Be me

>Be me
>Be 25
>I have everything that i've ever wanted
>And then discover that i am the true heir of the Kingdom of León of spain
>Don't even care
>Got a foreign qt gf, and she make me watch all the Game of Thrones series, even tells me about how thebbooks are much better
>Got me interested in my lost kingdom again.

Should i go and claim mah lands ?

Attached: Reino_de_León.png (1729x1928, 197K)

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you won't survive your first day. they gonna poison you

someone's gonna betray you, and you know it

Do it

The fucking Cid allover again, tbh if i getbsome powah i would convice benedicto (the real pope) to syart a new crusade starting by taking over francis (the fake pope). Then the muslims out of Scandinavia, bc theres cuties there

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as you wish peasant!

Cant betray what u cant catch! #woosh# #woosh#

#sound of a door somewhere in the distance slamming shut nothing else is heard#

King in exile maybe ?
Skype can do wonders, my people would love the video calls

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>Is that you Milliardo?

there's lots of pretenders to various thrones, there's even arguably extant heirs to both the holy roman empire as well as the byzantines

Nice m8, I have duque of Navarra bloodline, we should join forces and fight off the Moors

Is this CK2?

I should contact them for any advice, but tbh i dont mind it that much, i would try to do somethibg legal just to get the title more for pride than any other benefit, and probally the people from Leon woukd hate me without even know me, so i would get thw title, and maybe buy some house or land there jusy to spend vacation and tell stories to my future children, it really feels like nobles dont have a place in this society anymore

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Totally, they are taking all over europe, idk how all the cucks can stand them. You would be a strong friendo in this new crusade

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The idea makes me melt

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Articles like this one makes it even harder to claim it

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Now someone who can claim bloodline from Castilla or Aragon would do a fine addition.

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Maybe someone at my family could have that title, i have several royal names tho, so far i have counted 9, all of them are from the leon/castilla region, did some reckeless research and all my bloodline had important society places, until my father lol, by myself ive manage to set a place for my family again at my city, but i really want to make something greater outside my countryside, maybe come back to europe would help

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Tbh aragon could join but im not that sure about Castilla, can be risky

Supposing you aren't a larpfaggot, it really isn't a stretch. No one gives two shits about the current monarchy. What would your position be?

You're just a jealous peasant

My gf is fanatic of rpg things tho, she was the one that made realize the things, im more into real things tbh, like actually dling projects for society outside polítics

Thanks my Duque, this thread could get lost in time, but the appresiation of the new kingdom of leon would least forever to the duque his family and his people

If it wasn't for all the fucking reds and progres we could have a grandiose aristocracy, greater than that of the Brits or japs

I blame the french and the jews for that