

DrawFUCK edition

Attached: 1454376766395.png (2000x2000, 1.18M)

Other urls found in this thread:


Oh here you go man check it out

Attached: aubs.png (800x500, 59K)

Think this was to me? Thanks for the compliment, user


I'm sorry Shadow pls take me back qq

Attached: sai2_JPYAjle4TN.png (505x358, 35K)

To whoever did this, thank you :D
Also, OP's pic is awesome. You guys should really do a more recent group one!

Attached: 1557123698969s.jpg (125x85, 1K)

>Think this was to me? Thanks for the compliment, user
Yeah that was for you, sry I forgot to add the post number

Here my son. NP

Attached: file.png (585x400, 27K)

We would, but it isn't that easy

Requesting Unikitty and Felicity from RBUK sharing a double sided dildo

Attached: 1555323081164.png (1450x800, 865K)

It's usually just one drawfag who wants to draw a group pic, but that's always a lot of effort people don't usually want to put forth. Sidhe did it somewhat often though, bless his soul.

Attached: sai2_g9NZnILr1Z.png (435x336, 26K)

one day mothbro will return

It's not your fault, regardless.
But if you were the one shitposting at me, it still isn't. It's not even mine.

Attached: shadow86.png (1167x720, 14K)

im here to FUCK

gudmorning thread
taking reqs

Attached: rider.png (218x350, 29K)

Why am I doing this on a worknight lmao

Nah I only ever post nice things to you under user mwah

Attached: sai2_qbJg6skWep.png (419x319, 30K)

one req?

You can't fuck from your pc m8.


Attached: file.png (343x268, 21K)

Thank you, Father.

Can I get a lewd female fencer?

only when im horngry.
go away.

Attached: 0.png (512x512, 49K)

>Only when im horngry
I'll cook you lasagna and suck your dick

Attached: Lea1.png (234x230, 22K)

who said i was at the pc

Attached: A949BD52-7420-4E7E-A510-B209ED74C72F.jpg (750x821, 33K)

Good morning from germany~

Attached: sai249875.png (512x512, 75K)

stfu nazi tails

Guten Tag, wie gehts?

Attached: sai2_Z1TSqKwckH.png (480x474, 35K)

I kekd too hard at this

Hallo Schwarzer

ha, welcome to hell, fuzzball.
a whole world of interpersonal drama awaits should you decide to dive deeper.

Attached: shadow86.png (1167x720, 16K)

Thred is ded, guess I'll hed (out)

Attached: sai2_L4rXDKUB5U.png (619x437, 44K)


hello lil loli
en garde..
hello tails

Attached: rider.png (719x733, 81K)

Many thanks for this here lewd


So being an english exchange student in germany makes you a nazi already huh? Rude much..

I'm rather fine, how are you?

I didn't know I was black.. Tell me more about me I don't know!

Well I've always been here and there, sitting quietly and listening. I've seen quite some shit on Yea Forums and co.

I can't really be tails though, I only have one!

Attached: sai249876.png (512x512, 55K)

wow I totally expected to be exposed for not knowing German. Anyway I'm awful but I"m also leaving for bed, have a good one!

Attached: sai2_n75dZKRank.png (1240x782, 207K)

Requesting something wholesome

Gimme that sammich

thats my secret cap im always horngry

Attached: puppy.png (137x148, 11K)

Hand over your pants, ma'am


Nah, you're good. Sleep well!

You really want it, even though I've already taken a bite? Fine take it if you want

Attached: sai249877.png (512x512, 53K)

Alright, lemme know when the lasagna' ready.

Attached: 0.png (512x512, 37K)

ur welcome
thicc indeed
so ur called just "Tail" hmm did see that
am always horngry for grithy sausages and a bowl of thicc CUM!!

Attached: rider.png (417x299, 50K)


Attached: file.png (442x603, 52K)

Any simple drawing requests?
Wait I didn't expect this counter attack
That explains a lot

Attached: screeeee.png (768x768, 41K)


i mean i like real food too...

do you like omelets

Attached: puppy.png (114x153, 11K)

Ur smelly and mean

>so ur called just "Tail" hmm did see that
The names actually Callisto though, but ok!

