Let them in, you fucking racists

Let them in, you fucking racists

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lo no brown skins in my country, no get low iq bait thread

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Fuck you you piece of lazy ass shit. You got the pic of one woman and two kids out of 5000 Males.

Newsflash bud, brown people are already here. Maybe you should try leaving the basement?

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american born mexican here. Fuck them illegals

Are you going to pay for them?

We ALL pay for you, ignoramus, that's how a society works. Did they not explain this to you in hickville high?

I’ll take those two little girls if that helps.

Between the pressure on the wages of the young workers and the massive burden on social services, a society will fail when it's overwhelmed by literally millions of unskilled, virtually illiterate 3-world peasants.

How many? What's the limit? What do you say to the billions that wont fit, when there's no more room? You idiots have not thought one step past, "White men will be mad about this."

Like when the irish came to New York? The country seemed to handle that fine.

I guess you're right. Time for you to start packing it up then. We have enough racist dumbfucks in this country.

why is this thread still going on? leave idiots get out

Right on brother

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We're waiting for you to leave first, but not just this thread

What's wrong faggot, did you get triggered by this thread?

>comparing the small island of ireland to the endless hordes of 3rd world from the entirely southern hemisphere

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Think about it, they are trying to leave mexico for a reason. Its shitty. So what happens when we let all of them over? Mexico 2. So no. Just go through the legal process it isnt even that bad

Their cheap labor keeps undesirable jobs occupied, don't need to pay them minimum wage, give benefits, or really follow any labor laws since they won't go to the police :)


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>why is this thread still going on?
inb4 it hits bump limit, 6 hours from now.

yeah but the only thing about that is there wasn't any safety net put in place. if they couldn't make any money in america they just fucking died.. no a days mexicans are solely coming her to take advantage of said "safety nets"

fine. use the front door like everyone else.

dubs of truth. i was banned from a shitty meme group for calling illegals economic leeches despite my hispanic name. white niggers are so stupid

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You don't need millions upon millions of illegals to pick crops. They don't do anything except stand around, make babies, collect benefits and vote democrat which is their primary purpose.

They are no different than all the Redneck shit bags from the middle/south who infest the San Diego area via the military.

Oceanside is the only dump beach town thanks to all the inbred pig fuckers at Pendleton.

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dumb nigger, i work in a union and 90% of the people i've worked with are hispanic, and a vast majority of those, don't speak english (i'm also hispanic but i was born here and only my dad's side is hispanic)

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My bedroom door is always open.

Personally think we need to rid ourselves of birthrite citizenship, that is really the primary issue. Using and abusing illegals for economic reasons isn't an issue. Anchor babies and a path to citizenship for people who enter illegally will be the Trojan horse that destroys America.

I believe this canned talking point has been disproven before. Looks pretty nice to me.

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You obviously don't grasp the concept of scaling up the population ratios between then and now. Do your research

>just trust me goy, it's the citizenship we need to worry about not the illegals. if we continue to abuse illegals it won't matter if they get citizenship. don't worry about this being a distraction from the real issue of illegal entry into the country, it's all about citizenship

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Can i ff can i,.,

You caught me, nice eye.

the military is full of low iq human waste so it's natural that any place they infest turns to shit. literally every military town is full of criminal scum.

Absolutely agree, it's a retarded law. Should be at least 2nd or 3rd generation only.

>ScaLiNg Up PoPuLaTiOn
your argument was about the irish (which were treated like shit, do YOUR research you mcfuck) what could barely be 100,000 all together immigration? to the literal endless number potential from spic america

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No, should be based on your parents citizenship status rather than whether or not you are physically born on us soil.

Today, i learn some faggot. Noun.

We needed to fill factories, there was no welfare, and they were European. You're making an argument a first grader would concoct.

That works too. As long as it's not walk across border, drop baby and collect benefits like it is now.

Fuck them

My gf is mexican. Her mom worked her absolite fucking ass off to become fluent in english, and get a degree. She migrated legally, and is really respected in her field.

