The clouds of war are in the sky once more...

The clouds of war are in the sky once more, is it time we put aside our differences with Reddit to take down a common enemy?

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Other urls found in this thread:

How? The army of Yea Forums is no more

We must raise a new one if we choose to fight. BuzzFeed will no doubt bring in other media sources so Reddit needs allies.

So true. We got our asses shredded by tumblr only a month ago.

I have only heard of the battles of kekistan. Joining sounds awesome

What happened?

Its no longer just about us or them, the forces of evil do not discriminate in their oppression. They want to have freedom on the internet eliminated. We can not simply stand by and watch them oppress Reddit.

They declared war on us, and ran circles around Yea Forums flooding us with clever memes with virtually zero response from us. Just the latest humiliating defeat of Yea Forums and of Yea Forums, this time it was so bad I actually signed up for reddit. I'm ashamed to admit I ever used Yea Forums after the ass-whooping tumblr handed us last month.

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Only a few veterans of this board linger.
And they have become fat and bored. Grieving over what this board has become.

A cesspit of furry, trap, gay porn "cucks" and edge lords thinking they are naughty because they are on /b

Good luck doing anything other then squabbling with retards.

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So should we support Reddit?

Did they ruin the site at all or what came out of it?

pol they may assist you on your Nobel quest in were we the ruins of a once great empire lack
TLDR try asking pol b is not sufficient in force

So what if they won that battle, we must regroup. I personally fought in the Steven universe Tumblr attack, I know we can beat them

They beat us at our own game; they out-memed us. It's too humiliating to talk about.

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>kekistan flag
fuck off, newfag

I'm with any enemy of buzzfeed. War makes strange bedfellows

what even happened

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Pol has degenerated just as much as Yea Forums but in different ways. Some may help if we spread the word. None the less, we must rebuild our once great empire and in it's foundation, we must fight for the freedom of the internet itself.

We need to come back as one and support the reddit fags

What we need is our own board

Pol needs to see this, some would probably support

You're never going to get rid of the idiots that made pol bad, you can't close pandora's box

We could find a way to set them after another, and take Reddit's side when it starts. It might take away some of the shit that's comes to us and make people come back.

Simple make sjw accounts all start tweeting that Reddit did something and that its bad but make it normal enough that people side with us then join in attack maybe order 66 buzzfeed

Maybe the anti SJW memes on R/dankmemes

It's time to raise the flags of war, newfags and oldfags alike must put aside our petty squabbles and unite under one Yea Forums

The beacons must be lit



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Should we make some shitty SJW accounts, cherry pick some of the anti SJW highly upvoted posts. Send it to a blue check mark fag or skip the middle man and try to get BuzzFeed?

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Fuck plebbit man
Just came out of spending two months there after our faggot ISPs blocked Yea Forums
They are genuinely lower IQ faggots
Also got banned from all but three of the boards there
Fuck them

We don't really have a choice, Tumblr beat us at our own game.

Reddit used to be a place of pure freedom, almost similar to 4vhan in a way but they have caved in and appeased to sjw's countless times. No different how Britain and France caved in to Hitler.

We must regain what we lost in the last attack, take the fight to them and BuzzFeed, ally with Reddit, the internet war to end all internet wars...

What we need is a new website, free from all the faggots, jews and incels

We must forge a future where our figurative children can grow up knowing that the internet is free of oppression.

You're not wrong, but there are a few decent places. R/unpopularopinion, R/dankmemes (sometimes), and any place for edgy shit.

We need to let reddit know we are on their side in this war to end all wars. We must raise an army for the final battle that will be remembered for generations to come.

The best place was r/CringeAnarchy but it got deleted a week ago

Never heard of it, what was it?

As a Yea Forums veteran I stand at the ready. Let us all construct a battle plan that ensures victory for the kekestani army

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It was probably the closest thing to Yea Forums you'd ever find on reddit

As a veteran of the Steven universe raid on Tumblr, I stand ready to fight

It's time for Yea Forums to mean something again, not just be full of porn.