Attached: sai249878.png (512x512, 50K)

wow what a horndog
oh sorri...callipso

Attached: rider.png (571x349, 64K)

Greetings, gents. I hope you are all well.

Attached: yorp.png (800x600, 35K)

How about you dressed up as Betty Boop?

Don't you get off to being degraded and never finished that dating sim

aye thread

Attached: Kahl.png (1000x1000, 132K)

Ah thanks, I meant I'm *doing* awful lol. G'night

Kahl! How have things been my guy

As it should be. I get a sense of satisfaction from general hatred, it only borders on the erotic when certain conditions are met. And yes the dating sim thing as well is true. How are you today?

Attached: Chil.png (500x600, 91K)

Its bugman

It's okay, you couldn't have known it.


Attached: sai249879.png (512x512, 70K)

hey bugman kahl
beep poop paap PAW!!

Attached: rider.png (518x661, 59K)

I'm going to fill your pants pockets with hot cheeto puffs and hot nacho cheese, jalapeno flavored. youre welcome

good i saw endgame today it was lit
Here i am
hello Succubus?
Demon? half demon?
what brand of demon are you?

Attached: Kahl.png (1000x1000, 112K)


I'll kill you!!!

as much as i love ya man i'd hate sitting behind you at the theater so bad

Attached: puppy.png (450x493, 73K)

yeah omelets are good.

Attached: 0.png (512x512, 61K)

Any easy requests?

Attached: mm.png (557x589, 65K)

originally am a "demonitrix" but most of the time am just a "succubus"
i want omelets too

Attached: rider.png (261x526, 40K)

Pooodddllleeee pllssss

How about a cool mage?

why would that be?
i shower sorta often if thats what you mean
i see
are you born and raised in hell or are you a fallen angel or somethin

Attached: Kahl.png (1000x1000, 139K)

But will you share a bite with me?

i was born in hell my mother was a demon and my father was just satan...

Attached: rider.png (655x548, 95K)

yo i wanna bang your mom

heres a better pic i was searching for in the drawpile
sorry user shes already taken

Attached: rider.png (585x594, 157K)

That looks like one hell of a time, nice!

But she's a demon! Don't demons love to get their boogie on? She'll like me! I promise!

Rider feed me links pls

Requesting a spider lady raping a webbed up user

well it was until my dad kicked me out of hell
i wouldnt suggest it shes into guro...and u'll have a better chance with me that her0..
it nothing worth it just the doodles i do every 3 days or so

Attached: rider.png (628x606, 372K)

Sign me the fuck up. I want her snakes to bite me!

Rider's drawpile is the secret to the universe.

Word roughly translate to, "Hello Siegmund's pals!" My name is Lian'fae, I not speak human tongue often so word might be funny. How are all of you?

Attached: Lovely Wyvern.png (768x768, 98K)

>well it was until my dad kicked me out of hell
any reason why?


Attached: 0.png (512x512, 56K)

got muffins for dessert

Attached: puppy.png (367x538, 85K)

person who requested pic related here. can i get a full size version of it?
i fucked up my computer and all my images were wiped, including that req

Attached: image.png (61x69, 6K)

I like that weird flip your hair is doing. Bed head?

Does the ketchup on the omelettes say anything special?


Sadly I can't guess which Draconic language it is, there are way too many. But I'm fine, how are you?