The gf's family feel a ton of sympaphy for the shithole mexico can be, but still is against illegals. She is patriotic, and proud to be american.

When in rome, do as the romans do, ide wanna live in america if i was born into a real shithole part of mexico, with no prospects or no hope, but any and every mexican im friends with/related to understands that any country (mexico included) has a right to set a standard for people they want to let in.

You want a decent roomate, not just some asshole. If you smoke weed and blast dubstep at 3am, a roomate who is a studious nerd will be a shit roomie. If you study your ass off all day, youre prolly gonna appreciate a quiet, hard working introvert. This shit isnt rocket science. We are picky with who we let live aling side us at home, we should be picky with who we let live along side us in our home country too.

Close the borders and legalize everyone in.

People can't just keep walking in risking their lives everyday like that. That has to stop.

Fuck you. You're what's wrong not the people who just got here. They're not evil abominations like you.


Buddy, I don't receive help from you. Your taxes are money that's not yours that you didn't earn. If you are capable of sanity, grow up.

I will gladley let those two brown lolis into my country, into my home, and into my bed.

No amnesty.

People who are insanely valuable and the workforce. Don't expect your neighbors and only friends to be your allies when you pull another Vietnam or iraq. If I'm living in my own country I don't have to worry or hear about your bitchass

no. kick them out and start carpet bombing the border on mexico's side. put. them. in. their. fucking. place. i am tired of these games.

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The wall is a joke. This is a gringo getting scammed and played. The daily massive crossings have to stop. The wall and his embarrassment racism should do the trick. Give them their papers or don't

The ONLY objection is racism. To which I will tell you to go take it to the streets and politics to fight your own niggers and stop asian and middle eastern immigration.

Don't blame those people for your monstrousity

>your pussy

dont let them spics in

Isn't all of America and nazi shit cursed?
Jews and niggers.... good job gringos.


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Funny I say the same thing about you retards in international economy/market so people stay in their countries.

I read that inviting people to come fight us and be free is like burger tradition with guns.

are you even speaking english, retard?

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Funny, Mexico is better than Spain or all of Europe yet you keep inviting people from Asia to turn it into a shithole country.

Having chinks and sandniggers in Latin America affects me.

You have no idea how crazy America or Canada are. I think they're better than Germany. Mexico is a pretty strong country

are you this same retard with a turk's thin grasp of english trying to insult america while sounding like a poor google translation because you're in uneducated 3rd world america?

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Most of you chicanitos are little bitches that are going to shit yourselves surviving back in your country. Selling chicles in the street like the Indians you really are.

Your only friends could not kiss your ass more. Or help contribute to your country for that matter. Grow up, bitch or shut the fuck up

Sure thing tony ferguson. Continue to attack people that are better than you.

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>implying i'd be going back
i am only half, and if it weren't for my last name, dumb ass white niggers like you wouldn't even know lmao. and some of you are so stupid you still don't know even when you see my last name. i'm probably whiter than you.

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>better than you
>implying some retard who thinks spics only take shit jobs and not higher paying construction jobs from americans
>when you're too fucking retarded to grasp the point being made

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One of the first things white Americans did that founded your country upon? Sure.

If it were up to you retards it would only be treating the constitution like Mexicans and Latinos treat their superior Spanish constitutions corruption and another Mexico and guns.

You motherfuckers are all chris chan to Bob. At best.

No it's a racial issue and the president's wall is the subject at hand.

ItS RaCiAl GoYiM

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You're the one bringing up the history textbook. All I heard in class was "when America was white muh freedom muh patriotism."

Fuck you ever since WW2 you need to mind your own business

no, ever since ww2 we need to back the right people. which we haven't

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Birthrite citizenship is a product of the fourteenth amendment.

and it was meant for the slaves who were here in america you fucking retard, not for engless waves of 3rd world, non english speaking spics

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I'm against birthrite citizenship lol, just explaining how the other individual is a retard.

