My daughter is a Suicide Girl. AMA except "Who is your daughter?"

My daughter is a Suicide Girl. AMA except "Who is your daughter?"

>pic related is not my daughter

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>should have read the greentext...

do you ever tell her things you'd like to see, that she puts into her shoots?

Has she ever insinuated she'd let you take a camera and do a photo shoot of her, in person?

Ok so over here not ruining the vintage porn thread with my irrelevant comments anymore. What was the next question again.

My daughter has a nicer ass. More girl next door look too.

I hope it’s because she actually committed suicide and not because she’s some trashy wannabe model

Going to do one soon. I asked this weekend.

When did you get the hots for you daughter?

Actually, who's the girl in the pic, not asking if she's your daughter or not.

Who is your daughter?

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Is this your daughter?

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What's your daughter's name?

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What, who is she and why did she killed herself?

When she was about 15. Was really unexpected, been a tow the line respectable father with no urges up until then.

Who is the cream of the WWF crop?

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I used to mow Randy and Hulks lawns when I was 11-12 helping out with a friends dads lawn service on in the summer. Good dudes.

lol. found her already. Join and I'll upload the whole set

d-cord gg J6USpz

Does she have daddy issues? All girls with tattoos over more than a square inch of their bodies do.

Have you considered getting the help you need before you inevitably hurt someone, you fucking degenerate?

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Then you raped her and she became a web slut thanks OP you're doing the Lord's work

Yeah, she had a complicated upbringing due to extremely crazy mom, divorces, etc.

lol, no we have never hooked up.

We did some cool drugs together and talked hypothetical stuff and even kissed a few times, but nothing else.

Did you ever see her naked before she did modeling?

Nice click bait, friend.
Anyone who has been here longer than a week will know not to follow it.

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Who hasn't seen people that live in their house and have few boundaries naked? Nature of living together, etc., every sees everyone naked at some point.

Does she actually make any money from it? I thought SG was a pyramid, with hundreds of new models at the bottom making pennies and only a few at the top making a real salary.

>Crazy mom
>Dad talks about wanting to fuck her online
>Dad does cool drugs with her
Mom may have been a problem, but you are THE problem.
You are exactly why this planet doesn't deserve to live. The bacteria grown out of control.
Fucking maggot.

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It gets exposure. She does a side business of $300-500 for a shoot and some sort of rights splitting for photos that get used and she keeps rights to anything when possible.

Serious question, lowlife.
How many times have you raided your daughter's wallet for your crack money?

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Well yeah, got married at 19, joined army, first one was a shit show. Should have seen where me and her mom came from.

Never, crack is whack.

care to share her SG page for us OP?

Got dealt a bad hand and chose to pass that on down.
No peace, know pain.
Spread your bullshit across the world.

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has she ever admitted to you that she gets off to the thought that you look at her pics?
I know you already said she knows you look and did it hoping you would see, but I mean, has she outright said she masturbates to the idea that you look at her pictures?

Are you from the South?

She actually is doing better than her mothers entire family. I might be a dbag, but I support her, push her to achieve and help her when I can.

That easy was it?

No, now that you've put it out there I will bring it up when we do our personal shoot.

Well, I am from Appalachia myself... here incest is an open secret. hbu?

Florida, no one would know anyway, most people are transients. Sometimes I wonder when we go to the corner store together or something the way people look at us or treat us is like we are a couple, not father daughter.

When you do, you might as well just ask her to masturbate for you. She likes you seeing what you've seen anyways. She can take it a step further and show just how much she likes it that you look at her.

hot man. I won't go into detail here but I will say that there is no experience on Earth better than cumming inside a family member.

The photo shoot I am planning is taking things past the tasteful, she will likely need to be wet form some of the shots, so there ya go.

Cmon, details, I gave almost enough to dox me I think, least you can do is story time.

Greentext on the kissing and some info on the ideas youve talked about how come you guys havnt gone further?

Discord gg/ 99JFFJ

Nah, man. There YOU go lol.
You'll get to watch as her panties go from dry, to damp, to wet, to off. All while she gets more and more worked up posing for you.
Then you just keep the camera on her, and ask her if she wants to play with herself while you watch.

Not much to the story but I have fucked my ma and sis. Started with ma when I was 12 and sis when I was 13, but sis and I had been playing with each-other since we was little. Just your standard Appalachian family fun. Pa knew about it and I think he has fucked my sis but idk.

I felt it, and the hints were huge, but I didn't want to take advantage of my position of power.

>We have both taken some good x and are hanging out in her room drinking water and listening to music low.
>She gets naked. I think that looks fun, I get naked.
>I mention kissing is awesome rolling and she jumps up and starts.
> We kissed a few times and then stopped.
> I started getting hard and it weirded me out.