Attached: sai249880.png (512x512, 59K)

cool id totally have a beer with ur dad
i know a couple of fallen angels down there they'd prolly let me in fo free

Attached: Kahl.png (1000x1000, 229K)

Why are all of your characters so cool?

aw man. somehow I never make it into these

Same. I think I was in maybe... 3 total over the past 6 or so years. They always somehow happen in a flash and I miss them.

something like that for me as well. also sometimes I disappear for long periods ._.;;

Requesting a big titty licker

Attached: 2632846-20110929164051!licker0.jpg (840x960, 79K)

Yeah. I've disappeared for a year. Several months sometimes... I feel like having one of these a month would be a lot of fun (think they used to be?).

true. there isn't much organization here though. and activity is kind of down. maybe it'll pick up again eventually

as u wish
really?is it?...it literally full of shitposting doodles i dont this the secret to the universe is a penis shaped thanos attached to BonziBuddy
uuuh i was working in the second circle of hell and i accidentlly had sex with casanova...
nice omlettes my dude..and good service too
kewl youll get along quite well...

Attached: rider.png (420x470, 72K)

Doth I hear a need for a group picture?

Attached: Storm (1).png (494x556, 202K)

>uuuh i was working in the second circle of hell and i accidentlly had sex with casanova...
ohhh, that sucks then..

>who eats muffins for breakfast?
Uhhh a lot of people do wtf

My language only used by my tribe the Lavaean Kutalah, it is tribe of wyverns. That nice, I fine too. If you want to know anything else, ask.
Never seen creature like you, what are you?

Attached: Wyvern lady.png (768x768, 128K)

cause thats how i roll son
Nah gotta head off for the night but hmu with that request next time
ive been always meaning to ask him what makes him hate god so much..
Jethro, hes a fallen angel
he kinda hates being in hell but he cant really do anything about it so he deals

Attached: Kahl.png (1000x1000, 111K)

I imagine if someone managed to post it every thread/every other thread (or at least 2-3 times a day) it would work out. But that's a lot of time and dedication and nobody here is willing to do that.
So it alwasy ends up spur of the moment and lasts for a week or two. Maybe longer if someone wants to create a set. I recall someone wanted drawfag yugioh cards or something at some point.
Yes. Sidhe bless us with a new event.

>as u wish
I can't wait to be destroyed

Okay night


yoooo i dont wanna miss this do you think you could add this lowly dreg?
nighty night

Attached: Kahl.png (1000x1000, 32K)

you know how it is kahl, full ref or at least most

Attached: urrreeee.png (266x254, 23K)


Fun time at this discord!

Oh yeah, I got in on the magic card thing at the last second. that was fun.

Sidhe save us

I'd love to be on it too if its okay? I'm

Not Kahl, but here's a random Kahl

Attached: 1553923010118.png (1000x1000, 205K)

a lil bit yeah.
nah it's just ketchup.

Attached: 0.png (800x800, 129K)

Yes m'lord closest thing i got for now
Lost all my old refs cause new SSD

Attached: 1556167109572.png (1000x1000, 134K)

Go to bed. You guys are going to dirty the muffins!

I'd have one if it's okay for you?

Greetings once more, gents.

Easy requests?

Attached: shitsonstuff.png (800x600, 81K)


Or titties Yea Forums ?

Attached: IMG_20190506_034152_127.jpg (2080x1192, 485K)

well i couldnt resist hes casanova after all
i dont...
well hes a bit jealous of humans since god granted them mortality...that why hes angry satan will never experience the great silence...he will always exist alone
it been a while since i drew gore 'since i was 13 yo) those cliff stick figure videos sure messed me up..
no probs
never tried muffins for breakfast they seem nice

Attached: rider.png (363x469, 88K)

Definitely ass, its much more fun to be ridden by a big kneadable booty than two soft breasts

Greetings once more, gents.

Easy requests?

Attached: Relicidle.png (400x550, 74K)

Greetings once more, gents.

Easy requests?

Attached: akjghjvhb.png (600x500, 45K)


>ketchup on my omelet
you better be joking. It BETTER have been hot sauce

whats your fave kind of muffin?

Attached: puppy.png (762x623, 157K)

Time to loiter then.

Attached: Sten.png (800x600, 44K)

I mean that'd be cool

Attached: there.png (1500x1050, 166K)

you got a ref?
word up

this is a scrap im starting over

Attached: storm.png (720x859, 206K)

You are such a good artist and an even better friend, I just wanted you to know that

Average acorns ascend admirably adjacent an aviation apparatus.