That photo is largely stages, think of it like how whenever there is an attack on Israel's border,and their military fights back, there always happens to be children in the area playing and just happen to get caught up in the conflict. During the time when that photo was taken there was effectively a riot near that wall where they were chucking bricks at the border patrol. Why would kids be there?

>canelo novela shit

You're the center of attention gringo. It's like asians but with less self respect.

Yet they're Mexicans being model immigrants for your ass. Fuck those indios you tell them from me. They should not be attacking their own they are going to suffer the backlash from their words and political stance.

Those kids are like 6 and still shitting themselves. No thanks.

You already pissed off asia Europe and the middle east. Nobody likes burgers. Mexicans could not be more perfect and friendly after putting up with your shit since colonial times.

All that jewry sjw bullshit oppresses whites and you still fucking do it. Never learn.

You're fucking retarded.

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goblinos fuck off back to your own country

>Emma Gonzalez

Perfect. You got a point there.

Ah, no. They can't make White babies so we don't need them.

nah fuck off back to taco land you own those indios.

How do I meme something you didn't study? Burgers are always letting immigrants in as a darwinism point. There is nothing more belligerent in nature. Maybe it's you who should read. If you are not British you do not have any authority on the English language and you are mentally ill.

I'm sorry you are a monster and do not think like normal people

Goddamn, this dude's balls are bigger than mine.

You'll be sent back. Or disrespected more than blacks. You living in a house and being fed is a sin.

Housekeeping could cook me a meal at a restaurant she has far more value than you.

ITT Pasadena chicanos who sit at Walmart talking about serving in Vietnam while they're really doing stolen valor.

Could your dad be a bigger obedient dog?

You are so full of shit. Military towns have some of the lowest crime rates and most of that is fucking idiot locals that can't get into the military because they are too stupid, kinda like you. There are those that can, and those who whine because they are morons.

In his infinite wisdom this is what my father was talking about. Him and all the other Mexicans that hate chicanos. Please stop agreeing with me. I can't believe I had to hear pochito shit being lectured at school.

You are not luis miguel as the descendant of Achilles, where being black for being Mediterranean is a joke. So shut up.

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I thought it was meant for 1/4th germans, the trash of Europe. They're almost Russians. Have daughters so they can be my whores. Preach racial purity brother.

This is like the 5th time in 24 hours someone on this site has accused me of racism. That's slander buddy. If you don't stop it not only am I going to call the cops, but I'm also going to start eating people down. I've been a top redditor since 2003, so believe me when I say that I don't mind one bit hitting that button. I can't seem to find it though, so I guess I have to have a certain amount if karma or number of posts before the function becomes available. As soon as it does though, people like you better watch out.

No. We have a huge homelessness problem to take care of first. The problems of other nations come second. Caring more about other countries instead of the people next to you is some privileged rich person sicko horseshit about how you feel guilty, which you can go fuck yourself with.

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Only if they are able to cross a mile of landmines.

How about a rotation system? Once the whites have established a nation, we swap with another's population so we can build the next one up. PoCs have shown to be able to maintain what we build for around two generations on their own. By then we will be sweeping back through to build the first ones back up. It will be like neverending loop of global babysitting.

You're still an American to people whose wallets are not an episode of family guy.

Quit crying you fuckin snowflake

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You're not fixing your shitskin pochito. Blacks have more of a right to be Americans than you.

I don't know which picture of this Mongolian nigger harassing beta orbiting ashley is more disgusting

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How do you people get it backwards? It's the people you can't deport not fresh off the boat indios

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But your country's a joke and a whore. So are your mothers. and you continue to preach degeneracy violence and racism so.

With what moral authority, do you even speak? With your vote. Then let your vote deny me access to your economy. Don't like it? Don't fuck with other people's countries and don't invite people in.

"Alright kids, even though Mexico promised us housing, food, and jobs, we're going to put on our Sunday clothes and try crossing the border into Commiefornia."