We should crop the title, for posts like these and send it to BuzzFeed and blue check mark fags

Yea Forums never really meant anything but I'm down to deport all the degenerates

reddit fags are better than buzzfeed fags so this fag is in

R/Yea Forums has been notified of our support, hopefully it makes its way to dank memes

Every war starts with propaganda, our propoganda is memes whilst they are limited to shitty articles nobody reads, and angry tweets. making memes is what get us soldiers to fight in our war, so let's start at that

i stand by you, Yea Forumsrother.

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what happened that we need to bring reddit into this

Reddit started this war, we're all just bored of doing nothing so we're joining in

But reddit fucking loves the kikes and mainstream media.

Yea Forums is now full of porn, Tumblr raided us and beat us.

It's the war to end all war fellas, we need as much support as possible.

We must make all the memes, post them everywhere, get noticed by mainstream

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There's some other websites that could help us, but...

They're probable more of a last resort

how about no, newfag


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Every larper in this thread needs to kill themselves right now.

This isn't 2009 theres no such thing as the Yea Forums army anymore.

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We can't get support from all Yea Forums unfortunately cause some olderfags refuse to help, but none the less, we must fight anyways

>olderfags refuse to help
Have you ever heard of NYPA you queer?

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Let's be civilized human beings for once and do what's right

Isn't that a crime show about police or something

This is the same person

Some do, not all oldfags are like that

>same guy

>Yea Forums is now full of porn, Tumblr raided us
wasn't Yea Forums already full of porn what changed

Tumblr beat us at our own game and kicked our asses. we're a joke compared to what we were.

What happened with Tumblr?

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fucking nothing, this thread is bait.

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We need to reign in a rennisance for b. After this war, we will have beaten Tumblr and BuzzFeed.

They raided us a month or so ago, it went unnoticed and it was generally very humiliating to see them beat us at our own game

My asshole is still sore from that one

You mean samefag?

I’m convinced this entire thread is just one guy talking to himself on proxies

Alright first up we need propaganda ideas. This will be a great uprising

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We probably can't pull this off unless Pol is on our side as they have the army now pretty much

>it went unnoticed
if it went unnoticed, doesn't that mean it failed?

We need to do a classic tactic of taking something they love. Like brie Larson. We should start black facing SJWS

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OP here, I'm gonna try to post on Pol tomorrow to call them to arms, hopefully they respond kindly.

It went unnoticed as it happened, we didn't realise what was going on

This is a good first step


yeah, if it went unnoticed, who cares? "it" didn't disrupt anyone's usage of the site or make an impact on anybody. Even though "it" never actually happened because you're just making this all up as you go. But even if it did, nobody noticed and nobody cared. Imagine

What in the literal fuck is all of this pure faggotry? Grow up and get jobs and contribute something to society you scum of the earth tards

so unnoticed i never even noticed it was unnoticed... that’s a failed raid is it not?

I don't remember, do they like Schumer or not?

What do you mean out memed us, how is this possible. What memes are you talking about

These kind of posts were definitely made by tumblr fags. No Yea Forums user would even admit defeat like this. If we say that they've won, they've won.

I would agree, I didn't personally witness it, however others claim it to have happened.

dead end nobody cares she raped someone and that actually happened, never gonna fall for bait involving her

Reddit needs to die. Half of the subreddits have rules so you cant post comments without experience. It's fucked


i’m now convinced this thread is actually tumblrs or someone else’s shit attempt at baiting us

I agree however could you not also say that half of Yea Forums is absolute faggotry that also deserves death

Tumblr is defunct though.

I thought the original idea was to take sides with Reddit against BuzzFeed

>or someone else’s

As a continuation, don't believe these fags our army sleeps. And when they return it will be glorious. Patience is key. They will rue the day when our armies rise again.

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I need you guys to come help me!! The damage is getting worse.

The time is close at hand, if we do nothing, who knows what will happen


BuzzFeed and in extension, tumblr

You cant rush the rebirth. It may happen soon, it may happen too late. But when it does we will fight to the last man. It will be a war that will be remembered through out internet history.

The long night has come. The army slumbers in its
tomb of apathy. Awaiting a new dawn. A new time. A new war. Not a battle. But truly a war. Only then will the familiar clack of keys ring out and fill these great halls again. The righteous metronome of justice hammering down the normie fags will to live.

You brother, are a man I am willing to fight beside.

