What are you having for lunch today?

what are you having for lunch today?
indecisive brit fag here
i need some ideas for my lunch

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bump u cunts

>10 Bong

Chinese food leftovers


what did you have ordered

eat fish & chips you stupid limey

had that the day before yesterday

depends on what yo got

Eat a burger become obese like most of America

cold pizza and coke

i can't cook
I'm fucking useless
staying at an airbnb at the moment so I have to get takeaway

Dude you just put like 200-400g flour, 400ml milk, a few tablespoons suger, a little bit of salt in one bowl. take the yolk into the mix then mix everything good. fold in the egg white and you are good to go. its not that hard

i dont know what airbnb means, but takeaway is always shit

I'm thinking pizza or Chinese...
this is the worst part of living alone
have to figure out what to eat all the time
i want my mommy

here she comes

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I give you a hint:
Get some recipes. For making your own pizza for example.
You just use flour+water+yeast+salt and get pizza dough.

You will pay less, have more food. And the quality of the food is always better.

i basically don't have a kitchen available
airbnb is when random people rent out a room for strangers
i guess i could get pancakes from mcdonalds or some random cafe

Well that sucks mate
Wish you best of luck for the future

thanks guys
gonna try those things once find a flat


4 cans of scrumpy Jack's cider and a fish butty with mushy peas and gravy followed by comfy joint.

Cold pizza is the best