Shota cute edition

shota cute edition

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cute shotas are the best shotas.

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NO. Lewd shotas are gay

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Cute, domineering shotas laughing at guys who have smaller peeners than them are the best.

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I would post pictures of that if I had them, it is unfortunately quite niche

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Yeah sadly. I love shotadom so much.

Only the good stuff though, there's a lot of trash out there. Anyone that has the kid talking like he's 10 years older needs to be drug out and shot.

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Yeah, it just isnt the same if they dont talk like kids still. Like i can look past a little bit of suspension of disbelief but dont make them sound like full grown adults.

Been there, done that :(

Which one were you? :P

Don't suppose you have the pics to prove it, then.
Seriously, why spoil what makes shotas shotas? Why don't you give them an elephant cock while you're at it you hack?
Ugh, some artists, man.

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Take a wild guess

My parents have pics of my shota dick (and pics of shota me in diapers) but posting them would be bannable

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Does nobody know how to dodge nowadays?
Well you'd better post at least something, pal, or start greentexting.

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Nice. Reminds me of a qt shota I see at the laundromat

xD I'm guessing you were the little one!

Small dicks are cute :3

What do you wanna know? I'm half asleep and too autistic to greentext

Yeah mine was tiny until I was 14 and still small until 15 and a lot of boys saw it. The diaper shit definitely didn't help

Really? Laundromats are nice.

Just elaborate dude, how long were you in diapers, any embarrassing stories that could be seen as arousing, etc etc.
Were kids younger than you making fun of your dick, or were you a boyslut making fun of men's dicks...
That kind of stuff

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Diapers stopped when I was ten. Accidents didn't. Earliest comparison was when I was six taking a bath with my 3/4yo cousin. Older cousin was a dick and pushed my dick inside and joked about me being a girl

Aww. Sorry to hear they were mean to you.

*pat* I'm sure you had a cute dick!

How do you like your dick now?

I like it and I still get a lot of looks at the gym. Lots of curious/perverted shotas look at it too

Details are the essence of fun stories. You're not posting any pictures, so it'd just be polite to add a little more fluff to your text, you know?

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Ah nice :D

Are you top or bottom? Bi or gay?

Yeah I'm half asleep. I remember being naked in the tub and he'd pay a lot of attention to me. He pulled his dick out when I insisted mine wasn't small

Top and bi. I like lolis too. I actually showered with one recently but I didn't feel anything lewd (besides curiousity about how she looked)

Oh nice :3 Same as me on the top/bi thing.

Glad to hear you didn't feel anything lewd with her :3 I was relieved to realize I didn't really think of RL kids sexually when I got a job at a school.

I still wanna hug them, but they tend to hug you enough as is, so you don't need to initiate.

Yep. She was cute down there but I don't put my dick in cute

Good, good xP

I mean, even if you had found her hot, It's not worth traumatizing a kid.

Yeah, I did see her pee though

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Any comforting words for a suicidally depressed BL please :( ?

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Aww. *hugs* What's making you suicidal?

Stay strong user. You've got this. I believe in you. Life's worth living!

Family issues, job training possibly being cancelled, my orientation/deviation and associated pizza dependence (you can judge me if you wanna, I'm just being honest, it's been a habit since I was 16).

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Thank you, I appreciate it *hugs*

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rational tip: your life's not worth throwing away just for a few seconds of pleasure or masturbation... nor is morally ok to enjoy the abuse of others (yes, some of it is, whether you want to admit it or not). trust me, break your addiction, for yourself and others' sakes too. please. it's hard, but you can do it, and it will be worth it, and you will thank yourself.

Well, that's rough :P How old are you?

If you wanna talk more thoroughly you can mail me at [email protected] and we can trade discord or something.

i have to leave now but i'm glad there's someone else who cares and is here. stay strong. and be a good person. you can't control what you like but you can control what you do. you know you need to be better.

take care, user. hope things look up for you.

I don't live in a place with stringent penalties on possesing it tho, mostly probation IF you get snitched on because there is otherwise nearly no way to get caught. My problem is more moral.

I'm 25.

>Tfw my younger brother does this in his pjs

Where? but i'm glad you recognize it's still a problem, yes. work on it. you can do it.

Ah :3 Well, plenty of time for things to improve still, then!

My family sucked too. Well, mom was good, and one sibling... dad was horrible, and two siblings sucked. Life got better when my siblings cut contact with me.

What do you want in life?

I wish I could suck off my lil step bro...

A post-communist country.

How old is he :3?

fuck off with this 3dpd and creepy-furry-emoticon shit

Eh I did but I don't suggest it


fuck off.


