Will going 80 into a pole or a tree,unrestrained,do the trick?

Will going 80 into a pole or a tree,unrestrained,do the trick?
asking for a friend

Attached: Just do it.jpg (360x374, 23K)

Yeah lol

gotta hit that 88mph or it wont work.

There are better ways.

Get drunk first though, that way people think you were partying and not committing suicide.

why do people refuse to believe that shit gets better

yeah thats the plan

i dont think my piece of shit car can get that fast, i will be happy if i can hit 80

Things getting better take effort, most people aren't willing to do that.

I hit a tree going 60mph (with seat belt)....didn't get a scratch on me.

effort? Shitty life happens not matter much or how little effort you put into it

Then work to make someone else's life less shitty. If your life is meaningless what's there to lose if you make someone's less so?

instead of feeling shitty because of things you are unable to control, instead focus on yourself and fixing things you can control. This is a lesson too many people dont learn before they take their lives.

Forgot tonight I shitty drinking holiday
It’s almost perfect

Probs not, more likely just to fuck you up real bad with or without seat belt, and make firemen scrap you up

They live for that shit, good trauma accident is his excitement for them

My older brother tried the same shit, he lived and regrets his decision. I'm not gonna say it gets better, but I'm sure there are people out there that love you.

have you watched the documentary about the people who jump off the golden gate bridge?

No, let me wursts they regret doing it

what do sausages have to do with this?

nah man brother in law is a fire fighter and it really fucked him up at first but now he is pretty used to it

Taking out the airbags first would work even better. And a wall behind the post, otherwise you'll just fly out of the windshield, and potentially fly 200 yards before losing velocity and simply getting a soft bone braking landing on the ground. Though the windshield would probably break your neck by the time you're in the air.

Hope it helps and godspeed user, godspeed.

Attached: 318301.jpg (1920x1080, 660K)

>what do sausages have to do with this?
There's always a snag.

....asking for a friend

To much stuff going on.

Proper way. Put seat belt ON, leave window cracked, drive off a bridge.

The disorientation plus seat belt if almost certainly death.

EMSfag here, if you do hit a tree make sure its a solid one. Something like an oak or large pine.
But yea, unrestrained at 80 mph should do the trick.

Depends on the vehicle, but most cases, yes, that'll do er