Redpill me on the Holocaust

redpill me on the Holocaust

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If there were a list of wonders for the world but for human atrocities, The Holocaust would be there. Idk what else, Rape of Nanking, Trail of Tears, Rwandan genocide, chattel slavery, I'm sure there is more

except it never happened?

yes, that's why multiple studies using ground penetrating radar at so called "mass burial sites" like Treblinka reveal NO mass burials occurred there.

6 million died goy

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the holocaust impacted a dozen countries, they all say it happened. the dutch resistance risked their lives to save jews from being deported, they wouldn't have done that if jews were being sent to a soccer camp


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the wooden doors were the outer doors to the building, and not the doors to the gas chambers.

but i do appreciate a Jaws reference.

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If it's such an irrefutable fact of history that it happened, why is it highly illegal in like 10+ EU countries to publicly question it? Why are people constantly publicly shamed or their lives ruined or outright jailed all over the world for even just questioning it or trying to research it? The truth doesn't fear investigation. No other "tragedy" has the same protection it does.

>redpill me on the Holocaust
There was none

Hitler blames Germany's problem on Jews. Some Jews are to blame, but most are just regular people trying to live their lives. Too bad, they get rounded up with the intention of shipping them off somewhere else. No where else wants them. War is going poorly. Jews end up in concentration camps where they are basically worked to death. There is little food because of the massive war going on, what little food there is goes to the soldiers, and then the civilians, and there is nothing left for the Jews. Huge number of Jews die. Not 6 million as claimed, but a million or 2 at least.

The problem with the Jews is the same as the problem with the mudslimes. They see themselves as separate from their host countries and never integrate. They are Jews first and then second. So in hard times it's easy to point to them as an out-group and scape goat them.

There is your bitter pill. You're welcome.

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the main point of the holocaust deniel is they were not gassed but were starved to death due to the allies bombing the food supply which would implicate the allies involvement in the death of jews so they didn't like it. starving to death is worse then being gassed also jews were forced to move to israel not die ben said it and all hell broke lose until he changed the subject

the european powers after ww2 were still picking up the pieces of their scarred countrysides and burned out cities when they decided that this kind of fascism and hatred can never happen again, there was overwhelming evidence that the holocaust took place so they reasoned that anyone questioning it had a sinister motive (which remains true today). The holocaust is totally accepted as fact, it's not a historical controversy.

Having said that I think they should absolutely open the holocaust to debate so they could explain again to the youtube generation that this shit happened.

the things we never talk about is the american companies involvement in the consentration camps like bayers making the zyknoid b chemicals or the hugo boss working with them

nothing happened to them after the war

you're doing the same thing they do, and I don't think you even realize it
"it's an unquestionable fact, no reason to debate, anyone who does must be doing so for malicious reasons and they need to be shut down completely"

i just gave you their reason, not mine, i say they should allow debate and it should be out in the open.

Its not really open to debate but all the info is everywhere for anyone to study and ask questions in good faith.

they won't ever allow that, science has come far enough in the past 75 years that the "eye witness" testimony of a bunch of people isn't enough, they need actual forensic evidence that it happened, and they know there is none, that's the real reason they shut down questioning and investigation so aggressively

Hitler had his reasons to do what he done. Probably as he participated in a wedding where the bride was known for nudes and porn pictures made by a jew

the ultimate redpill is that Hitler was the bastard son of a Rothschild that couldn't keep his dick in his pants and fucked one of his maids, he was raised as a servant and sent to Germany to stage the Holocaust as an adult, but no one on nu-Yea Forums is anywhere near woke enough for that level of truthbomb

they shut down the questioning shortly after the war so I don't believe at that time they knew whether there was forensic evidence or not, they just knew with a certainty it happened, the british, the russians, and the americans all liberated the camps and they all told a similar story, just the methods in the east were different.

also the eye witness evidence of thousands of people on video where one can see there emotions when they talk about being separated from their family members at the camps and never seeing them again ever. are they all Marlon Brandos? must have been awfully fortunate to find thousands of great actors

I don't believe anything a jew says, especially when he gets something out of it, and how many of those were found to be lying or decades later just admitted they were lying?

show me actual forensic evidence that it happened, even a single fucking thing, ANYTHING that isn't just an eye witness testimony, and I'll believe it

i find the video testimonies highly credible

also this

First part is correct. Second part is not. You could say a large percentage do this, but not the majority. I have worked with, been friends with, and known many jews in my life and 90% of them when asked would say american THEN jew. A lot of the top jew execs are anti isreal. This just doesnt make sense. It makes more sense when compared to Muslims because the stats are way higher on them, and their religion requires it. Jews are both a religion and race, with much less numbers having problems integrating. In fact most jews integrate WAY WAY better than muslims in every country, comparatively.