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You ruined my country and my family's line of wealth and my establishment in society shut like my house. Owning my house in my country to jerk me off with TPS and whore myself to a foreign country's military or a gay husband. So I can start over in a a place where business has been replaced by cartel. No, fuck you

Most of the ones from OPs picture are from South American shitholes that make Mexico look nice. They jumped the border into Mexico illegally and the Mexicans just let them wander on through.

I think it's this one

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What do you think?

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And everyone eats it up, sells really well. We define your culture. Your children want our branded toys. It will never stop because you cannot stop consuming it.

You realistically can't stop the US from doing whatever it wants, wherever it wants. This is why we spend so much on our military, though we allow other nations the illusion of sovereignty. Even the leftist media you love is in on it, they just want the party paying them to be in control because they're being paid to do a job. There are no consumer grade politics, it is entirely the province of the rich and powerful.

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How many did you take into your house, shill?

Your tears are delicious ;)

looks like an ogre and a dildo had sex

Implying Americans go to church and shower.

I bet Central American data plans are truly oppressive.

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except they are boon a have an overall net positive effect as they work for low wages driving down the prices of goods and services for everyone. dumbfuck.

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You obviously don't understand that back then we took the Irish, shit all over them, and worked them to death in factories, mines, and railroads. And the few who managed to work off their debts had zero social programs and a fuckload of wide open land for them to move into. Unless these "migrants" are willing to move to Alaska there's literally no place for them to go.

fuck the border. fuck the idea of "nations" in the first place. just let people fucking live and work and do as they please. we don't need to be "controlled" anymore, shit is archaic as fuck, hopefully we will move past these simpleton notions of mass human organization

Putin told you not to do another iraq in venezuela . You retards are going to stop going to war with people.

Nobody gives a fuck about when gringos multiplied leprechauns and goblins.

I would marry you if I didn't want my children's mother to be a whore.

Ye he told me personally

Fuck off hippie. That would be Armageddon.Pure anarchy, nothing but fighting for resources and space.

couldn't the same be said if americans tried to go to their respective countries without permission?

Brown people can't do tech jobs? Look at all the IT dudes all Indian. We need the education programs put in place to help all of our communities of low income have the access to quality education. From there the field is level and the brightest minds will rise to the top. If we have a larger, better educated pool of people we will have a better chance of producing more citizens that can progress our society as a whole.

I think Latinos deserve it. It's not like there aren't other countries. It's not like the only source of power in this world is money. Everyone thinks America is the enemy overthrowing society with their ideas of work and education, which is religious cult and communist evil.

I had a house and I lived in a beach. I don't need America, bless them and I hope people wake up. They need to mind their own business ever since WW2 we don't want retards here. Not like the world police doesn't go to asia to be pedophiles. I'm just saying nobody comes back to courts to extract revenge, the metal detectors look extremely bad and your lack of manners is showing. It shows everyday they're niggerlovers and sjw.

The cover of time magazine is a victory for people who don't realize they're today's niggers

Chinks for suckysucky and Latinos to vent your violence just don't take it out on my mother.

Underrated pic

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what did they do to you personally? These are people, I am just trying to understand how someone could actually think carpet bombing civilians is a legitimate solution.

They also pretty much enlisted everyone they could to go fight the civil war as soon as they stepped off the boat. It would be sweet if we let in whomever wanted to show up but then immediately sent them into military service in a campaign of global expansion. We could literally put them in uniforms and turn them around and send them back home
to annex their own countrys

You cannot defend the ugly pollack bitch who attacked the housekeeper. Calling a maid lady in her 50s racist shit what the fuck is wrong with you? I don't feel like attacking trump and Melania the joke of a gringo and the russian whore with a heart of gold should keep talking.

Somehow you made it into a haven that's it.

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>Brown people can't do tech jobs?
No. They are forced into them with quotas and to keep costs down. Technology has pretty much stopped in it's tracks over the last decade and all we do is fight about brown people now. It's not sustainable, it will fall apart in grand fashion.

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If you want to make a Republican mad tell them a lie if you want to make a Democrat mad tell them the truth Theodore Roosevelt


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And neither one of them meant a word of it.

