Directly disobeying a Presidential Order is an instant Prison Sentence

Directly disobeying a Presidential Order is an instant Prison Sentence.

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This means hundreds perhaps thousands of liberals could be put in prison for failing to recognize Trump as Our President.
This really could be the biggest civilian bust in history.

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Possible. Sure.
Gonna happen in reality? No.

>conservacucks clinging at straws

It's actually how Trump is promising to punish America for allowing liberals to make his Presidential numbers plummet.

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How stupid are you??


I'd rather go to prison than do a single thing this fat, self centered, deluded fuck tells me to do

Lying before a Congressional Committee is a felony crime.

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>an influx of hundreds of thousands of inmates wouldnt be a problem at all
enjoy your mass prison breaks

Hi. you've been brainwashed.

Way to drink the punch bowl fucking fag. The government does NOT have your interests in mind, most of all the president.

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>he actually thinks this can and will happen

Like I said, in reality, it’s not going to happen.
Blowhard RINO Boy can bluster all he wants.
I’m torn between wanting him to fail in 2020, or letting him succeed just so I can continue watching the shitshow he’s gonna create.

>I posted a picture of donnie, I win!!!

The President has kept the Economy booming, Taxes Low and we have not gotten into any military conflicts. Comments like this will definitely bring more Government Surveillance, because you sound like you could be a threat.

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Liberals like you could be dragged from their house in the middle of the night and you'd have only yourself to blame for it.

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Implying liberals have the mental or physical capacity to break free

Of he wins again this country will be plunged into civil war. You may even think you want that to happen, but remember... Civil war means you will probably die, and if you don't, someone you love will, and you will have no internet, no food, no access to clean water, your guns might be taken, your house may be taken, and no medicine or even basic heating. It can and will happen to you, if he is elected again.

all of the people arrested for weed would get to see their homies again

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Never mind the people doing the dragging... isnt their fault at all! you fucking delusional pisshead. neck yourself fag

>no military conflicts
I nearly choked on my water, very funny fag. Go shill on infinity chan, jew underling

A bunch of us are doing Civil War Trainings at /pol/. It's a lot easier than you think it is. Do the math.

OK this is your President we're talking about here. You might be able to bribe a guard to let you go, but not me. I'd put you through the whole Citizens Duty Rehabilitation. You'd be recruiting people to arrest Trump critics user. That's how intensive it is.

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This thread solely exists because Trump is scared of losing in 2020 so he's ramping up the propoganda machine again. What better way to convince people to vote for you than to threaten them. Just look at the rhetoric these people are using.
>dragged out of their houses at night
all for political dissidence? You sound absolutely insane, the only thing you posting these things achieve is bring the crazies out of the woodwork to join the trump fanboy club and drive away the mass majority of voters, because you make it sound like anyone who supports him is actually, really, literally nuts fucking insane

So what you're saying is you'll develop conditioning camps? concentration camp? lynching squads? etc

OK it's 100% illegal to make threats against our Allies the Jews. You're going to be cleaning synagogue bathrooms for a long time for this.

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Anyone who opposes PRESIDENT TRUMP is insane, plain and simple. He's propped up the country in ways your tiny brain could never comprehend. If you disappeared overnight, nobody would even remember your name.

I live in a southern state who’s last election all our counties were moderate to dark red. Not a single county voted Dem.
I’m also in one of the breadbasket states, where groundwater is abundant and clean.
I honestly don’t mind if the internet dies.
My state has one of the highest private ownership of firearms in the nation, so, not really worried about a civil war.
Not that it’ll happen, but ain’t worried.

Liberals will have a chance to learn how to manage money, dress themselves for business and undergo political retraining. It's a long time coming, frankly.

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Eh, let it. Libs keep screeching about how they'll start a war. It'd be a beautiful cleansing, as far as I'm concerned.

>political retraining
Say it for what it is.

like he'd be able to remember what he ordered you to do long enough to build a case of insubordination lmao

>I live in a southern state
You live in Israel.

LOL okay I see what you're doing now user. had me going, fucking kek

OK we're getting really far off the mark of this thread's topic. Deliberately disobeying an Order coming from the President is a guaranteed Prison Sentence. There very likely wouldn't even be a trial.

