Why are leftists retarded?

Why are leftists retarded?

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because they're fucking retarded

They have "their"opinions drilled into their heads from a young age, starting with teachers at school, then by the media and it inhibits proper mental development.

Its called an education

Conservatives are far more obsessed over gender and gays than they claim leftists are. Watch what politicians do and say, not randos on social media.

Most people just believe in equal rights for all citizens. This isn't complicated.

By your logic then you're a nazi because some people on the right are. Fucking neck yourself faggot.

That's funny, when the media is pretty heavily right wing, and teachers aren't imprinting ideology, just facts and stuff like "be nice to each other".

Conservatives have "their" opinions drilled into them from a young age too, from right wing parents and stuff like Fox news.

>the media is pretty heavily right wing
No user, it really isn't

And conservatives are far less dangerous to other people than a leftarded perosn growing up being told to treat people differently based on skin color, and its ok to hurt people you are told are nazis by some ignorant patchouli smelling hippie.

Right. Go watch any fucking video of same-sex marriage activists and tell me they are right wing.

Lol no it's not, media is vastly left wing.

And OP these are extremists, why they are influencing policy (as evidenced by people like warren virtue signalling) in the DNC is beyond me.

Maybe in the 90s but not anymore. Todays conservative is yesterdays center right.

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The media should be outlawed as an enemy to the people

oops, typo,


I mean, Rupert Murdoch certainly isn't supporting the Left. The Conservatives (UK here) managed to get a whole pile of their people into the BBC, and now it's full of right wing viewpoints (it's especially noticeable here in Scotland).

Maybe if you're already really far to the right, you might look at a centre-right media and think it's Left, but it's definitely not.

Should post in pol

The major ones should be.
I have no problem with independent journalism though as long as they aren't lying faggots with a clear agenda.

libtards are a pox upon humanity. They advocate for social segregation based on, among other things, skin color, gender assumptions, and feelings.

however, growing up i was told that to see a persons color and make a judgement based on that as wrong, now i've got uppity little toilet lickers telling me that Martin Luther King Jr was wrong.


the right wing in england is about the same as nancy pelosi here mate. your left wing party is on par with ilhan omar and her cadre of anti jewish mememakers

>>>>> allows this retarded shit here.

so stop crying about what you think should go where


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Just one difference, we're right.

Yep, America sure has drifted hard to the right. Even our far right look only centre right by comparison. People think the left are hard left, but they're really not.

Major ones help to foster national identity

Try living in Scotland, where we're some of the furthest left in the country. The idea that the BBC could be left wing is laughable.

I'll accept that most of the comedy is left wing, but it's a stark contrast to the actual news reporting.


leftists are statists, just like nazis were. they even have a designated hated group, for the nazis it was jews and blacks. leftists have jews and whites. the nazis believed in a strong central government, the leftists believe in a strong central government. the nazis government structure was socialistic in nature. the leftist government structure is socialist in nature.

>and yet its the right wing who are soooo much like the nazis

h8 all you want, but this shot aint going nowhere

>tilt at windmills elsewhere

so you hate jews and love the muzzies?

Im sure there are several more statists too, but its only ever going to be a few and i think you will find that history will remember nazis as fascists



No, we don't hate Jews, and we're okay with Muslims.

What we don't do is make the idiot mistake of thinking that the ones trying to flee persecution in barbaric countries have the same political ideologies as the people they're running from. I've never understood why the right keep claiming that the left love Islam, we hate it when it's bad, we're tolerant of it when it's not, and we're sympathetic with Islam's victims (who are often other Muslims).

Nor do we make the idiot mistake that all Jews are Nazi stereotype Jews. You'd have to be pretty far gone to be taken in by that shit. But hey, this is Yea Forums, where it's hard to tell between edgy, ironic, and genuine.


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its a little more right than socialism or communism, but right wing believes in limited government and maximum PERSONAL freedom unhindered by a bureaucracy

Wow.. The media being right wing? Thats some of the most retarded shit ive ever heard


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so thats why you jail people who speak up about the grooming gangs in england? what was it 30+ muslim men grooming kids to be fuck puppets and you jailed a guy who tried to report on it? or you jail people who "misgender" someone? yeah real freedom there ya got. or how a guy who gives a nazi salute gets more jail time than a muslim man who rapes a twelve year old?

look, muslims by their very nature are barbaric backward people. fuck man, the iranians put a bounty on a guy who wrote a book saying bad things about islam

Facism != left wing either, and there isnt a whole lot of room left on that spectrum to place it other than to the extreme right

personal attacks? wow, what a way to say that you have no argument for the second paragraph of that post

>way to go showing me whats what

> Media is pretty heavily right wing.