Attached: aclassic.png (800x600, 58K)

Benjamin bought big bread bicycles by being blatantly bothersome.

Attached: ktytdlyu.png (800x600, 37K)

Cautious crabby cowards carry concealed corn cards.

Attached: Stn.png (800x600, 64K)

i like the choclate ones...sometimes strawberry is nice too
yess ill post it now

Attached: rider.png (492x659, 103K)

Dastardly denim devils do doubt dormant deliveries dreadfully.

Attached: Peaceful.png (800x600, 63K)


Attached: OwO.png (768x768, 110K)

here u go

Attached: rider.png (960x584, 163K)

Eleven elegant enemy elephants elevated euphoria energy enthusiastically.

Attached: Nosefordays.png (600x600, 83K)

You gonna be around tomorrow? I have to go to bed, but I can make a quick imgur link with a bunch of drawfag refs come tomorrow?

Frisky fire fairies fairly formally funded film festival firms.

Attached: Bigboy.png (800x600, 52K)

Hey you. Stop that.

Ass or titties Yea Forums

Attached: IMG_20190506_105541_055.jpg (947x1240, 200K)

Gourmet guild ghosts graciously granted growing glowing grape goo.

Attached: avatarshit.png (600x600, 39K)

Attached: IMG_20190506_105630_309.jpg (1606x964, 228K)


I'm afraid I can't. I am bored.

Heavy hail hurt happy humans hanging healthy hammocks.

Attached: yiugjhghg.png (700x720, 71K)

Go play Newgrounds games or something.

don't forget me please!

Attached: Callisto_.png (768x432, 75K)

on the queue
i only add drawfags that are around when i draw it

Attached: storm.png (1029x855, 261K)

The boredom I am experiencing requires social interaction! So thanks, good sir. You're helping quite a lot by just saying things.

Indian Igloo Insects insistently inspect intricate indoor irregularities.

Attached: scampo.png (800x600, 70K)

You think you'll be working on it tomorrow?

Go play a dating sim.

iunno man, we'll see

Attached: riven.png (267x465, 54K)

>i only add drawfags that are around when i draw it
>You think you'll be working on it tomorrow?
>iunno man, we'll see

Alright thanks. May you be blessed with good gains.

You could not have picked a less entertaining game genre for me! But I think you know that and you're ensuing banter. I appreciate that even further!

Jury jelly just jumped jarringly jeopardizing jazz justice.

Attached: hits.gif (800x600, 145K)


But dating sims are like fake social interaction! There are probably some cuck ones. Or you could go play any game really.
You could go find a dating sim and replace the name and CG's with Digby! Now wouldn't that be a good project?

Fart fuckers.

Sounds difficult.

So... you mean skunk fuckers?

I'm on really relaxed brain chemicals at the moment. The ones that just wanna be really contrarian to any suggestions so I can keep doing my thing, and while those are reasonable suggestions, I'll pass. And so will the lack of positive energy brain chemicals I am currently experiencing! I'll either wank or eat something sugary and stop feeling lonely! That's usually how it works. I'll be out of your hair in a few minutes.

Kiln kicking karate kiss.

Attached: eyedle.png (670x600, 126K)

Yiff in hell furfaggot.

Can be. Less so if you have eaten plenty of beans before hand.

>Yiff in hell furfaggot
Aww I love you too, I know you're too dense to say it in other words

Luscious lemon lollipops lurk lazily lowering latent liquor levels.

Attached: cucked.png (800x600, 123K)

>half of the avatars are furries
>no idea how to draw animals

Attached: Untitled-1 (7).png (282x226, 23K)

If that ain't me...

show what you have!

Please dont join them
Dont be a furfag

Malicious military men morbidly murdered mustard monkeys mixing messy mildew.

Attached: Nightlife.png (800x600, 139K)

easy just draw them in side face angles it works for me....