I don't see you pedophiles being able to open back up toys r us or making good chuck e. Cheese pizza again.

Everything America is patriotic about like Grants and bonds for railroads has been some form of communism. Post office shit. Yes we can stop you in your economy idiot, slave work that works like family guy and being a degenerate drunk faggot at the college scam is a joke.

Everything burgers do is homer Simpson vs Frank Grimes shit, and I don't see any baseball games the day you backed Israel is the day you should have stopped

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White sells. It's getting Argentina bad and che Guevara communist. Israel knew this when they cried years ago back when little Europe was still good from small time business. The kind of shit that is never coming back daddy-o

It was so good like isolated Japan. You do realize that. But sell your home and don't look after your daughters

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You are far from being the right.

Nationalist you idiot

I think they were welcome before Vietnam and Israel

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See I do not respect a goddamn thing as long as I see Indians and chinks

I ought to be a bigger spic not a model citizen

Agree. I married a nice young muslim girl from Indonesia, Australia sure can use much more diversity. Best mut I ever had to, mate

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I just find it ridiculous that they would even want in this shitty country. They escape one part of hell only to enter purgatory or something worse.

the longer you look at it this one the funnier it gets

Pawns go where they are pushed.

More useless computer shit

Now show the other picture.

They did vote iraq.

I can't figure out who the kid in the bottom right is. I want it to be a young Grindall61, but I doubt it.


Nobody, anywhere disagrees with these words.

Republicunts have framed the whole issue as a case of "Libtardth" pressing for letting everybody in without any controls at all, which is and has always been bullshit.

What distinguishes /pol/ is that /pol/tards know it's bullshit and think the fact that it "triggers" somebody is "literally hilarious' because they are manbabies that think in buzzwords.


stay cucked

If you think it's racism that keeps us from letting them in, fuck off, you are too stupid to weigh in on this.

Fucking retards

Like his African ass?

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The values and history of the country disagree. This is racism plain and simple

The current left, is not Obama's left.

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>Obama is racist
Follow the code, line by line.

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i don't want these dirty fucking spics in my country. California lets them in and look what happened, the fucking measles! now we have a fucking epidemic because these dumb fucking mexicans can't wash their ass. we need .50 cal turrets on top of the wall/ execute this fucks

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I disagree. No other immigrant is more perfect than Mexicans. Everyone else in the world has an immigration problem giving niggers like him a chance. Imposing restrictions on the land of the free until there is no more business because jews who need to go back to their Israel promote monopoly and shit like masonry.

If I remember my history books it's free land plus protestant bastards making profit that made America great

fuck off bean bag

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Seig Heil Komrade

>no brown skins in my country
What country is that?

>blames the measles on the immigrants

how much more ignorant can you get?

I could chink it pick up strawberries and lettuce that you're gonna throw away in the trash. America is never coming back


No seriously why would you back Israel not mind your own business after world war 2? Why would you let all these scientists and doctors sandniggers and chinks in to the Americas. You bring it upon yourself and are no red foreman

mexicans breed like cockroaches. kek.

fucking disgusting.

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Immigrants or no immigrants, it's not going to stop this shitty country from collapsing, or making any difference at all in any the ways you're all irreversibly fucked.

It's almost funny how utterly fucking clueless americans are about the world they live in.

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Mexican or played gringo, these are the real issues you're gonna have to face.

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You have asskissers working their ass off to prevent it from happening

If you can run from tear gas, you can fight for your shithole country.

It's like imperial Japan but retarded. I need to remind myself to have patience

Back in THE USSR!


Pretty much any country in Europe that's got a wage that's under the Swedish/German averages is +95% white. Poor immigrants only go to the highest paying ones.

I remember his Nigerian prince ass doing that lowkey Democrat racism. Why I didn't vote for Hillary

They came legally

Or any of these mentally Ill faggots. Sad Republican chicanos are their only hope.