Yeah, definitely bait. Outmemed? what fucking bullshit

The sleeping giant slumbers, reddit will probably continue appeasing until their freedoms are gone and the sjws can invade. I hope to see the day that the giant awakes from it's mythical slumber, when prosperity and freedom can once more flow.

>itt cucks and redditors shilling Yea Forums in an attempt to PA everyone here
This is now an Anne Thread fuck off faggots

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i’ll still raid some tumblr fags even if it is beating a dead horse

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Last time I checked they got flooded with rape and animal abuse images by like 20 people while over 500 fat fucks tried to try hard into pissing us off by bringing up old shit. Ultimately doing nothing to Yea Forums and making 0 people mad. There’s tons of posts of them talking about them being horrified by shit fags from here posted about.

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I am genuinely in love with Anne Frank. She was a beautiful, witty, and graceful young woman whose light was snuffed out far too early. I frequently fantasize about being Peter van Pels hiding with her. Oh god, just imagine deflowering that sweet girl on a lazy Amsterdam afternoon, lying and learn what each other's bodies were for. Now imagine nine months later, she's got a massive bulging stomach from carrying your child inside of her and it seems like she’s gonna pop any moment now. Her popped belly button makes it look like she's got a giant third boob where her stomach once was. She waddles around and can barely move half of the time. She's developed an insatiable craving for your dick and you've likewise developed a taste for her pussy. You’re both cooped up in an attic all day have nothing better to do besides fuck like an unsustainable third world population. You lie down on your back, she strips off her comically too small clothes and kneels on top of you. She grabs a hold of your rock hard cock, inserts it deep inside of her, and begins to ride you like a stallion. You feel the pressure from her incredible weight and huge round belly bearing down on you but the indescribable pleasure of her tight pussy throbbing on you cock negates any discomfort. You sink into her beautiful soul, into that secret place where no one dares to go. After 30 minutes, you're both moaning with ever greater intensity, you know it won't be long now. Suddenly, you feel your cock shaking like a V-2 rocket and the orgasm reaches it's climax as your cum literally explodes like an 88mm AT round inside her Sherman tank, blowing the turret right off. You and her both join as one, souls screaming from the sheer ecstasy. As the elation wears off, she lies next to you. Too exhausted to do anything else, you simply hold her in your embrace. In that moment, there is no family squabbles, no Nazis, no war. Just you and her, watching the sky turn pink with the setting sun.

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git gud

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Suddenly, you awaken from your slumber to the sound of a bloodcurdling scream. You open your eyes to darkness, it takes a split second for your vision to readjust. You feel lonely and cold. Another shriek knocks you back into reality. Anne sitting next to you, clutching her belly, face contorted from pain. A foul smelling fluid lies pooled on the floor around her mid-section. Your hot dirty fuckfest has brought on labor. she cries your name, begging for help, begging for you. The noise. She’s louder than a line of Louisiana Tigers giving the Rebel Yell right now. You raise your finger to your lips to tell her to be quiet. But the agony is too much for her to bear. You’ve got to do something or else it will awaken the entire neighborhood and with it, the Nazis. Suddenly you remember the bulge in your pants. You’ve got morning wood. It’s not the best gag, but it will have to do. You stand up, squat like a slav, using her belly as an impromptu stool, grab your still cum-crusted cock, and shove it right inside her mouth. At first, she tries to scream even louder in surprise, but your circumcised 100% Kosher dong blocks her windpipe, reducing her screams to a barely audible gurgle. Suffering from unbearable pain, she bites down on her your meat with each contraction. Now you’e in pain too. With each contraction, she bites down harder, it feels like she’s gonna tear your cock right off. Eventually, the pain subsides for her and she doesn’t bite down as much. Now it seems almost as if she’s starting to enjoy it. You can feel your child kick on your testicles. Clearly it’s excited too. Suddenly, your cock starts to shake like a V-2 again, you pull it out of her mouth just in time. You bust your steaming hot and sticky load, blanketing her like an incendiary carpetbombing of Dresden. Semen stains her mountaintops (all three of them), along with her hair and most of her face. She quietly giggles from the ironic amusement of it all. You giggle too

