This triggers the snowflake

>this triggers the snowflake

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He honestly isn't as bad as the media portrays him.

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He is a senile crypto white supremacist. Name one thing he did right idiot

The thing is, you've already made up your mind. So even if I found a completely valid opinion, you're immediately going to shut down whatever I say, so why bother?

Remember when Donald Trump was business partners with the Russian government and his company got 53 million from the Russian government investment fund called Rusnano that was started by Vladimir Putin and is referred to as "Putin's Child"?

Oh wait, that wasn't Trump it was John Podesta.

Remember when Donald Trump received 500 thousand for a speech in Moscow and paid for by Renaissance Capital, a company tied to Russian Intelligence Agencies?

Oh wait, that was Bill Clinton.

Remember when Donald Trump approved the sale of 20% of US uranium to the Russians while he was Secretary of State which gave control of it to Rosatom the Russian State Atomic Energy Corporation?

Oh wait, that was Hillary Clinton.

Remember when Donald Trump lied about that and said he wasn't a part of approving the deal that gave the Russians 1/5 of our uranium, but then his emails were leaked showing he did lie about it?

Oh wait, that was Hillary Clinton and John Podesta.

Remember when Donald Trump got 145 million dollars from shareholders of the uranium company sold to the Russians?

Oh wait, that was Hillary Clinton and the Clinton Foundation.

Remember when Donald Trump accepted millions in donations from Russian Oligarchs like the chairman of a company that's part of the Russian Nuclear Research Cluster, the wife of the mayor of Moscow, and a close pal of Putins?

Oh wait, that was the Clinton Foundation.

Remember when Donald Trump failed to disclose all those donations before becoming the Secretary of State, and it was only found out when a journalist went through Canadian tax records?

Oh wait, that was Hillary Clinton.

Remember when Donald Trump told Mitt Romney that the 80s called and it wanted its Russian policy back. The Cold War is over?

Oh wait, that was President Obama.

Man... Trump's ties to Russia are really disgusting!

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I'm open minded you can try

The thing is, you've already called him a bunch of names, i.e. "white supremacist", so while you SAY you're open minded, the fact that you've come to this ridiculous conclusion proves that you are in fact not open minded.

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>white supremacist

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t. has no arguments

sage in all fields

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It's not that I don't have any arguments, it's that you wouldn't know what to do with an argument above name-calling, which is the level you're at.

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Get your fucking political thread the fuck out of here. It's all been said, stupid cucks.

>not a white supremacist
>defends white supremacist terrorists in Charlottesville

Okay, explain why he is a "white supremacist" with the example you gave and provide some sources that you're getting this information from.

>still no argument
who does nothing except ad hominem here?

Isn't an ad hominem exactly what you're doing by calling him names?



This triggers the conservative

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whatta fag lulz

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what did he mean by this?

I'm not mad. Poorfags don't deserve health coverage.

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I'm still waiting...

how about being transparent, like people been wanting for generations. accomplished most of his campaign promises. He wants to bring troops home, like people been wanting since bush days, but somehow not they dont want troops home.

this shit is comical


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based actually

I never post in these shit threads, but I have to point out a few things.All politicians are lying scumbag leeches. This guy is the first fucker that isnt a leech and openly lies. People find it refreshing. I didnt vote for him btw.

>this triggers the snowflake

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The thing is you have to go first, because you called him a "white supremacist" and I asked you for your reasoning along with some sources proving your original point.

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better than winning the peace prize for being black and approved more war

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based is a synonym for retarded

This definitely triggers the snow flake

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Smallest eagle of the Americas and it’s a immigrant of Canada a national bird.

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how cute, its trying to troll

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The economy stats are record breaking.