Unions are for fags

Taking a boat where DiCaprio died? Not legal. Or clean. Easy if the times were more retarded and irish cunt was clean

>being so bluepilled, you think Obama is a racist

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I didnt earn the money, that i gave to the IRS?

Mexicans didn’t kill bin laden tho, those who trained at San Diego did. And unlike illegals, those men are actually fighting for what they believe in, not scampering off to another nation illegaly like faggots cos they are too pussy to fight.

See as long as America overthrows society for SJW LBGTQ CIA agendas and backs Israel to maintain monopolies and turn food businesses into drug cartels with full backing of the navy to police the seas that is not going to happen

Do you see where I'm going with this? I can taste the wickedness of the British commonwealth in the fruit because in their opinion they favor asian mangoes

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Fuck you beaners that were born here, as well.

The military is full of idiots who cant get a job. Its a small step up from welfare

Glad you posted it. What I'd expect from the Clinton's. I want amnesty, I don't give a fuck let them all in. That or mind your own business. If I live in a foreign country I do not want to hear about the Americans.

Fuck em, if they can’t live & fight for a cause, they will die from any.

They've somehow found a way to become even more delusional and unhinged since no collusion. I don't know if I should laugh or turn my house into a bunker.

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A minefield would be cheaper and more effective than a wall.

To think all humans are created equal is s laughable concept

Yeah, the cartels really cleaned up the place.

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Grow up. If the government takes your money it's not yours. But go argue that with your copy of the American constitution and your guns.

That is why you disappear in foreign countries. You are so far removed from being an adult they have to have westerner recommendations for tourism.

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Official story or conspiracy theory? Which one is it? The sandnigger was a businessman you'd think you would be in your place and had stopped. Basic fucking manners.

You make too much. For your contribution to society.

Not if the illegal beaners her put back in meeehhhico where they belong.

So the "adults" in foreign countries flee to the USA to become children of welfare.

I take it you're a retard. That's Christian Weston Chandler cringe from a Christian quotation. Prime autism from someone with an easy life.

You're welcome to come down here for food and prostitutes. Just like when we had hannah barbera cartoons right buddy?

Nobody that is an immigrant receives any social benefit. They immediately lose immigration status. I don't know how easier asians Indians and sandniggers have it. The people you should be worried about that have billions of ethnic citizens

This thread is full of shills.

Then don't do CIA shit with a bitch that used to be a teacher, out of Jason bourne that nags THE WHITE OPPRESSOR at Catholics and people with manners.

Driving up the cost of medical care and insurance when one of those illegal alcoholics kill someone via DWI. The value of a cheap shitty drywall job or picked lettuce isn’t that great.

This is bullshit.

Go fight blacks and the other immigrants I'm not going to take your shit, much less In my country

Maybe you feel cucked but this is the world famous friendly fire against the British

You're attacking your only friends while China and Israel will hurt you.


Because I have been to Spain a few weeks ago and I coudln't see any corpses caused by the cartels

Tolerating people of different ethnic groups is peanut butter sandwich shit. Does not affect you at all in any goddamn way. So if you're a racist which you are go attack other ethnic groups the people that really do take advantage of America

"Street" tacos canelo Alvarez and Spanish porno looking like it's full of niggers. Jordi polla ugly muh and name and Colombian bridgette b.

"Source" what CNN? BBC

Stay gringo

Blaze it 420.




Meghan markle. Suddenly all expensive Spanish things are British. your fucking bimbo is a fucking french brioche now cucking mongrel. Fuck off

Everytime you fuck up you turn to the Mexicans because they're same working people

I am your father


In reality, he would have bought a ticket issued by the white star line company, either from them or someone else. He did not pay a drug smuggler to smuggle him and his 7 children that came from his wife’s vagina-clown car combo into the titanic, if we are still going by your shitty metaphor.

I want amnesty, most of you do not deserve amnesty. Keep thinking you were born here, that is a lie.

No one is such a fucking retard to issue legal permission then take a dirty boat, being poor. Or come to America being rich.

No one.


