Hey Yea Forums. Why do you post traps and picture porn here if there's already >>>/s/ and >>>/hc/ for that?

Hey Yea Forums. Why do you post traps and picture porn here if there's already and for that?

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it's cause Yea Forums is dead and has been for years, half the threads you see here are created by bots to make Yea Forums seem more populated then it actually is

Because the fappening was fun but cancer and every newfag that came here because of it still thinks it’s a prawn board and the rest just want to be cool and tell there frens they lurk Yea Forums. Also this and implying most of them know about other boards.

Do they know about the other boards? Why don't they move that stuff over there then then this place will have more OG content.

Because b is more active than s and hc

So more people are going to view that stuff there than here? I see but things are better placed on their relevant boards.

That’s down to the mods user. Yea Forums being random isn’t about having random threads it’s about being able to post what you want when you want. That’s why they aren’t breaking any rules and can’t really be moved any where else. If you want totally random posts you need to go or they are just Yea Forums without the prawn (and more virgins). Also most of the anons in these threads know each other now and just post the thread to talk to other anons they really should be on .

This board is more active than the others so that's why it's posted here, for more interaction. It's not just bots

it's cause Yea Forums is dead and has been for years, half the threads you see here are created by bots to make Yea Forums seem more populated then it actually is

Why can't some smart person create a decentralised (think bitchute) Yea Forums Yea Forums that is actually good?

So anything that can be posted on other boards, can be posted here?

Idk why people say it's just bots posting. If you check s and hc the same threads stay at the first page but on b it changes all day with people posting in them. Yeah there are some bots but this one is more active which explains why people moved here to post shit. It's not like old b but it's still active with more than just bots

Where can I find this old Yea Forums? Are there any boards on Yea Forums or any other *chans that are like Yea Forums's Yea Forums back in the day?


Gallery of trap porn

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traps be looking fine.

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Not that I'm aware of lol. Old b has been ded. You are now in the future my friend, get used to this one until the next wave emerges. Your prophet has spoken

Will Yea Forums ever be that good again?

Probably not on Yea Forums, most likely on a new website that gains momentum with a random board. Which may or may not be called Yea Forums for the random, most likely not though

what was old Yea Forums like? relative newfag here

If article 13 of EU gets in effect which will effectively rangeban cuckeuropeans and net neutrality is completely and ideologically repelled which will contain normies in facebook instagram and twitter then, and only then, Yea Forums may get good again.

Yea Forums was never good
It is what it is if you dont like it fuck off back to that shithole you came from

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so just create a new chan that no one really know about and it's obscured? sweet

I started lurking back in 2006, a lot of trolling with habbo hotel and such and the emergence of popular memes that normies eventually found (old format memes). I stopped coming here around 2010 and didn't come back until the last couple years. And shit is completely different I don't see it going back to where it was. More people know about this place now so it's pretty much soiled. There needs to be a whole new site with less traffic in my opinion

Pretty much

>your new is showing user put it away

Yes user you can post anything here and in fact all other boards are born out of Yea Forums. When the spam or popularity of a certain thing happened on Yea Forums we would call for a new board and if moot was in a good moot would make one. came first then Yea Forums because originalfags wanted somewhere to talk about shit other than animu grills and the rest is herstory as they say.

I believe it depends on how old you want to go or what your state of mind is.
Circa 2010 when I first visited Yea Forums I didn't like Yea Forums so I stayed on /pol/ (which was actually good back then), Yea Forums and /g/ mostly.
Maybe ancient Yea Forums had much fewer Yea Forumstards so it was more like a club where they had things in common.
But otoh eight chan Yea Forums has fewer users and it's shit.
Maybe Yea Forums was never good.

If you exclude some threads I like Yea Forums now and there are some very smart people here.

Yea Forums was never good.

unfortunate have to surf for a while before find a thread that isn’t fckn loli and trap porn but i still get enjoyment from certain shit, hard for me to tell but not a complete loss i think

That's what everyone says but we always come back


I guess the story of Yea Forums's creation, as written in Genesis.

If it's not webtorrent or blockchain something based (but with data expiration so it must be a modified/slot based/circular blockchain?) without mods and jannies (regulation happening on each node and choosing what to share to other peers) it will be another shit so don't bother.

what about >>/bant/?

is moot still active?

Yeah no lolli or trap shit back then, that's all relatively new, b used to mostly be trolling and meme sharing also I remember a lot of sharpie in pooper and newfags can't triforce. I've been seeing more triforce posts recently which gives me hope for a resurrection but i know it won't happen. B is fucked now

When you try to make a better Yea Forums you always end up with something worse despite your best intentions.
>the tragedy of /r9k/

If you don't like the porn then go to because that's basically Yea Forums without the fap threads

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Now I have an idea for a chan. What should we call it and what features should it have? Should users be able to create their own boards like infinity chan or the admins create it based on what happens on Yea Forums?

I was gonna ask I'm not sure if moot is even around anymore, i remember that being a big thing back in the day with posts coming from moot popping up fairly regularly. Now I won't see a single post from moot. Probably raking in the cash and letting this shit show commence until it implodes on itself

is Yea Forums good Yea Forums or old Yea Forums?

He's married and has a baby. You living under a rock nowadays mate?

But moot don't run this place no more. It's hiro now.

Yea Forums was never good but it was fun, untold levels of fun that’s what’s really missing. Everything was always done for a laugh or the lulz if you may.

I don't go there. I come here for hot women. But Yea Forums is pretty kawaii if you're into that

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How dare you try to move us old fags to a new board. You just move in like youbown the place change the rules and tell us to fuck off to another board. Don't get me wrong I love porn but there's too much gay shit and pedo spam bots

Had no idea I came back on recently after being inactive for like 7-8 years

what happens when you post the same type of porn here over at [s4s]?