>no tax returns


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windmills that are supposed to house 5g antenna, but hey. gg why take effort when you can shitpost

>wanting tax returns
>being this shit of a puppet

nobody cares about the tax returns, i wish you kids would pay this much attention to your representatives.

thats hot

>leeching off obamas reforms

New riding on Obama’s dick on that economy, trump just took out the break and it will soon crash

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shitty photoshop skils

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Do any of you retards do anything in politics or just argue like autistic furbies in an echo room? Serious question

Hey your tyranny trump said that shit not me

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no it's cause she's retarded

but when the news leeches obamas immigration reform and uses the picks during obamas era when detaining kids its okay.

sorry kid, post links to what obama did in comparison to what trump did for economy.

dont worry i know you wont, stay shitposting

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>proving your original point
Your turn faggot

Pelosi has a bigger cock than trump.


and with what i stated, what is your point? also tyrannical is the word you want to use. i know trolling is hard these days, huh?

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lol just get a job

Yeah and you much smarter are you a senator by a chance?

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Classic poor talk. The handout democrat made it good years ago. The guy getting rid of regulations and reducing taxes is riding on liberal coattails

the immigrant thing is completely unscientific, plz don't make silly claims like that when dealing with trumpturds

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trump good, libtards bad

Job don’t cover medical bills. Are you stupid or live on parents money?

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Classic conservatives don’t have the knowledge to understand

Ok, so Donald is a loud mouth and a boor.
Name, exactly, how you are now worse off than 3 years ago.

The most thin-skinned man in America. I know a homeless man downtown covered in shit who's a better representative for the country. He can't take criticism without mouth shitting on twitter. Truly a pathetic excuse for a man.

shut the fuck up, boomer

fuck bro can you hook me up with your opiates or meth or crack or whatever the fuck you are on?

and the dumbest post of 2019 so far goes to...

>Knows how to green text
>Doesn't understand why to green text

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id say basic intellect but with present company... but hey man, you got coin i got wares

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What dont I understand dumbfuck. Get a degree in economics. You will see how supply and demand work and then put government in the mix and it goes to shit and is manipulated.

Weak and predictable

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Snowflaking out already by insulting peasant

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Your just jealous that trump sucks more dick than you.

the irony

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maybe 9gag is more of your speed

Yup then irony that racist fucks try to change it around

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nice post user!

Trump said, “there are good people on both sides” immediately after a known white supremacy group assaulted another group of demonstrators.

Sweet overreach


Shit post user

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education is not your strong point i see

(nice trips)
take it to /pol/ you autistic fucks

This 100%

no u

Trump is a fucking cock and gives false hope to the racists faggots that live in pol and the south. You guys think that the reckoning of your bullshit ideology is going to come with a price? You think you will continue having a moron for president? Stupid morons are digging their own graves

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hey I offended one You were right OP

Your inability to avoid people to use you is your weakness

Retard nonsense. I have a degree in finance a minor in math and I passed thr first actuarial exam for the hell of it. If you have a good argument against the current state of the economy Im all ears

no, I didn't get a gender studies degree and now I have money

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oh god no, a crippiling blow I must leave Yea Forums forever in shame now

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America's ass

Damn OP was right

Id hit it. Best story ever!

not 2011 anymore, boomer

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Damn op was not right I’m getting offended by these libatards

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Old news, poor McCain you guys adore a draft dodger then a real politician

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(nice trips) was this meant as sarcasm, are you calling me offended? are you the one offended?

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FALSE the lighter aint empty


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Why doesn't Trump want Mueller to testify?

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Damnit! I want to be a Trump supporter

itt autisticnewfags pretend to trigger people to make themselves feel better about their shitty lives

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How many times has Trump mentioned that pansy?


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The fact you spent this much time to go through every post and make sure you clicked 93 of them you don't like pretty much shows what a pathetic piece of shit you are.