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ooooh, someone got triggered by that. yes, fascism is left wing for wanting a strong central government with a centrally planned economy where the state dictates what is made, how much is made, and what the prices will be. last i checked, thats socialisms goals for an economy

Why is the left shouting it every waking sec of their day then?

You talk like a bitch and youre shits all retarded

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they cant see the irony of their doublethink.

1 your "conservatives" are like our less insane democrats. They would absolutely be Democrats here.
2 the BBC has a few token "right wingers", but these people are kinda like Colmes was back when it was Hannity and Colmes. They exist solely to reinforce the progressive narrative by being punching bags. At least from what I've seen. Maybe your media is different than the impressions I've gotten from what I have watched.
3. Even if your media is Center Right, which I really doubt, the US media is absolutely and totally progressive. Our media is so left wing biased that even Foxnews occasional parrots left wing talking points. Our media coverage is something like 98% baised against Trump. I don't really like Trump either, but that isn't objective at all. Trump could create a cure for AIDS and distribute it freely, and our media would find a way to call him bigoted for doing it.

Because they think feelings are more important than facts. The winner of a debate is the one who "feels" the argument the most. Whatever you "feel" is your identity (ie your gender). Like a bunch of birds showing off - they're constantly virtue signaling to each other, oh yes girl I "feel" where you're coming from...

its not retarded if you cant even muster a counter argument and go straight for an ad hominem attack against me.

i get it, your shit got called out, and like a little bitch, your mind went into npc mode. its ok dude, just take the red pill and open your eyes

cant you at least be original man? i get that OC is hard for the left, but at least try wont you?

>doesnt know the difference between socialism and fascism. Okay there son, back to class

Shouting what? That they love muslims? That jews are nazi stereotypes?
Same question to this guy.

You guys don't even criticize Islam when it is bad. When the Muslim guy shot up that nightclub the American left was falling all over itself trying to blame it on white people. You can't even mildly criticize Islam without left wingers rabidly attacking.

"understanding liberals"

a starter class

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Holy shit im fucking conservative now, im woke

oh great thinker, what is the difference then?

Why are right wingers gay and retarded?

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which question?

the left hates anyone who thinks for themselves and comes to a different conclusion than what they feel should be right, facts be damned.

>its better to be morally correct than factually right"
Alex from the bronx

most of the gays are left wingers

Because Islam is a brown skin religion that makes them minorities and victims. It's perfectly fine to criticize a white religion like Christianity, though.

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Yes that they love islam. Everytime someone says something remotely negative about islam the left makes a big fuss about how nothing is wrong with them.

Their hatred of jews and controlling the media is right wing is it not? Seems like some of the worse things they did no? Seems awfully hard up to only find things that are useful.

because leftists being retarded is an amerifat meme, and all amerifats are retarded

prove me wrong
protip: you can't

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"understanding liberals"

advanced class

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they can't help it

I think u spelled left the wrong way

guy on the right in the black hoodie would make a cute trap

Omg... The media is mostly left wing.... How hard is it to understand facts?

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the vast majority of the news in america is slanted to the hard left. its not even news any more, its opinion stated as fact. and the jews for the most part here are left wing also.

as another user said earlier, even fox news "the conservative news outlet" parrot alot of what the dems say.

we dont have any inbiased news sources anymore. socialists want the state to control damn near everything, from the economy to an individuals thought process. this is good to say, this is bad to say, if you say bad things, you should be punished, if you think the wrong thing, you should be punished, sounds an awful lot like what the nazis were doing

Wrong. the left wingers just don't try to hide it

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CNN: Trump is racist because we say so

Gonna cry? Piss your pants maybe? Maybe shit and cum


The left cant meme.

It's not like the right is going to outlaw faggotry.

at least the right wing isnt calling for their deaths like a lot of left wingers do.

you know what eugenics are rigbt? the nazis were all about it. so was margaret sanger, you know her, she started planned parwnthood for the express purpose of ridding society of the undesirables, like blacks and retards and other low class humans. go fuck yourself with your dragon dildo you trap loving larper

"Hates anyone with a different opinion" can be used to describe most people, especially when you're talking about politics.