You just cross because the degenerate white hippies can afford drugs and lifestyles. It's a joke.

These people are trash and turn evil. It's not even that bad in their country. It has to stop

Then again it's such a fucking joke I don't give a fuck. Land of the free.

Cucked. Maybe when you're alone you won't push your degenerate faggotry.

Your faggot soldiers spread AIDS to women that wear burkas hijabs I hope you realize that

Trump era racist found the courage right there. That's right shut the fuck up.
I can't wait until this political weather is over forever and never coming back. Fuck reelecting him.

I had a conversation in high school with some friends of mine about Cinco de Mayo. As an immigrant who came to the US legally, I thought “of course it’s celebrated more by Americans than Mexicans because hopefully with as many illegals that are here, some Mexicans are bound to hear the story of when Mexican hick farmers from Puebla fought off the French Empire, who were the most professional well trained army at the time in 1861. After hearing the story, they might pull together and fix Mexico, instead of illegally hopping the border like stowaway rats, leaving their country to rot.” Everyone laughed except the Mexican kid who had no idea what Cinco de Mayo was, either.

This picture is so fucking staged.

Their clothes are perfectly clean, the diaper is fucking spotless.

Bitches don't even have shoes and their feet are clean.

Its like they just hopped out of a fucking van for a photo shoot.

No I don’t. Put your aluminum helmet away, and realize that Mexico is shitty because of Mexicans. We don’t want America to become shitty for the same reason. Conspiracy theories aside, the fact is: There are 11 goddamn million of you illegals here. 11 Million. Just. From. Fucking. Mexico.

Where the beaners are?

Imagine having a fucked up little country founded by masons and protestants where the dregs of society make it. It looks bad, starting with your niggers.

You should not talk about the right like the church white oppressors or manners. Ever. Stick to Hitler in the history channel

We have you to thank for the downfall of society

Fucking pedophile. 60's California

It's not even about the 4 big states that are worth a shit, it's about every single Mexican president being a Mason studying at Harvard. The dregs of society I remember when going to the club became gay in Europe. The dregs of society making it and pushing agendas. We know you by now hippy whoremonger. We are sick and tired of your shit. You'd talk like a retard too about porfirio diaz if you had an education.

You compared me with indio trash with a half assed buffalo joke you remembered.

Damn, son. Truth bomb right here.

I asked some Mexican kids if they knew what it was about. They said “some battle”

Now I’ll tell anyone it’s about when Mexico gave a shit and didn’t feel privileged to hop into America illegally.

I’m not a beaner. Not am I a corrupt Mexican official or cartel member. Those are “your people”

No you did not, and by the way that is called treason to Mexico where you belong. But not everyone is a dipshit does being a sane person turn you into a criminal?
You are the dregs of society and it shows. You have no right to be talking about France or white oppressors.

You found your new white masters indio congratulations

I love the sandals

There is no policing a good thing like the cartel. Do not fuck with us.

Go eat a taco, paco; and learn some fucking English.

Should we drop them off at your house so you can feed, clothe and house them?

Attached: Antifagreeting.jpg (96x125, 3K)

Dude, everyone fucks with you. Your own people fuck with you. Those who came to the us legally are the ones speaking Spanish to you in the detention center wearing border patrol uniforms. It pays to follow the laws, paco.

I understand you're a bitch that likes Disneyworld. Again, that is why you don't fuck the white girl. Good dog? They won't give you a chance if you attack people that are whiter than you and better than you with more worth and value.

I would be happy in America without native Americans like you voicing their opinion shitting it up. I would be happy in my house in Mexico if America didn't intervene. You attacking illegal immigrants is because your trash family parents didn't beat your ass much less teach you manners. When they say they don't want beaners and ate inclined to agree we're looking at you. And your family

>came legally

The memes right there. Goblino

What makes you think you or your white god is better than the French empire?

I don’t want beaners. I like Disney just fine. I fuck plenty of white girls, and while my parents didn’t beat me, you are just mad you get your ass kicked at least 3 times every time you end up in a detention center. I’m sure you’d be happy after you killed yourself. Go on, do the world a favor.

