Ok guys, I just took a shit (pic related)

Ok guys, I just took a shit (pic related)

And there's a concerning amount of blood. I took a shit earlier today and I noticed that there was a little blood on the toilet paper but I just chalked that up to having wiped with a little too much enthusiasm.

This on the other hand genuinely worries me. Am I going to die? What could I be causing me to bleed out my asshole? Should I go to the emergency room or wait till the morning to see me general practitioner?

>inb4 cancer
>inb4 butt AIDS
>inb4 asking the internet for medical advice

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You probably have an internal hemorrhoid. Just book at appointment to have your asshole looked at. It's probably nothing but you should get it checked out.

I probly got cancer user

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Dude you have butt aids B^)

Blood looks a LOT redder than that. It's probably something you ate.

Source: Someone who frequently shits blood.

It’s bright red so you’re fine bro. When it’s deep black or like coffee grounds then you are diagnosed with stage 5 ded

usually brighter blood isn't too big of an emergency. I shit blood when I drink and eat taco bell. Also red wine will make you shit tarry black if this is a constant thing for several shits in a row it may be time to get checked out but a little bloodypoop never hurt me.
Source: shitting a lot of blood and hoping ignoring it will make it go away

I wonder why posts like this are made with
>inb4 asking the internet for medical advice
Its like you know youre so retarded that aids is basically natural selection.

If youre ripping up your ass then stop shitting so hard and have a better diet.
If youre just bleeding and you dont know why, then see a doctor asap.

stop fucking shoving knives up your ass you fucking buttpirate

see that's the thing

I've always heard that hemorrhoids are extremely painful, yet there is no pain.

y tho

maybe don't eat at taco bell, Yea Forumsro

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All dem red hots nigga


That's fresh blood, meaning it came from near your asshole, most likely hemorrhoids, which are mostly harmless and very treatable. Darker, older blood comes from somewhere up in your guts, where you really don't want holes.

I was in a similar situation, and the doc didn't even look. Just told me it was probably hemorrhoids and I should get some OTC treatment and take fiber. He was right, blood was gone in a week and my asshole stopped feeling so chapped. Do this, user.

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are you the tacobell guy or the mystery blood-shitter


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I'm butt AIDS. I'll be seeing you soon.

Ate a ceasar salad at a place off 10 in Arizona... tore my o ring on that shit. Blood in bowl like OP. No fun at all.

AZ food is fucking garbage, man

An update: my asshole itches now.

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Not necessarily. My asshole basically felt chapped, which I ignored, and every shit felt like it was going to be huge, but then they were mysteriously small. That+blood were my only symptoms.

But after the doc, I inspected my asshole closely. Didn't see any bumps, but the ring was noticeably swollen, puffy, and irritated. You might be thinking of hernias, those are extremely painful.

Go buy the off brand preparation h from walmart, be sure to get the one with the longest nozzle (like an inch long) because it sounds like they're internal and you're gonna need to get up in there. Apply generously at least 3 times a day. Your blood will be gone in a week and your asshole will thank you.

OP did you have any beets recently??!?

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not unless you count what my dad does to me with his belt

wtf has Yea Forums gone into?
copy pasta dis copy pasta dat


If you have taken two shits in one day you should go to the doctor anyway user that’s not good.

>a concerning amount of blood
Care to quantify this for us?

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The picture is the shit in question. I did not timestamp because it only occurred to me to ask you tards about it after flushing.

There's nothing wrong with taking more than one shit in a day -- I typically take two. One in the morning, one in the evening.

Probably ulcerative colitis see a doctor or stop eating fast food and red meat

Late 40s here. I had red blood in my shit. I thought it would be nothing. Doctor told me to have a colonoscopy. I accepted. They found and removed four polyps. One had cancer but "in situ". Colonoscopy saved my life.

Blood out of your asshole is gonna be the lease of your worries one day.

u ate too many hot cheetoes, duh

Bro i had a shit ton of flaming hot cheetos couple days ago and crapped out this similar thing. True story

timestamp or it never happened

This is what my shit looked like after I demolished a whole sleeve of these

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are you French?
you need to take a proper bidet

Do you take any food supplements?

Yes. Soylent.

Fresh blood is fine, if it's like black it's internal bleeding.

I've had similar experiences and it was a fissure (torn butthole). Heals itself.

It's just period. It comes every month. Just put a tampon in, haven't your mom taught you that?

Drink some water and if it happens when you take a shit again. Go see your GP. Don't wipe or squeeze so hard either. It's happened to me and it was just a one off. The emergency room must got alot of you pussies walking in expecting instant answers and a way to fix it. You haven't got your mother to fix your asshole so learn to deal with it like a man and just wait it out and don't come to conclusions HURRR AM I GOING TO DIE fucking pussy seriously.

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Just ask your boyfriend to be more gentle next time he gives your ass a dicking. No more blood!

>bleeding butt aids

What the fuck is up with b/ today? Every fucker is bleeding out of a hole... has America got an ebola outbreak?