Attached: rider.png (332x316, 35K)

Naughty narwhals need new nostril napalm now.

Attached: Yup.png (600x600, 134K)

I want to see a narwhal shooting it's nostril napalm now....

I grow bored of alliteration silliness. It's most interesting how the brain will lock itself in a state that makes me refuse doing anything else. There are literally thousands of fun things I could do, but shitposting on this thread is all it wants. Very interesting stuff.

Attached: beep.gif (800x600, 88K)

Do you imagine they shoot it liks missiles? Or rather like acid?


I would think much like a dragon's breath, paired with something similar to a redneck shooting a booger out his nose by plugging one end and just blowing.

Attached: bestthrow.png (700x600, 119K)

Attached: Thoughtful.png (600x500, 76K)

Attached: Theclassic.png (800x650, 198K)

I wouldn't cuddle the sheep. I'd sheer her.
Leave her nekkid and cold while I make a sweater out of her wool.

Soo, kinda like this?

Attached: Screenshot_20190506-125321.png (2160x1080, 1.23M)

Well that's mean. No need for that kind of behavior. She's a sweetheart! Look how enamored she is by user. That's some top tier hontoni kawaii desu stuff.

Attached: cutecouple.png (650x700, 169K)

EXACTLY like that.

Any simple drawing requests? Maybe nsfw?

Attached: love.png (768x768, 100K)

Attached: Thetease.png (800x700, 137K)

Get fucked by a halberd

This but not shit?

Alright now that I have Digby in my brain, I'm going to go wank. You gents have a good rest of your lives!

Attached: Thecomebackofdreams.png (800x600, 111K)

Requesting girl Fry nude lying on bed, showing her rather hairy pussy. Something like the ref pic

Attached: 1557010560752.jpg (1572x800, 289K)

alright gamers

Attached: Storm (2).png (916x1135, 425K)

Needs more Decaf.

Fucking NICE bro.
This too. Decaf is required for every group photo.

That looks awesome!

Belly dancer decaf?

Them looking aroused?

Attached: pand (1).png (825x939, 439K)

No. No.....
Not decaf in lingerie either.
just normal caff.
Group pictures aren't for fapping.


Any Decaf skin, but that IS a good skin... A little too OP though.

Attached: Wurm Belly Dancer Decaf.jpg (768x1440, 166K)

>Group pictures aren't for fapping.
Fug u! Ya don make da rules!!!


Is the Wurm pic the only one you have? There are not other deliveries?

It looks cute though!

Im telling mom!

My bun lewdly defeated by some kind of monster or getting fingered/fingering herself

Attached: Yuna, Jiatsui.png (892x508, 429K)

If you do then I'll tell her you ate the last Pudding!

Sadly, I do not have others. And I have not seen others.

Being the OR of this... I'm left to wonder....
How many of you saved this?


Embarrassed an okay expression?


Attached: AnotherKawaiiDecaf.png (800x800, 129K)

You win this one....

Could it be that I know you? I've seen someone digitalise avatars for players of a furry battle Royale like you do it on your paper

Its good delivery
But we talkin about belly dancer decaff, not decaff in lingerie

That's a different skin!! Belly Dancer Decaf is a different skin from Lingerie Decaf!


Oh... sorry.

I don't think there's any more of belly dancer decaf.
Or at least I haven't seen it/requested it. So....

Not tonight, but I shall provide more fuel sometime soon. Be there or be square.

If you mean like the axe, no. Why'd you even ask?
That's great, hopefully I didn't give too much trouble
Gonna have to pass, sorry

Attached: sly fox.png (768x768, 95K)

Wasn't me sorry

Ok ty anyway

D-do you not see the tits in the image user??? I mean its good but...the boobs...

Dont worrie he doesnt rape that often

Attached: Barbados Bermudabob.png (941x1051, 112K)

i love it !!!
and lucky me am next to kahl

Attached: rider.png (322x399, 38K)

Requesting Cathyl getting fucked by a horse. Impregnation and overflowing with his cum. X-ray view showing the inside of the womb being filled would be nice. And then also have her sucking the dick of a man who is also cumming inside her mouth, cum flowing out the sides of her mouth.

