate change was a conspiracy.
Looking through the rest of his tweets, OR warming from:realdonaldtrump&ref_src=twsrc^tfw
He frequently seems to suggest that cold weather disproves climate change.
He opposes his own defense departments findings about potential losses and costs
He retweets lobbyists who deny there is any climate crisis, man-made or not

Even when he, under political pressure, "agrees" with the idea of climate change it's so vague and general as to be meaningless and not actually agree with the reality of our current climate crisis, like rambling about how "it goes up and down".