I’m taking the plunge

I’m taking the plunge.
I’m about to piss in a empty bottle in my room because I’m too lazy to walk to the toilet.

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My first empty bottle piss.

congrats, you're now too far gone

How much do you weigh? When did you last shower?

This is fucking disgusting. The birth of a neckbeard nest. Truly one of life’s greatest disappointments

just did it in an empty vodka bottle i hear you

I weight about 185 and this morning !

Deeds done. Little splash damage but it went ok I feel better now too.

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Amature. When you are 385 post again or shut the fuck up.

I can’t wait until I’m that big and I get to collect my government check and play JRPGs all day.

Can confirm the first time I pissed in an empty whiskey bottle was during the lowest point in my life good luck brother

Atleast I’m not homeless and fully schizophrenic yet.

Get a nut jar that can accommodate your entire dick. No splash.

I just kneel on my bed and let it go. No need to rush.

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What a life you must lead.

I've got a leg injury that makes it take forever to jerk off. Is that hard core?

That’s good I could probably squeeze out a turd in one of them too

My life is just work sleep. I piss in bottles I at least dump then when I remember. I need to clean soon or I may get evicted from my apartment if a caretaker comes in. welcome to depression dude. You still smile a lot to people. But it's just a mask and you have died inside

Used to do this all the time till mom found out

That size will last for at least 5 monster pisses.
Might last a whole weekend if you're not getting drunk.

A dark path lies ahead for you

i went through a period of time where i was regularly pissing into a plastic jug.
I had just moved to Baltimore for a new job, and for the first six months I was living in basically a boarding house. I had my own bedroom, but was sharing the bathroom with 2 other people.
One day I came back from work after having drank a ton of soda. I needed to take a piss and there was someone using the restroom, and I could hear the shower going. I really had to urinate and I had a water jug just like the one pictured. It only had a little bit of filtered water left.
So, I pissed in it. It was a little hard to get the stream started.
I was a little nervous about spilling drops or splashback onto the floor, but all went well.
After that, I started to just use the jug for various reasons:
>Some of my housemates have guests and I don't want to walk by them to get to the bathroom.
>It's late at night, don't want to wake anybody up with doors opening/closing or toilet flushing.
>It's really cold in the hallways and bathroom during the winter since our central thermostat was usually set really low. We used space heaters in our rooms.

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It's really not that bad. I have an empty oil jug in my separated garage that I piss in if I don't feel like walking all the way to the bathroom. Just make sure you catch all the drips

>be me in college
>One weekend fucking raging
>house parties
>threw a party
>We did a shit ton of drugs and drinking
>10am saturday
>We've been at it for three days
>I REALLY had to piss.
>People getting ready to go to next party
>I dumped out a small bit of apple juice and pissed into the empty bottle.
>Don't want some poor drunk bastard to drink it, so place next to full trash can
>go rage
>Come back, rage at our own party
>Get drunk bitches to clean up with us
>Bretty gud weekend :)

>fast forward three weeks
>Drinking again
>Some drinking game ( I think Kings Cup)
>We are completely out of mixer
>drinking straight vodka
>White Tavern (worse than vladimir Vodka but 11¢ cheaper)
>our new friend Tony has to drink and all we have is vlad
>Fuck this he says
>I'm drinking this expired juice
>Takes a sniff
>Friends refuse it
>Tony says fuck it and takes some chugs
>i walk in
>It was my fucking piss
> Bro... That was pure piss... My piss ... from iupatties
>vomits into a sink full of dishes
>Mother fucker couldn't pass a drug test

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Piss is no big deal

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