Why do the democrats want open borders?

Why do the democrats want open borders?

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Cause in their mindset its easier to appease than actually solve the issue. If a kid is constantly bitching to his mom about wanting a new video game what makes them shut up faster, telling them no or handing it to them to go piss off later. Its sad but parts of government has resulted to this because of stupid stupid women. They are literally breaking the law there is no excuse. Might as well get a gun now until a Honduran fucks your shit up.

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They like the tasty flesh of Mexican babies best, everyone likes ethnic dishes.

importing votes while wrecking the economy. what’s not to like

That's a loaded statement because democrats don't want open borders. It's still a far left idea but it comes from a few places. First is partially reparations because the U.S. is responsible for quite a bit of the problems that have come out of both south and central america. Another more radical reason for it is the idea that freedom of movement is a right and because of that borders are in direct opposition to that right. It's a much more complicated issue to delve into but it's not coming from a place of complete ignorance

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the ones that aren't (((bought and paid for))) simply get a moralistic kick back, because they are dumb or in some cases brain damaged and don't realize they are destroying everything they condescendingly wish to share

We don’t


back to plebbit faggot, you dont belong here

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Fuck out

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make me faggot

Head on back to your safe space faglord, you're gonna get triggered here

I don't. Or at least I didn't. I'm starting to, just to spite you pathetic losers.

But u do...


"is a leftist's"
Calls others pathetic losers
Pick one u retard

neoliberals and libertarians/ancaps want open borders for open trade.

Leftists want open borders as part of a stateless anarcho-syndicalist society

Progressives and Cainsians want regulated borders as part of protectionist economic policies and to maintain the integrity of state programs

Basically only the far left and center left want open borders, and for completely different reasons.

TLDR this is a bait post that I shouldnt have wasted my time making a nuanced reply to on this tardboard

How many are you taking into your home?

no you

You lie. Honorable people want open borders. Democrats are not honorable people.

Sovereign nations have a right to vet prospective citizens before said persons enter said nation through any and all means possible, up to and including severely limiting amount of people entry as well as barring entry regardless of petitioner’s status as an immigrant.
Nothing is barring them from the opportunity to seek and receive a better life as long as they do so legally.

do you need a safe space or what?

are you like 12 dude?
You keep repeating the same insult and it's the most overdone one
post hog retard

They literally don't. In fact they've passed multiple pieces of legislation with the Republicans to make it harder to come over.

Open borders is literally a lie. It's not even sustainable anyway. What Democrats actually want is more fair immigration policies which isn't too dissimilar to what most moderate Republicans want. Extreme, right wing Republicans just want white immigrants, no browns allowed.

Show me where one Democrat has stated that he/she wants open borders. Just one. I'll wait...

Relax kid, we're looking for a safe space JUST for you. You're extra triggered right now.

>Extreme, right wing Republicans just want white immigrants, no browns allowed.
Sources needed, your Trump derangement syndrome isn’t a viable source, btw.

It's more of an anarchist philosophy that I don't really know at a ton about but I'm pretty sure it's that nations shouldn't have the right to restrict anyone's right to move or migrate


Because when dems let in more immigrants those immigrants will vote for dems

Ostensibly because "they are just seeking a better life" and we should be "compassionate". Real reason: they and their children vote Democrat.

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This was posted as 'Why do liberals want open borders" yesterday

Fuck off

post hog big boy

No, old school Democrats don't want illegal immigration. Only new idiots like AOC or Beto.

All nations should have the right to pick and choose who they allow to live within their borders, and as such, enactment of laws that allow for such processes is completely legal and ethical, as long as they are fair across the board and apply equally to everyone.
We do no want criminal fleeing to our country to escape punishments in their nation because that will likely lead to a new set of crimes being committed and effecting innocent civilians adversely.

Beto wants open borders lmao

Your brain must hurt from that one

He said New Democrats like AOC and Beto want open boarders.
Learn to read.


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I am ready for a new world where there is but one ruler

Graptar of SETI Alpha 6.

> thinking AOC, a socialist, is anything like Beto, a neoliberal.

They don't. Stop spreading fake news.

>"democrats want open borders"
>mfw people actually think this

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Nice red herring. We were talking about open borders, not economics.

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why do the republicans want religion rule??? right now you fucking sad ass pieces of shit want to able to rape and give force birth of underage girls.

Because more democrat votes. They need to have an u derclass that worships them for free money. It’s not that tough to figure out.

Pic related is what Democrats actually believe.

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>thinks leddit is people

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Why the fuck are we censoring on b