I'm not gonna argue with you about who hates/doesn't hate the blacks/jews/muslims, and I'm not gonna cherrypick individual statistics and call them facts.

I will say that that's pretty much 100% what all of you far-right AND far-left cucks do. The real "pill" would be realizing that our political system only offers an illusion of choice and then just voting for whatever puts you in a more favorable tax bracket at the time.

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>is synonymous with log posting

you are all retarded

Given the antics of Ilhan Omar and her defenders in the US, and Labour in the UK, I don't think you can call antisemetism right wing.

Socialism =/= fascism dumbass


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and me muslim bitch just said that gayness is caused by a worm that lives in your asshole.

as for pedos, ive seen a lot more about how since the gays can marry, pedos should be left alone.

matter of fact, someone recently did a TED talk about how pedos are just normal people who should get to live out their sick fantasies without fear of reprisals

No ones cares about some muslim and some brit bongs

Muslims are pretty right wing if you think about it


their on the same side of the spectrum no matter how much you scream and cry about it you little faggot.

ITT: "The left oppresses free thought and the entire world is run by the Jews".

correction on a typo

and SOME muslim bitch

The autism spectrum, no matter which way you cut it, its gonna end up all over your face

Americans talking about politics is very kek

This just shows that Trump is a cool dude who treats people nice no matter who the fuck they are. You're desperate for straws here, user.

Ilhan Omar is in congress you mongoloid.
Which is what makes the left's repeated insistance on Kowtowing to them hilarious. Of course, if I wanted Muslims to vote for me I'd spout antisemitic shit too.

Wikipedia opens with "Fascism (/ˈfæʃJzəm/) is a form of radical, right-wing, authoritarian ultranationalism". Get that changed and well talk

This just makes Trump look good, what are you doing?

>Ilhan Omar is in congress
D - Somalia

It's funny how the news is run by jews who are left wing, but it's the republicans who are defending Israel and it's people like Ilhan Omar who (as a DEMOCRAT) are against israel and jews.

Hypocrisy at its finest.

"we need to lock up anyone who denies or questions climate change is man made"

said by some nutter on the left.

"we must kill anyone who insults our prophet"

said by every fucking muslim

"islam means peace"
said by muzzies

islam means to submit
said by someone who actually looked at what the word means

cites wikipedia

is that all you got?

ten minutes and anyone can go change that.

something happened

I'm tired of all this Anglophobia.

its right wing compared to communism yes. but the central principes to its form of government is still socialist which makes it left of center

No, they lock some down due to aids

lol, no conservative has ever been a racist?

1. wrong

2. at least learn how to spell

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Then it would say that, it doesnt, how about 1000,0000 other search results with the same conclusion

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Hey look, you cherrypicked some quotes, then you cherrypicked a fact.

You think people around you don't have common sense but you're actually just not very smart. And you're super predictable.

they cant help themselves, they have to hate someone, first it was jews, then it was blacks, now its whites. soon itll shift to the asians


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an idiosyncratic belief or impression that is firmly maintained despite being contradicted by what is generally accepted as reality or rational argument, typically a symptom of mental disorder.

did i say that? stop grasping at straws man.

HRC "half the country is a basket of deplorables"

BHO "you got these people who bitterly cling to guns and the bible"

Ilhan Omar "with the jews, its all about the Benjamin's"

other sitting dem reps "theyre all basically nazis

what do the people on the right in public office say that comes close to that shit?

Lol there are a bunch of seething leftist fags on this thread

how the fuck do you "cherry pick" a fact? either its a fact or its not dumbshit.

and ididnt cherry pick the quotes. ib the koran, its says someone must die if they insult the prophet or allah

as for the first quote, more than one leftists has floated the idea of jail time for questioning climate change

guess what retard, the climates been changing for about 3 billion years and it will keep changing on its own too

no shit, maybe you can answer how do you cherry pick a fact?

Hahaha stay mad faggot

we got a muslim scientist saying theyve discovered the reason gays exist, and they habe a non murderous solution to gays. lmao.

