Men will go on about how women are too emotional and unstable but then break their controller becuse they lost a game

Men will go on about how women are too emotional and unstable but then break their controller becuse they lost a game

Attached: ohyeh.gif (540x380, 386K)

Gamers have feminine characteristics, that's well known.
Being a man is being stoic.

That’s about all we tend to be emotional about though. Women breakdown and have tantrums over a slew of different things. Someone wearing the same outfit comes to mind.

You’re a virgin with a pathetic skinnyfat physique, aren’t you?

Id rather see emotional intelligence than stoicism
Have never observed this, i have however seen my brother throw his keyboard at the wall in a tantrum aswell as friend smash his laptop with his first

Virgin yes, skinny no, normal and slightly overweight.

Attached: 852cdb8ce69589f2ea909937d8b96bbb.jpg (1024x576, 70K)

You really got me bro, I got btfo so badly

You’ve never seen it because you’re likely a shut-in who doesn’t work. Go outside sometime, get a job and interact with other people aside from your family and you’ll see. Women are typically far more emotionally driven than men. Statistics and numbers don’t lie, people do. My workplace has a lot of female employees and the majority talk constant shit about one another, cry during meetings, and read too much into things the other girls say. Seriously, go outside sometime.

>i have however seen my brother throw his keyboard at the wall in a tantrum aswell as friend smash his laptop with his first

depending on their age that outburst might have had more to do with being immature than just being emotional.

I have a job were majority women and ive never seen anything close to what you describe
The closest thing ive seen is a girl ended up crying after finding out her closet "friends" acctually hated her and made fun of her in private

Just to be clear, it wasn’t me who posted that reaction image. Someone else did that. I fully support your virginal, fat self. You do you, bruh!

Interesting. Maybe I should find a new workplace. Mine gets exhausting and sad. However, I would still encourage you to look at statistics with large sample sizes. That’s more indicative of who is more emotional.

>using gamers as an example of manliness
Gamers, geeks and nerds are the gayest.
There are literal faggots that take cock up their ass but when they dress and behave they are manly.
Gamers are always gay though.
It doesn't matter if they are virgin, literal fags, or by some miracle they had sex with a woman, they still are gay and the gayest gays that ever lived.

Attached: KoAvFZk.png (859x960, 327K)

Bro you even fucking admit to being a virgin. Like, there goes you thread, straight on the head already

Uhm... what? Did you reply to the wrong person?

I did lol

1. You replied to the wrong person.
2. I'm not OP.
3. I'm virgin.
4. Why shouldn't I admit that I am a virgin?
4.a. It's important information that puts what I say in a new perspective.
4.b. Why would I lie on an anonymous image board?

Post pix of ur dick

It's ugly and not in the mood.

Maybe if I sucked it a lil bit it’d feel better ;)