>MFW I only come to these threads 'cus I was touched when I was little
>MFW It turns me on just thinking about it

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Why not? He's 14

It's good advice retard

nobody cares about your illegal pedo stories/fantasizes

Incest is weird. My brother was 12 and I was under 18 too but it still made a weird dynamic

I had no issues with my cousin years ago. If her mom wouldn't have interrupted us we would have fucked

I know right?
only real shame is I was too young too enjoy it

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shota smiles brings happiness to heart for a while

it's a hard day bros.

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rare and based

I've got both his tattoos like the weeb degen I am. He was a huge role model for me growing up

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live dam you

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That time when when lolis look like shotas, they be alrite

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greentext now

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I'm watching this too, Toi a best.

If you just want to post cute why don't you make a thread on /cm/?

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more shotas jerking off

and more shotas kissing please!

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Repent sinners!

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anyone have shota experiences close to pic related?

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Played 7 minutes in heaven when I was 8 with my best friend's older brother, who was 13.

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I jerked off to shota like 3 times the other day.

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with that size difference, his stomach should definitely be distended.

>distended stomach
Yes pls.

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post rape!

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cute lil boys have been known to have that effect

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This pic reminds me of middle school, I used to give other boys blowjobs in the restroom.

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too bad you weren't in my school, Ida returned the favor.

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If you really wanted to return the favor you'd bring lube and use my other end. I have a medical condition that makes it difficult to get erections, so that's pretty much the only way I have orgasms. Most boys at school liked blowjobs more though, so I didn't really get much satisfaction.

like this?

I'd lube the tube for ya. Most boys don't like receiving that as much, but back then my weiner was like a finger, and lil peens don't stick in there so well, so I'd hafta travel back in time to give ya your medicine

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Some of the guys I was with were pretty hung. When I first entered 6th grade there was an 8th grader that I played with that was a solid 7 inches and girthy, I could barely get him in my mouth.

I didn't even get hair on my balls until 16 and I wasn't hung until 17, but then my benis decided to grow up pretty damn fast.

(pic not related, i love me feminine young shotas)

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Lucky you. I wish I could experience topping. I'm not even sure I'm actually gay or if it's just the only option I have since I can't get erections. I think hormones probably have a lot to do with it though, I don't grow pubic hair, kind of convenient since I don't have to shave my butt, but I do wish I had the option to choose.

I hit puberty so early, I kinda skipped peak shota stage. Had a big dick by 10 and my first pubes by like 11. Was actually super tough at that age, parents/counsellors didn't do anything to help so I just had to hide it.

Got any good stories? Ever blow more than one boy at the same time/receive facials?

Never blown more than one at the same time, but I've been spitroasted. I had one facial. That's how I got outed as a kid, all the other boys in school knew, but the adults didn't, until I went back to class after lunch with dried cum in my eyebrow.

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had a friend like that, mfw he shows me his pubes one day, and his semi-chub dick is bigger than a baby's forearm

pic unrelated

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Green text the spitroast

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>be 6th grade
>other boys were both 7th grade
>At one of their houses
>the guy that fucked me happened to have the same first name as my dad, so that made me uncomfortable
>we didn't have lube
>it hurt a lot while he was fucking me, which made me bite down
>I ended up with a sore butt, the guy I was blowing ended up with a hurt cock, the guy that was fucking me didn't stop until he was done

All in all, probably the worst experience I had as a shota.


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honestly don't know, found it on some spergy unsafe anime-foundry site place that has links to full sized dumps, but you have to be 'premium' to get access. But I did browse some nice shota and loli pics there last month.

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oh mate

was supposed to be for you
have another girly shota

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Reminds me of Sound Village

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for a couple years until my body caught up I looked ridiculous. big dick on an undeveloped frame. imagine a 7" dick on a 4 foot 5 kid. I could if I had a third hand I could fit all three on my shaft lol. looks normal now though.

maybe Dunno, but you made me find you a second one.

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how did the boy's cum feel in your butt?

man you were mirror me, like I said, my body was all there, but my dick was on sleepy-time.

I was pretty fit and all, but no bazinga in my bazanga until 17. You cannot imagine the jokes that hit me in the locker room.

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Yeah that's definitely Sound Village. Their side faces always look like that lol

You usually don't feel it when they cum. I've only ever actually felt it once, it takes a really big load or someone that cums really hard to actually feel it.

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Is there one without the diaper?

I don't think this guy does any nudes. :(

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dude if I had a smart phone back then I'd have posted my dick all over the internet, because of a few experiences with people seeing my bulge/dick I ended up with a huge exhibitionism kink but was too pussy to do anything other than occasionally jerk off in public

That's unfortunate, quite like the style

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and I got plenty of stories if anyone wants to hear

Yeah, but I guess he can't risk it if he wants to stay on Patreon.

