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Made it as far as pee


Who is that sexy girl?

There is a dentist who works here at 1.519 the 474 number 4800 who gives brain injuries and seizures to patients he doesn't want to treat any more, including women and elderly people by concussion and cutting off blood supply to their brains.

The RCDSO has allowed him to do this to people for 20 years!

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Prove it four eyes.

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Obviously OP is such a newfag he doesnt know about the catalog.

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digits of truth

This is horrible

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How come you never see black school shooters?

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does smiling/smirking count as laughing?

Niggers can't afford guns. Plus they never in school.

It’s called gang violence. Does not make the papers.

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Horribly true.
>become a thing no one can identify with, become an object. Transgender is a construct

I bet every guy has tried it at least once in their lifetime. Probably as a horny teen just out of curiosity to see if they can do it.

Everyone would do it if they could, it would just be another form of masturbation.

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Bunch of dumb middle School faggots in this thread.
Most of this shit isn't even funny but stupid.

Nice. London user. Im going to be there later this month. Maybe we can meet and you can tell me about it while i fuck your ass

How come you never see any doctor ?

Learn to steal a picture fren
i can steal see the 1/2 from instagram

when I told my friends about that I tried to suck my own dick they all made fun of me like Im a freak lol. But its honestly not worth it. Your back hurts afterwards and it feels more like sucking dick than getting a blowjob.

Yeah, I bet after that they all tried it for themselves. Safe.

Yeah, I also tried it once when I was younger but I couldn't manage to do it, even though my dick would be more than big enough. My back just wouldn't bend that far and I had Backpain for at least a week.

Never tried it again after that, even though with a little stretching it would probably be very easy but I wasn't interested in trying it that much lol. Figured it would be like you discribed it.

Wait why would they separate the boys and girls? It's a fucking shooting, why would you spend time splitting up the students? What if the shooter is standing near the girls shelter, do the girls just wait outside to die?