I'm a 42 years old man who got blackmailed into eating shit by a 15 year old. Ask me anything

I'm a 42 years old man who got blackmailed into eating shit by a 15 year old. Ask me anything.

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Correct or incorrect: After eating your feces, you said, "Mmm... Yummy-nummy poo-poo"?

Pedophile detected. Would make it degenerate pedophile, but from the situation that much is obvious

Wood you fuck it?

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that's not a 42yr old you fucking autist

No I was disgusted. The only thing I was thinking about was that I will not have to go to the prison.


you look more like 52.


what did u blackmail him with?

I had a hard paper round.

or 62

what was the blackmail about?

He saw me jerking off in my garden koi pond and claims to have videoed the event.

oh nice going, now you can be convicted of sending pornographic material instead indecent exposure. I think you WANTED to do this.

That guy is not me. I would not eat shit if I was cought masturbating because it's not even illegal.
What I did was texting a 12yo girl and I jokingly asked her for nudes. She showed the conversation to her brother and he threatened to beat me up and go to the police if I didn't eat shit.

can u show us the msg?

Was gunna ask why you were texting a 12 year old but i remembered the site we are currently on

Wow. That's amazing dude. Coz there's a video going round of a totally different guy who also got blackmailed into eating shit due to the exact same situation. What are the odds???

was it your shit? did the 15 year old need to watch it come out of your ass? you could have faked it. Blackmail is illegal so you should have saved the blackmail message and threatened to turn them in and tell them if you're going down you're taking them with you

Yes he told me to take a shit on a plate and eat it.
I had to send him the full video. Unfortunately he threatened me irl not via phone so I cannot prove anything. I don't understand why he didn't just ask for money tho.

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I've seen this exact thread a while back w/ same backstory just different videos and ages. Fake and gay.

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>I've seen this exact thread every fucking day for weeks now w/ same backstory just different videos and ages. Fake and gay.
Corrected that for you.

That's not me.

if this is true and not a troll then sir I would suggest removing yourself from the realm of the living its the most noble thing you can do at this point

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What sort of basement-dwelling degenerate do you have to be to make these troll posts? Die in a fire, stupid. Please.