Rape thread

Rape thread

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Scuffed jim carrey, raping someone years ago

>Lived with a NEET chick as a roommate for a while in college
>Had one of those gaming chairs that have speakers in them, used to hang around in the living room and play Final Fantasy X with the sound wired through those speakers because she liked the music
>Basically lived off of her parents and got a check from them every month
>Used it on rent, games, and cheap whiskey instead of the classes she was supposed to be going to
>Stayed drunk for most of the time that I knew her, really only a problem when she had too much and passed out in the bathroom
>Usually couldn't move her due to being a manlet at 4'7"
>Not that she seemed to care most of the time
>One day, though, came in to find her schlicking in the living room to some bizarre hentai because she had her computer wired through the same TV
>Wasn't the first time, just quietly headed for the kitchen to start cooking something after classes
>Got the crock pot set up with chili for the next day, started gathering stuff together to make food for the night
>Realize Ms. NEET is standing in the kitchen doorway, face flushed and still in her underwear
>Strike up a conversation to gauge where she's at on the rollercoaster of alcoholism
>Mostly laughing at her own jokes, occasionally getting flirtatious, which I take with a grain of salt because it's basically how she always is
>This night, though, she stops
>"Hey, uh, user. Lemme see your dick."
>Laugh at how abruptly she dropped that after half a beat
>In hindsight, shouldn't have
>End up getting dragged to her bedroom, shucked of my clothes, and ridden like a stolen miniature horse
>After what feels like an hour, she gets tired and out of breath
>Tells me I'm her favorite
>Drags me further onto the bed, having only just barely gotten me onto it before getting down to business
>Wraps her arms around me, throws a leg over me
>Goes to sleep, leaving me stuck there until morning
>This becomes a nearly daily occurrence for nearly a year

came for the rape, nothing happened, so i left.


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how the fuck did she rape you? And how did you start living with her?

Would really love to see my hot cousin raped

Post pic


why not rape her yourself?

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She was bigger than me, and stronger, too. She got pretty good at getting clothes off of me, and usually didn't bother wearing clothes when she wanted to take me for a ride. That was usually enough to get an erection, though it was half arousal and half fearboner. Sometimes, she'd just drag me to her gaming chair and make me sit in her lap like some kind of pet that she'd fondle while playing her games or watching her hentai. Other times, she would want to sit on my face and nearly drown me with her sopping wet puss.

I had a scholarship, but didn't want to deal with dorm room shenanigans. My best and most affordable option was getting a roommate on the edge of town. She happened to already be there and didn't seem insane at the time.

was she hot?

Do you have kik?
I would really love to aswell she has an amazing tight body that just needs it

Hard to say. If she'd taken better care of herself, she'd have been at least a 6/10. Hygiene was something of an issue, though, along with the alcoholism. I think I've got a bit of Stockholm syndrome, because I sometimes find myself missing the daily assaults. The nearly-drowning bit isn't as pleasant as it sounds, though, mostly because of the cheap whiskey and irregular bathing schedule she kept.

what happened to her ? is she still alive ?

No idea. I ended up graduating and moved away. This was around 2001, or thereabouts.

any rape vids or gifs? My folder is meek

That's what I'm looking for.

cool story thanks for sharing