The whole idea is not thatbthe climate wont change on its own, its proof that it is man made

>calling people retarded
a bool datatype holds true and false and null, which makes no sense for representing 'gender' even for retards like op since that's three "gender values"

at what? some idiot who thought they had a pithy comeback to what i said?

a fact is a fact is a fact. you cant cherry pick a fact

ask a hard core believer of islam what the punishment is for insulting thwir prophet is, theyll say death

go google these words

"who said climate deniers should be jailedl

and please, please explain how one cherry picks facts, thats about the dumbest thing ive ever heard, and i come to Yea Forums on a daily basis

True or false or null

Left/right, that is the problem. They keep the general voting public tied up in this us vs them shit. Meanwhile they are fucking all of us while we are distracted. Do the right fucking thing and vote out all incumbents. Go back to what the Constitution says. The Fed is simply for the national defense.

It's hard to believe people like this exist at all, but I guess until we enact the death penalty for parents who dress their kids up like the opposite gender, molest them, and then teach them to vote blue they're going to be a problem.

hahahaha, because mans been around for 3 billion years? twenty years ago we were told that by 2015 man would be the cause of runaway global warming, now its called climate change, what it really is is stupid people who think theyre some sort of prophet

thats why al "the waters rising" gore bought an oceanfront property

Wtf are you even saying? Learn to speak proper English nigger.

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The world needs a new Hitler, and that's straight facts.

Extinction cant come soon enough

I love how the liberals defense is to say conservatives do the exact same shit they do with absolutely no evidence to back it, and when you tell them to provide evidence, they just insult you.

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Dubs checked

Only if hes a commie this time

Source that my nig

So either true, false, or nothing.
Nothing != something, faggot.


He already was

Hitler was possibly the most anti-communist person to exist.

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He made a pact with the bolshevists. Everyone who makes a contract with bolshevists is a commie in my eyes...

Dont care not my prezzz

if you aren't retarded, you're not allowed to be a leftist.

no, you have to be literally retarded.
pretending to be a retarded makes you a pretended leftist, and that's that.

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hitler, and by that the nazis , were anti-capitalists.
that means on the political spectrum, they were left of center, lmao

thats hate speech comrade, you must be reeducated now.

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Religion, Qanon, Pizzagate, education, comedy, national wellbeing indices.

This thread was dead before it started and is merely a support hub for the kind of dunces who are perpetually afraid of the Other and who elected an imbecile to lead them.

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The media is leftist as fuck

I bet you think the US Democrats are leftist too.

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>when the media is pretty heavily right wing
You're just a proof OP is right.

last year wants their meme back, fag


In what way?

In that they are run by large Corporations that donate to both parties equally?

In that they don’t publish ideas that are outside of their mainstream views?

In that they report bullshit instead of real news?

The right left dichotomy is a fallacy

Every news agency has a bias, i wouldnt trust one that said they didnt

So right wing incels like you don't have their opinions drilled by daddy peterson, sjw owned compilations and "woke" redpilling boards like /pol/? Kys faggot

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The ISIS thing is a promise kept.

Yes. They are all biased to the corporations that own them and their interests. News is about money not information

Tell that to Sri Lanka

because they don't care about facts.

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>disproved science

Lol look at this out of touch boomer who thinks Juden Peterson is respected in /pol/ circles

No in that an inherit bias exists and the best way to mitigate it is to accept it. Kind of like you and being a faggot

>drug laws and poverty problems


I get that the left does tons of mistakes even many liberals disagree on. But why go full nazi for that? How low must your IQ be to see everything in two colors? You can critisize the left and still support liberal ideas.

>nu uh

You're wrong my dude

Because if they weren't they'd be conservatives.

Left. Right. They're both retards.

We need progressives or we don't make progressive. We need conservatives or we don't hold onto the progress we make. The problem is the people on the extremes are all regressive. They want to take humanity backwards.

Progress is what will take us to the stars. It's what will take us to our destiny. Regressives will leave us wallowing in the muck.

Show me a peer reviewed study that shows race is a determinate of intellectual ability while allowing for income differences

Ok you accept the bias and I will continue to look for information from sources not driven by profit

We don't need conservatives tonhold onto the progress we make. Their reasons are emotional. You can also critically analyse progress and discuss potential dangers without being a dumb conservative fuck. We don't need conservatives at all. But keep thinking you just figured out politics you dukb centrist motherfucker

Oh wow. A tumblrina who thinks modernism is a sin. What a shock.


None of these have meaning anymore.

Everyone is fighting about nothing. Both parties have basically the same platform. The only thing that is divisive is the label and the fact that no one wants to admit they may be wrong. So we support people not positions.