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Of course we want to hear!

Did you actually manage to do anything gay with your peers back then?

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Artist is soundvillage
[SoundVillage] Machiawase

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I figured lol. First experience.

>I'm 10, it's summer break
>with a friend hanging out at the apartment complex i grew up at
>"I'll show you mine if you show me yours"
>Yeah sure
>Find a bush, he pulls it out, it's basically a small grape.
>I semi-panic
>"Don't back out man, that's gay"
>Pull out mine
>It's like 3 or 4 inches soft
>"woah you're big"
>I'm nervous, don't say anything
>we go back to playing
>that night I jerk off about it
>"Huh, I'm big."
>Next day
>"Wanna see me dick again?"
>Says no
>Fuck I wanna show more people my dick but I'm pussy
>Becomes the summer of exhibitonism

>Couple days later, have the same friend over
>Playing Halo in my room
>Start thinking about him looking at my dick, nasty hormones want me to whip it out
>get huge boner in thin shorts
>He notices but doesn't say anything
>10-15 minutes later
>"Can I pull it out, it's uncomfortable"
>He says whatever
>Pull down my shorts and keep playing
>Boner is pointing straight up, throbbing with my heartbeat
>He's ignoring it
>5 minutes pass
>"Alright user I'm gonna go home, cya later"
>Ok bye
>He leaves, I'm sitting on my bed heart pounding.

Emailed you now :) sorry, was busy during the day.

>My bedroom window faces the back part of the apartment, hidden from the road where all the kids play
>So horny, decide fuck it and open my curtains
>Sit pretending to play halo with my dick out in front of my wide open window, hoping someone walks by
>I'm super sneaky, watching out the window through the reflection of my TV
>A couple minutes pass, and a neighbor walks by, 20 something year old guy
>He pauses for a split second, glancing inside, then keeps walking
>I barely touch my dick and explode all over my t-shirt



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Why the FUCK haven't you joined this server yet?\invite\v3HXgkt


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i only find pubescent males attractive, how do women find these rugged, hairy men sexually attractive? beyond me

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Happened to me too. Now in our 40's, when he gets drunk he hits on me (like sitting across from table, reaches his foot up and grabs my crotch). Other than that we never talk about or mention it.

>thinking a story is illegal

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>Later that night, still horny af thinking about earlier
>The sun is setting
>I'm a school nerd so I tell my mum I'm going outside to read
>"Be back by 9"
>Go into the underground parkade
>Nobody is around, all doors into the parkade are heavy and loud so I'll know if someone is coming
>Start stroking my uncut dick out in the open
>Scared but excited
>Sit crosslegged between two cars and suck myself
>Realize I can do anything down here
>Get up and take my shorts off
>I'm walking around, rubbing my hard dick on car door handles, leaving precum on them
>Get a genius idea
>Press my dick and balls against car windows leaving imprints on them
>Go the the rear exit, and crack the door open and peak out
>I hold the door open with one hand, stroking with the other, and cum out the door on to the sidewalk
>Omg so fucking hot
>Close the door, wait for my boner to subside enough to go back home

I had one of these when I was close to ten. Super embarrassing

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>Next morning I wake up to a knocking on my door
>Huge morning wood
>See an opportunity
>Shift and reposition my blanket so you can see my underwear with my bulging boner
>Pretend to be asleep
>Knocking continues
>Come on just open the fucking door
>Hear the knob turn, door opens a crack
>Long pause
>Hear the door close
>Heart is racing, did one of my parents just see my dick?
>Wait a couple minutes, then furiously jerk off into my mouth
>Later that day, friend comes over
>Sit on the bed to play Halo
>I'm unhinged now, don't give a fuck anymore
>Without a word I pull down my shorts, and my cock flips up and hits my stomach with a smack
>I scoot a little closer to my friend, and flex my dick a couple times
>He's blushing, trying not to stare while I kick his ass in Halo
>After a round, I put down the controller and grab his hand putting it on my dick.
>I lay back and he just keeps holding it
>So I grab it with one hand and start stroking with my eyes closed with his hand still wrapped around the base of my dick
>I can't hold it
>I cum all over my stomach and chest
>I open my eyes, and look over, and my friend is sitting there eyes locked on my dick
>"You can let go now"
>He let's go
>I clean up, we play halo for a couple more hours

Why is he crying? :(

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may be cum

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Cum doesn't come out of your eyes.

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Here is some furry shota

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Toast fresh bread?

Nice. You ever reciprocate?

Please tell me this led to sucking and/or fucking

Huh. We hit image limit.

new thread