And they say Germans have no humour

And they say Germans have no humour.

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habe etwas deutsche musik

Das ist Deutsche Musik!

What’s the difference between a Jew and a pizza?
Pizzas don’t scream in the oven.


>Dr. Ludwig
Best yt channel for music

>flat earth

welp, is that the bullshit alarms going off I hear?

>believes the earth is flat

kek, so do muzzies.

Attached: science-by-islam-750.jpg (750x589, 123K)

nonsense. in quran there are written scientific facts that been proven correct 100s of years after it was written. like the development of human life after insemination.
truth is, in opposite to most other world religions, islam was always leading in science.

They even found a cure for OP's homosexuality

>in quran there are written scientific facts

kek, doesn't the koran claim that mountains are like tent pegs that stop earthquakes from happening/keep the land from shaking?

you better go back learning more about islam
and i consider myself busted from trolling kek

don't you post shit from random persons and act as if this was eternal truth about islam. the good thing is, there is no structure in islam. there is no pope who tells the eternal truth.
in islam there are some scholars that say they know better than others. in the end, the eternal truth is just the quran. what people do is trying to interprete. they might have more or less followers, they are still just human beings. so you cannot post shit individuals tell and make it the eternal islamic truth. pretty smart huh?

The Qur’an, in several passages, tells us that Allah placed mountains on the earth so that the earth would not shake:

Sura 16:15 : And He has set up on the earth mountains standing firm, lest it should shake with you; and rivers and roads; that ye may guide yourselves;

Sura 21:31 : And We have set on the earth mountains standing firm, lest it should shake with them, and We have made therein broad highways (between mountains) for them to pass through: that they may receive Guidance.

Sura 31:10 : He created the heavens without any pillars that ye can see; He set on the earth mountains standing firm, lest it should shake with you;

Sura 78:7 : And the mountains as pegs?

Sura 79:32-33 : And the mountains hath He firmly fixed;- For use and convenience to you and your cattle.

You know that shits made up to fleece idiots right?

Flannel daddy?

i cannot accept this. quran can only be read in original writing. an english translation does not fully work, cause it always includes necessary interpretations.

That's the common fallacy in the arab world. Someone picks a random number from the quran and throws a dice: If it's the same number it's because the quran holds the eternal truth praise Allah, if it's a different number it is his fault because he interpreted it wrong.

you gotta admit it was done smarter than the bible, which was written 100s of years after jesus' death and most of it by oral lore, and only after being filtered out by some church fags chose which should be part of it and what not. at least the new testament.
the old testament is stolen from jews.

Too fucking bad. Just because you ignore or can't accept a thing, doesn't make it not so.

yeah it is pretty smart.
so if you want to get any sort of controll, there is structure needed. at least in western states there should be state control of mosques and who is teaching there. how can you allow just any asshole to teach others and have power over people.
this is the backbone of arab control over a good part of muslims in the world, cause their money controls mosques and imams.

i do not ingore anything. i am not even muslim

I have head this fetus in the quran shit from a million towel heads like you.

You are nothing but a dumb sand nigger and here is why:

Women have been having abortions and miscarriages since the dawn of time you boy fucking woman starved faggot. Sometimes the premature fetus is expelled from the host intact - it wont take a caveman even 2 brain cells (2 more than you got) to figure out what is going on what this is. Then they simply studied it and recorded it.

well the first states can only be seen with microscopes, which did not exist back then.

you really make it too easy for me bro
you need to get smarter

kek, always a good giggle when it comes to the 1400 years of shia vs sunni bloodshed because of the disagreement over who should have taken over after muhammad's death.

the chaos may give us keks, but also makes it harder to control that virus

>control that virus

i honestly dont think that can ever be achieved as long as their thinking is stuck 1400 years in the past.

i just wanted to stop by quickly to say:


thank you for your attention,
have a nice day.

sad thing is, they invented the concept of "zero", the arabic numerals we use, which are far easier to use than roman numerals, and other contributions to modern culture
where they fucked up is giving up on intellectual inquiry and succumbed to fundamentalist religious beliefs
the same thing is happening to western society today
just look at the anti-vaxxers for an example

>arabic numerals

We call them arabic because european traders learned them from arabs in the mediterranean, the arabs got them from india they're actually hindu numbers. The concept of Zero was already known in greek antiquity, but they didn't like it much.

Berliners don't have much tact, I've heard.