Aside from eating lead paint chips, what makes someone stupider just because they are poor

Its not by media as a whole you fucking nitwit

>Why are leftists retarded?

I believe that anyone whose opinion differs from my own, no matter how slightly, is "retarded."

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I recall my parents (both leftypol fuckwads) saying something that amounted to
>"What's wrong with being regressive?"
I wanted to exit out the nearest window that day.

Less access to quality schools, nutrition, healthcare.

Plus stress. Lower income students have been shown to be more stressed and stress has been shown to lead to lower test scores

yep that sums up how leftists think, thanks for participating.

what test. whats the payoff.

Its your fault for living in a country that doesnt have access to those things, cant be wrong being birn there though

Their mothers took drugs and drank alcohol while they were pregnant.

Case closed.

why are americans retarded?

>HuR DuR der dumbercrats are LEFTISTS!
>corporate dems are more right wing than even most elected right wing governments in europe

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Scholastic tests. Tests that are used in the studies. Standardized tests

I'd love to punch the shit out provocating ignorant fucks like you.

Poor people in every country don’t have those things

> Both parties have basically the same platform.

Wow that's some wrong-ass shit.

Both parties seem the same if you're lucky enough to not be in any of the myriad groups Republicans are trying to fuck in the ass. If you are in or care about anyone in these groups, they're pretty fucking different.

You just proved his point, thanks for participating

So change it, retard.

/thread lmfao

you are mad af boi.

good thing retards like you stick to this website like fly on glue or else the country would rly be fcked

mash refresh and reply faggot

Yes but they react like women do, based on emotion. All their decisions are made with their feelings instead of logic. Which to those in the know, can seem like they are retarded.

it always cracks me up when americans call left-wingers "liberals"

In my country, a liberal is someone who is strongly against leftist politics and is considered right-wing or centre-right at worst

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Based on ur description i can only think of shithole countries

yeah fuck off, this is an american thread.

My country is considered one of the richest in the world and consistently rank higher then USA on basically every welfare statistic

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>the media is pretty heavily right wing
One would need to be absolutely, hopelessly mentally retarded as well as arrogantly and hatefully ignorant to reach such a conclusion. Even "right wing media" is extremely left wing. It's all controlled by the same jews who push Hegelian dialectics on the population via the very same media, coupled with education and entertainment. If you really believe that "the media is pretty heavily right wing" then you need to do the world a favor and just go ahead and kill yourself.

>leftists hating the jew hands that feed and care for them and tell them they're super special and important just for being alive


I just googled it. This is not esoteric knowledge hidden in some stone tablet. It's in front of you whenever you bother to look

OP here. I am australian

What's the default value?

Better to make the idiotic mistake of destroying your way of life to cater to people who have no respect for you or your ways, huh?

Eugenics or dysgenics: The choice is yours. Everyone makes this choice on a personal level, whether or not it's a conscious one. The argument against eugenics is so bafflingly retarded as to be terrifying. You're saying that you don't want to create better, healthier, smarter people?? But instead want to create more goblins and orcs? Wow. Signal that virtue, retard!

Liberals are aggressively anti-science. Just look at the anti-reality shit they push. You'll remember some of their biggest hits like: Gender is a social construct, race and IQ are lies, global warming will kill us all in 15 years (said 40+ years ago)

They want to allow degeneracy so that less people will judge them for being so antisocial

Right, they want more and more incompatible people to flood their countries, but live far away from them, so that they can get something a little cheaper and feel good about themselves for being so special and wonderful and supporting immigrants because jews told them that the US is "a country of immigrants" even though that's a blatant lie that only a retard would believe

Again, it's all about encouraging degeneracy so that less people will judge them. They want women in power because women don't know how to wield power responsibly and will be very useful pawns. Wow, so progressive

They orchestrate mass shootings in order to scare people into giving up their rights, freedom, liberty, and privacy. Wow such compassion!

They want people to suffer for a very long time until they've run out of money. Then they want them to die. If you control health care you can control a people. Have you ever read the checklist of how communists take over a country? For fucks sake, child

The idea being one or the other.. Or null. Which doesnt really count.

Listen Libtard

Here and now is what matters. What is it with liberals and using the past actions of a racial or political group to justify violence and shunning? No matter the amount of time or change that has gone by. This type of thinking is the same kinda shit that has been riled up in the past to the point of crimes against humanity en masse.

>Giant corporations are vastly left wing.

I met a pacifist serial killer.