Attached: EMG_Cathyl_14.png (468x1376, 672K)

Requesting Lilith, tied up, bent over a small coffee table, and raped by a large dog while being forced to suck the dick of a man. Have his hand pushing her head down to his dick as he cums inside her mouth, all while the dog cums inside her pussy at the same time, with a little thing to the side showing impregnation. And to give a more rapey feel, if you like, have a gun sitting next to him on the table or pointed towards her head and have her crying.

Attached: EMG_Lilith_1.jpg (1583x1069, 285K)

Does this dead thread have any requests to give me a break from this new oc i've been working on forever?

Attached: oc.jpg (487x471, 20K)

Requesting Mero, sucking off dog and jerking a hot load of dog semen into her open mouth and on her face. Preferably some view where you can see entire face but the dog as well

Attached: EMG_Mero_10.png (395x588, 204K)

Requesting Papi, bent over a table, being fucked doggystyle by an orc while another one fucks her mouth. Then as the orc fucking her pussy cums inside her and impregnates her, then at the same time the orc fucking her mouth, pulls out, chops her head off, pulls her decapitated head towards his dick, through her mouth and out her neck hole, cumming all the while. Then after, another orc fucks her neck hole on her body and cumming inside that.

Attached: EMG_Papi_51.png (1488x2105, 1.7M)

Requesting Saane, from Monster Musume getting fucked doggystyle and impregnated by a large dog. Give it either a rape-like or mindbreak feel to it

Attached: EMG_Saane_1.jpg (850x1202, 117K)

Can you do this request please? Thank you!

Anymore simple drawing requests?
Thanks for understanding
I didn't notice the boobs till you mentioned them, but if I added them the posing would look awkward.

Attached: UwU.png (768x768, 104K)

Ah it's OK mate gonna attempt that pose again tonight see if I can get it right.

heres a tit edit

Attached: rider.png (786x704, 108K)

Maybe or something cute with her?

I'm afraid I can not do that, I'd be happy to draw her in a non-pornographic way if you want

Why not, is it okay if I keep it sfw?

Attached: oc.jpg (473x654, 35K)

>I'd be happy to draw her in a non-pornographic way if you want
No thank you. Thanks for considering though! Have a good day!


Attached: 1557142836305.png (512x572, 534K)

It is thanks

why are you doing this?

oh my god,
i just had the best idea,
i'm gonna draw a group picture with all the drawfags..
but lewd !! a big fucking degenerated orgy

Attached: popopoka.png (700x600, 110K)

YOU MAD MAN! *ALL* the drawfags? It simply can't be done!

All of dem? Impossible
Those who draw here nowdays? Maybe

no popopopoka its not worth it! you'll die!

Ops sorry

Requesting Cu Sith of the Monster Girl Encyclopedia being brutally gangraped to the point that she's crying and/or fearing for her life. Cum covered would be nice too.

My dick will just explode if you do the stand of saliva/cum from her mouth to one of the dicks that's forced on her.

Attached: 1467048099152.jpg (707x1160, 467K)

>Why not, is it okay if I keep it sfw?
It's okay ty



You will most likely be ignored because of this guy spamming every single thread:

draw apu helper getting raped by clown pepe

Ohh..okay. Well I'll give it a shot for a thread or two. If nothing I'll go on my merry way. I try to avoid posting when he does next time if it cause some problems.

all oc's of all people that ever lived on earth

is that a challenge ?

there are much more many female oc's than male, my plan is perfect

Attached: popopoka.png (700x600, 72K)

just so we are clear ... you draw lewds of us for me or have to exclude us from such stuff

Attached: hero.png (667x489, 119K)

Its not an issue to post your request. Just know why it will be ignored regardless of when you post it. Solely because of that guy.

Try it u bitch

Oh fuck yes. Let's orgy. I'm SO in for this

Like... A big orgy?