I like to hope the ghost of his inner little grill still lurks these old ways user but who knows.

that’s why i keep getting drawn back, i get a good laugh out of a shitpost now and then, i know it mostly fucked but it’s in my blood now, i can’t get out and its all going to fuck

It's not an eviction, it's just a simple suggestion. Tryna help

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Yea Forums was the only board I ever enjoyed. There was always entertainment in most of the threads. Lots of trolls and lulz

3 day ban I would expect or it would get moved to here or the appropriate board.

i think there may be hope, i’m seeing more and more of these threads opposing what Yea Forums has become, maybe it will be saved but it’s a long shot

I'd also like to send a shout-out to my friend who showed me Yea Forums back in the early days when it was a thriving board, not filled with the same spam porn day in and day out

>You must check your #fortune in order to post on this board.
>Global rules 1, 2, 4, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, and 15 are enforced.
>No porn dump threads. Keep that shit on Yea Forums.

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>this is hotel California and you can never leave.

Same user I go to a few other boards and have lurked/ browsed most of them at some point but I just can’t stop coming here, it just feels like home.

>Now I have an idea for a chan.
Do it
>What should we call it and what features should it have?
Reisen Chan
Because it has no server and it's peer to peer decentralised
>Should users be able to create their own boards like infinity chan or the admins create it based on what happens on Yea Forums?
3 basic rights
>Board creator
>Thread creator
>Post creator

The post creator can delete his posts
The thread creator can delete any post in his threads
The board creator can delete any thread or post in his thread

No mods, no jannies, no admins

Every lurker/poster is a peer to peer node and can choose which board/thread/post to share/subscribe to other nodes

Completely anonymous, no accounts, no captchas, no gold pass

How would you prevent bot spam if you don't have captchas

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Im married and have a baby it doesn’t stop me from shitposting on Yea Forums
Moot is just a little bitch

I guess 2019 will be the renaissance of Yea Forums

lmao epic answer dude

So it's just Yea Forums without porn. But Yea Forums is different if there's different people on different random boards?

i would wish i never came but i can’t, it’s been worth it for the lulz even if it does go even more to shit

How would that be setup though. I got two Raspberry Pis to test.

I dunno, I guess?!?!

one can only hope user

Wait luggage lad actually impregnated a female of our species, why the fuck wasn’t there a sticky so we could name it >Gandalf the gay rape baby.
>gratz mootykins love your little cotton socks.

What about rules, cuz I don't want jailbait.

it’s not as the people that are still on Yea Forums aren’t there, it’s not the same

I don't. No central server so no trouble in server overload. More user more peers better load balancing. When a node marks a post as spam can select to mark all posts from this node as spam. Post ids by thread, prevents samefagging and makes implementation easier and anonymous. Nodes can subscribe to currator nodes to handle spammers.

but like the people on Yea Forums are different than the people on Yea Forums, so that's why they're different.

Same, been here almost eleven years and still feel like a newfag who missed out on the glory day. Happy to be here for the shit i was though.

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You mark the post or node that posted it as spam and you stop sharing it so you are legal. Or you subscribe to another node or nodes acting as currator nodes to get his spamlist and autoblock spam and illegal shit.

>but like the people on Yea Forums are different than the people on Yea Forums, so that's

just been mindfucked by that statement

sounds much better actually

huh... that’s pretty good

Yes and no user, why don’t you spend the day lurking and find out what it’s like. This is the problem we have new fags that don’t lurk other boards they think Yea Forums is just Yea Forums remember not all the big events/trolls and stuff start on Yea Forums it’s just where we muster the troops because it’s Yea Forums and autistic.

What should the rules be? Should it be as libre as infinity chan or do you think there should be a no jb/zoo rule. What should be the official rules of this new chan?

are the same people on [s4s] come from Yea Forums?

So it's more like a network instead of a website. So like each node for each board?

it’s a mish mash, everyone is from everywhere

Rules are set by board creator and thread creator. It's up to them. If nodes don't agree with their rules they unsub from their content so no sharing no legal or moral trouble. In the future board and thread creator could delegate these rights to other nodes although this makes it eponymous so I don't like it.

any good board suggestions?

Think of it like torrent where the thread creator is the original seed and every lurker poster is a peer.
For every post you make you become the seed of this post and every other lurker is the peer and it gets replicated over the swarm. No servers. Will need some blockchain like hashing verification to prevent falseflaggin and post manipulation.

was pretty funny watching the news try to explain Yea Forums tho

Do you have like a diagram or schematic of the setup? How would that work in layman's terms?

You realize you can post whatever you want on Yea Forums. right? Everything posted here could be posted on their 'relevant' boards. but that's not the point.

on Yea Forums* not Yea Forums

let's shitpost Yea Forums and fill it with cancer. im jk.

the curse of freedom strike again

It all depends on what you are in to user. Just remember not all boards are as fast moving as Yea Forums



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I don't. I know it can be done though. May have to run in a client program (it's not a website but it is html based but there is no central server but a swarm of peers/nodes/lurkers/posters). Another issue is how this can become generic and automatic so this tech can handle many different kinds of board styles.

Just my ideas because I see that centralised imageboard hosting with financial and legal troubles is not viable anymore.

Your dubs demand it user, let’s go play with for a little while.

So no webbrowser huh? Is it like diaspora*? How about doing it through XMPP?

i’m down, what’s the plan of action

Not sure user but it’s Yea Forums probably go with the classics it shouldn’t be to hard.
>Zoe done nuffin wrong
>Anita was right
>mega drive is better than xbone
>pc master race was here we rule
>I’m a gamer I play candy crush.

the dubs call me to action