My dog died Yea Forums

My dog died Yea Forums

Attached: 1406218063896.jpg (897x1200, 360K)


That sucks user

Have you tryed to turn it off and on again

Yep. He’s barked out

Sorry dude.

Fuck it

Try fucking the little nigger boy down the street. It’ll change your luck

Is it really dead? Pic looks like a very alive dog

He needs to be called a good boy one last time

Stick tongue in doggos asshole see if it twitches

lol kick it

Attached: 1531011542127.jpg (320x275, 18K)

Too soon

Too soon!

too soon bro

omg! ... way too soon

Great minds think alike!

Attached: Fucked_them_all.jpg (1149x600, 363K)

You bastard


>Posts about dead dog to/b/
>Gets memed to shit
Tis the circle of life

Put a fire cracker up his butt

Attached: 1553811320986.gif (440x300, 1.22M)

Your a sick fuck user...

Attached: german_shepherd_3_by_pythos_cheetah-d5rvahm.jpg (1024x768, 135K)

Press triangle to revive


Unless it's a shit bull. In which case S

Fuck it. Literally.

looks like a greyhound so it's good

Maybe I can be your doge Tonight?

Prove he’s dead and not just tired.

Post a pic of you poking his eye

rip lil pupo

sorry man.

That’s a really horrible photoshop job