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the fact that this is the hill so many people want to die on proves that this country is packed to the gills with retarded faggots and the anti vax crowd has it right

We don't have time for courts and juries, and juries are easily corrupted. Anyone who's posted anything anti-Trump on social media or is reported by a confirmed patriot for political dissonance will be imprisoned with no judicial process and left to rot.

OK there is some unfinished business you need to address. Go back and delete the post where you made an off-color remark about our allies in Israel, user.

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kikes will burn in hell

Our Country needs to put on a Unified Front until the Mueller Invesitgation blows over and the deal with North Korea is signed. This again are attempts by Liberals to undermine this administration.

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y-yes trump san, thank you for teaching me "political reconditioning"... p-praise israel, kings of the world

>propped up the country

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Not a Jew, no crooked nose, no money connections, got maybe $140 in my bank account.
Don’t like Trump, don’t like libs, don’t like religious nut Repub politicians who use their faith as a guide for what’s legal.
All in all, I’d be just fine and dandy if shit collapsed. At least then I wouldn’t have to hear all the bitching and bullshit coming out of politicos’ mouths.

The Mueller investigation is over, user. No collusion, no obstruction. It's time to put all the Dems to the wall and Make America Great Again now.
Get with the times.

Wow, I actually agree with you.

You mean how republicans did Obama? And Clinton?

We are looking into re-investigating Hillary Clinton and some of the other Presidential Candidates but this is a more pressing need.
Dissent against this Presidency needs to be put on hold so this Administration can do its job.

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even with summary justice, he's still too much of a sundowning brainlet to act on it

She's guilty. She needs to be plant food. No judge, no jury, just an executioner.

And this goes for every Dem and Lib. DEATH TO THE LEFT!

>confirmed patriot
larping faggot confirmed

butthurt snowflake

Disobeying should be immediate execution in the streets mien nigger

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Welcome to sanity. This political bullshit extremism from both sides needs to end.
Religion isn’t a guideline for laws, neither is feelings.
Treat everyone the same, fix our fucking crumbling infrastructure, and get rid of the god damn illegals or change the fucking laws so we can at least tax them like everyone goddamn else so they aren’t drains on our society.
It ain’t fucking hard.

autism does have a certain innate patriotism about it tho

>shit collapsing
you benefit from this society you hypocritical fuck

You're a drain on our society though.

Obeying a Presidential Order is an instant Prison Sentence.

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Up against the wall, nigger.

I know that's fake because there are no color pictures of Hitler.

I'm actually a white man who voted for Clinton and will elect Joe Biden to be the 46th President

I work, pay taxes, don’t do drug or other illegal shit that stresses the legal system.
More than likely, you’re projecting, sport.

this thread = pic related
/thread me whenever you dumb american cunts, the whole world is laughing at you

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Corpse voting for a corpse
Sounds like the Dem strategy alright.

You're a drain on my resources. I don't give a fuck about your shitty job.

>you dumb american cunts,
user whatever country you're from
it's doing something stupid

you aren't above this

So what, we'll win and get the country back on track again. Without your permission, I might add. You'd better stay the fuck out the way too.

Yeah, state would take over essential services previously provided by federal government, so like I said, let it fail at the federal level.
I don’t give a shit.

Trump wins in 2020 or a civil war breaks out.
Just bend over and take it like you do every night from your nigger boyfriend, faggot.

I don’t take any federal or state aid, no subsidies of any type.
The only drain is you draining your boyfriend’s balls into your ass or mouth, faggot.

You live in a shithole state that takes in buttloads of Federal Funding. Shut the fuck up. Life isn't this fucking game of "Survival" you think you're going to live. You'd be raped and murdered within 24 hours if the real thing happened.

user you're already bogged down in a civil war with your mom

you can't afford to fight on two fronts

Yes you do. You buy shit that I could be buying. You breathe air I could be breathing. You drink my water.
You're a drain on resources, user, and you're a fucking fart in a bubble of water.
Stay mad. The country is changing and as long as you're an American Citizen you will be expected to pay your part.

but not /thread yet, the shit show goes on...

I am not my state nor am I the useless niggers who leech up shit.
But since you wanna go that route, you’re leeching off my taxes, get a fucking job, nigger.

I pay my part, do you, nigger?

You have a limited understanding of constitutional democracy.

So is violating the Constitution but shout for brains isn't in jail yet

Don't worry, we're coming for Obama first.

being this retarded

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