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You look at the newborn now lying on the floor and see that it is a boy. You have a son. Perfect, perfect in every way. He begins to stir and you realize he’s about to cry. After all that’s happened, you don’t to given away to the Germans from the wails of a newborn. You gently lift him up and place him on Anne’s semen stained mountaintops. The baby quickly finds the breast is soon sucking happily. Semen, blood, amniotic fluid, breastmilk all mix and fill the air with a strange scent that while repulsive, is also extremely arousing. You can’t resist the urge anymore. Your mouth land on top of Anne’s opposite breast, sucking first your own cum, but then her tasty milk. You look into her eyes, she’s somewhat annoyed, but too exhaust to really care. A gust of wind coming from a hole in the wall blows through, cooling both of your sweat-drenched bodies, but also disturbing the little one. You’re afraid he’ll start shivering. You look around the dusty attic for something to keep the baby warm. You settle on Anne’s fur winter jacket, having sat unused for the past two years. You know Anne will definitely not be happy that you ruined her favorite coat, but it’s for the best. She hasn’t been able to fit in it for the past nine months anyway. You carefully wrap your little one in the coat and hand him to an exhausted Anne, she continues to quietly feed him. You notice the dead silence for the first time, not even the other occupants of the Annex, mere feet away in the next room, were roused. You feel a sense of relief. You’re safe, for the moment at least. Eventually you curl up next to her quietly and begin to doze off. Your secret sleeps in winter clothes. Tomorrow, you can find a way to explain the night’s events to your parents and hope they don’t kill each other. You can somehow find a way to get your little bundle of joy to safety. But tonight, you just rest, your first night as a family.

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And i you brother. Stay vigilant. Stay strong. Gard your loins against faggots. Our time is soon. Buzzfeed will run its course and will eventually falter and fall. Like a million sites before it. But Yea Forums is forever. Yea Forums is friendship, debauchery, autism, hate. These things are eternal.

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too lazy to dl a picture of anne frank
but just to clarify this is now an anne frank thread

the real question is why do you have so many pictures of anne frank all individually name, not only a fag, but a wannabe time traveler pedo fag congrats

Attached: Winter Anne.jpg (500x686, 25K)

Nobody thinks you're funny and you should really consider suicide


t. angry reddit shills

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please off yourself

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>picture checks out
predictable shilling faggot

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this place would be better if it just sticked to crude jokes instead of retarded activism
ideology is a cancer

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please bait more obviously


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>download Buzzfeed app
>rate 1 star
>delete and repeat

Buzzfeed is "news" site, yes? same strategy as cnn, no?

that wasn't bait redd*tor


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go back to tumblr kid

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tfw not enough pictures of Anne to enthrall these Anneless losers

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I post these pictures because im secretly a cuck and my dad used to feed me his wiener was i was a child.

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reddit tier come-back
>they're already in full damage control

as expected

>>Doesnt post picture of anne frank

Are you even trying kid?

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your embarrassing all the redditors which are supposed to be on your side, fuck off with your 3 year old shilled meme faggot

Lol go back to tumblr

What you gonna do about it kid

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Fuck off about monkeys

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>logposters get shilled in to killing the thread, all in a days work, boys.

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Tumblr shill

go back to /pol/ faggot where you cancerous fags belong
take your white pride and bbc threads with you cuck

>logposters get shilled in to killing the thread, all in a days work, boys.
>>Posts multiple pictures of anne frank
>should consider suicide

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Expected response from a seething logposter, such predictable little faggots


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>>found the newfag bois

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sorry cant hear you with all these warm creamy logs

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you can relate to this one kid

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lol same fagging is hard
tumbler couldn't mime their way out a wet paper bag
the left cant mime

probably vapes

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we need to reform we can do it do you know is their is any permant posting platform where we can gather we need to to do
their is much work to be done

we need more men like you


the first step is rejoining and taking ourselves seriously, otherwise this will never happpen user

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Dank memes was notified 12 minutes ago

Triple dubs we got this for sure

wtf is going on?

keep going faggot

let's do it
awaitnig orders commander

Ok Brie Larson photoshopped into porn and memes, sounds like a plan

this makes the /thread


nice digits mates the fact that trips go unchecked speaks of how much this world we live in has changed, and there is no comeing back