Ever thought of doing a dude?

ever thought of doing a dude?

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Ever thought of killing yourself right now?

girls are just drama

I don't like women's taint. I have much less of a need to touch a dude. Gay pedophiles shilled hardcore so I have those creeps to thank for the most uncomfortable years of my life. Jacking it to sarina valentina and Brazilian jiu jitsu and wrestling put an end to that chapter in my life.

If you fap yo shota I am your enemy

I could have lost my father because they did not stop pushing their gay lgtb agenda and breaking up families with their cristina feminist talk shows

I wish ill to those people

I don't even like touching my girlfriend's asshole.

interesting. why is that? doesn't it look inviting?

were you abused?

I always think it's worse gay pedophilia. If you defend Michael Jackson that says a lot about you and I would like to stab you. You can't even make threats or say anything because of fags

Homosexuality, pedophilia and Michael Jackson fans are different thing, user. You got it all mixed up

That's the thing I was not. They make you think it.

I could have been kidnapped by a stranger. Creeping out little boys is not ok. If it wasn't the TV it was latino women and psychologists talking shit about family and pushing faggotry. Getting started at at the mall is bad enough. I think people are sick because they go there all too often. Gay is how they destroyed pierce Brosnans patriarchy in james bond.white straight far right from Europe. Gone.

They would have to be completely hair free and I mean totally smooth but yeah I would.

You just described gay. It is one thing it's always been one thing.

Like I said I wrestled so I went there. I am not playing this game with you.


Back in those days the kidney says if you got kidnapped you don't come back.

The gay agenda was some serious shit. There is a hell for those people

All the European clubs with drugs, shit from the matrix. That's why today you find faggots in the best richest cities of the world

I'm not sure I understand, but you sure sound schizophrenic

I have no feelings of attraction towards anything male... bodies, faces, voices... gayness and gay stuff isn't offensive to me, but I just dont find men to be a turn on.

Part of me wishes I did, just since it would create so many more opportunities to fap and fuck, but oh well.

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There are no heavy metal rock concerts or VIP BDSM clubs anymore

Just because your problematic bitchass doesn't mean you can slander me. Say that shit to me in my country in the street I would have stabbed you.

Fucking faggot I ought to beat your ass

I’m thinking of getting rammed by one. I love buttplugs when I masturbate. I’m just waiting for the right man to show me how to do being gay right. I’m ridiculously shy. I’m kinda scared of giant cocks though. I fantasize about having my stomach cummed on or sucking dick and swallowing a big load while looking up with those eyes. Having a strong shoulder to lay on, attached to a guy I can trust who will also tear up that ass. Goals

don't get to old before trying

I'm sure you would loony. ;) Take your meds

Already too old. That’s part of the issue. Plus I’ve had 3 bad experiences with guys I thought loved me

Watch out, we got us a tough guy over here.

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Nope because I ain't some LGBTQ faggot

im bi, wouldnt mind being topped by a guy, but girls are boring as fuck unless theyre funny/cute. id still fuck a girl tho.

Hate to break it to you bro, buy your dad is now just a closet cocksucker. He probably regrets not turning you into a vanilla fudge sundae ifyaknowhatimean

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No I am not sick like you.

Go tolerate your personal life.

When you're this sick and incredible trash that you can't even threaten people do I say anything? Go back to your lives.

Nice 911 and metal detectors.

Fuck you.

I think he's a little special

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trips of truth