(93 comes from copying/pasting them into word and searching occurrences of ">>")
Took me seconds

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We all do it’s simple to be a unintelligent moron that allow our rich overlords to make he rules for us. Just eat, fuck and sleep

Damn millions of times.

how the fuck is that related to the post you tagged, or replied to or whatever the fuck you call it

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Yeah during the shutdown for nothing these hero’s died due to trump. But no one talks about it

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>"Be Best"

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no u

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Yeah top secret shit. Don’t dig into thy rabbit hole

well played sir, i lol'd

hey fuck nugget, this is Yea Forums, this shits allowed here so go fuck yourself you liberal nazi

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the northerners are far more racist than the south is. but if you got cnn's dick out your eye, you'd see that

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dubs of truth

libs act as if Biden's creepiness wasn't called out by people for decades

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tow genders

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two genders
fight me

what was the followup? meltdown, presumably

it's a typo you fuck

Retarded as fuck.

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not your user, but...
>types with only his forefingers to make sure he hits the right letters
>someone who types >100WPM, slips

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Never forget.

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You got shit backwards, champ! Go boycott some more shit you love, or express outrage about nothing elsewhere, Trumpkin. Sensitive-ass faggots

c'mon, the thread is bad enough without bullshit conspiracy theories and unbackable evidence.. gtfo

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yeah, that's pretty much how I pictured you, without the photoshop'd hat and eyes, though

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I don't mind paying for it

Your meme suggests I'm either Donald Trump supporter or I'm mentally retarded in a way that is mutually exclusive(misuse of the meme). Do you even have a brain?

no you


hero of the stoopid

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I'm Have any other misused memes that you cavemen who somehow wandered onto the Internet possess? I'm starting a collection now.

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>this is the snowflake

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So, that's a no? I thought we had a good thing going.


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C'mon, I know you're holding out on more. Share the wealth.

I don't get this one, is he angry or horny?

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source, for scintific reasons?

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OP time has shown that you trumpshits are the biggest snowflakes in America.

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because you have no mind

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no, because i didn't get a useless degree and found a well paying job. I'm lucky I wasn't fired when Obama fucked the econamy tho

Oh okay. I don't want to be charged with manipulating someone who isn't even capable of basic conversation into something. Move along now.

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I see JIDF is on hyperdrive tonight. Probably panicking. Trump will lose, he has betrayed america in the name of israel. death to israel and death to trump.

wait, I thought he was anti-semitic? so confused

Obama couldn't produce those kind of numbers because he wouldn't cut regulations and taxes, so the numbers are all Trump's.

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thats epic

MIGAfags are jew cock sucking faggoys

Just to add onto user, Obama also floating "his" economy on record low(not just by numbers, but by duration) interest rates and many QE sessions because that didn't even cut the bill. He did NOTHING to help the economy. The Fed propped him up the entire time, to our detriment. THAT'S what Trump inherited. Not some booming economy. Trump pushed back on the Fed to slow down their rise because it was too immature(history shows they are good at premature ejaculation). He was right.

What would you prefer clinton instead? America wouldn't even be having a dialogue about illegal immigrants and the state of the west if it weren't for Trump

A real White Supremacist. Not a Trump supporter. See the difference?

This triggers /pol/:

This is pretty typical. No response. Just end the conversation with a pic. YOU WIN! (in your own mind)


Wow, the bootlickers are out in full force tonight

aw man I arrived late and didn't get to use my spider image

use it anyway

Agent Orange BAD

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I will vote for trump a second time
He is still a better president than any of the Democrats put up will be

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thank you user, but he deserves it more

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KEK wills it!

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here we go again

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trip dubs of truth

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i'd kiss that, no homo

he never said that libtard

It should trigger anyone with a functioning brain.

basically, yes
but don't forget to add some buzzwords like "snowflakes" in your posts, so everyone on the internet knows that you're cool



The Trump/Pence logo there really implies that Pence is bottoming for Trump. Which honestly seems like a possibility.

you sound like you joined the pen15 dlub in elementary school



I wish that was our universe.
Hes about to blow up Iran as I type this idiot.

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Chris tucker? Dayum