Sorry for the wait! Got caught up in things

Don't bother, even when they go away there will be new ones

I've heard of masochism but this is ridiculous

Attached: bun.jpg (984x834, 72K)


Attached: rider.png (421x359, 54K)

I wouldn't hesitate to pick that remote from there~

Draw a futa with an uncut cock getting her genitals sliced off please

You will never be a girl

Cute! Thank you

never want to be tbh

>tit edit
>throws in a free handjob
Absolutely based many thanks user

Attached: THREAT.png (700x600, 419K)

Sup', one req?

NSFW? I'll draw it horribly.-

Attached: 1.png (479x549, 29K)

but, mom !! D:

like, everyone clumped together, at once

hell yeah my man, i invited your mom, hope you don't mind

call me bitch one more time and ur not invited

nonsense, this is what every men wishes for

y-yeah, maybe not shit, but yeah :D

top 5 most scary picture

Attached: popopoka.png (700x600, 132K)

pls draw a futa with an uncut dick getting her genitals sliced off and i'll suck your e-dick


dubs demands it

wear jeans

don’t let a green person tell you what to do, this country needs a sweaty pile of drawfag avatars

>Its a fukin big orgy
Sign me the fuck in

Attached: jhg.jpg (768x1002, 106K)

pls do this pose

Attached: 1555152541285m.jpg.jpg (1024x768, 81K)

>but, mom !! D:
no ... nothing with "but mom". i wont repeat myself
dont give the kiddo bad ideas ...

Attached: hero.png (759x570, 170K)

could ya kindly do something with
looking cute perchance? please and thank ya

I saw that request before and no thanks.


>but, mom !! D:

I kek'd

Attached: file.png (336x638, 30K)

No worries! Have a good day

>nonsense, this is what every men wishes for
You are insane hahah, but I'm sure it would be appreciated

Yeah sure!

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kids deserve to have bad ideas once in a while, sheltering them only makes them unaware of the world around the bubble you’re keeping them in

LOL she's broke :c what happened to her?

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>i invited your mom

eh! guess thats fine!

Sorry for the lack of detail, I felt like dressing him up a little hehe

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hes fine in that bubble ... stay away with your reasonable arguments!!

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f-fuck, i'm sorry guys, my mom said i can't have an orgy..

i'm sorry, but no, you can have this happy smiley instead, " :D "

i can't, i'm gonna be grounded for a week again, and she'll confiscate my train toys

man.. i'm so sorry..

i'll tell everyone at school you didn't let me do the orjy, you're the reason i don't get laid D:

i cried, can we exchange parents ?

we can have a party in secret, i won't tell my mom

tell her i'm sorry

>not letting your kid fuck random strangers
i can't believe you're that kind of person

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Milf skeleton

you are GREAT
is nice!

i’m calling child protective services

she was obviously molested by an adult, probably a Japanese salary man.

Shame about the orgy, but you can still whore yourself to random strangers on the internet in the privacy of your room

>Im sorry
No problem moms can be rly annoying
Like this one time my mom, SpiderGodess left to buy some milk and never came back...

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We can't do that! What if she catches us??? I don't feel like getting the sandal treatment again..

No worries! I really enjoy drawing cute things

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Fuck yeah, Secret Orgy Time!

Please don't invite my mom to this one though. If you do I'll tell on your mom

>i'll tell everyone at school you didn't let me do the orjy, you're the reason i don't get laid D:
>not letting your kid fuck random strangers
its oki ... you dont need anyone but me ...
d-dont ... i havent cleaned his cage in weeks . . .

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>his cage

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Trips will be dropped

god said so

Requesting something badass with Blue Eyes

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Too bad I can't call child protective services, lack of thumbs and human voice make it rather complicated


I'm gonna go grocery shopping, I'll be back later! Take care everyone and have a nice day.

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Hate mondays.


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Show belly.

U didnt see end game did u.
It shows.

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I don't watch movies. Show belly.



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let's die now.

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big gay

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