They're trash just like you. Eat at golden corral with your biker friends in hope of fucking his daughter

Merry Halloween Patrick's day

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I did, it’s not as impossible as all you beaners think. It’s not easy, but then again if your people are hell bent on rolling their fat bodies and their fat families over a fence, easy is subjective. Also my country isn’t storming America’s borders so that also helps.

Some paki in Britain thought it was ok to eat American shit like the gay Indios you freed on the loose and suddenly America is not hated? There is no American dream where the wrong people get smart. Everyone hates you.

At least I'm not a traitor that will get paid wrong for kissing your ass. Makes me better than all your fake friends that will turn on you. Jews can't say that. That's what built your retarded monster economy that made the wrong people rich.

Maybe you’re the wrong person. Maybe you can’t get smart. Or maybe, better yet, you should stop blaming other people for the idiot you are, either way you’re the idiot.

You're a bitch. And you look like shit. Jordi polla is a white god to you.

I’m an American. Clearly, you’re the bitch. Cry all you want on the other side, I still can’t fucking hear you.

They are the ugliest fucking abomination and they will pay. There is a hell I see you falling like Argentina or sodom and gomorrah

Those private prisons violate international human rights. Children are crying and separated from their families by pedophiles.

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Fine, there are no consequences. It's too good to be true. Fuck a dog in the ass watching deadpool

Can at you at least try to form a coherent sentence?
Pff, Americans.

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I feel like a teacher. This is the last time a friend or ally will lecture you in manners.

You think there are no consequences? Just like nothing is free.

May the force be with you.

they're not coming in legally, fuck off.

Mike Tyson!

They're applying for legal asylum you fucking dipshit.

damn it, I don't know if I'm angry or horny

Amerimutts don't want brown people because there are already too many. Hahahahahaha

>They're applying for legal asylum, being turned loose into illegal alien sanctuaries, buck their court date and can commit multiple felonies without ever having their immigration status checked.
Only an absolute lunatic would be okay with that system.

Are you talking about racism or your bullshit political excuses?

It already is demographically worse than Latin America and it's never coming back. Maga in your small white town shitholes

I will go fight corruption and cartel

You stop giving a fuck. Keep trusting blacks are 13% of the population

They leave Mexico because they want to fuck a white girl

Mexicans criticize chicanos, I happen to think the irish and their American descendants are horrible people

What kind of a father treats his strawberry blonde daughter like that before raping her?

They apply to be cucked for 10 years. The system is broken and nobody gives a fuck. Like you need some Hitler shit to happen when you already look bad. They're here to stay and say some gay controlled opposition lying about their status and loyalty.

>"Everything good is gone and never coming back." "Everything bad is here to stay and there's nothing you can do about it."

Not one of these uncle tom spics goes full criminal spic

Not even Ms 13 or the trash from the Caribbean

Please explain this pic.

The fire will continue to rise on this issue, until they are gone and kept out. You are never going to win.

I have to hear these fucking people agree with me. The manners of having mercy on other immigrants is beyond them.

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They're not amerimutts they're illegals that think they were born here. Not even anchor babies. And they deserve it so fucking much

I hate being in the same boat as them.

I call it Chinese owned yum! Pizza hut for perspective

Macaulay kulkin in back to the future shit is cursed.

I think somebody attacks you if you pull some Hitler shit

To me winning is living in my own house in Mexico. That's the promised land. The racial cultural and back to the future dvd damage is done.

Don't blame us because you closed toysrus and bennigan's. They are here to stay.

If they can break the law with no repercussions, so can we by putting a bullet in each one and every corrupt (((leader))) that harbors them.

You're too cucked to pull Hitler shit.
Enjoy trump presidency. It will be gone for good and they know how racist and mistaken you people are

You go shoot people buddy. I'll laugh at you when I'm in my country

Muh self defense when you get assraped in prison

You're the laughingstock of the world